
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

Chapter 27: The Masquerade Ball

Victor had heard whispers throughout the city: a grand masquerade ball would be held at the palace, attended by all the nobility, including Baron Graves and even the king. This presented a perfect opportunity for Victor to expose the baron's misdeeds directly to the king. He decided to infiltrate the ball under disguise and reveal the damning documents.

The night of the ball arrived, and Victor dressed in an elegant black costume, complete with a mask to conceal his identity. His entrance was smooth, his movements calculated. He knew he had to maintain a low profile until the right moment.

Inside, the ballroom was a scene of breathtaking splendor. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the extravagantly dressed guests. The air was filled with the sound of a lively orchestra, and the floor was a swirl of colors as couples danced gracefully.

Victor's entrance did not go unnoticed. His striking appearance, combined with his mysterious aura, drew the attention of many women. Their gazes followed him, and several seemed eager to approach. However, before any of them could make a move, a figure stepped in front of him.

"Would you honor me with a dance?" The voice was soft and familiar. Victor looked up to see Seraphina, disguised like the others but unmistakable to him. She was breathtaking, her outfit and mask emphasizing her exotic beauty. 

For a moment, Victor was taken aback. He hadn't expected to see her here. He took her hand, bowing slightly. "The honor would be mine."

As they danced, their bodies moving in perfect harmony, they playfully flirted. Seraphina's beauty was mesmerizing: she had a beautiful, graceful and sexy body wrapped in a gorgeous and graceful red robe. She was bulky and vaguely attractive. Her long black hair reached down to her narrow waist, the black hair moving along her shoulders and falling over her raised bottom before stopping. Her tantalizing figure with a prominent face and high back repeatedly released a charm that made hearts boil. Her little feet, white as snow, clear as crystal, without the slightest stain or dust.

"You're quite popular tonight," Seraphina teased, black eyes glinting behind her mask. "I saw many women looking at you."

Victor smirked. "I only have eyes for one woman tonight."

Seraphina's cheeks flushed slightly, but she maintained her composure. "You always know just what to say."

"You look stunning," Victor said, his voice low and sincere.

"Thank you," Seraphina replied, a hint of a blush coloring her cheeks.

Their dance continued, a seamless blend of grace and chemistry. As the music began to wind down, Victor leaned in slightly. "I need to speak with the king," he whispered. "I have something important to show him."

Seraphina nodded, understanding the gravity of his mission. "When the music stops, the king will make his entrance. Be ready."

Sure enough, as the last notes of the music played, the grand doors at the end of the ballroom opened. A hush fell over the crowd as the king entered. King Cedric was a tall, imposing figure with a regal bearing. His hair was silver, a crown of gold resting upon his head, and his deep blue eyes held both wisdom and authority.

Victor released Seraphina's hand, giving her a reassuring nod. He began to move through the crowd, positioning himself closer to the king. As the king greeted his guests, Victor waited for the right moment.

"This is my chance," Victor whispered to Seraphina. "I must bring these documents to the king."

Seraphina nodded, her expression determined. Victor navigated through the crowd, making his way to the throne where the king now sat, greeting the guests.

Victor's thoughts briefly lingered on her, but he refocused as the king approached. He stepped forward, bowing deeply.

"Your Majesty," Victor began, his voice steady. "I have urgent information regarding Baron Alistair Graves."

King Cedric's eyes narrowed slightly, but he nodded. "Speak, and be quick."

Victor handed the king the documents he had discovered, explaining their contents briefly but clearly. As the king reviewed them, a look of concern and anger crossed his face.

"This is grave news indeed," the king said, his voice low but firm. "If what you say is true, Baron Graves has much to answer for."

Victor nodded. "I believe the baron is here tonight. With your permission, I would like to ensure he does not leave."

King Cedric nodded, signaling to his guards. "Ensure Baron Graves is detained. We will investigate these claims thoroughly."

As the guards moved to apprehend the baron, Seraphina found Victor again. "You did it," she whispered, her eyes shining with admiration.

Victor allowed himself a small smile. "It's only the beginning. But thank you, Seraphina. For everything."

She reached out, touching his arm gently. "We make a good team, Victor. Perhaps we'll have more opportunities to work together."

He nodded, feeling a warmth in his chest that was unfamiliar yet welcome. "I hope so."

Before leaving, She kissed him on the cheek. "A reminder," she said softly, "that our paths will cross again."

Victor watched her disappear into the crowd, his thoughts a mixture of resolve and a growing affection. As he turned back to face the unfolding events of the evening, he knew that his journey was far from over. There were still many shadows to uncover and battles to fight. But for the first time in a long while, he felt a spark of hope.