
Birth Of The End.

What exactly is human nature? Its said that Good was humans first nature, and that power corrupted it. That said power evolved into what's know as Evil. Evil: Profoundly immoral and wicked. Good: that which is morally right; righteousness. Haruto is a 16 year old boy. This said boy has helped millions out, and never knew of the word, Evil. What will happen though when he gets betrayed, killed, and sent to another world where Evil and Darkness are his closest friends? Will he let the evil corrupt him? Will he give into his desires for power? Will he leave behind his humanity for a chance of killing the one who killed him? Let's find out together.

qu3n_ · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter 3: Insisght.

Now enough about my parents. Let's talk about me.

I already said I'm 16. My name is Haruto Smith, son of Hiroto and Christina Smith. I like sitting inside playing games, working out, drawing, and Reading books.

I never went to school since my parents taught me themselves. My IQ is around 198 I think. My parents are around 230 which is cool.

Now about my IQ. You may be thinking, 'That's smart. How is his first invention at the age of 16?'

Well, Its not. The first invention that I showed my parents was at 16, but my actually first invention was at the age of 10. It was something that erased 100% of germs.

Pretty cool huh?

It's a shame I lost it though.

Anyways, let's continued.

Much to people surprise, I don't get treated with a silver spoon. My parents allowed them to interview me and my room and let's just say that the world was shocked at the mess they saw.

Anyways, I also plan to be an inventor(obviously) like my Father. My Father had his fist invention, which was a door that locks itself, at 16 'just like me.' Now I'll be able to access more things, so I can make even greater things.

Or maybe modeling. I say I get nothing from my parents but my features were something else. My mom and dad were considered to be hand-made by God himself, but when people saw me, they thought that I was God's masterpiece. His 'Perfect Creation' or something like that.

I'm not trying to brag. That's just what the internet says. Some people(like myself) denies that I'm a 'Perfect Creation.' I think I'm only average compared to my parents and a few people agree with me.

Anyways, Modeling or Being an inventor? I would have to go with the latter as I just enjoy it more to be honest. Modeling requires showing your face to the public, where as for inventing, you can just put out to the public under a false name

Not gonna happen to me probably since I'm the son of those two.

"Father. I'm hungry." I looked over at him and saw him playing with his nails. "You should have said something sooner Haruto." He checked his watch then shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, what the heck. They can't fire the companies head, now can they?" Father laughed at himself and I did as well.

Sebas then changed lanes and we pulled over to a McDonald's. "Proccesed food is bad for you." I got out the limo. "Maybe I'll make it so that it isnt." I pulled out a notepad and wrote something down. "Look at you.." Father smiled and I closed the door.

I walked across the small road that led to the drive thru and motioned my hand out towards the door handle. I opened it and a small bell went off. I then closed the door behind me and walked up to the counter. "Hello. Welcome to McDonald's. What would you like to order today?"

A dark-skinned teenaged girl with long, black hair and black eyes asked with a smile. "I never eaten here before, so surprise me." I smiled and pulled out a $100 bill. They girl, Kennedy, or so her name tag says, became surprised at my words and actions.

"You..Never eaten here before, and you want to pay with that?" I nodded and she slowly nodded with a confused expression. We talked a bit more about the order and she finally said "Please wait while we fix your order sir." She gave me a receipt, and walked away.

'Sir huh?' I moved to the side in thought. 'Must be the suit.' I smiled at my guiness answer and waited. She soon came out 5 minutes later and said "2 cheeseburger, no onions, with a 10 pieces chicken nugget, and a large orange fanta. Will that be all sir?" She handed me the bag and I shook my head. "Yeah, that's all."

I smiled once again and she stared at me. Or more specifically, my unusual golden eyes. "Wait. Aren't you.." I put my finger up over my lip. I made a 'shh' noise and walked away.

Her face lit up from confirmation as I walked to the door, opening it with my elbow. I went back over to the limo and the door opened by itself. "Smells Good.." I sat down and the door closed by itself.

"Yeah, It does. And it's all for me aswell." I smiled and placed the bag to the side. I saw Father with a sad look as I took out the food. "Oh. I bought two? I can eat one, but two.." I sighed out and Father gulped a bit.

"M-Maybe I can help with that Haruto.." He licked his lips while getting closer. "Sebas. Do you want it?" The small window came down and I saw him shake his head no. "H-Haruto. I can help.." I looked over at the deranged beast. "Your Mother didn't make breakfast this morning, so please.."

I stared at him for a moment then smiled. Sebas started the car back up and we soon drove out onto the road again. I ate in peace with my father biting his nails intently, staring at my food. "So..Good.." A took an exaggerated bite in his face.

"Why..Are you doing this to your poor old man?" Father cried out. 'Old man? In age yes, but in looks, you could go back to high school and not be questioned.'

"Your right Father. This is your food money, and I'm not even sharing it with you. Please forgive me." I came to the realization that this isnt mine since it was bought with his money. I have to share it. "Yeah, Yeah. Now gimme!"

Father...Is a food junkie. He is such a food junkie that he became an inventor with the thought of 'I'm gonna be able to make food out of nothing' in the back of his mind. "Here Father."

I handed him the burger and he snatched it away. "Thanks for the food." Father closed his eyes and gave a small prayer before digging in. "Delicious!" He ate the food he once called, 'Processed', in 12 seconds.

"Got anymore food in there?!" He tried going in my bag, but I hit the top of his hand lightly to stop him. "No. That's for me." He whimpered at my words. "Meanie.." "Man child." We both looked away with a pout on our faces.

"Were almost at our destination, Sir." The windows let down and we looked out. "Alright. Take us to the usual spot." Fathers voice was back to calm now. "As you wish Sir." Sebas kept driving for a little longer.

We then pulled up on this tall building that could easily pierce heaven. No more than 300 stories. "This is where you'll be working Haruto." Father gave me a light smile as he saw me staring in awe.

We then pulled into a car parking lot, exclusive for him and a few others, and stopped in his parking space I assume. "Thanks for the ride, old man." I waved at Sebas through the small window and got out. "Your welcome Young Master. Please have a wonderful first day."

I smiled before closing the door. ""Young Master!"" I looked over and saw a bunch of Men and Women in suits like mine. They stood in a line with men on one side and females on the other. They made a path for us with a red carpet between them, confirming a thought I had.

"Who told you all to do this?" My father got out the limo and smiled. "No one Sir! We just wanted to be present for Young Master's first day!" A man with black hair and black eyes said while bowing.

"Oh, Okay. That's fine I guess." They all smiled at my Father's words. Me and Father then got our stuff from the car and started walking.

"They're both so charming!"

"Young Master Especially!"

"They're so awesome!"

"I'm so happy to be working for them!"

"I can't wait to see what Young Masters invents!"

"His suit is looking especially nice with his hair! The boss aswell!"

We heard all sorts of things around us. Father kept a collected face at it all, but as for me? My face was beet red. Father was used to it, but I never really step out the house that much. I usually order stuff from online since its easier.

"I want Young Master to have my kids!"

My face became even redder at whoever's comment that was. 'K-Kid?!' I coughed a bit which caused almost everyone to giggle.


I have no experience with them. I could 'Pull' anyone, or so my mothers says. I mean, she isn't really wrong, as people send me love letters, claiming that they left their family to be with me, but still. None of them really peak my interest(Besides whoever sent that one letter.)

Mother and Father met at a modeling shoot. They locked eyes with each other for a nanosecond and decided that they wanted a child with each other.

Mother took me to a modeling shoot before, and I did talk to a lot of women, but none of them had that.. 'I want to spend the rest of my life with you' type aura. "Just find a woman like me!" That's What Mother said to me as she held her hips with a huge smile.

"She'll treat you right in every way, shape or form if you do."

"Mother.." I face palmed.

"What? It's the truth. Just ask your Father."

My father nodded with drool coming out of his mouth as he remembered the night of him and Mother getting married.

I smiled as I thought back to that day. "Were here." We got to a elevator and saw a women. She looked like a secretary, as she had her light purple hair in a pony tail and had black-framed glasses covering her light purple eyes.

"Haruto, Meet Akemi. She's my trusted advisor." He motioned me to put my hand out and I did. "Nice to meet you Ms. Akemi." She took my hand and smiled. "Its a pleasure..." Her voice was soft like Fathers. 'Hm?' She moved her finger and tickled my palm which surprised me a little.

"Are you ready son?" He placed his hand on my head. "Yeah. I'm ready.." Father smiled at my answer and the elevator door opened. "You can let her hand go now Haruto. Unless..." Father walked in with a mischievous smile. "N-No! It's not like that! I'm sorry!" I let go of her and bowed. "My~ Just like your Father." She licked her lips as she saw my red face.

"Except I can actually make a move on you.."

"Excuse me?" She mumbled something, but I couldn't hear it.

"I said, I can't wait to work with you."

I smiled at her for a moment then walked into the elevator. ""Please have a wonderful day!"" They all yelled and bowed. Father and I nodded and the elevator door closed.

That Was The Last Time I Seen Them.
