
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 28: Ambushed on the Way to the Rebellion

After the grand ball and the arrest of Baron Graves, Victor knew he had to inform the rebellion about the recent developments. The Shadow Hand's influence extended deeply into the kingdom, and the rebels needed to be aware of the king's newfound commitment to rooting out the corruption. 

Victor slipped away from the palace grounds. He moved swiftly through the city's dark, winding streets, heading towards the rebels' hidden base in the outskirts. The night air was crisp, carrying the scent of the city's life and lingering whispers of the evening's events.

As Victor made his way through a deserted alley, his sharp instincts tingled with a sense of foreboding. He slowed his pace, every muscle in his body tensing in anticipation of an attack. The shadows around him seemed to shift and pulse with hidden threats.

Suddenly, the silence was shattered by the sound of swift footsteps and the glint of steel in the moonlight. Victor spun around just in time to block an incoming dagger aimed at his heart. His attacker, a masked figure clad in dark clothing, snarled in frustration.

"Who sent you?" Victor demanded, his voice cold and calm, even as he parried another strike.

The assassin didn't respond, launching into a series of vicious attacks. Victor's training and experience allowed him to keep pace, his movements fluid and precise. As the fight continued, more masked figures emerged from the shadows, surrounding him.

Realizing he was outnumbered, Victor shifted his strategy. He needed to find out who was behind this attack and why. With a swift motion, he disarmed one of the attackers, holding the blade to the man's throat.

"Talk," Victor hissed. "Who sent you?"

The assassin's eyes flickered with fear, but he remained silent. Before Victor could press further, another attacker lunged at him, forcing him to release his captive. The fight resumed, more intense than before.

Despite their numbers, the assassins were no match for Victor's skill. One by one, they fell, either incapacitated or retreating into the shadows. Victor's focus remained unbroken, his mind racing with possibilities. Who could have sent these assassins, and what was their motive?

After the last attacker fled, leaving behind a trail of blood, Victor took a moment to catch his breath. The alley was littered with the unconscious and the wounded. He searched one of the fallen assailants, finding a small insignia hidden within the folds of his clothing. It was a symbol he recognized, one associated with a powerful noble faction known for their ruthless tactics and ties to the Shadow Hand.

Victor's suspicions deepened. The attack was clearly orchestrated to prevent him from reaching the rebellion and sharing the crucial information he possessed. Whoever was behind it wanted to maintain their control over the kingdom's underbelly.

Determined to complete his mission, Victor continued his journey with heightened caution. He avoided the main roads, using his knowledge of the city's hidden pathways to stay out of sight. The night seemed to stretch endlessly, but eventually, he reached the rebels' hideout, a dilapidated warehouse on the edge of town.

Inside, a group of rebels, including their leader, Marcus, awaited his arrival. Marcus, a rugged man with a stern demeanor, greeted Victor with a nod.

"Victor, we were beginning to worry," Marcus said, his voice laced with concern. "What happened?"

Victor recounted the events of the ball, the arrest of Baron Graves, and the subsequent ambush. The rebels listened intently, their faces reflecting a mix of hope and trepidation.

"The king is serious about rooting out the corruption," Victor concluded. "But the Shadow Hand won't go down without a fight. We need to stay vigilant and be ready for anything."

Marcus nodded, his expression resolute. "We'll spread the word among our ranks. The fight isn't over, but this is a significant victory. Thank you, Victor."

As Victor prepared to leave, Marcus placed a hand on his shoulder. "Be careful out there. The Shadow Hand has many allies, and they won't hesitate to strike again."

Victor's eyes hardened with determination. "I won't let them stop me. We will bring them down, no matter the cost."

With a final nod, Victor left the hideout, his mind already planning his next move. The attack had only strengthened his resolve. The kingdom was teetering on the brink of chaos, and it was up to him to ensure that justice prevailed.

As he made his way back through the city's darkened streets, he couldn't help but think of Seraphina and the bond they had formed. Her trust and support were a beacon of light in the darkness that surrounded him. No matter what challenges lay ahead, he knew he wasn't alone in this fight.

The road to victory would be long and treacherous, but Victor was prepared to face whatever came his way. The Shadow Hand had made a grave mistake in underestimating him, and he would make sure they paid dearly for it.