
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 26: Unearthing the Shadows

Victor awoke the next morning with a renewed sense of purpose. The encounter with Seraphina lingered in his mind, but there were pressing matters to attend to. The threat of the Shadow Hand loomed large, and he needed to gather more information about the organization.

As he roamed the streets of the capital, Victor kept his ears open, listening to the chatter of the city. It wasn't long before he overheard a conversation between two city guards.

"You heard?" one guard said to the other. "The beggars here know everything." If anyone has information on anything, it's them.

The other guard nodded. "Yeah, but getting them to talk is another matter. They don't trust easily."

Victor took note of this and decided to follow the lead. He made his way to a rundown part of the city where the homeless often gathered. He found a small group of beggars huddled around a fire, their eyes wary as he approached.

"Evening," Victor said, keeping his tone friendly. He pulled out a small pouch of coins and jingled it lightly. "I'm looking for some information and am willing to pay for it."

The beggars exchanged glances before one of them, an older man with a weathered face, stepped forward. "What kind of information?" he asked cautiously.

"Anything you know about the Shadow Hand," Victor replied, handing the man a few coins.

The old man pocketed the money and nodded. "There was a hideout once, in the abandoned warehouse near the docks. But it's been empty for a while now. You might find something there."

Victor thanked the beggars and made his way to the docks. The area was eerily quiet, the warehouse looming like a forgotten sentinel. He slipped inside, moving cautiously through the dusty, dimly lit space.

As he explored, it became clear that the place had been deserted for some time. Broken crates and discarded weapons littered the floor. It seemed like there was nothing of value left, but Victor's keen eyes spotted a pile of old documents in a corner.

Sifting through the papers, he found several that mentioned various noble patrons. One name, in particular, stood out: Baron Alistair Graves. The baron had apparently employed the Shadow Hand for several covert operations. This was a significant lead.

Victor carefully folded the documents and tucked them into his coat. He needed to investigate Baron Graves further. This nobleman could be the key to understanding the extent of the Shadow Hand's influence and uncovering their current operations.

With the documents in hand, Victor left the warehouse and headed towards the wealthier part of the city where Baron Graves' estate was located. He needed to be cautious; nobles often had extensive security, and any misstep could lead to unwanted attention.

Under the cover of night, Victor approached the estate, blending into the shadows. He observed the guards' patterns, noting their shifts and routines. It would be risky, but he was determined to find out more about the baron's connection to the Shadow Hand.

He decided to wait until dawn to make his move. As the first light of day crept over the horizon, Victor used the changing of the guard to slip past the estate's defenses. Moving with the silent grace of a seasoned hunter, he infiltrated the manor, searching for anything that could tie the baron to the Shadow Hand.

In the baron's study, Victor found more incriminating evidence: letters, notebooks and correspondence detailing various illegal activities. It was clear that Baron Graves was deeply involved with the Shadow Hand, using them to eliminate rivals and expand his power.

Victor copied the most critical information and prepared to leave when he heard footsteps approaching. He quickly hid behind a heavy curtain as the door opened and a man entered, humming softly to himself. Victor recognized him from the documents: Baron Alistair Graves.

The baron walked to his desk, unaware of Victor's presence, and began reviewing some papers. Victor's hand tightened around the hilt of his dagger, but he knew now was not the time to confront the baron directly. He needed to escape with the information and plan his next move.

Once the baron left the room, Victor slipped out of the estate, avoiding detection. Back on the streets, he felt a sense of accomplishment. He had uncovered a crucial link in the Shadow Hand's network.

With this newfound knowledge, Victor knew he had to tread carefully. Exposing Baron Graves would not be easy, but it was a necessary step to dismantle the Shadow Hand and protect those they threatened.