
Astral Transcendence

[!] I stopped posting this story here. I just want to test it here, guess I didn't have great luck. Anyway, I'm working on to post my finished project on Royal Road.

Shyrlo · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs


"As I mentioned earlier, it's crucial not to underestimate the trial. Considering that, do you still believe you can defeat the troll now?"

Here comes the monotone lecture. I groaned.

I mustered a faint smile, though my facial muscles showed signs of exhaustion.

"Without a doubt, if I were to confront the troll head-on, I would perish instantly,"

Garen felt a mix of happiness and disappointment upon observing my physical abilities. He noticed several shortcomings and told me that my movements were cumbersome and sluggish, lacking the agility needed in combat.

Additionally, I was struggled to wield the sword effectively due to a lack of strength. My reactions were also slow compared to what might be expected in a skilled warrior.

However, "I acknowledged that these weaknesses were compensated by your sharp judgement and keen ability to assess situations. Despite your limitations, you already were considered average, or perhaps the best among those with similar abilities,"

"If there had been just one more goblin during that encounter, you would have undoubtedly met your end," To that credit, I had the same thoughts with the static-voice guy.

I sat beside the stream, savouring the taste of the cooked meat I had warmed over the fire. As the sun grew hotter, I had the foresight to create a makeshift shelter using large tree leaves and long sticks as a canopy, with a massive boulder providing a protective wall from the scorching rays.

Who would have thoughts my camping knowledge was applied in a dream.

i then took a well-deserved two-hour rest under this shelter, allowing time for the food to digest, during which I delved into deep contemplation.

Observing my struggle with hunting the goblin, Garen kindly offered a few helpful tips and advice to aid me in my quest.

"It appears you're curious about how to hunt the goblin. I can certainly share the strategies used by previous players,"

"Oh, sure,"

"Another effective method, employed by numerous players, is creating a trap using honey fruit as bait. However, it's worth noting that setting up such a trap requires a substantial amount of time and effort,"

"What do you think? I would recommend it,"

"I'll give it some thought about it for a while," I replied wearily.

I prefers to kill them in one blow without much effort. Something that could sweep them all with a flick of a finger.

"As if that is possible," I tried to find a way for that.

Another hour elapsed, followed by two, and then three, yet I remained nestled near my shelter, hardly budging.

I dedicated this time solely to resting. Occasionally, when I felt thirsty, I made my way to the nearby stream to keep my body hydrated.

My attire also offered a slight healing factor, aiding in the recovery of sore muscles and bruises, only to a minor extent.

Ever since then, I haven't made any drastic moves. Garen couldn't help but wonder if I had given up on actively hunting the monster and instead chosen to focus on surviving to collect points.

He must have thought that it appeared that the previous encounter had made me realize my limitations. I chuckled at this thoughts. Too bad, we'll see.

As the sun began to set, the forest succumbed to the embrace of night. I had managed to survive for 11 hours in the trial, with 25 more hours still remaining.

However, the night shouldn't be underestimated, as the goblins relied on their acute hearing to hunt in the tranquillity of darkness, compensating for their lack of sight.

Players had to exercise caution with any light sources, as trolls were highly sensitive to light. The best approach was to avoid lighting anything at all or find a well-covered spot to conceal any light.

So I had not thought of lighting anything up. I stared at the night sky, counting the stars. Another few hours passed and I was making sure I didn't accidentally fall asleep.

Tread! Tread! Tread!

So…It finally came here.

I said that in my head as I had been waiting for this moment from the very beginning.

After long hours of rest, my heart began to beat the same rhythm of the earlier battle.

< Time Remaining: 23:46:32 >

< Player: Reynold Dixon >

< Points Accumulated: (130) >

I calmly walked out of the shelter. Firmly gripping the hilt of my sword, calmly unsheathed the sword from the scabbard. My heart was beating with excitement.

"Hey, green shit, what took you so long to come?"

These goblins would also roam around looking for resources and needs. The goblins ventured out to collect water, utilizing the small pouches attached around their waists for this purpose. These pouches were crafted from animal skins. I was even able to confirm it with my eyes when I had ambushed the goblin camp.

Hence, a plan formed in my mind – I decided to remain by the stream and patiently wait for the goblins to come and collect water, anticipating the perfect opportunity to strike. In this way, I didn't need to waste my energy looking for them.

"You guys are pretty cheeky aren't ya?"

They prefer to wander around at night since it is more relaxed and calming. So that they can use their hearing sense to their full potential.

However, I didn't anticipate encountering just one goblin. I had expected to face at least two of them. Despite being in close proximity and staring at the goblin, I tried concealing myself, ensuring not to make any sound that might give away my presence.

The goblin seemed to be unable to detect my presence. It was also probably due to the sound of the stream flowing.

No, he definitely knows I was here. It's just that he doesn't know approximately where I'm standing. He's persuading me to attack him first by letting his guard down.

Okay. I'll play your game.

"Hurried up. Pull out your dagger," I playfully draw a circle in the air with the tips of my sword.

Upon hearing those words, the goblin's instincts kicked in, and it instinctively drew its dagger.

It directly faced the source of the sound, sensing potential danger nearby.

This one possessed a sharper sense of hearing compared to the one I had encountered earlier.

I swiftly grabbed one of the daggers I had and hurled it at the goblin, all while dashing towards the creature.

Prior to that, I had also picked up a few things from the ground. However, the goblin effortlessly dodged the incoming dagger, evading my attack.

"That was a pathetic throw. Damn it!"

Frustrated with my feeble throw, I cursed under my breath. "I really should work out my arm at least once a month," I scolded myself.

As I charged towards the goblin, I decided to try a different approach and hurled something other than the dagger.

This time, I threw the pebbles that I had picked up with force. The pebbles flew in various directions, raining down on the ground as I has attempted to distract and disorient the goblin.

Cluck! Click! Cluck!

The goblin's forehead became crude and its ears twitched.

I lunged at the goblin, swinging my sword with precision, targeting its throat. However, the goblin narrowly avoided the attack by rolling on the ground, escaping by the skin of its cheeks.

Refusing to give the goblin a moment to recover, I acted swiftly and delivered a powerful kick to the creature's face.

With swift and decisive action, I brought my sword down, piercing the goblin's stomach and ending its life in one lethal strike.


"Hey, just shut the fuck up when you died!!"

I sealed its jaw by kicking it hard and closing its mouth by pushing its mandibular jaw with my feet, ensuring the creature wouldn't be able to scream any further.

The goblin convulsed briefly before finally coming to a complete stop. Exhausted, I caught my breath, as the toll of each intense battle weighed heavily on me.

"These goblins, can't they just die quietly?"

I pulled my sword from the dead body. Blood oozed and covered the ground around it. I had gotten accustomed to the goblin's attack pattern.

[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have earned 5 points!]

"Great. Now, I can begin my first experiment."



I grinned widely as I placed the goblin's dead body onto a boulder near the stream.

Shit, it hasn't reached an hour but this dead body already drew out a stench foul-smelling.

The others would probably reach here soon.

In preparation for the worst-case scenario, I had already packed my items to immediately escape from this area.

"Ahem, out of curiosity. What are you trying to do now?" Garen asked.

"Experiment," I answered monotone.

"For what?"

"To kill the troll and the goblins in one strike,"

Drawing from my knowledge of the game, I was well aware of trolls and goblins' vulnerability to fire. Thinking quickly, I gathered the torches I had made earlier while resting and the bowl filled with Honey Fruit juices by peeling and poking its inner.

I poured all the juice liquid onto the goblin's lifeless form, and then brought the torches closer to the body.

In an instant, a massive blaze erupted, engulfing the stone boulder and the goblin's corpse.

The flames consumed the body entirely, reducing it to ashes, ensuring there would be no chance of it coming back to life. I stood back, watching the fire's fierce dance.

"It worked!" I was beaming with pride and self-satisfaction.

During my college days, I came across information regarding ultra-sugary food capable of igniting flames instantly.

Having recalled the fact, I decided to experiment with the honey fruit, known for its high sugar content.

Garen, who had observed the entire scene, was astounded. Just as excitement surged through me, a multitude of birds suddenly took flight from the distant trees.

It's coming. Time to leave this place.

I dashed away from the approaching danger, heading in the opposite direction. I sought refuge behind a massive tree and concealed myself among the bushes.

As I had predicted, the troll emerged into view. Its imposing figure showcased a massive back and boulder-like shoulders, standing an impressive 2 meters tall.

Its form is even uglier than the goblins.

The troll headed towards the huge flame. When it was close enough, he sniffed with its dreadful nose.

This troll probably had better smelling sense than the goblin.

Without much thought, I turned around and ran into the forest. Since the troll didn't have any handicapped on them, it was better not to confront it head-on.

For now, I had achieved my goal. I also did get a good look at that ugly creature troll with my own eyes.

After escaping far away, I spent most of the night at the top of the tree branches. I was searching for as many honey fruits as I could.

The sky was still dark. I bided my time with patience, as I had already finished gathering a lot of honey fruits, readying myself for this pivotal moment.

This was the perfect time for me to execute this plan.

Let the grand execution commence!! Knowledge is power!!

Shyrlocreators' thoughts