
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

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24 Chs

The reality and truth

As Jinn settled into his new surroundings, he quickly came to understand the unique system of the Nocturnal Division. Each soldier was assigned individual points, and each battalion had its own set of points. These points were earned through completing various missions, and could be traded in for equipment and materials. The Division's headquarters was responsible for providing basic supplies, but battalions were expected to come up with their own methods of acquiring additional resources.

Despite being part of the same division, the differences between the battalions were immense. The differences between the Owl and Bat battalions, for example, were vast, and even the abilities of their commanders were subject to comparison.

Other divisions in the Ironclad, especially special units, were eager to imitate Nocturnal's methods. They were seen as a way to effectively manage a unit and ensure success on the battlefield.

Gareth Barn, Jinn's commanding officer, led him to his new room within the Owl encampment. "This is where you'll be staying," he said, "It's not too crowded here, so you'll have plenty of space to yourself." He paused before continuing, "Get a good night's rest, tomorrow marks the start of your life as a rookie."

The word "rookie" resonated in Jinn's mind. He now knew that it held a special meaning within the Division. In Nocturnal, newly recruited soldiers were considered rookies for their first two years. However, in Jinn's case, he was still just a young boy at the age of almost 10.

He was told that he would have to wait another 6 years before qualifying to be promoted to "Civil Dusk" and being considered a true member of the Division, capable of taking on missions independently. The long wait ahead of him would be filled with intense training and preparation, but Jinn was determined to make the most of his time and become the best soldier he could be.

The ranks within the Division went, in ascending order, Rookie, Civil Dusk, Nautical Dusk, Astronomical Dusk, and Nightingale. Rookies held no real standing within the Division and were often subject to reprimands and lectures from older soldiers. However, there was also an unspoken rule that in the event of danger on the battlefield, the lives of the rookies were considered the first priority, followed by the older soldiers and finally the officers. This rule had been established after a tragic incident in which, out of a hundred soldiers, only two rookies had managed to survive.

Jinn sat alone in his room within the encampment, deep in thought. It had been almost 3 years since he had been expelled from the Ironclad Military Academy, trained under the guidance of the headmaster, and joined the Nocturnal Division.

As he looked back on his time at the academy, memories of his fellow cadet comrades flooded back to him. Tyson, Henry, Frank, Michael, Sophie, and Evelyn. They were all test subjects for the "Neo-Genesis" program, just like him, and they had all attended the academy together.

Evelyn's face in particular stood out in his mind. He remembered the night she was brutally attacked by Alexander and the other six ruling class cadets' personal guards. He had suspected that it was them who had attacked her, as he had been attacked in the same way before her. He had taken revenge by beating Alexander mercilessly, leading to his expulsion from the academy.

Jinn couldn't help but wonder what had become of his comrades. He remembered how, before they were sent to the academy, he and and the other knew very little about their past. He wondered if any of them had managed to find out anything about their past or if they were still struggling to understand their own origins.

He also couldn't help but think about Evelyn, who had been left in the infirmary after the attack. He wondered if she had fully recovered and if she had managed to find a way to cope with what had happened to her. He couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt for not being able to protect her.

Despite the years that had passed and the many events he had gone through, Jinn couldn't forget the past and his comrades. He made a mental note to himself to try to find out what had happened to them soon.

Jinn soon discovered how different army life was for a rookie. In the months that followed, with the majority of his time spent training. His top priority was to continue honing the True Berserker Formula, but he also had to pass ten different classes, including learning how to operate various ground and air vehicles used by the Ironclad.

In addition to the physical training, Jinn also received special equipment training. He was introduced to many secret aspects of The United Provinces of Ironclad, including its politics and economy, as well as information that had been erased from history.

Jinn was fascinated by the secret aspects of The United Provinces of Ironclad that he was learning about. He was taught about the inner workings of the government, including the power struggles and alliances that shaped the country's politics. He learned about the different factions vying for control and the ways in which they influenced policy decisions.

He was also introduced to the country's economy and the various industries that drove it. He learned about the different resources that the United Provinces of Ironclad possessed and the ways in which they were exploited to fuel the economy. He was also taught about the different trade agreements the United Provinces of Ironclad had with other countries and how they impacted the country's economy.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the training was learning about the information that had been erased from history. Jinn was shocked to learn about the events and people that had been kept hidden from the public. He was taught about the cover-ups and the secrets that the government had kept from the citizens. He learned about the conspiracies and the darker aspects of the country's history that had been kept hidden for years.

All of this information gave Jinn a new perspective on the United Provinces of Ironclad and the role it played in the world. He realized that the country was far more complex and nuanced than he had ever imagined. He was grateful for the opportunity to learn about these secret aspects and knew that they would serve him well in his role as a member of the Nocturnal Division.

As the sun set on another day, Jinn lay stretched out on his bed, his mind racing with all that he had learned about the United Provinces of Ironclad and the Nocturnal Division. He had been thrown into this new world with little warning, and it had taken him some time to adjust to the complexities of the society and the expectations placed upon him as a member of the elite division.

As he stared up at the ceiling, his fingers absently played with Falling Maple, his Eternus, a weapon of great power and significance within the Ironclad continent. He couldn't help but reflect on the rigorous training and learning that had consumed his first few months in Nocturnal. He had pushed himself to the limit, dedicating every waking hour to honing his skills and understanding the inner workings of the Division.

He had established a strict schedule for himself, allowing for only a thirty-minute break each day and sleeping for a mere five and a half hours at night. Even during these brief periods of rest, he spent half of the time submerged in bodily rejuvenation liquid, which helped to recover and strengthen his body. The Division provided this and other resources to its elite soldiers, but Jinn knew that it was up to him to make the most of them.

As he lay there, he began to grasp the true scale of the Nocturnal Division. With around a thousand rookies and ten thousand official members, the Division had an annual elimination rate of around thirty percent. But even those who were eliminated were reassigned to other divisions and went on to become top-level members. And behind these ten thousand Nocturnal soldiers were twenty thousand logistical and support staff, making the Division's headquarters feel like a small city.

As the years passed, Jinn slowly began to earn some authority and lost the inexperience of a rookie. His meticulousness, concentration, and patience were recognized by the officials. In return, he received full marks on almost every subject.

And then there was Gareth Barn, the imposing figure who had awakened Jinn on his first day. He had taken personal responsibility for Jinn's combat ability and physical training, and Jinn's body had become sturdier. With his delicate, beautiful face excluded, he was definitely a strong and sturdy soldier.

After six years, At the age of 16, Jinn stood at 1.78 meters tall, his lean but muscular build honed from years of rigorous training in the Nocturnal Division. His striking Asian features were undeniable, with long black hair that was always tied back in a sleek ponytail, highlighting his sharp cheekbones and dark brown eyes. He was an attractive young man, and his presence commanded attention wherever he went.

As he walked through the headquarters of the Nocturnal Division, his fellow soldiers couldn't help but take notice of him. Despite his young age and rookie status, Jinn carried himself with a disciplined and focused demeanor, earning the respect of his peers.

He had already established himself as a promising rookie of the division and was determined to hone his skills and serve his country to the best of his abilities. His future looked bright as he eagerly awaited the opportunity to take on his first mission, a sign that he was well on his way to becoming a true member of the elite division.

It was in this way that, in his sixth year as a rookie of Nocturnal, Jinn welcomed his first mission.

The mission was to conquer a small city controlled by rebels, located in one of the provinces of the Ironclad continent. The city was strategically important as it was situated next to a secret research center that belonged to the United Provinces of Ironclad. The previous four attempts to conquer the city had been unsuccessful, and the responsibility to complete the mission was handed to the elite division of Nocturnal.

Jinn was a young recruit, who had just completed his training and was excited to be a part of the mission. He was one of the fifty other rookies who were assigned to the mission along with a full company of one hundred Nautical Dusk soldiers, led by three Astronomical Dusk. The team was geared up with the latest weapons and technology, and they were determined to succeed in their mission.

The journey to the mission location was a long and arduous one. The team traveled in a military airship that could travel between the provinces, taking two full days to reach their destination. The airship was equipped with all the necessary facilities to keep the soldiers comfortable during the journey. As they approached their destination, the excitement among the rookies was palpable.

As they landed, they were greeted by over ten thousand local soldiers who had gathered in the countryside to cooperate with Nocturnal. The local soldiers were well-equipped and trained, and they had a deep understanding of the terrain and the enemy. The rookies were in awe of the scale of the operation and the level of cooperation between the different units.

The mission details were simple: infiltrate the city, and capture or kill anyone who resists. The team was divided into three groups, with each group having a specific role to play in the mission. The heavy-duty trucks charged towards the city, catching the rebels off guard as they created a barricade and bunker upon arrival. The city walls were not heavily fortified, and the rebels were caught unprepared for the sudden attack.

As the battle began, the rookies were initially taken aback by the intensity of the fighting. The traditional gunpowder firearms shot at the trucks from the city walls, but the metal bullets were not enough to penetrate the metre-thick steel plates. The Nautical Dusk veterans retaliated, and bullets started flying towards the city walls. In the blink of an eye, the gunfire from the walls was suppressed, and the rookies immediately jumped from the truck, quickly following the veterans and making their way towards the city.

The battle was much simpler than expected. The Nocturnal squad leader would charge in front, and with just a glimpse of a rebel soldier, a bullet would follow. Following that, the Nautical Dusk soldiers would then go through another round of picking, killing off most of the rebel soldiers and only leaving a few for the rookies to try.

Jinn was among the rookies, and his performance stood out. He had always earned full marks in his target practical exams, and this was no exception. His Eternus, Falling Maple, was his trusted weapon, and he had a deep understanding of its capabilities.

He raised his hand, and his Eternus jolted. The Eternus shot out and pierced a hole in a rebel soldier's forehead. Blood splurt. Jinn's shooting speed was fast and steady. He immediately changed his position and shot again, shooting the head of a rebel soldier that had just popped up on a roof. Then, in the next few seconds, Jinn shot his gun again, causing another rebel soldier to fall while screaming.

Among the rookies, Jinn's performance was the most eye-catching, killing off three rebel soldiers with three bullets. His performance even rivalled that of the Nautical Dusk veterans.

Having entered a real battle, Jinn could only hold his vomit due to killing a human for the first time and focus on the task ahead. The nine years of cruel training that kept him on the line between life and death had allowed his combat reaction to become an instinctive part of his body. Under any circumstances, he would not hesitate to pull the trigger.

As the battle raged on, Jinn's mind was focused solely on the task at hand. He moved quickly and efficiently, taking out any rebel soldiers that crossed his path. He had always been a top performer in his training, but this was different. This was real combat, and the stakes were much higher.

Despite the simplicity of the mission, the rebels put up a fierce resistance. They were determined to protect their city and their cause, and they were not going to go down without a fight. But the combined forces of Nocturnal and the local soldiers were too much for them to handle.

The battle lasted for hours, but in the end, the city was successfully conquered. The rebels were defeated, and the secret research center was secured. Jinn and the other soldiers of Nocturnal had accomplished their mission.

As the dust settled and the sounds of gunfire and explosions faded away, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him. He had always known that being a soldier meant taking lives, but seeing it firsthand was a different experience altogether.

The images of the fallen rebel soldiers, some of whom he had personally taken out, kept replaying in his mind like a haunting film reel. He felt his stomach churn and before he knew it, he was leaning over the edge of the truck, retching violently.

The bitter taste of bile and the smell of blood and gunpowder filled his senses, making him feel even more sick to his stomach. He knew that he would have to come to terms with what he had done, but for now, he was just happy to have survived.

As he wiped the sweat and tears from his face, Nocturnal Squad Leader gave an order that shook Jinn to his core. "Attention! Begin moving independently and capture anyone in this city. But, be aware that anyone who resists, whether it be children, the elderly, or women, must be killed on sight. I repeat, capture anyone, but kill those who resists."

The words echoed in Jinn's mind as he tried to process the gravity of the situation. He had always known that being a soldier meant taking lives, but this was something different altogether. This was a wholesale slaughter of innocent people. He couldn't understand why they needed to harm the elderly, the young, and the women.

Jinn's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the order, but in the end, he knew that in the Nocturnal Division, obedience was the first rule. He didn't have a choice. He drew his Eternus, grabbed a spare automatic rifle, and headed to the alleys to search. The weight of the weapons in his hands felt heavy, and he knew that he would be taking another lives again.

As he walked through the streets, he saw the fear in the eyes of the civilians. Men, women, and children all looked at him with terror, knowing that their fate was in the hands of the soldiers. Jinn's heart felt heavy as he realized that these people were no different from him, they were just caught in the middle of a war that they had no part in.

As he turned a corner, a boy suddenly ran out of a door in the corner in front of him. The boy looked no more than 12 years old and looked at him with wide-eyed fear. Jinn didn't know what to do, but he knew that he had to follow the order. He quickly assessed the situation, noticing that the boy was wielding a kitchen knife, likely in a desperate attempt to defend himself.

Jinn moved quickly, using his training to subdue the boy and disarm him. As he held the boy down, he felt a sense of unease wash over him. He had been ordered to kill anyone who resisted, whether they were children, the elderly, or women. He raised his gun and aimed, but he couldn't pull the trigger. Because as he looked into the boy's eyes, he saw something that he couldn't ignore. The boy's eyes pleaded with him, and Jinn knew that he couldn't kill an innocent child.

With a heavy heart, Jinn lowered his gun and let the boy run away. He knew that this would be the first of many difficult choices that he would have to make. He had joined the Nocturnal Division to serve his country and protect his people, but now he realized that the reality of war was far different from his idealistic notions. He would have to live with the weight of his actions, and the memory of the boy's eyes would haunt him for the rest of his days.

Jinn couldn't help but question the morality of the mission and the orders that were given to him. He couldn't understand why they needed to kill innocent people. As he walked through the streets, he saw the destruction and devastation caused by the battle. Homes were destroyed, families were torn apart and the smell of death was everywhere.

Jinn knew that he was just a pawn in this war, but he couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and responsibility for the innocent lives that were lost. He knew that he would have to live with the weight of his actions for the rest of his days. He couldn't help but wonder if this is what it meant to be a soldier, to sacrifice your humanity for the sake of duty.