
Birth Of The End.

What exactly is human nature? Its said that Good was humans first nature, and that power corrupted it. That said power evolved into what's know as Evil. Evil: Profoundly immoral and wicked. Good: that which is morally right; righteousness. Haruto is a 16 year old boy. This said boy has helped millions out, and never knew of the word, Evil. What will happen though when he gets betrayed, killed, and sent to another world where Evil and Darkness are his closest friends? Will he let the evil corrupt him? Will he give into his desires for power? Will he leave behind his humanity for a chance of killing the one who killed him? Let's find out together.

qu3n_ · Kỳ huyễn
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63 Chs

Chapter 4: Change.

At McDonald's..

"Hey guys.." Kennedy went into the kitchen and saw 3 people. 2 were males and one was female. "I think..I just saw Haruto Smith." They all stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

"Your Talking about 'The' Haruto Smith?" A dark-skinned teenager who was around 5'9 and looked around 17 walked up to her. He had red dreads that went over his eyes and cross earrings. His eyes, which were black if you look closely, were sagging to the point that they seemed closed.

"Yes. 'The' Haruto Smith." The all stared at Kennedy then someone snickered. That snicker turned into pure laughter. "That's crazy Kennedy! Why would he come to a place like this?" A girl with beautiful, pale skin said to her. She had light green hair and dark green eyes. She was about 5'4 in height and had features that made her seem much older.

"Yeah. Why would someone like the Smith's come to a dump like this?" The man had spikey orange hair and grey eyes. He was pale aswell and was quite tall for someone who looked 17. "Oo, I know!" Kennedy smiled out.

"The cameras. You can just check the camera!" They all stared at her then shrugged. "Whatever." Said the spike orange haired man. They all then went into a back room and replayed the footage of the Last 20 minutes. "No way.." The girl with light green eyes said. "You actually met a Smith?! And he came here?!" She held Kennedys hands while squealing.

"That's actually pretty cool." The red haired man said. "Wait. What's he doing?" They all heard the red haired man's voice and looked over. They saw the void haired man putting Bill's upon Bill's into the 'Please help these people who can't afford the cure' box.

They all repeated the scene over and over. "I knew he was different from your average rich kid." Kennedy smiled at her words. "Yeah. He takes care of himself, and does his own things..." They all stared at the screen. "And we're here working 9-5 on a $7.65 cent salary."

They all sighed at his words. "No point in complaining though." They all then turned back. They walked over to the door together and Kennedy put her hand on the door handle.

As she did that, a huge circle appeared under them. It was white in color and had these symbols on them. "W-What is this?!" The orange haired kid said while grunting. "I can't move.." They all struggled and struggled to get out.

"Its just like in that Manga I read.." They all looked over. "A light goes off and we get transported to another world where we embark on a new adventure. ." The red haired kid showed a smile. "Cory! How much did you smoke last night?!" Sabrina yelled at him while struggling.

The light then showed brighter and brighter. "Someone! Ple-" The light died down and they were no where to be seen. Particles were the only thing you could see in their previous spot.


I looked all around the elevator while touching the walls. "Your doing it again, Haruto." His words made me jump a bit. "I-Im sorry.." I forced out a laugh while putting my hand back. "No. Don't apologize for that. I was just pointing it out." Father laughed at me and I became red.

You see, I have this...ability to see how things work. Not an actually ability, but I call it that. Anyways, if a person were to look at a fan, they would just see a fan. For me though, I would see how it's works. How the nails first the way the fit. How the wires do what they do. How fast the fan spins.

I take it all in.

"Your low latent inhibition is a gift Haruto. You know that right?" He placed his hand on my head and I nodded. The button kept flashing as he went up even higher and higher.

As someone with low latent inhibition, I can't see things in a normal light. I'm kind of envious of people who can just look at something and see it as just that.

'Haruto has always been..An odd child..' Hirito looked at his son. 'Like that time when..' He then thought back to when he and his wife was playing with Haruto at a park.

"Haruto. Why don't you go play with the other children? Were tired right now.." He slight raised his voice to Haruto as he stood there in the open with his hands in his small pockets. "No. Those kids are dirty. I saw one poo poo in the sand pit.." Haruto picked his nose as his mother and father stared at him.

'Maybe not odd, but just..Cautious? He always sat back and watched the others. He always seemed like he was sort of out of it as well, as he seemed to always stare into the sky at nothing.' Hiroto sighed a bit as he stared at his son in the elevator.

"We're here." A ding went off and the door opened. "Wow.." I stared at the huge, beautiful room. There was a single desk in the far back close to the huge window panels. There were couches and tables in one spot of the room and a T.V thay was playing something.

"Yep. This is your old man's work place. Pretty cool right?" He walked passed me and went up to the couch. "Yeah. It's amazing Father." I looked all around at the sci-fi room.

The room was black with blue veins that made it unique. Mini sized planets and rocket ships hanging from the ceiling aswell. He had small white lights on the ceiling too which made it seem like stars.

It was all just...Amazing. "I have all of that, but barely any furniture is what your probably thinking." He slowly unbuttoned his suit. "I don't really think about the extra stuff. Just the essential." I nodded at his wise words.

'Wait. So all of that is essential?'

I kept walking and reached his desk. He had a small piece of glass that rivaled your average piece of paper in everything but material. "Is this something new?" I picked it up and looked all around. "Yeah. It's called 'Digital Page.' We'll use it for every day things like, menus in restaurants, text books in school. Shopping lists, etx."

I nodded at his words. "We need to make it smaller.." I stared at it. "Hm? Whys That?" He tilted his head in confusion as he came over to me. "Its too big. Takes up too much space as well, and can be problematic for some. Maybe we can make it so that it comes in different sizes." He got up close to me and put his hand on his chin.

"I see.." He nodded his head. "I asked people their opinions on it and they said that the design seemed flawless." A smile slowly formed his face. "And it's way too thin Father. I could probably break it if I tried." He heard that and fully smiled.

"Oh, that's not a problem. Trust me." He seemed sure and I shrugged my shoulder. "Okay. Don't get mad though..." I held it out horizontally, and placed my other hand on it. "Wait! N-" It snapped into two.

"Oops.." I laughed awkwardly and sat it down. Father only stared in disbelief. 'It as thin as paper, but it's one of the hardest materials of glass out there..' Father sighed then went around the desk. He sat in his chair and leaned back.

"So basically, make it thicker and tougher?" I nodded as I sat down in a chair. "Not too thick though. I see what your doing with the whole 'Thin' thing but it needs to be just a little thicker. Also, your rich Father. Stop being cheap and make it out of tough material next time."

Father was shocked at my comment. "Oh, Haruto.." He leaned back towards the desk and picked up a half of the tablet. "You'll fit in just fine." He gave me a wide smile which made me look away in embarrassment.

I got up as I looked away and walked over to the windows. They were tinted blue in color, which made things everynting outside the window seem dark blue. "We're above the clouds.." I stared out at the blank space.

You could only see blue sky with clouds underneath us. "Yeah. Its quiet and peaceful. Just the way I like it." He came up beside me and we both stared out. "And yet you deal with Mother?" He laughed at my comment.

"Your Mother is a good loud. She also puts me at peace, so it balances out." I laughed out at his comment, then slowly stopped. We both stared out the window, not making a single word.

"Whelp! Are you ready?! We have a long day ahead of us!" He placed his arm around my neck and gave me a noogie. "S-Stop." I tried moving away, but his strength was no joke.



We both looked up and saw the elevator hand moving over. "Is someone supposed to be coming, or.." He stared out, then shook his head No. "Well, Its probably just Akemi, since anyone else would have to call in. Well anyway, I'm going to go use the bathroom before we leave. Been holding it in since this morning."

He ran away while grabbing his crotch. I only stared at his back as he ran away. He was going straight into a wall it seems which was kind of weird. "Maybe Its.." The wall opened up and Father ran through it. It closed behind him and I stared in awe.

"Of course.." I smiled at my competition. "I'll have to do something even better to catch up to him." I then threw my suitcase up a bit and planted it on the table. I opened it up and stared.

"Starting with you."

It was my number one enemy,

The Fan.

'Out of all the things I've fixed, you never seem to work..' I took it out and the elevator opened behind me. "Ms. Akemi. My father is in the bathroom." I then reached back into my suitcase and took out the imprint that held my broke fan in place.

Under it was tools that I made myself out of things in my backyard. "Sorry Father. I'm sitting in your seat for this one." I laughed like an mad man and went around the table.


I heard a metallic noise sound out. "Ms.." I looked up slowly and the black silencer went against my forehead. "Haruto. I'm sorry about this.." Our eyes met with each other and we stared.

"Why are you doing this?" She became a bit surprised.

"How are you so calm?" She moved the gun into my head even more.

"I knew it was coming. Ever since I first laid eyes on you." She noticed my quiet voice.

"How? How would you know?"

She slowly moved the gun back.

"I can read lips and when we arrived.."

I thought back to when we pulled into the car parking lot. She was on the phone, talking with someone, but when she saw our limo, she put the phone away and composed herself.

"The kids here. I will carry out our mission."

"That's what you said right?" She backed away a bit in surprisement.

"That doesn't mean anything. I could capture you, not kill you. You'll never know.

She composed herself again.

"So, why did you try implanting a bomb into my palm earlier? Was it because I might try to fight back? Or was it for leverage?"

She immediately planted the muzzle right in the middle of my forehead. "Its a shame kid. With your smart mind, you might have made anything possible..." Time seemed to slow down as her finger slowly moved.

I quickly reacted and grabbed the silencer. The bullet didn't go off which surprised her. Not for long however, as she jumped back, keeping the pistol in her hand.

I then ducked down behind the desk and sighed. "Don't do this lady. You're not getting out of here alive." She flipped a table over and hid behind it. "Oh, I will. I sure will.." She peaked back up and shot at the desk I was behind, hoping for the bullets to pass through.

They didn't however and she gritted her teeth. "Haruto Honey. Your dying here today, so just come out. Maybe I'll give you fun time before you die." I opened a small drawer and grabbed an object.

'Oh father. I love your thinking.' I examined the knife. It had a black handle with a red blade. "Let's see.." I looked up at the window and saw the table in the reflection. "And..." She revealed herself. "Now!"

I rolled out from the side and threw the knife at her. It went at her with pitch perfect accuracy and precision. "Shi-" The knife penetrated her leg and she screamed out. A small noise the went off and I felt a slight pain in my chest.

Akemi hit the ground hard and groaned out from the knife in her leg. "Damn it..." I layed on the ground and put my hand out. 'Red?' My hands were shaky as I saw it. 'That ketchup I left in my pocket must have exploded..'

I sighed out and took it out my pocket. 'What?!' My eyes shook as I saw the packet. 'If this hasn't busted then..' It was intact which confused me. 'What is this?..' I slowly sat up and leaned against the window.

'Iron?..' I started tasting it in my mouth for some reason. 'That slight pain... Don't tell me....' I swiftly undid my suit. I saw the red already, but I needed to see it. I had too.

I threw my shirt away and stared at my chest.

'She..got me..' I stared at the bleeding wound. "I...Told you Haruto.." She slowly pulled the knife out and crawled towards me. "While your still alive, maybe I can give you a good time.." She started undoing her belt.

"I'm going to take all of you Haruto. You don't mind that right.." My head slowly looked around.

'Father..' I barely got the thought across. 'Please.. Help me... I don't want to die..' She came closer to me and saw my wet face.

"I heal your wounds Haruto honey. Please don't cry." She grabbed at my pants and I looked up towards the ceiling. 'No..'

I started tasting more iron.

'I don't want to die..'
