
Becoming an Emperor In Star Wars with a Star Forge (Reupload)

A guy gets Kissed by Truck-kun a little too hard and gets reincarnated into Star Wars. But he makes the Crucial mistake of not wishing to keep his memories. I own nothing from Star Wars.

DragonMaster876 · Phim ảnh
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God and Wishes

"AHHHH! Did I die. The last thing 1 remember is walking through a security check at an airport, and I turn around, and then Truck-kun kisses me really hard. "The small ball of light says,

[Yes, mortal, you did die, and I am sorry for not being able to keep him on his leash, but he gets away too much. Luckily, you are the only one he has sent here with means he likes you.] the entity said.

" Wait, wait, wait, wait,"


"Am I getting reincarnated in a world of my choosing with wishes?" the light asks

[Yes. You will get 2 wishes. So, which world?]

"Star Wars, 1) I want to be able to be able to use the force without temptation of the darkside, as well as battle meditation. 2)I want a Star-forge with unlimited resources, a massive cloning facility, and a library that has Knowledge, blueprints of different ships and weapons from different universes, and a few different vials of DNA from a few creatures and people of my choosing." Said little light.

[Alright, so those are your wishes. I will only allow weapons, weapons systems, vehicles, and droids from Star Wars and other universes to be in the data banks of the Star Forge only ships from Star Wars. Also, I have come up with a back story for you. Your mother is a Mandalorian, and your father is some random guy she hooked up with. Said random guy is a Shan that knows where the star forge was stationed with the collective knowledge of all his ancestors as well as stolen blueprints and whatnot. Throughout your family's history, different members would soured the Galaxy for technology that was lost as well as new tech and they would gather DNA from various creatures throughout the cosmos. They gradually upgraded the station and your father searched for the perfect woman to sire his successor and poof you are born. You were born in 38 bby. When you were born, your mother named you Dax before your father kidnapped you and fled, but when he was fleeing, a blaster bolt struck him. He got you to the ship he was using and left the planet, He died in hyperspace.] God explained,

[Now, since you didn't wish to keep your memories, good luck] God said.

"WAIT, WHA..." The light was interrupted before he could finish. With that, hedisappeared in a pop, followed by fireworks.

[1 love fireworks.] The god said with a smile as he ate popcom.