
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs

Totto Land lV

At that moment, Big Mom launched a powerful blow that was stopped by Sanji and Luffy together.

While everyone was fighting, Laxus covered his hands in Haki and faced off against Charlotte Daifuku and Charlotte Oven.

Everything was turning to chaos, they were being outnumbered, to the point where Luffy and Sanji got trapped in candy.

Everyone was having personal battles, as well as group ones.

All the Germa males were unconscious, the only ones still standing were Dabi, laxus, Drust and Reiju.

Laxus: Shit... Protect Lady Reiju...

They were surrounded by the entire Charlotte family, as Big Mom herself approached them.

Big Mom: I have no idea what their goal was in infiltrating my territory... but I'll take my time to find out every secret they have...

At that precise moment the Tamatebako, the great treasure of the sea, exploded, destroying the great castle of Big Mom.

Surprising everyone, but before anyone could say anything.

A dozen beams of light hit everyone present without discriminating against anyone, causing explosions throughout the place.

I hope I'm not interrupting anything!

At that precise moment Streusen, also known as the Gourmet Knight, is the head chef of the Big Mom Pirates, as well as the co-founder of the crew along with Big Mom herself.

He stood on top of the great castle that was collapsing.

Streusen: Gourmet VERANDERN.

Turning the castle into a sponge cake, causing it to not harm anyone.

You told the truth... the castle wouldn't hurt anyone, Ryu.

The entire Charlotte family saw an entire regiment of hundreds of marines arrive at their territory.

Kizaru: Just like you said... We can finish them off quickly...

Ryu: If they resist arrest, just kill them... Kizaru and I will take care of Big Mom.

All the Big Mom pirates were dumbfounded at such an event.

Big Mom: Cake...we selected the best ingredients...the best wedding cake ever, I was so looking forward to it.

While showing a crazy face with indescribable killing intent.

Ryu: Big Mom, this unstable right now is the best time to finish her... ATTACK...

Katakuri. Protect Mother...

Throwing himself with all his brothers into battle.

Ryu: Twelfth Stance: Flaming Waltz

Launching a two-hit combo that begins with a vertical attack that sends Katakuri flying before launching a horizontal slash aimed at Big Mom.

Kizaru: Ama no iwato.

It fires a powerful laser beam from its monkey head-shaped legs, which collide with Big Mom.

Big Mom received both attacks causing a wound on her chest, from which blood began to come out, staining her clothes.

Everything turned into total chaos, Big Mom's children were giving their best effort, but they were overwhelmed by the power of all the vice admirals of the navy.

Perospero, he was facing Vice Admiral Gion and Vice Admiral Tokikake.

Perospero: Where the hell did you damn come from, dare you enter our territory...

Creating a giant tide of candy, which was stopped by Vice Admiral Tokikake.

Tokikake has broad shoulders, an angular jaw line, thin eyes, and a flat nose. He also has a wide mouth, high cheekbones, and thick eyebrows. He wears a dark-colored hat, a marine shirt with a high collar similar to Issho's, and a long-sleeved button-down shirt. He also smokes a pipe.

Tokikake: Heavenly Rokuogan.

Launching 2 powerful devastating shock waves, from each of his fists.

The candy tide was destroyed before it could harm anyone, while Gion delivered two consecutive powerful kicks to Perospero, sending him crashing to the ground.

Gion is a slim woman with long, dark, curly hair. She wears lipstick, a pink sleeveless low-cut shirt, over it she wears the classic white Navy trench coat, shorts and heels. A spider tattoo can be seen on the outside of his left leg.

Gion: Now I know why you're not one of the sweet commanders...

The whole place was filled with screams and sounds of swords, they were destroying everything around them.

Big Mom: Ahhhh! Damn, I'll kill you!

BIG-MOM quickly rose from the ground, and under the fiery fury, the wind, rain, thunder, and sea of ​​fire indiscriminately struck everything around them.

Katakuri: Mom, no, calm down!"

At this moment, BIG-MOM perfectly discovered her prowess as a great warrior, and in just an instant, she destroyed the entire place.

Ryu: Damn, that Linlin bastard is unexpectedly strong to this extent….

While Kizaru wasted no time, he appeared right on top of BIG-MOM's head, delivering a powerful kick at the speed of light.

BIG-MOM's head hit the ground horribly, leaving a huge crater.

Ryu jumped into the air and pointed his sword at the BIG-MOM.

Ryu: Seventh Stance: Sunflower Spear

Launched a powerful thrust in the direction of BIG-MOM.

But to her surprise, BIG-MOM released a powerful fist covered in haki, surprising the speed in which she recovered from Kizaru's kick.

Both attacks collided with each other.

Then came the shock wave that rippled through the air, crushing all the rocks and trees and carrying them up into the sky, raining stone chips onto the shifting area.

At a moment of stagnation, a small body and a large body are blown backwards.

Kizaru took advantage of the fact that BIG-MOM was flying towards the ground, to launch a powerful yellow beam.


While that was happening in another part of the island.

The entire King Crow fleet had already arrived on the island.

They were greeted by Big Mom's men, specifically Charlotte Cracker.

(10th child) and Charlotte Snack (25th child).

The battle was what would be called a complete and overwhelming defeat.

Katahara, holding Cracker by the head, before impaling his head with his Haki-covered Shodai Kitetsu, and placing a Devil Fruit on his lifeless body.

Katahara: We have the location of the objectives, Augur, take 100 men with you, and recover all the Poneglyphs... as for the others, they will come with me.

Augur: As ordered.... LET'S GO.

At that time, 100 people left along with Laffitte, heading west on the island.

Katahara: Let's hope everything went according to plan.

Laffitte: The war is raging right in the center of the island, just like you said.

Katahara: Ever doubted... let's just hope the Navy finishes them off before going into action...

Laffitte: Looks like they're already here... I wonder how it went...

At that moment all the men of Germa 66 could be seen arriving, being led by Reiju and Drust.

Katahara: Looks like everything is going according to plan....

Laffitte: They all seem to have had to fight their way through, I wonder how many bodies they left in their path...

Laxus: My Lord... as I command...

Reiju: To think that I would go to the wolf's lair... luckily everything went according to plan...

Katahara: She must be Stussy aka the Queen of the Pleasure District.

Laxus: I was able to capture him in time, just when the navy arrived...

Katahara: Take her to the dungeon, let 10 men take charge of guarding her... I hope our dear Reiju is well...

Drust: She wasn't in any danger... if we hadn't been here... she would have been injured just like her brothers...

Katahara: I wouldn't put a member of "the high lords"...in danger...

As Reiju stared at him, before climbing into her giant snail.

Katahara: I guess we can be on our way... Brogy, Dorry you guys will take care of protecting Reiju until I send a signal for you to support us.

Receiving a thumbs up from both of them.

After saying that, Katahara led his small army of more than 500 men behind him.

Katahara: Now I just hope it doesn't turn into a total carnage.... Laffitte you have your goals, take care of them as fast as possible... Charlotte Pudding and Capone Bege take care of them first.

Laffitte simply bowed and disappeared into the shadows.