
Birth Of The End.

What exactly is human nature? Its said that Good was humans first nature, and that power corrupted it. That said power evolved into what's know as Evil. Evil: Profoundly immoral and wicked. Good: that which is morally right; righteousness. Haruto is a 16 year old boy. This said boy has helped millions out, and never knew of the word, Evil. What will happen though when he gets betrayed, killed, and sent to another world where Evil and Darkness are his closest friends? Will he let the evil corrupt him? Will he give into his desires for power? Will he leave behind his humanity for a chance of killing the one who killed him? Let's find out together.

qu3n_ · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter 5: Death.

Pain and Fear are what clouded my mind.

The pain from the bullet and the fear of dying.

"Haruto. Are you ready?" My ears were being filled with blood. My body kept switching between being hot and being cold. "Haruto? Your not dead yet right?" I felt something hit my face, which I assume was her hand.

"Yep. Your alive alright." I felt something grab onto my crotch. 'Stop it..' Tears poured down my face even more as her sinister smile got deeper. "Stop it!" I mustered everything into that scream. "Listen you little shit. Shut your mouth and enjoy the ride..." She put her hand over my mouth and I felt a warm sensation on my crotch area.


I...was being raped.

It was unpleasant.

It was disgusting.

It was horrid.

"Your.." My vision started getting blurrier from the moving. "Your so big!" As she said that, I saw blood gush out from her chest. "Wha.." She slowly looked down with her head shaking. "GET OFF MY SON BITCH!" Father twisted the knife even more which caused her to scream like in pain.

Father then took the knife out and put her into some type of head lock. "YOUR RAPING MY SON!? I HOPE SATAN HIMSELF TAKES CARE OF YOU, YOU FILTY SCANK!" He sliced her neck and her body took a screen shot. Her blood spewed out all over me and she slumped to the side.

"Haruto!" Father came up beside me and layed me up. "Haruto!!" He screamed my name with his tears hitting my face. "No..Don't die! Don't you Dare die Haruto!" He picked me up and placed me flat on his desk.

A button then came up from his desk and he pressed it. "GET EMERGENCY SERVICES UP HERE NOW!" He let go of the button and stared at me with tears continuing to flow out. "Father.." I looked over at him and slightly smiled.

"Haruto! Don't speak okay?! Help is coming now!" He placed his hands on my face. "Pull..My pants up.." He stared blankly at me then rapidly shook his head. He pulled them up for me and I slowly nodded. "My hearing is gone. I..can't hear anything.."

Hiritos eyes widened when he heard that. "My Vision..Just went away as well.." Haruto's eyes were open, but his vision ceased to exist. "Oh No.." I felt the ground shake a little bit away. "M-M-M-My S-S-Son.." Hiroto held his head with his eyes bulging.

"Father. I'm..Not making it out of this one.." Haruto laughed at himself and his father shot his head up. "The bullet penetrated my lung. I-I-" As Haruto said that, his breath became heavy. Haruto then started grasping for air.

"Fat...Her.." Haruto slowly said with blood checking him. Hirito stood beside him, crying over his body. "I love you Father.." His words penetrated his father heart. "I love Mother as well..."

The blood in Haruto's throat completely blocked his air ways, making his body twitch for a final time.


His father stared at his son's body with a blank stare.


Hirtio shook his son, but he didn't move.


Hirito screamed his name. His veins were popping out and his eyes were becoming darker.


The elevator rung out and people rushed in the room. "Boss?! What's...wrong.." They all stared at him and saw a bloodied body on the table. They all knew he was with his son, but he was no where to be seen. "No.." They people immediately rushed over.

Hirito stared at his pale son. 'How..Could I let this happen?..' Hirito stumbled back a bit then fell to his knees. He grabbed his chest in pain then foam came out of his mouth.

The emergency response immediately came over to them both and stared. "What the fuck happened?!" They saw a dead woman on the floor, Haruto passed out on the table, and Hirito passed out on the floor.

"WE NEED TO HURRY!!" They all had cold sweats on their faces.

August 24, 2020. 10:41 a.m. on a Monday morning.

The day where the world went silent.



I suddenly woke up from the frosty room. 'Hot one night and cold the next.' I sighed out and layed up. "Man. That dream was...Crazy.." I looked I around and noticed that I was in a white space.

It seemed infinite with blue slightly mixed in it to make it seem alive. "A dream inside of a dream? Awesome." I got up from my bed and looked down. "Liquid?" The ground seemed liquidy, yet solid.

"So your finaly here~" A voice sounded out all around. It sounded like a small child. Not Male, nor female. It sounding like a child was the only thing that I could get from it.

"Tell me~" The voice appeared behind me. "Do you remember me~" They licked the side of my face and I turned around. I saw a small, white child. She wore a white dress with white heels. She had white stockings with white hair. Her eyes were deep blue though which made her stand out even more.

"Do you~" She tilted her head and the wind blew a bit. "I...Do.." I do remember seeing this Child. She was in my room that one night when I came back from stealing everyone's panties in the mansion.

Mom had the best looking ones. Father is one lucky man if I say so myself.

"You were in my room that night." As I said that, the surroundings changed. I was now in my room and I could tell that I was shorted than usual. "Yep~ I was there~" Her high pitch voice sounded out and she turned around.

She had this bottle in her hand. "Wait. So your the one who.." A sudden memory returned to me. "Yeah....You were the one who took my hand sanitizer that killed of 100% of germs." I snapped my fingers with a smile.

"Yep~ It was me~" She giggled out while floating around. "Why though? Is it because it's too powerful to be kept in the real world?" I laughed at my delusions.

"Yes! That's right!"

My laughter immediately stopped.

"This wasn't supposed to be made in this era, so we had to take it. We erased your memory of you making it, but we let you keep the thought of you actually doing it."

"Ohhhh. So that's why I was never able to recreate it again. I know I made it, but I was never able to replicate it again!"

She nodded with a smile. "So. Why are you appearing now? After 6 years?" The scene changed and we were back in the white space. "Well, Your dead silly. And I'm your guardian angel. I can't possibly show myself until your dead.." She hit her head in a cute manner.

"Dead?.." As I said that, I started breathing hard. The pain of dying soon came back which caused me to scream in pain and agony.

It was excruciating. Trying to bring air into your lungs, but it kept running away. Each and every single time It ran away, it would be harder to catch up to it again.

The feeling of my lungs collapsing felt like a building crushing me. The taste and smell of blood filling up my throat as it trapped itself in that one space felt like infinite hell.

"You were killed and raped Haruto. Do you remember?" She tilted her head at me. "Yes." She flinched as she heard my voice. It pierced her angelic heart which surprised the shit out of her. '

A...Mere human scared me?'

She backed away in disbelief. "She raped me, and killed me. I..I..." I bawled my fist with my hands shaking. "She took me away from my family. She took my future away.." Blood slid down my fingers.

"I'll kill her."

The angel stared at me. 'His expression..' She started sweating. 'It scares me..' His eyes were glowing and his void hair was becoming blacker. The white space then shook and it flashed between black and white.

"I...will kill her.." I already had a goal. "Well, she's dead already so..." Is that supposed to mean something? "Your father killed her. Don't you remember?" I shook my head yes. "And how would you kill her? Your dead Haruto. Your nothing but a memory now." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Your..Powerless Haruto." I nodded my head in agreement. "Tell me. What would do to her if you met her once more." I gave a devious smile.

"The same thing she did to me of course."

She flinched at my answer. "Maybe you'll get a chance. Maybe.." As she said that, the ground shook. "What's happening?" The ground beneath me split in two." Were going to see what you really want to do...." I then fell into the ground.

I went deep into the dark while screaming. I saw these huge golden gates. I also saw a long river of black water. I went past them both and saw the white again. "Shit, Shit!"

I came at the ground too quickly for me to even do anything. I landed on the ground, but felt not pain. "Oh? So you do want revenge." I slowly looked up.

I saw white panties which caused my face to turn red. "Get up Haruto. You will now choose your power for your next life." She bent back up and walked away with a smile.

'Power? Next life?' I knew I was dead, but I thought that I would be in hell by now. I know now that I get a second chance and an actual power to boot. "Hell? You though you'd be in hell?" She asked me as I slowly got up.

'Did I say that out loud?'

"No. I can read your mind." My mouth gaped at that. 'Really?! That's so cool!!' My dad side was coming out. 'If she can ready my mind, then..'

I thought back to night when I first discovered porn. I went ham on myself that night. "P-Pervert! What the hell are you thinking?!" Her face was red which caused me to laugh. "Sorry. I just wanted to test it out.."

"Well stop thinking about it!"

Oh. I didn't realize.

"S-Sorry.." I laughed awkwardly and she turned away with her arms crossed. "So..This wheel. Will it decide my power?" I walked up to the huge wheel and she nodded.

"You know, your taking death way to easily. Aren't you at least shocked that an after life exist?" She made a confused face at me.

"Well, when I remember getting shot, and where I got shot at, I realized that I really was going to die either way. Anyways, I'll be back. If I'm getting a second chance to live, then I assume it'll be in another world. When I get enough power in that world, I'll come back to earth, get my revenge, and live my normal life again."

I explained my life goal to her. "I see why God refers to you as his 'Perfect Creation.'"

I coughed a bit. "Wait, What?! Go-God himself calls me that?!" She nodded and I screamed out in excitement. I know I said I never really liked the title, but knowing God said it himself really changes things.

"Okay. Let's begin." The lever then pulled down on its own. "Smh. I can't pull it on my own?" She shook her head No and we waited. The huge wheel passed by thousands upon thousands of options before slowly down. "Haruto. This power will help you in the next world.." It came to a stop and we stared.

[Skill obtained: Weapon Creation.]

A panel appears beside me which surprised me. "W-What the hell is that?" I stared at the screen. It had a black background with golden font.

"You played games before. Don't act new."

Fair point I guess.

This was the famous Panel Screen.

"Weapon creation huh? I guess it goes well with someone like you." She stared at the side of my head. "Yeah..."

You see, since I'm homed school, school only lasted for like 3 hours a day. My smarts helped with that.

Anyways, after school ended, I would go to my room and put on YouTube. I watched all sorts of videos like, 'How to efficiently and effectively use knifes', or 'How to win any fight.' Things like that basically.

I watched them over the years and eventually got good at some of it.

"This will be perfect.." I smiled again. "Haruto Smith. You will reincarnate into a world of swords and magic. Good luck, and have fun on your journey of revenge." I nodded at her.

"Now go my child."

"You look like a child."

I disappeared, having the last word.

"W-What?!" She stood in the white space. "That meanie!" She pouted and these people appeared. "Weapon Creation? What A Joke." One man spoke out. "Don't Underestimate That. You'll Never Know What Might Happen.." The man laughed at those words. "Yeah, Yeah. Let's See Then.."

A TV appeared and about 10 people sat down to watch it.

"And Now We Wait.."
