
Birth Of The End.

What exactly is human nature? Its said that Good was humans first nature, and that power corrupted it. That said power evolved into what's know as Evil. Evil: Profoundly immoral and wicked. Good: that which is morally right; righteousness. Haruto is a 16 year old boy. This said boy has helped millions out, and never knew of the word, Evil. What will happen though when he gets betrayed, killed, and sent to another world where Evil and Darkness are his closest friends? Will he let the evil corrupt him? Will he give into his desires for power? Will he leave behind his humanity for a chance of killing the one who killed him? Let's find out together.

qu3n_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
63 Chs

Chapter 1: Pilot.


He suddenly woke up. 'Hot one night, and cold the next.' He looked over and stretched his arm out. He picked up a small, white remote with 5 buttons on it. Three of the buttons increased/decreased the speed of the fan, depending on which one you press, while the other two turned it off/on.

He pressed the off button and the fan slowly stopped turning and died out. 'I should just buy a new one instead of keeping this old one.' He got out of bed and stood up.

'Oh Wait. I'm poor at the moment.'

He scratched his forehead and walked towards the door of his room. He motioned his hand towards the knob, then stopped.

'Haven't seen them in two days. I hope they aren't..' He opened the door and to his surprised, he saw two people standing their. One was a woman with blonde hair and light blue eyes which made the sky jealous.

She had amazing features and would probably be considered one of the most beautiful people in the world. One would also assume she was in her late teens when in reality, she's 47.

The next was a brown haired man with black eyes which made the void seem white. His features, You guess it, was amazing as well. He looked like he was in his late teens as well but in reality, he's 50.

"Oh, Haruto!" The woman pulled me in with an ecstatic look. "I've Missed Your Company!" She squealed out while holding me even tighter. "Young man. How was your vacation?" The brown haired words were soft which made him seem almost angelic.

"Honey. Please let Haruto go. Your killing him." Even with an worried expression and tone, the man's voice never raised. It stayed the exact same like a robot or something.

"Fine.." The woman let go of the young boy and they both stared at him. "Vacation? I was just.." He stopped as he saw the smiles of his parents. "What is it?" I tilted my head in confusion once more.

"Its Nothing." Father spoke to me. "Its just that we kind of thought you were trying to avoid going to your new job by staying locked up." I stared at them then looked back into my room.

'Crap..' I started sweating. 'Job!? I completely forgot! Wait, Don't tell me I start!-" I looked back at them and saw their expressions. "I guess you did forget.." Father had on a sad look while Mother comforted him.

"Haruto. Your Starting your work at your father's company and you forgot?" Mother spoke to me while Father layed his head in Mothers bosom. They were both quite tall, reaching just over 6'. Mother was 6'2 while Father was 6'1.

"I-I could never forget such an important day." I laughed awkwardly then slowly backed into my room, as the date of the calendar, hanging over my bed, popped up in my head again. "Then you would know that you and your father leaves in 10 minutes right sweety?" Mother gave a smile which made my legs shake.

"I-I know!" My face was red for some reason and Mother noticed that. "Your just like your father.." She smiled at me and I closed the door.

'Just like father huh..' I walked over to my closet. 'We..don't even look the same. Just like you and I Mother..' I picked out a basic black tuxedo and walked over to a mirror.

I'm 16 years old. Average looks, or so I'm told when compared to Mother and Father. Well kept body with defined muscles that looked rougher than steel. Void, black hair, with blonde/golden eyes.

'God gave me my Fathers eye color and planted it on my head, and took my mother's hair color and planted it in my eyes.' I stripped down and stared. 'I need to shower.' I spent these last two days in my room studying, as I need adequate for my Fathers company, and exercising, because why not.

I walked over to my bathroom, and soon got in. I took a 10 minute shower with the thought, 'Please don't Leave Father...' in my head. He's done it before like with church. It was annoying. but I've come to realize that he did it to show me how being late in life will quiet literally get you no where.

I got out the shower and got ready again. 'Its cold again.' I sighed out at the turning fan. 'Rich parents, but I can't even buy a fan..' It's natural I suppose. My parents, or my Mother in particular, believed in 'Your an Adult. Take care of your own things' which was something because she can't even take care of herself.

My mother was raised by parents who believed in the same thing, so maybe that's why she puts it on me. 'Well, They let me stay in the house at least. I just need to buy my own things like personal items. Clothes books, equipment, etx'

I basically have to buy everything, but a home and some food. "Are you ready Haruto?" My dad lightly knocked on the door with a light voice. "Yeah, I'm coming." I put on my Calvin Klien shoes and patted the ground a bit.

I checked myself one more time and grabbed my suit case. 'Good bye old world..' I looked all around with a smile. This room was perfect for me. The posters on the walls of half-naked women. The magazines under the bed.

The T.V., mini fridge, and even the broken fan. It all made me happy.

I walked over to the door and opened it with my free hand. "You look wonderful!" My Mother flashed me with a bright light which came from her phone. I covered my eyes and walked out the door frame.

"Your mother is right. You look handsome Haruto." Father smiled at me and I nodded. "To think that my baby, who never leaves his room, would be in such a position!" Mother squealed out over my fake coughs.

'So, maybe I'm a bit too attached to the room.' But I took care of myself and that's fine. "Yep. Here I am." I smiled at Mother and she took more pictures of me. "Alright Haruto. Let's Go."

I nodded at Fathers words and we soon started walking away.



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