
Birth Of The End.

What exactly is human nature? Its said that Good was humans first nature, and that power corrupted it. That said power evolved into what's know as Evil. Evil: Profoundly immoral and wicked. Good: that which is morally right; righteousness. Haruto is a 16 year old boy. This said boy has helped millions out, and never knew of the word, Evil. What will happen though when he gets betrayed, killed, and sent to another world where Evil and Darkness are his closest friends? Will he let the evil corrupt him? Will he give into his desires for power? Will he leave behind his humanity for a chance of killing the one who killed him? Let's find out together.

qu3n_ · Kỳ huyễn
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63 Chs

Chapter 2: Pilot.(Pt2)

Me and Father walked down the stairs that curved out from the top, but went inwards towards the bottom.

"Young Master." A maid bowed to me. She had short light blue hair in comparison to my mothers long blue hair. She had blue eyes as well and was shorter than your average woman.

"Hello. How's your day been, Saika?" I smiled at her and she gave off a faint smile back. "Its good now that young Master has recovered from being a couch potato." I raised up my finger and my mouth opened. 'Well, I guess in her point of view, I was just lazing around in my room for two days straight, so...'

I stopped myself from talking and put my finger down. "C'mon Saika. You know that he's been..Studying and stuff." Father sighed a bit and she nodded. "I know. I was just kidding sir. Could you not tell?" Me and Father both stared at her. "Anyways, We won't be back for a while, so keep an eye out on Christina for me please."

Father winked a bit and the maid nodded. "Hey! I can take care of my self!" Mother screamed from the top of the stairs. We all then looked back and saw her starting to walk down the stairs. 'Oh boy.' I sighed and walked over to a wall. A small, pink button was on it and I pressed it.

"Treating me like a kid.." Mother pouted as she walked down the stairs. "Yet you always ask to su-" She stammered a bit then slowly fell down. As Mother fell down, the stairs folded themselves from the top of the stair case all the way to the bottom

The stairs were now like a slide. Mother then went face first into the slid immediately bounced back up. She screamed out in the air as she fell back down towards the slide

She then landed on her butt and slowly slid down the slide. "What...The hell Hiroto!" Mother screamed at my father from the ground.

"No inventions in the house!" She roared some more and I looked over at my Father. He had a face full of fear. Like a lion was towering over him and he, a measly ant, could only shake in his boots.

"T-This wasn't me! I p-promise!" My usual composed Father started stuttering which surprised me. "Harutoooo!" She screamed my name which caused me to kneel a bit. 'Maybe she'll go easy on me since I saved her life?...' I heard the ground shake a little. The ferocious shakes got closer and closer to me until..

"Mommy. Pwease don't hurt me.." I reverted back to a baby from fear alone. "What was that?" Her voice was light once again and I looked up at her. She had a huge smile on her face which surprised me, Father, and Saika.

"I..made a bouncy slide so Mommy wouldn't get hurt.." Mother heard that then decided to stair into my eyes for about an hour. 'When the hell does this job even start?!' I screamed to myself with a puddle of sweat beneath me. "Thank you Haurto." She giggled a bit.

"I wasn't hurt like last time because of you Haruto." Mother helped me up and patted my shoulders. "Your first invention right? Tell me more about it soon okay?" She then leaned in and kissed my forehead. My face became red from it as she hasn't done this in a while.

'Its strange though..' Mother walked away and yelled at my father. 'She would usually be screaming and cheering now, as this is the first thing that I've ever made and it actually works, but no. From her voice alone, I could tell that she was happy, but she doesn't show it in screams like she usually would...'

I stared at the back of my mother with a slight frown and smile at the same time. 'She probably thinks I officially grew up, judging by the invention.

I used to steal hers and every single maids panties from around the mansion. I eventually stopped as I realized it was weird. I used to vandalize the house, but stopped as I realized I'm not the one paying for it. I used too..'

"Amazing job son. After all those test fails, you finally perfected it." My Father cut my thoughts off with his own words. "When did you do it though?" He patted his suit off while looking at me. "I was up late testing it out and taking notes. That's why I forgot everything about the job.."

I laughed a bit and Father stared. 'Haruto. You'll be someone special one day. I can't wait for you to make us proud.' Father walked up to me and put his arms out. "What is it-" He pulled me in and gave me a deep, warm hug. "Father?.." He rubbed my back and said "I'm, No We're proud of you Son."

Mother appeared behind me somehow and hugged me. I stayed in their circle of warmth for a while until it was time.

Mother and Saika escorted us to the front door. From there, we all walked outside and saw a black limousine parked out by our huge fountain. "Are you ready sir?" An old man with white, short hair stood by the back door. His body was skinny, but you could see through the outlines on his suit that he was built up.

"Yes. Start her up, Sebas." Father waved the man and he nodded. Sebas then went over to the front door and opened it. He got in the car and it soon started up.

"Well Mother.." I turned around at her. "Wish me luck." I hugged her for a final time. "Your acting like this is the last time were meeting. Not complaining though!" Mother returned the hug in full. After her almost breaking my back, she let go.

"Your Father will be with you the whole time, so don't worry too much okay?" I nodded at Mother. "One last hug okay?" She didn't even wait for me to answer. "Jeez... Now you changed my mood.." Mothers voice and expression was now that of sadness as she rubbed my hair. "Sorry Mother. Please cheer up with this."

I placed my hand on her head from behind and rubbed it. "Haruto.." Mother seemed to have a thought for a second before coming back to reality. "Saika." Mother let me go as I said her name. "Wish me luck." I winked at her and she gave me another slight smile.

"Young Master is the son of Hiroto and Christina Smith. You can do anything." Her smile widened at her own words. My face however became red for an odd reason.

My Mother, Christina, was English or American I mean, and my Father, Hiroto was Japanese. Mother became known for her unordianry light blue hair as an American, and Father became known for his deep black eyes that could make a bear flinch.

My mother was a famous model, considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world, as well as a famous actor, while my father was someone who changed the 21st century with his inventions/ Technology.

An Angel and A Devil.

People gave my Mother the nickname, "Angel" because of her beauty, and how she literally saved over 5,000 orphanages around the world from going out of 'business.' She also finds the majority of hospitals around the world.

People gave my Father the nickname, "The Devil" because of his technology and Backings. He has made things like self flying planes, cars, boats. He also found a cure for cancer which you would thinm make him more likable, but no.

He has ties with the leaders of...Everything. There are a lot of people who don't like my Father because of that, as they think that the worlds problems are all his fault since he's involved with everything.

Hence the name, "The Devil."

Although, my father is way more angelic than Mother is and Mother is more devilish than my Father is.

Anyways, My Father gifted me with the first name of Haruto, after his father, and my Mother gifted me with the last name, Smith, after her mother.

I really don't get anything from them.

"Maybe I can huh?" I questioned myself then backed up a bit. "Well anyways, I'm off to change the world! See ya later!" I turned around and walked down the steps. ""Have a good Day!"" Mother and Saika both yelled at me while waving.

I smiled even deeper and got up close to the limo. The door opened by itself and I got in. I heard Father saying some goodbyes as well which lead him to a kiss from Mother which made him flustered.

He soon arrived at the limo and I opened the door for him. He thanked me while getting in and he closed the door. "Sebas. If you please." Sebas nodded and we slowly started driving off. I then scooted passed Father and let the window down.

"Bye Mother!" I screamed out to her. "By honey! Have a nice day! I'll be right here when you get home, so be safe!" She yelled back. 'I will Mother. I will...' I went back and looked out my window with a huge smile.

That Was The Last Time I Heard Mothers Voice.


Some may know me. Some may not.

Anyways, for those who do know me, I won't make any mistakes. I will take time and throughly see through with this novel.

I will try to make things so clear that it feels like your in that moment as well.

I just hope you guys will give me one last redemption.

qu3n_creators' thoughts