Once we reached a plain with what looked to me like a damn mansion, they stopped.
To say I was terrified was an understatement, the material this house was built with was something I had never seen before in my life, even in the walls there were empty spaces where there was glass, damn that thing only the highest part of the aristocracy had it.
Once he entered the house, he could feel something break inside him, in front of him there were all kinds of items he had never heard of, let alone seen.
He now knew the answer to the question he had asked himself a short time ago.
Looking down at the floor unconsciously tears began to well up in his eyes.
'Everyone... they must have died a long time ago by now, how much has humanity suffered with the lack of a protector?'
Slowly, he felt darkness descend upon him.
'CALM DOWN SOLIS, I know we are in a bad situation, with no allies, and no weapons, but right now we have more important things to worry about like the vampires in front of you.'
Clenching his fist, Solis forced himself to stay calm and quickly wiped the tears from his face.
And he watched as the vampires looked at him strangely, particularly the blank-faced vampire who also had a frown on his face as if he was thinking about something he didn't like.
When they took him to the dining room, Solis sat in a chair while Carlisle sat across from him, the vampire with a blank face next to Carlisle, while one of the vampires had disappeared and the rest of the vampires watched them standing.
Solis was the one who decided to start the conversation.
"Where are we, I mean, I know, in your house, but where?"
This question apparently startled Carlisle as you can see his surprise on his face, but he quickly returned to his smile.
"We are in America, in the United States, in Washington and the town of Forks."
Carlisle said.
To say I was shocked would be an understatement. America? What the hell was that and, America? What the-, ok, calm down Solis, let's see what year it is, although I don't remember the date of the last battle, I do remember the death of one of the Roman emperors before the battle.
"What date is today? And, when did Marcus Claudius Tacitus die?"
"Strange questions you ask my friend, today is February 13, 2004, and as I understand it the emperor Tacitus died in 276, why do you ask?"
'Fuck me, more than 1700 years difference. How long, how fucking long have they had mankind for cattle. FUCK, fuuuu. Calm down Solis calm down.'
Just as I was thinking that, the voice of the blank-faced vampire sounded.
"We don't have anyone for livestock."
He said as he frowned and the others stiffened.
'Shit, he must have read my mind while I was upset.' He quickly sent more solar energy into my brain to prevent any more leaks.
"What are you talking about Edward?"
I asked the giant vampire.
"He thought we had humans like cattle."
This sentence seemed to irritate the vampire Rose and Edward himself, along with stiffening the others.
"Looks like there really was a misunderstanding here eh, we don't eat human blood. We feed on animal blood."
Said Carlisle
'Feed on animals, you think I'm going to buy that, a vampire feeding on something other than humans, heh, let me laugh '
"You want to joke? I've seen your kind, it's impossible for you to live without human blood, I've seen your cruelty, I know you don't eat human blood just because you need it to live, you enjoy it."
It seems this sentence angered the vampire named Rose even more as she had her fist raised as the giant vampire held her down.
I can hear how she was growling.
"Rose, calm down."
"Let me calm down! You heard him Carlisle! This bastard thinks we eat human blood Carlisle!"
Apparently, this situation didn't sit well with the pain-faced vampire, who now looked even more in pain.
"Carlisle, in this case Rose is right, this kid just said we eat human blood!"
Said the giant vampire.
"And I won't take it back, believing a vampire is a stupid act."
"Solis! Shut the hell up, and Rose, get a grip, you know not all vampires are like us and I know it's wrong to generalize, that's why, Solis, I'm asking you to understand, we really don't eat human blood a long, long time ago."
'A vampire ordering me!!!, who knew. But certainly, these vampires are different, their eyes are a different color, and they really seem to be refraining from attacking me, although the latter could be for any other reason. I suppose I should ask them about the eyes'
"I guess I was wrong, but I'd like to know why your eyes are a different color, I know vampires have red colors."
"Oh, that's because we don't eat human blood, it happens after a while".
'Hmmm, although I can't believe them, I will at least give them the benefit of the doubt'
"I see, it was nice to meet you guys, but I have to go"
'Oh, sorry Solis, but I don't think we'll be able to let you go'"
N.T.: this was much longer than necessary I think, I tried to make the dialogues trying to keep in mind the attitudes of the original characters and make it as logical as possible so it doesn't look like a plot armature but I'm not sure.