

has been years since the first portal appeared on Earth in different parts of the world. Spewing forth multitude upon multitudes of monster on Earth. Not sparing a single continent from the invaders. A lot of solutions were brought forward. Several weapons were used, bombs were detonated, missiles were launched atomic bombs was used turning some part of the world into wastelands killing some of the monsters but the numbers killed were negligible. It was to no avail as those monsters were faster, stronger and a little bit smart. They feel danger and before they could get hit, they flee. After several setbacks and pointless sacrifices, humanity has learned it's lessons. In order to effectively combat this otherworldly threat, was to harness the power of the monsters and evolve themselves through defeating these monsters, absorbing their genome in their body, collecting blood orbs. Defeating the monsters this way, humanity grew more resilient and resistant than ever before. Humanity turned the tide from the brink of extinction to being at a stalemate with those beasts from he other side...Or not.

Typhlix · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs


As if it had met it's long time life enemy, the purplish devouring substance seemed as though it screeched. Its devouring force instantly exploded forth by more than 10 time, almost as if it wanted to absorb all the life essence in both Archie and the foreign energy from his body.

Arch felt the blood energy filling his body. Flowing continuously along his veins, blood stream, flesh and heart as though his body was a left to die sponge. As if it had read all information about Archs body, it started changing his DNA sequence as though it was the one who wrote it in place since the beginning.

Although the process inside his body was chaotic, the atmosphere outside is nevertheless also chaotic as Arch's voice found power from who knows where.


His screamed like a pig onslaught as it dominated the atmosphere. If one were to describe the pain he felt right at that moment, it was an excruciating pain that pierced into his body almost at the verge of touching his soul.

He felt like his body was the steel and someone was busy filing, cutting, melting, hammering and at the same time, tempering his body under a very high temperature.

Arch tried fainting since it helped dull the pain last time but this time, the result was different. He couldn't fall unconscious for even a second.

The pain was extreme as he felt himself reach his limits.

If someone were to inspect Arch's body structure through a microscope, one would notice as his blood cell started mutating in an unknown pathology.

His DNA sequence were being destroyed and reconstructed repeatedly by the foreign blood energy. His DNA rapidly started getting stronger and denser by every deconstruction and construction made from the foreign energy

The double helix shape DNA changed as a whole. Arch's body slowly started turning red which is a sign of his organ and genes in a type of overload.

If the energy from the bloody fragment doesn't stop, his body exploding into thousands of pieces would turn real.

Arch had long since been able to move his body as they had been healed by the rapid regeneration brought about by the bloody energy. But the pain arch felt deep in his bones prevented him from conceiving that.

"Ahh! Ahh!! Ahhhh!!" Arch's hoarse voice rang out through the cave. His screams constantly varied from hoarse to clear.

His lungs kept getting destroyed by his intense shout hence the hoarse voice. But they kept getting repaired by the excessive blood energy in his body, hence the clear voice.

His voice kept switching to different pitches sometimes low and sometimes high just like playing a piano. Forming a unique type of cacophony.

His body rolled around the rocky ground, prickling through his body drawing a considerable amount of blood and scars along his body but he didn't even notice that. His hands kept trying to hold on something, anything at all.

The blood kept healing any injury on his body.

He begged whoever was out there listening to him to just grant him swift death, it was really a torture for ones body to be destroyed and then repaired over and over again. It's like been in Hell.

It was his personal Hell.

Arch's body was saturated with blood energy. It was physically brimming with energy. The blood energy from the bloody fragment was endless. It kept filling his body with energy without restraint. Almost running out of space to fill, it suddenly came into the devouring purplish substance in Arch's body.

And as if to submit to the might of the devouring force, the foreign blood energy allowed itself to be devoured without fighting back.

The purplish substance was happy to oblige. Instantly began sucking more and more bloody energy

But a problem soon occured as it appears that the blood energy seems endless but the devouring capacity of the purplish substance has its limits before exploding.

Arch was able to relax because the blood energy wasn't really interested in an already filled container, it focused it's attention on the seemingly overexcited new vessel of it.

His yowls of pain gradually died down as he was able to take a breather, he immediately lost consciousness.

While he was unconscious, the purplish substance on Arch's body was in a trouble of its own.

It appears that it had almost reached its limits, and if it exceeded the limited amount of energy it could absorb,


A giant explosion would occur, Archie's death would be inevitable. His unkillable streaks would be gone.

Arch regained consciousness, although he didn't know why he was feeling those pain. He never wished to ever face it anymore.

But it appears it was just wishful thinking.

He immediately felt the bloody energy starting to fill his body. And it appears that after losing consciousness for a few hours, his body had gotten used to its changes, allowing for more space for energy absorption and DNA tempering. The blood energy left the almost full vessel, the purplish substance, it left it for a slightly more sizable space for energy, Arch's body.

'I jinxed it!!'

That was Arch's last thought before his mind was drowned with treacherous and endless pain.

The once quiet environment was once again filled with cries of pain as his DNA sequence and his gene codes were being destroyed and reconstructed over and over again making them studier and more unlikely to be destroyed easily but that only serves to multiply Arch's pain.

He thought that since he had felt the pain once, he would be able to somehow get used to it the second time but he couldn't be anymore wrong.

He wasn't able to keep himself from screaming after persisting for just thirty second.

He just couldn't help, the second time, the pain was almost double that of the first, he really wished he could die right now.

He bashed his head and hands repeatedly against the floor just to take away the pain but it was to no avail.

He begged for death.