
Avatar of the Sun in Twilight [English]

A seal that houses part of the sun power, has a host who has been imprisoned a long, long time ago, although he doesn't know it since he just woke up. (This is an AU, the mc didn't transmigrate, it's not a harem and I don't know who will be the romantic interest, if everything goes well it will be 3 chapters a week although it can change depending on the situation. any criticism will be gladly accepted, but I ask you not to be so hard as it is the first time I write) (the rights belong to their respective creators, the cover image is not mine and I found it on pinterest, if the author bothers I will remove it without problems) (I'm not a native English speaker, and I'm using a translator so I'm sorry for any mistake)

duskesito · Movies
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24 Chs

Chapter 7: Trust

When he said that I got ready to fight at any moment. And the others were getting tense.

'I knew I shouldn't trust vampires.'

"Calm down Solis, it's not for the reason you think. Among vampires there are rules, and one of them is that a human isn't supposed to know of our existence."

"Rules? I'm pretty sure the only rule they had in my time was not to kill another vampire's mate"

"In your time?" I heard the smaller one ask.

I stiffened. Damn, I just said more than I should have.

While everyone was waiting for the answer, the vampire who was missing arrived with a plate of food and put it in front of me.

'A vampire cooking? What the hell happened while I was sleeping?

I stared at the food as I quickly thought of what to say.

'there's no other way, besides they listen to my heart and they must have already realized my uneasiness, I lose nothing by telling the truth.'

"Sigh... yeah, my time, about 1700 years ago. any problem?"

"Woah, so you've lived 1700 years, impressive, a human isn't supposed to live that long."

Said the smallest one, while the others were still processing that a human that biologically at least would have been alive 1700 years, or at least that's what you see on their faces.

"How did you do it?" asked Carlisle.

"What are you saying Carlisle. The question should be are you still human" Rose said sarcastically.

"I'm still human, so don't compare me to you. To answer your question Carlisle, I have been locked up in a cave near where you found me, I woke up from my confinement a short time ago."

It seems my sentence brought Rose's anger to a peak and so did the giant guy's, as he didn't bother to grab her when she shot off in my direction.

I quickly filled my hand with solar energy, and as she just attacked without thinking I could see that she wanted to hit me in the chest so I made a shield with solar energy at the place of impact.

Once I put my palm palm on her face I started to wonder if I should let her live.

'Am I really hesitating whether to kill a vampire? Just because I was told they don't eat human blood? How low will I go.'

As I started leaking some solar energy from my palm, I thought.

'Hell, I could kill her and fight the others, but I doubt I could survive, plus I need to know the state of humanity, if I die now and the seal seeks another host this one will take too long to be able to control the seal's powers and it will be a waste of time.'

Letting go of her to stop the others from continuing to approach me, and before long the giant guy was hugging her while growling at me like a rabid dog.

I get up from the seat and try to head towards the exit ignoring everyone, but I'm interrupted by Carlisle.

"You see Solis, young humans go to something called school, I can get you to go into that place as one of them and be with them, what do you say?" (I know Bella was 17 when the canon started, but was she in a school or college?)

'School? would that be where they lock the humans up? Although they said they don't eat human blood, they are not the only vampires in this world, if I go in, I can see what's going on with the humans and maybe get allies.'

"Ok, but what do you want, and what do I need to do to get in there?"

"Oh well, you'll have to stay for a month here since the entrance is already closed, get along better with my kids since they are also going to school and ehm well, new clothes."

Ignoring the new clothes thing and having to live with vampires for a month, I focus on the "my kids" thing, but what the fuck, isn't a vampire supposed to be able to have kids, although... if they're from the same coven... does he really see the members of his coven as kids?


The giant guy and the one called Rose are really annoying.

Although looking at the reactions, the most animated seems to be the little girl.

"It's not like I want to stay with you either, but it's okay Carlisle, I trust you."


N.T.: as I was writing this I was watching the movie again, when I realized that in the golden onion scene, Bella bites her lip too much, it looks like she is having an orgasm, it was very uncomfortable.

Well, on to the next thing, he really seems to have a plot armor, at least in this chapter, I'm sure the moment he took Rosalie, they would attack him without hesitation, but I need him to get along moderately well with part of the Canon, so I'm only left with the excuse of he's an AU XD.

And the last thing, now it will only be 1 chapter per day more or less, I only published 7 because I already had them prepared, and although I have more, I prefer to have chapters ahead of time to be able to review the previous ones.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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