
Beyond the Dream: Surviving Hellish Worlds

Johnathan, a fearless protagonist, awakens in a mysterious place where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. He discovers that he is trapped in a complex labyrinth of cinematic simulations, each more surreal than the last, and no matter how much he progresses, the exit seems to have no end. With a deep desire to reunite with his parents, he embarks on a desperate quest to find the way out of this cinematic hell. Each door leads to a new world, from science fiction landscapes to period settings and fantastical realms. With every step, Johnathan realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the plot of each simulation. Will Johnathan manage to reunite with his parents and find the exit before dying in one of the simulations that await him? My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/srcuervo

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51 Chs

The Duty of My Desire

While Jonathan was deeply asleep on the sofa with his gun in his hands, he was having a profound dream that summarized everything that had happened and his life in general. A life that was on the verge of being lost if he made a single mistake.

It happened about five years ago.

"What have you done?!" shouted a teacher at a young Jonathan who had beaten a classmate until he lay unconscious on the ground with a broken nose.

"That bastard insulted my father!" Jonathan said, defiantly facing the furious teacher in the institution where not only principles but also equity are taught.

In less than two hours, Jonathan remembers receiving numerous scoldings from different adults who didn't understand where his anger came from. The first time was when the teacher found him after the fight had ended, the second time when he was taken to the human rights office, and the third time when he was present with the director.

He could feel his blood boiling, everyone telling him that his life was already complicated enough without involving his parents in these kinds of problems that he could have avoided by simply ignoring insults and annoyances.

At that moment, he was angry; he wanted to kill anyone who dared to see him as an angry child because that was not the case. But just when he was about to say something, Jonathan's father arrived and asked to speak directly alone with him to understand the situation.

Just when he thought his father would also scold him, Jonathan heard words that would change his life completely. At that moment, he felt as if the world finally understood him, and what seemed to be the worst day of his life turned into one that changed him entirely.

"Son, you'll probably be suspended for a few days, and we'll have to pay the medical bills for the child you hit. If you want to continue studying, that's what we'll do. But if, instead, you want to help me with the business at home, we won't apologize, and instead, we'll leave this place."

Yes, Jonathan has to admit that he doesn't have the best father in the world who looks out for his future and safety. But he preferred that kind of attitude a thousand times over something else that could bother him, like constant pressure for studies until becoming disturbed by them.

Just as he began his high school studies, his parents offered him a deal: study as much as you can but take it seriously, and we'll support you. The moment you decide you've reached where you want, you can leave your studies.

Jonathan's family was not well-off; they lacked many things that other families enjoyed easily, and they didn't have an easy life. On the contrary, his family had to struggle every day for a plate of food to serve at home.

Jonathan began to realize all of this when the need to help his parents, who occasionally fell ill, hit his reality. When he saw his mother so sick and showing signs of depression, his world crumbled. He promised himself that as a good son, he would dedicate himself to helping them, and when his father asked him that question, he said he had learned what was necessary to make a living.

His father understood at that moment; he saw the look in his son Jonathan's eyes and knew that he was the spitting image of himself when he was young. Every father in life wants his child to surpass him, but sometimes it must also be understood that things are not entirely easy, and he felt proud that his son understood that.

"Have you really considered this situation? You know perfectly well how life has treated me. Even so, do you still want to drop out of school and help me with work?" Jonathan's father asked in a serious tone, knowing he shouldn't interfere with his daughter's decision as she was mature enough to consider this idea in her mind.

"I'm totally sure, father, since you need a worker, I can be the one to help you, and we can improve our lifestyle. I've learned a lot, I know how life goes, and I have many work ideas that I've always wanted to do," Jonathan said, totally confident in his words, looking at his father with complete seriousness, as if fearing that he would not be taken into account.

"I'm proud of you, son. Remember that a school defines how great you will be in life."

Jonathan had never felt this way before; the lump in his throat was so large that he could only nod and leave the school without apologizing.


Five years later, Jonathan was 22 years old, a life filled with promises and strength but stuck in the same routine.

The only thing that comforted him was that he could help his parents. His mother was very sick at that time, often staying at home, resting, and trying to recover. However, due to her age, she began to have complications.

During that time, Jonathan tried many ways to earn more money, seeking advice from successful entrepreneurs, but all failed. It was expected; he didn't have many resources to rely on, and his limited free time was used to help with household chores.

"Son, when are you going to get a girlfriend?"

"My dear son, when will you go out and have fun?"

"My sweet and polite son, you know I love you very much. You should have fun; don't spoil your life with an old, sick woman like me."

Every day, Jonathan received numerous expressions of love from his mother, but there was also pain in her words. Sometimes, he heard his mother crying alone, and it broke his heart into a thousand pieces.

Months passed, and things seemed to be improving, but just when he decided to go out with his friends to have fun one night, Jonathan unconsciously tried drugs from mushrooms.

"How could I be so stupid?" Jonathan asked as he tried to open his eyes.

Soon, he found himself sitting in a silent room with his three friends. The words they were saying were blurry, but the three of them were writing something on white sheets.

What were they doing?

Jonathan clearly remembers losing consciousness right after trying those drugs. He had no memories of waking up, let alone having that conversation with the man in the suit.

Just when Jonathan wanted to know more about what was happening, he appeared in a cemetery surrounded by the undead who soon began to devour his body. Only then did he wake up, looking around in panic as if whatever he had been dreaming would disappear.

"What was that?" Jonathan wondered with some confusion, holding his throbbing head.

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