
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · Tranh châm biếm
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171 Chs

Totto Land V

Hours had passed since the appearance of the ARMY, Big Mom was in a sorry state, like both admirals, Ryu had his entire suit destroyed, only his pants remained, there were also several wounds from which blood came out in large quantities. All over your body.

Ryu: No one said it was going to be easy to defeat a Yonko.

For his part, Kizaru had blood all over his suit that somehow only had broken parts in specific areas.

Kizaru: Ararara... Big-Mom, why don't you die? Yasakani no magatama.

Launched a torrent of deadly light particles that deal extreme damage to anything it hits.

Big-Mom, received all the particles of light.

Charlotte Daifuku: Are you kidding? Mom, she... was she really holding back? We have to help....

Charlotte Amande: Before you even think about taking on an admiral, you should first be able to beat these idiot vice admirals...

At that precise moment, Charlotte Opera was pierced by a sword from Vice Admiral Momonga.

Charlotte Smoothie: OPERA!!!!

The slaughter did not end with the death of Charlotte Opera, at least a dozen of Big-Mom's children had already died, even with the arrival of reinforcements, they were being suppressed and killed,

Even with the Pawn Soldiers, Bishop Soldiers, Knight Soldiers, Rook Soldiers, Queen Soldiers, King Soldiers, there were no noticeable changes, Ryu brought the best of the best of the Navy to this war, those simple soldiers were just cannon fodder in this war. war. war. high level warfare.</font>

BIG-MOM: Marina, I want you to die!

While riding Zeus and headed to charge Ryu fiercely.

Ryu: Second Stance: Blue Sky

While turning her body, she produced a 360° circular cut, splitting Zeus in two, causing Big-Mom to fall from it.

Big Mom: Heavenly

Big Mom grabs Prometheus and crashes it into Ryu, who was able to hold his own for a while, but still causing him to spit up blood.

Kizaru appeared behind Big-Mom, stabbing her with his lightsaber.

Kizaru: You shouldn't just focus on one of us....

To then make it light to explode into dozens of light particles.

Big Mom: Ahhhhhhhhh!

The endless pain almost overwhelmed BIG-MOM, she hadn't felt such pain for a long time.

Katakuri: MOM!!

Leaving an opening that Vice Admiral Strawberry took advantage of, giving a powerful cut to Katakuri, leaving him badly injured.


A series of worrying voices resounded from the surroundings, even if his mother has a body of steel, but from the inside she is just like any other human.

At this time, BIG-MOM is still roaring and hissing in anger.

BIG-MOM: Kill you, kill you, kill you!

Meanwhile, Ryu held back on the ground with his incredible strength.

Ryu: Let go of me, damn Fatty...

BIG-MOM raised her free hand and was preparing to deliver the strongest Haki covered punch Ryu had ever seen.

But she was stopped by a kick at the speed of light, from Kizaru that pushed her back a few meters.

Kizaru: I even caused a small explosion from inside him, with all that blood he looks like a real demon.

BIG-MOM's body suffered a lot of internal damage, blood flowed from all the holes in her head, to a greater and lesser extent.

BIG-MOM: I won't rest until they're both dead, hear me.

While rubbing Napoleon in the form of a sword.

Kizaru: Damn, that Linlin bastard is unexpectedly strong to this extent…

While Ryu began to run preparing his sword to attack BIG-MOM, which prepared his sword to start contracting.

Both clashed swords for a few minutes, Ryu showed his mastery by cutting BIG-MOM, who couldn't land the blows because of the lightning particles that stopped her attacks.

BIG-MOM Ahhhhhhh! Why do you resist me? Why don't you just behave and let me beat you to death? Why... are there always people who refuse to listen to me?

BIG-MOM yelled, her voice like an ultrasonic weapon causing the surrounding rubble to shatter again.

The next moment, BIG-MOM once again raised the thunder and flame in her hands.

BIG-MOM's current stage is only in a state of rage, after all, not in the beast mode under the Eating Disorder.

Faced with another attack from Kizaru, BIG-MOM raised her right fist and collided heavily with Kizaru, who had jumped into the air.

The image of big, fat, thick hands colliding with firm, lean arms gives a sharp sense of contrast.

Then came the shock wave that rippled through the air, crushing all the rocks and trees and blowing them up into the sky, raining stone chips on the surrounding area.

At a moment of stagnation, a small body and a large body are blown backwards.

BIG-MOM quickly got up from the ground and several consecutive collisions barely left any injuries on her body.

BIG · MOM with Napoleon in his hand suddenly turned into a 4 ten-meter knife, "Hahaba!"

Ryu foreseeing the future easily dodged the attack.}

BIG-MOM: You bastard, can you only run away like a coward?

As he swung his giant sword uncontrollably, and the chopping waves rained down like mad, attacking both the Marines and his sons alike.

Kizaru wasted no time, and shot a powerful beam of light at BIG-MOM's back causing the skin on her back to finally split open a bit.

BIG-MOM stumbled, and the burning pain in her back made the anger in her heart grow fiercer as she violently turned and swept her sword back.

Leaving a cut in Kizaru's stomach, causing him to collide with some rubble.

BIG-MOM: Boy, I'm going to eat you.

Ryu: Sorry, I don't want to be a snack for your fat ass

BIG-MOM: Bastard, what did you call me?

BIG-MOM's body swayed abruptly, and it was Ryu's right leg covered in armor Haki that kicked her in the knee,

Ryu then held her up in the air with his little arms as he spun up. Then BIG-MOM crashed headfirst into the ground.

The air-breaking hiss is a sign that a powerful monster is approaching. BIG-MOM jumped out of the pit, her soul once again increased a lot, the giant sword Napoleon released a shocking aura fluctuation, faced Ryu and slashed. out in one fell swoop.

BIG-MOM was throwing furious punches, each of which generated a powerful shock wave.

Ryu doesn't avoid either, there are only a few dozen seconds anyway, so it's best to just go with the flow and enjoy the fight. Every collision between the two is like a bomb detonated here, the ground cracked.

Katakuri: Mom, run away quickly, we all have to, retreat, there are too many for us...

But before he could say anything else, he saw a few seconds into the future, his only escape had been captured.

Charlotte Brulee, was being captured by Vice Admiral Dalmata.

Charlotte Perospero: They are more than we can bear...

Ryu then used the psych attack on Big-Mom.

Ryu: Do you want me to tell you a secret Big-Mom

Big-Mom: Just shut up and die you bastard....

While both hit blows that destroyed everything around them.

But before Big-Mom could continue speaking, a dozen rays of light collided with her back.

Ryu: Who said that the mother you respect the most is just a human trafficker?

BIG-MOM: What did you say? You are a bastard.

He suddenly stopped in his posture, his hideous face like a vicious ghost turned around and glared angrily.

BIG-MOM: What the fuck are you talking about.

Ryu: Did I say something wrong?"

He said in an overly mocking tone:

Ryu: Why is it called the House of Sheep? It's because those children adopted by her are actually all lambs for the slaughter!"

BIG-MOM: Shut up, how is it possible for a guy like you to understand the greatness of 'MOTHER'?

At that precise moment, Katakuri did everything possible to get to his mother, piercing Vice Admiral Strawberry's chest with his trident.

To then run to where his mother was.

Ryu: If it wasn't for that incident back then, she would have sold you to the government to become a member of CP0 long ago.

In a mocking tone.

Katakuri was stopped by a torrent of light particles, which immobilized him.

Ryu: If we look at it from the point of view of preventing you from turning into sea trash like pirates, she deserves to be called magnificent, right?

BIG-MOM was furious, while launching powerful attacks.

BIG-MOM: Ahhhhhhhh... "I will, I will kill you!

Rryu: Is that so? Seeing that you value her so much, how about I tell you another secret...

I whisper ryu like a demon

Ryu: Back then, the secret of why suddenly disappeared!

BIG-MOM involuntarily slowed down her movements.

Ryu: Have you ever wondered why the Mother's ability suddenly appeared in your body?

Ryu launched a radiant punch that had consumed all of his physical strength, as well as his Haki.

: It's because the Mothers and those children were eaten by you!!

BIG-MOM: Food... food.

Like magic in the ears, these three words echoed in BIG-MOM's mind, and then, the furious movement gradually stopped, and even the breathing of the body slowly weakened.

Then a radiant and unstoppable punch penetrated his body!

There is a big hole in BIG-MOM's chest, and it is clear that even the heart is broken directly under this blow.

Then the large body collapsed helplessly.

At that moment all the battles stopped and they turned to see the lifeless body of BIG-MOM.