
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Soaring through the skies 

The conference room was dimly lit, with only a few fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling providing illumination. The walls were made out of raw, uncovered brick and bare metal frames, giving the room a stark and uninviting feel. The only decoration was a hand-drawn map of the Ironclad's territory that took up an entire wall The map depicted the Ironclad's vast territories, from the lush forests of the East to the barren deserts of the West.

The conference room was filled with the thick smoke from the division commanders, who were all smoking their cigars or cigarettes. The division commanders were representatives of various divisions within the Empire's military and were reviewing and arguing over the profiles of examinees who had passed the enlistment standards. These examinees were the best of the best, chosen from thousands of applicants to participate in the rigorous training and exams required to join the Empire's special forces.

The division commanders were all young men, with most of them being in their late twenties or early thirties. They were all dressed in their military uniforms, adorned with various medals and badges, indicating their rank and accomplishments. They sat around a long conference table, their faces serious and focused as they looked over the profiles of the examinees.

Jinn's profile was among the many that were being passed around the table. His profile was marked with a special insignia, indicating that he was a special case. The division commanders of both the Dragon Division and the Nocturnal Division claimed Jinn's profile and said that he would join their team. Both argued with each other over Jinn, each claiming that their division would be the best fit for him.

The Dragon Division was known for their fierce and powerful soldiers, who were trained to take on the toughest and most dangerous missions. They were the elite of the elite, and only the strongest and most skilled soldiers were allowed to join their ranks. The commander of the Dragon Division, General Ryuu, was a fierce and imposing figure, with a reputation for being one of the toughest and most demanding leaders in the military.

The Nocturnal Division, on the other hand, was known for its ability to quickly and efficiently occupy enemy territory through guerilla tactics and quick confrontation. Their other specialty was infiltrating enemy territories and gathering intelligence, allowing them to strike at the enemy from within.

The commander of the Nocturnal Division, General Owlen, was a shrewd and calculating leader, known for his cunning and resourcefulness. He had a reputation as one of the most skilled military leaders in the United Provinces of Ironclad. His strategic mindset, coupled with the division's expertise in covert operations, made them a formidable force on the battlefield.

Their ability to strike quickly and unexpectedly often caught their enemies off guard, giving them the upper hand in many battles. Their reputation preceded them, and the mere mention of the Nocturnal Division was enough to strike fear in the hearts of their enemies.

Both General Ryuu and General Owlen had their eyes set on Jinn, and they were determined to recruit him to their respective divisions. As the argument between the division commanders of Dragon Division and Nocturnal Division continued to escalate, the room grew increasingly tense. The other division commanders watched on with interest, eager to see which team would come out victorious in the battle for Jinn's profile.

Dragon Division's commander, General Ryuu, argued that Jinn's unique fighting style and raw power made him a perfect fit for their team. He claimed that with proper training and guidance, Jinn could become one of their most valuable assets on the battlefield.

On the other hand, Nocturnal Division's commander, General Owlen, argued that Jinn's adaptability and ability to think on his feet made him a valuable asset for their team. He pointed out that Jinn's unorthodox fighting style would give them an edge in unpredictable situations, and that his resourcefulness would make him a valuable asset in reconnaissance and infiltration missions.

As the argument went back and forth, it became clear that both division commanders were unwilling to back down. The room was filled with the sound of raised voices as each commander made their case for why Jinn should join their team.

In the end, the decision was made by the highest-ranking officer in the room, who sided with General Owlen and the Nocturnal Division. While General Ryuu and the Dragon Division were disappointed, they knew that the decision was final and couldn't be changed.

Jinn slowly opened his eyes, his vision still blurry from the aftermath of the berserker state. He blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the light in the room. He tried to sit up, but a wave of pain washed over him, causing him to groan in agony. He looked around the room, realizing that he was in the recovery room of the barracks. He sat up, rubbing his temples and trying to remember how he got here. The last thing he remembered was vomiting blood after staying in the berserker state for too long.

He lay back down, taking deep breaths to try and steady himself. After a few minutes, a female military nurse walked in, her arms crossed in front of her chest. She had a cold expression on her face, but there was a hint of concern in her eyes.

"Welcome back," she said in a monotone voice. "You've been in here for one day. I'm going to need you to get dressed and leave as soon as possible. There are others waiting to use this room."

Jinn sat up, he noticed his clothes folded neatly on a nearby chair and quickly got dressed, feeling a sense of urgency to leave.

As he walked out of the recovery room, he saw Henry waiting for him in the hallway. The man had a polite smile on his face, but Jinn could sense a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Welcome back, child," Henry said warmly. "I trust you had a good rest?"

Jinn nodded, still feeling a bit groggy from the healing liquid. "Yes, thank you," he said, his voice still raspy.

"Excellent," Henry said, his smile widening. "I have some good news for you. The Nocturnal Division has accepted you as a member. Congratulations."

Jinn's eyes widened in surprise. He had never expected to be accepted by such a prestigious division. "Thank you," he said, feeling a sense of pride and gratitude.

"Of course," Henry said. "You have three days to prepare before reporting to the Division's headquarters," Henry continued. "I'm sure you'll do well, Jinn. You have a bright future ahead of you."

"Now let's go back to one of Master Theodore Ironhand's residences." Henry said.

Jinn nodded and followed Henry out of the barracks and into a waiting car. As they drove, Henry filled Jinn in on the details of Theodore Ironhand's residence. "It's a beautiful place, surrounded by gardens. The house itself isn't huge, but it's cozy and comfortable. Theodore Ironhand uses it as a place to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city."

As they pulled up to the house, Jinn couldn't help but be impressed. The gardens were immaculately kept, with perfectly trimmed bushes and trees. The house itself was a traditional-style home, with sliding doors and a thatched roof.

Henry led Jinn inside, where they were greeted by a housekeeper. "Welcome, sirs," she said, bowing deeply. "I will prepare your rooms and bring you some refreshments."

Jinn was shown to his room, which was simple but elegant. The bed was low to the ground and covered with a futon, and there were sliding doors that led out to a small garden.

As he settled into the house, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and relaxation wash over him. He knew that this would be the perfect place to rest and recover before beginning his training with the Nocturnal Division.

Jinn took a deep breath and looked around the house, taking in the beauty of the gardens that surrounded the property. The gardens were meticulously maintained, with each tree and bush trimmed to perfection. The sound of a small waterfall could be heard in the distance, adding to the peaceful ambiance of the place.

"Mr Henry, this is amazing," Jinn said as he turned to Henry. "I can't believe master Theodore Ironhand has a place like this."

Henry smiled and nodded. "Yes, Master Theodore has several properties like this. He believes that it's important for his soldiers to have a place to rest and recover before and after missions. He wants to ensure that they are well taken care of, both physically and mentally."

Jinn nodded, understanding the importance of rest and recovery in the life of a soldier. He knew that the training with the Nocturnal Division would be intense and demanding, and he was grateful for the opportunity to rest and recover before diving into it.

"I'll take you on a tour of the house and gardens," Henry said, gesturing for Jinn to follow him. "We have a few hours before dinner, so you can take your time and explore."

Jinn followed Henry as he showed him around the house, pointing out the different rooms and features. The house was spacious, with large windows that let in plenty of natural light. There were several guest rooms, a large living room, and a fully equipped kitchen.

As they walked through the gardens, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. The gardens were like something out of a dream, with beautiful flowers, trees, and sculptures. There were even small ponds and streams, filled with colorful fish and frogs.

"This is truly a paradise," Jinn said, looking around in amazement.

"Yes, it is," Henry agreed. "And it's all yours for the next few days. Enjoy your stay, and let us know if there is anything you need."

Jinn thanked Henry and promised to take good care of the house. He knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and he was determined to make the most of it.

Jinn spent the next few days exploring the gardens, reading, and resting.

As Jinn explored the gardens, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. Each garden was unique and carefully crafted, with intricate designs and a variety of plants and flowers. He marveled at the intricate rock gardens, the tranquil koi ponds, and the lush green bamboo groves. He spent hours wandering through the gardens, taking in the sights and sounds of nature, and feeling a sense of calm and serenity wash over him.

Jinn also took advantage of his time in the house to catch up on his reading. He spent hours in the library, poring over books on military strategy, tactics, and history. He was determined to be as prepared as possible for his training with the Nocturnal Division, and he knew that knowledge would be key to his success.

As he read and explored the gardens, Jinn also took time to rest and recover. He knew that his body had been through a lot, and he needed to give it time to heal. He spent hours lying in bed, resting and meditating, allowing his body to heal and rejuvenate.

As the days passed, Jinn felt his body already heal and rejuvenate. He knew that he was ready to begin his training with the Nocturnal Division.

It was a bright and sunny day as Jinn was led by Henry out of the residence and back into the inner barracks by car. The sound of marching soldiers and the bustle of training echoed in the background as they walked. Henry seemed deep in thought, as if he were going over something important in his mind.

As they reached the inner barracks, Henry introduced Jinn to a middle-aged soldier standing at attention by the entrance. The soldier had a strong and imposing presence, with a stern expression on his face. He was dressed in the standard brown uniform of the Nocturnal Division, with a white beret perched on his head.

"Jinn, this is Colonel Marcus," Henry said, gesturing towards the soldier. "He will be your guide during your time with the Nocturnal Division."

"Colonel Marcus!" Although it wasn't perfect enough, Jinn gave him a military salute.

"Welcome to the Nocturnal Division, Rookie," he said with a smile.

Colonel Marcus then turned to Henry and asked, "Brother Henry, why aren't you at Headmaster Theodore Ironhand's side, attending him?"

Henry let out a small chuckle. "I had to run a personal errand," he replied. "I couldn't help but take care of it myself. Trust me, Colonel Marcus, you won't be disappointed with this recruit."

Colonel Marcus looked at Jinn with renewed interest, as if seeing him for the first time. He nodded his head in understanding, and turned to Jinn and the two other female recruits who had joined them. "Alright, let's get moving. We have a long journey ahead of us."

The group followed Colonel Marcus as he led them to a large airship parked nearby. The airship was unlike anything Jinn had ever seen before. It was shaped like a bird, with a large wing-like structure spanning from one end to the other. The joints of the outer shell were painted a striking white, and there were no other features other than the mechanical cabin.

As they entered the airship, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and excitement. The interior of the cabin was spacious and equipped for combat, with a row of shelves for weapons and backpacks, and enough room for unhindered movement or even close combat. This airship was a clear indication of the wealth and impressiveness of the Nocturnal Division.

Colonel Marcus gestured for them to take their seats, and as they fastened their seat belts, he turned to them with a serious expression. "Welcome aboard the Nocturnalis, rookies. This airship will be your home for the next few days as we travel to the Nocturnal Division headquarters."

Jinn listened intently as Colonel Marcus spoke, feeling a sense of determination and excitement wash over him. He knew that this was the beginning of a new chapter in his life, and he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the airship took off and soared into the sky, Jinn couldn't help but grip his seat tightly as the whole airship shook aggressively. The powerful engines roared as the airship gained altitude, causing the cabin to vibrate and rattle. Despite the intense shaking, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and thrill wash over him.

But Jinn couldn't help but sense the discomfort of the two female youths sitting next to him. He noticed them gripping their seats tightly, their faces contorted in a mixture of fear and nausea.

He leaned over and gently asked, "Is everything alright?" "Can I help in any way?" The two females shook their heads, unable to speak. Jinn could sense that they were trying their best to hold back their nausea. He knew that he couldn't do much to help them, so he decided to give them some space and turned his attention to the excitement of finally beginning his training with the Nocturnal Division. But it wasn't long before the two females couldn't take it anymore, and they vomited, rendering Jinn speechless.

As the airship passed by the Great Barren Mountain of Ironclad, Jinn couldn't help but stare in awe at the massive peak looming in the distance. It was said that the Ironclad Continent was home to some of the most dangerous magical creatures in the world, and the thought of one day facing them in battle filled Jinn with a sense of trepidation and excitement.

As the airship landed near the Nocturnal headquarters, Jinn's heart was pounding with anticipation. The headquarters were located near the southern side of the Ironclad continent, and it was said that the building was a marvel of architectural and technological brilliance. But before Jinn could even get a glimpse of the headquarters, they were stopped by Colonel Marcus.

Jinn's heart sank as Colonel Marcus handed them each a bucket and a sponge. "You will be cleaning the entire transportation cabin, as well as the inside, outside, above, and below the airship. The goal is to make everything spotless. And let me be clear, rookies, this is not an optional task. Until the mission is completed, there will be no food or sleep."

Jinn's initial excitement was quickly replaced with a sense of dread as he realized the enormity of the task at hand. But he knew that he had to push through, for the sake of his training and the Nocturnal Division.

For the next three days, Jinn and the other two rookies scrubbed and cleaned until their hands were raw and their bodies ached. The vomit in the cabin was bad enough, but the grease stains were the hardest things to handle. Despite being given detergent specifically meant for cleaning old grease, a large bucket of water was needed for every little spot. The three of them carried water back and forth, scrubbing away until their arms felt like they were going to fall off.

As they cleaned, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the other two rookies, despite their initial discomfort with each other. They were all in this together, and the shared sense of hardship and determination brought them closer together.

Finally, after three days of hard work, the mission was complete. The airship sparkled in the sunlight, and Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. But as they entered the dorm room, Jinn couldn't even smell the heavy scent of grease on his body anymore. All he could think about was the warm bed and the sound of his own breathing as he fell into a deep sleep.

On the fourth day, Jinn was abruptly awakened by the sound of someone pounding on his door. He groggily opened his eyes, trying to shake off the last remnants of sleep as he stumbled out of bed. The sound of the knocking grew louder, and he knew he had to act fast. He rushed to the door and yanked it open, revealing an imposing figure standing on the other side.

The man was tall, at least two metres and thirty or so centimetres in height, with a muscular physique and a thick moustache on his face. He looked down at Jinn, who felt small and insignificant in comparison. "Wake up already, rookie!" the man barked. "How long do you plan to keep on sleeping?"

Jinn's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. He quickly saluted the man, trying to show respect and deference. "Yes, sir!" he said, trying to sound as confident as possible.

The man's frown deepened as he looked Jinn up and down. "Go wash up; get rid of that stench of engine oil on you!" he ordered. "You have five minutes."

Jinn nodded quickly and turned to head for the bathroom. He could feel the man's eyes boring into his back as he walked away, and he knew that he had to act fast. He rushed into the bathroom and quickly stripped off his clothes.

He turned on the water and jumped into the shower, scrubbing himself clean as fast as he could. He could feel the smell of engine oil slowly dissipating as the hot water hit his skin. He didn't waste any time and washed himself from head to toe in under three minutes. He quickly got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around himself before running back to his room.

Gareth Barn was waiting outside, tapping his foot impatiently. Jinn could tell he was not impressed by the time it took him to shower, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he handed Jinn a new uniform. "This is your standard uniform," he said. "Put it on and let's go."

Jinn quickly got dressed, taking note of the owl badge on the uniform. He felt a sense of pride and belonging as he put it on. As he walked out of the room, he saw Gareth Barn waiting for him with a stern look on his face.

"Listen up, rookie." From now on, you will be a part of my Owl Battalion. You'll be trained, equipped, and sent on missions with us. "Do you understand?" Gareth Barn spoke, his voice firm and commanding.

"Yes, sir!" Jinn replied, giving a quick salute.

"Good. "Now, come with me; we have a lot to do today."

Jinn followed Gareth Barn as he led him out of the temporary barracks and into the main encampment of Nocturnal's official headquarters. The building was massive and imposing, with tall towers and large, imposing gates. Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he looked at it, knowing that this was where some of the most elite soldiers in the continent trained and worked.

Gareth Barn led him to a parking lot and got into a small jeep, motioning for Jinn to get in as well.

As they drove to the arms depot, Gareth Barn continued to give Jinn more information about the Owl Battalion and what to expect as a part of it. "The Owl Battalion is known for its precision and stealth, and we're the best at taking out high-value targets." "It's not an easy job, but it's a damn important one," Gareth Barn said, his voice filled with pride.

Soon, they arrive at the arms depot, where Gareth Barn roars at the staff to give him a set of standard equipment and sniper gear. They quickly complied, throwing a huge backpack and a black briefcase out of a window. Gareth Barn caught them with ease and thanked the staff before turning to Jinn.

"Alright, rookie. This is your equipment. It's not the best, but it'll do the job. "Make sure you take good care of it," he said, handing over the backpack and briefcase to Jinn.

Jinn took the equipment, feeling the weight of it in his hands. He knew that it was a big responsibility, and he was determined to make sure that he used it to the best of his abilities. He looked up at Gareth Barn and nodded, "Yes, sir." I'll take good care of it."

Gareth Barn gave a gruff nod and turned to leave. "Come on, let's get you to your room." You'll be staying in the owl's barracks from now on. "I'll show you around and introduce you to the rest of the team."

Jinn followed closely behind as they made their way to the Owl's barracks. Along the way, as they passed by the Bat's barracks, he couldn't help but notice the difference. The Bat's barracks were well-maintained, with brand new vehicles parked outside and a bustling atmosphere, while the Owl's barracks seemed run-down and poorly maintained in comparison.

"Don't let the appearance of our barracks fool you, rookie," Gareth Barn said, noticing the look on Jinn's face. "We may not have the shiny toys and luxuries that the Bat Battalion has, but we make up for it with our skill, determination, and loyalty to each other." "We are a tight-knit group, and we will do whatever it takes to protect our comrades and complete our mission."

Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for the grizzled officer. He could see the passion and dedication in his eyes, and he knew that he would have to work hard to earn the trust and respect of his fellow soldiers.

As they entered the barracks, Gareth Barn began introducing Jinn to the rest of the team. They were a rough bunch, with scars and battle wounds to prove their experience, but Jinn could see the camaraderie and sense of loyalty between them. He knew that it would be a tough journey, but he was ready for the challenge. He would work hard and become the best soldier he could be, no matter what obstacles he faced.