
[Playing With Fire]

During gathering the fruits, I came across goblins, but rather than engaging in a fight, I evaded them, preserving my stamina for the crucial task of setting up a trap I had devised.

Once I had collected all the fruits, I began extracting their juice, focusing on creating a substantial amount of highly flammable liquid.

After a few minutes, I was successful in producing a lot of it. I knew that this was the key to my plan's success.

I ventured into the woods and began assembling the trap. I poured the flammable liquid in a large circle, strategically encompassing myself and the nearby trees.

Ensuring this location would serve as the ideal gathering point for gathering all of the monsters in one place.

I'm betting my life on this. It will work—no, it must. No matter what.

The final component of this trap was the soil I discovered nearby. I poured some water onto it. After a brief wait, I bathed myself in the mud. As I immersed myself in the mud, the sensation of the cool, squelchy mud enveloping my body.

The earthy aroma that surrounded me further deepened my connection to nature, making me feel grounded and disgusted.

The gritty texture of the mud irritated my skin, and I cringed at the thought of the mud's potential to leave behind a mess that would be challenging to clean. This is should be where I wake up from a dream.

However, I endured the uncomfortable feeling and abandoned any common sense. All for the purpose of making my vision come true.

This Is sickening. But now, all set to go.

I stands amongst the towering trees in the forest, a sense of calm before the storm washed over me.

The air is cool and crisp, I can hear the gentle rustling of leaves as a light breeze passes through. The sun will soon rise.

I had also dipped and wiped my sharp-edged sword with the juice liquids. As the first hint of lights appears on the horizon, I notices the bird around me begin to stir.

The tree around me started to take on a soft golden glow and the shadows began to fade away.

The forest floor that was spilled over the liquids gradually bathed in a warm light. Signify that it was finally the time for the showdown.

I took a deep deep breath. Whatever the outcome, I was ready to accept it.

In the distance, at the edge of the forest, a menacing horde of goblins emerged from the shadows, followed by a troll.

As they drew nearer, the ground beneath them seemed to tremble in fear. Their grotesque figures were a frightful sight, with twisted limbs and gnarled features that exuded a sense of malevolence.

The goblins emitted guttural growls, akin to ferocious beasts, and their sinister laughter sent chills down the spines of all who heard it.

The clattering of their crude weapons and the rustling of their tattered clothing created an unsettling symphony of chaos and terror.

The moment the troll and a group of goblins emerged at the scene, I recognized the opportune moment to set my plan in motion.

Swiftly, the troll unknowingly stepped on the flammable liquid, causing it to immediately crouch down and lick the juice off the ground.

The goblins were still having their guard up and scouting their vicinity. Their pointed ears twitched at every rustle of leaves, attuned to the faintest of sounds.

I observed their vigilance from a concealed vantage point, understanding the importance of patience in this critical moment.

Any careless move could ruin this laid trap. As the goblins continued to survey the area, I suppressed any hint of anxiety, focusing solely on the execution of my plan.

Not yet.

The tension in the air was palpable, and every passing second felt like an eternity. My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for the right moment to strike.

The success of this mission hinged on catching the goblins unaware.

One by one, the number of the goblins kneeling down licking the sweet ground gradually increased.

This is what I was chasing after, my grip tightened up as I was ready to pounce at the precise moment.

As the goblins and the troll continued their salivary-mopping job, little did they know that they were inching closer and closer to their impending doom.

Currently faced with seven goblins and a troll, I contemplated waiting for more of them to arrive, hoping to ensnare a larger number in this trap.

However, a sense of urgency gnawed at me, warning that any delay might expose my plan, giving the goblins a chance to detect the deception.

Resolving to act swiftly, I seized the moment without hesitation. In a split second, I ignited the ground with the torch, and a blaze erupted, engulfing the area in a fiery inferno.

The sudden burst of flames caught the goblins and the troll completely off guard, and their panicked screams filled the air as they desperately rolled and flailed on the ground, trying to extinguish the consuming blaze.

In their chaotic attempt to escape, the goblins inadvertently stepped on the flammable liquid, igniting the flames further and causing them to unwittingly spread the fire wherever they ran.

I watched with a sense of satisfaction pumped up all over my body.

With the goblins and troll consumed by panic and confusion, my mind raced, formulating my next move.

I needed to act swiftly and decisively to capitalize on their vulnerability. As the flames danced around them, casting an eerie glow on their terror-stricken faces, I steeled myself.

The huge flame towering the sky. Some of the goblins escaped from the flaming ground, but I didn't give them the slightest chance of running away.

I dashed towards them and slashed their throats without a second thought.

[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have earned 5 points!]

[You have earned 5 points!]

As I locked my eyes on the troll emerging from the fiery blaze, I couldn't help but be transfixed by the horrifying sight before me.

The once imposing creature now stood engulfed in roaring flames, its massive form writhing in agony as the fire hungrily devoured its flesh and skin. The searing heat twisted and contorted the troll's body, as if it were a grotesque dance of agony. The acrid scent of burning flesh filled the air, assaulting my senses.

The troll's gut-wrenching screams pierced through the crackling flames, echoing in the desolate surroundings.

The flames greedily licked at the troll's skin. I recognized that I had little choice but to confront the danger head-on.

Dammit, it's too hot.

With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I made a swift and daring move. I thrust my sword into the fiery wall, the flames enveloping the blade and illuminating it with an ethereal glow.

"This is the correct way of how you should play with fire." I grinned.

With the ignited sword in hand, I charged headlong toward the hulking troll. My heart pounded in my chest as I focused on the creature's right leg, aiming to incapacitate it and gain an advantage in the intense battle.


My strike connected with the troll's limb, but despite my precise aim, the cut was disappointingly shallow.

The troll roared in pain and fury, but its formidable constitution seemed to resist the full impact of the blow.

"Shit, not good. It's tougher than I thought."

I quickly assessed the situation, realizing that taking down this monstrous foe would require more than a single, straightforward attack.

As the troll regained its balance, I maintained a calculated distance, evaluating its movements and searching for an opening.

"Come on Reynold, that thing is already at disadvantages. Kill it before it chunks you alive,"

Think! Think Think! There's got to be a way.

As the troll's colossal hand came crashing down with devastating force, I evaded the attack, swiftly retreating to a safe distance.

The flames had clearly taken their toll on the creature, hampering its once formidable movements.

The troll's lumbering strikes were slower and less coordinated, providing me with a window of opportunity.

"Ah, found it,"

Seizing the advantage, I gathered my courage and launched another offensive. My sword gleamed in the fiery glow as I aimed straight for the troll's right eye.

The beast, now struggling to defend itself, was momentarily caught off guard by my audacious maneuver.

With a burst of determination, I thrust my sword forward.


"Now, you and your small fella share some similarities. Go blind mothe—"

The blade found its mark, sinking deep into the troll's eye socket. A guttural roar of agony erupted from the creature's throat as it recoiled in unbearable pain.

Yet, the colossal still managed to swing its huge hand at me while I was laughing like a maniac and I just barely avoided it.

The troll clutched at its wounded eye, attempting to remove the sword. The injury had dealt a significant blow to the massive creature, causing it to stagger and lose its footing.

Despite its immense size and strength, the troll now appeared vulnerable and disoriented.

A blood-curdling scream erupted from the creature, surpassing even the spine-chilling shrieks of the goblins.

The beast thrashed in agony, its massive arms flailing wildly and without direction. Seizing the opportunity, I capitalized on the troll's momentary vulnerability.

With remarkable agility, I pushed against the creature, utilizing its impaired balance to my advantage.

The troll, still dazed and reeling from the excruciating pain, stumbled backward.

The creature's own momentum propelled it backward, inching closer to the scorching inferno wall.

As the troll fell close to the fiery barrier, I acted with swift precision. I pulled my sword from the troll's orbicularis oculi — the eye socket now oozing blood and gore.

The sound of the sword being freed was accompanied by an unsettling squelch.

The creature let out another gut-wrenching bellow as its body collided with the searing inferno, the flames enveloping its charred form.

[You have killed a troll!]

[You have earned 20 points!]

I watched the bewitching scenery of a flame wall that was trying to reach the sky. The heat emanating from the inferno was intense, causing me to be drenched in sweat, my skeletal frame trembling with exhaustion and adrenaline.

Though the other surviving goblins might have fled into the safety of the woods, I had no intention of pursuing them.

The trap I had meticulously prepared had yielded the desired results. I had achieved my objective without having to chase them down.

However, the toll of the battle weighed on me.

[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have killed a goblin!]

[You have earned 5 points!]

[You have earned 5 points!]

"What? But how– Oh, It must be the one that escaped. Seemed like they didn't manage to put down the fire," I tried to chuckled but couldn't.

I decided it was time to leave the scene. The intensity of the battle had taken a huge toll this time on my weary body, more than my first and second battle.

My skeletal frame seemed to waver with every step, my legs wiggling beneath me as the exhaustion from the numerous sprints and dashes weighed heavily.

I gazed towards the sky above.

< Time Remaining: 9:43:35 >

"Tch. This is going to be the longest 10 hours ever in my life,"

I moved on, seeking a safer and more secluded spot to rest and recuperate. The adrenaline that had fueled me during the fiery encounter now ebbed away, leaving me with a bone-deep weariness that seemed to permeate every fiber of my being.

As I trudged through the desolate landscape, my body seemed to protest with every step, yet I pressed forward.

"A little bit more. This isn't far away yet,"

I was staring at the overcast sky. From afar, I can still see the smoke coming from the place where I had lit the towering fire.

Now, I'm starting to doubt that this is a dream.

In the distance, I spotted a secluded grove, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. It beckoned to me, offering a temporary respite.

I directed my faltering steps towards the sheltering embrace of the grove, my mind set on finding a moment of solace amidst the chaos.

After long minutes of walking, I finally settled into the comforting embrace of the grove, I allowed myself a moment of reprieve. The heaviness in my bones subsided, and the rhythmic rustling of the leaves overhead seemed to lull me into a sense of calm.

I have managed to defeat a troll and seven goblins, bringing my total tally to ten goblins eliminated. However, there are still two trolls and ten goblins remaining to be dealt with. Can I do it?

However, I wasn't able to contemplate that thought as I surrendered to the weariness that enveloped me, allowing myself to drift into much-needed rest.

Garen watched me as I had succumbed to drowsiness.

"Reynold Dixon, what a peculiar player you are—" He stopped before continued.

"—Despite not possessing the typical traits and physique of a warrior, you have managed to defy the odds. I can assert with confidence that, ever since I was in charge of this duty, nobody else surpasses you in the art of surprising me,"

"Yeah, yeah. Save that compliment later. I'm waking up from this dream," I closed my eyes as my breath slowing down.

This isn't the time to rest now, Reynold! The looming danger is creeping closer to you.

Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter. Please, leave a review about my story for me. I really enjoy reading it. And also [Garen ordered you to leave the powerstone behind, as your support on this fable]

Again, thanks everyone!

Shyrlocreators' thoughts
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