
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

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24 Chs

The ace of spades

As the airship began to descend in altitude, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. He had never been to the Iron Fortress before and was curious to see what it was like. The morning sun was shining through the window, casting a warm glow on his face.

Jinn walked to the ship's window and looked out. In front of him was a sprawling city made of steel, with tall buildings and intricate machinery dotting the landscape. The city was bustling with activity, and Jinn couldn't help but feel awestruck by the sight.

The transport airship flew over the city's south-west side, and Jinn couldn't help but notice the number of airships that were flying in the airspace around them. There were all kinds of airships, from large and bulky transport airships to sleek and elegant private airships. Each one was adorned with intricate and beautiful relief sculptures, which added to the overall aesthetic of the city.

As they approached the port, they were forced to wait in line as there were too many airships applying for entry. The pilot grumbled and cursed under his breath, but Jinn didn't mind. He was too busy taking in the sights and sounds of the city. He could see that many of the private airships carried the insignia of powerful and wealthy families, which only added to the sense of grandeur and opulence that surrounded him.

Finally, the airship was cleared for entry and they made their way into the port. As they disembarked, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the Iron Fortress and all it had to offer. He knew that this was going to be an adventure he would never forget.

The Iron Fortress was a bustling hub of activity as thousands of young men and women flocked to the city to participate in the Ironclad military recruitment. This year, the attendance was particularly high due to the presence of two elite divisions, the Dragon Division and the Nocturnal Division, on the list of recruiters.

as Jinn and Henry made their way through the crowded streets with their car, Henry couldn't help but comment on the influx of ruling-class youths. "It's no surprise, you see. The United Provinces of Ironclad place a heavy emphasis on military achievements. Even for young men and women from grand households and powerful clans, a career in the military is a surefire way to make a name for themselves," he explained.

Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he stared out the window of the car. The Iron Fortress was the third largest military industrial city in the entire empire, and half of the city was under military control. The buildings on both sides of the road were grand and imposing, with a decorative yet dignified air.

As they approached the recruitment camp, Jinn couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer number of people in the registration line. It stretched far past the gate.

Henry, however, seemed unfazed. He simply spoke to the registration officer in a polite tone, "I request to directly enter under the name of Theodore Ironhand."

The registration officer nodded and gestured for them to follow. "Of course, sir. Right this way."

Jinn was surprised as Henry took him straight into the camp, bypassing the long registration line. He handled the registration process for Jinn and then passed an engraved bronze identification plate to him. The words "Jinn Ironclad" were stamped onto the plate by machines. "What's this for, sir?" Jinn asked, confused.

Henry explained, "Since you don't have a surname, I thought it would be best for you to use master Theodore's surname temporarily. It will make things easier for you during the evaluations."

Jinn nodded, understanding the reasoning behind it. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as he looked at the plate. It reminded him of how little he knew about his past and who he truly was.

As they walked through the recruitment camp, the hustle and bustle of the crowd was overwhelming. Young men and women from all over the Ironclad continent, all with the same goal.

As they approached the examination area, Henry turned to Jinn and said, ""Jinn, you should know that your master, Theodore Ironhand, has high hopes for you. He wants you to participate in the military recruitment and make a name for yourself in the Ironclad military. Master Theodore believes you have what it takes to succeed."

"Thank you for bringing me here, Mr Henry. I am grateful for your help and for fulfilling my master's wishes." Jinn said, bowing his head in gratitude.

"It is my pleasure, Jinn. Your master, Theodore, has taught me well and I am honored to be able to assist him in any way. I am sure you will do well in the recruitment and make him proud." Henry replied with a smile.

Jinn nodded, feeling a sense of determination rise within him. He knew that the next few days would be grueling, but he was ready for the challenge.

Soon, a military personnel approached them. "Excuse me, is this the child that headmaster Theodore Ironhand was referring to?" he asked, looking surprised as he noticed Jinn's young age.

Henry nodded. "Yes, this is Jinn. He's here to participate in the recruitment."

The military personnel looked impressed. "I see. I was not aware that headmaster Theodore Ironhand had taken in such a young prodigy. I'll escort him to the inner camp now. Follow me, Jinn," he said, gesturing for Jinn to follow him.

Jinn once again turned to Henry. "Thank you again for everything, Mr Henry," he said, bowing his head in gratitude.

Henry smiled. "It's my pleasure. Good luck, Jinn," he said, patting Jinn on the back as he followed the military personnel to the inner camp.

As Jinn entered the inner camp, he realized that it was much larger than it appeared from the outside. He saw several thousand youths who had already passed the first selection of basic constitution, arranged into various barracks. He learned that tomorrow was when the official test would begin, and today they would rest in order to perform at their best.

As he looked around, Jinn noticed that many of the other youths had arrived by car or even public transportation vessels. These modes of transportation were all powered by steam, and their noise and unsteadiness were a common characteristic. The journey here had been hard on their stamina, and Jinn knew that it would likely affect their performance on the exam.

Jinn was aware that the Empire had always been fair in its recruitment process and that special treatment was rarely given to children of ruling class families. He understood that this was the foundation upon which the Empire was built. Without this fairness, useless young masters would be leading troops into battle, and that would spell disaster.

Jinn learned that the recruitment exam would have three subjects: cultivation power, combat skills, and firearm handling. He was determined to do his best and make his master, Theodore Ironhand, proud. He knew that this was his chance to prove himself and make a name for himself in the Empire's military.

As he settled into his dormitory with the other examinees, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous energy emanating from his peers. Some were excited, others were anxious, and some were unable to fall asleep at all.

But Jinn was different. He had been trained for this moment his entire life, and he was confident in his abilities. He fell into a deep sleep, ready for the challenges that lay ahead.

The next morning, an ear-piercing alarm woke the examinees from their slumber and Jinn joined the stream of people as they rushed out of the barracks and formed up on the drilling grounds. The examinees were split into three groups, with Jinn's group starting with the shooting exam of firearms.

As he inspected the gun given to him, Jinn was approached by a young man to his left. The young man looked at him with skepticism, doubting his abilities due to his young age and said "You sure you know how to handle this? A gun is not a toy." Jinn politely replied "I may not have as much experience as some, but I assure you, I am more than capable of handling this weapon."

The young man laughed and continued to underestimate Jinn's abilities based on his age, saying that he had no chance of winning against him. Jinn simply smiled politely and replied, "I assure you that age does not define one's capabilities. I'll do my best to prove myself."

As the examination began, Jinn's mind was solely focused on the task at hand. He knew that this was his chance to prove himself, and he was not going to let some petty taunts get in the way of his goal. He had trained and worked hard to be where he was, and he was determined to show everyone what he was truly capable of.

Jinn aimed and fired, hitting all ten targets with ease. His shots were precise and accurate, showcasing his mastery of the gun. The other examinees could only look on in awe as Jinn effortlessly hit every target. It was clear to everyone that he was a force to be reckoned with.

The young man who had taunted him earlier could only look on in disbelief as Jinn excelled in the examination. He realized that Jinn was not the young, inexperienced kid he had thought him to be, but a skilled marksman. He could not help but feel a sense of embarrassment and regret for underestimating Jinn's abilities. He had learned his lesson, that age should not be used to judge someone's capabilities.

Jinn passed the examination with flying colors, and he knew that this was just the beginning of his journey to greatness.

As the close-quarters combat exam began, Jinn felt his adrenaline pumping through his veins. This was his chance to prove himself and fight a worthy opponent, and he was determined to give it his all. The rules of the exam were simple: one-on-one duels, with a total of five matches to win in order to pass.

Jinn walked into the arena and scanned the crowd, looking for his opponent. It wasn't long before he was approached by a young man. He had a smirk on his face and a glint of disdain in his eyes as he looked at Jinn.

"You're just a kid," the young man sneered. "You really think you can beat me? I've got a secret weapon, something you've never seen before. It's called the Heavy Iron Fist."

Jinn simply raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. He had heard of secret combat arts before, but he had never seen one in action. He was intrigued to see what his opponent had to offer.

The match began, and the young man immediately launched into his Heavy Iron Fist technique. But to Jinn's surprise, it was nothing more than a flashy display of brute force. He easily dodged and countered each of his opponent's attacks, using only 40% of his strength.

It wasn't long before the young man was on the ground, defeated. As he walked away, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. He had expected his opponent's secret technique to be much more powerful than it had been. But in the end, it seemed that the young man's taunts had been nothing more than empty boasts.

Jinn went on to win the rest of his matches with ease, and he passed the exam with flying colors.

As he walked away from the arena, Jinn couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief. "There's so many weird people in this world," he thought to himself. "They constantly boast about their strength and secret techniques, only to end up being a disappointment."

He couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. "I guess it's just another reminder to never underestimate anyone, no matter how they present themselves."

He made a mental note to always be prepared and to never let his guard down, determined to continue training and improving so that he could be ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

But, he couldn't help but wonder what other surprises this world had in store for him.

As he walked past the other examinees, he couldn't help but notice the fear in their eyes. They had all seen him fight, and they knew that he was a force to be reckoned with.

Jinn's fighting style was simple and direct. He didn't rely on flashy moves or complicated techniques. His strikes were fast, fierce, and accurate. But what really set him apart was his ability to take advantage of his opponent's mistakes. With even the slightest of openings, he could turn the tide of the battle and seize victory.

Despite his simple fighting style, the other examinees couldn't help but be impressed. They had never seen someone fight like Jinn before. He fought with a fierce determination, and his opponents couldn't help but quiver in fear as they faced him in battle. They began to call him "Asura," a nickname that suited his fierce and deadly fighting style.

As the final exam approached, Jinn could feel the weight of expectation on his shoulders. The other examinees were all looking at him, wondering if he would be able to continue his winning streak. But Jinn was not intimidated. He knew that he had the talent and the drive to succeed, and he was determined to prove it.

The last examination tested the richness of one's cultivation power and whether or not one possessed special abilities. The content of this exam was very simple. Examinees would cultivate inside the cultivation room for two hours and trigger their special ability as much as possible. All aspects of the performance within the cultivation period would be observed and recorded to give a comprehensive evaluation.

Jinn entered the cultivation room, sitting cross-legged on the ground. He closed his eyes and began to focus on his cultivation. As he delved deeper into his mind, he felt his body start to heat up. He knew that this was the sign of the Inferno Sphere starting to absorb mana force from the surrounding environment at a rapid rate.

He then felt a sudden rush of energy at his solar plexus, signaling the activation of the Eternamortus Gateway. With the help of the Inferno Sphere, the energy from the Eternamortus Gateway flowed through his body, causing him to enter his berserker state. The examiner was surprised to see this, as they had never seen someone trigger their special ability so quickly and efficiently.

The Eternamortus Gateway is located deep within the human body, specifically at the solar plexus and is said to be the source of all emotions and willpower. It is said that the Eternamortus Gateway only opens after a near-death experience, a moment of intense emotional and physical stress, when the individual is pushed to their limits and is forced to fight for survival.

In this state, the individual's emotions and willpower are pushed to the brink, allowing them to tap into a previously untapped reserve of power. For some, it is known as the "survival instinct state," a powerful and dangerous state of being that is characterised by heightened strength, speed, and endurance. But for the True Berserker Formula cultivator, it is known as the "berserker state."

The True Berserker Formula is a technique that allows an individual to enter this berserker state at will, rather than waiting for a near-death experience. This is achieved by manipulating the Eternamortus Gateway and tapping into the emotions and willpower that are stored there.

This is done by using the Inferno Sphere, which works as a pump engine that constantly sucks in and absorbs mana force from the surrounding environment at a rapid rate. This mana force is then channeled into the Eternamortus Gateway, allowing the individual to enter the berserker state at will.

In simple terms, the True Berserker Formula allows an individual to enter a state of heightened power and strength at any time, rather than waiting for a moment of desperation. It is a powerful tool for survival and combat, but also one that must be used with caution, as it can lead to severe physical and emotional strain.

Jinn continued to cultivate, allowing the energy to flow through him and strengthen his body. He knew that in this state, he was at his strongest and could take on any challenge that came his way. After two hours passed, the examination was over and the examiner noted that Jinn had performed exceptionally well, surpassing their expectations.

As the final examination came to a close, Jinn stepped out of the cultivation room, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him. He had pushed himself to his limits, using every ounce of willpower and determination to trigger his special ability, the True Berserker Formula, as much as possible. But as the euphoria of success subsided, he collapsed onto the ground, coughing up blood. His internal organs were damaged from the strain of staying in the berserker state for two hours without losing control of his emotions and becoming uncontrollable and aggressive.

The examinees who had finished participating in all the exams were brought back to the barracks. Injured examinees received free medical treatment. The Empire's military boasted great success in the medical field, and everything could be healed as long as the injuries were not too severe. The damage done to Jinn's internal organs was actually very serious, so he ended up soaking in a special bodily rejuvenation liquid, recovering nearly all of his wounds.

As Jinn slept soundly in the rejuvenation liquid, a special meeting was held in a conference room within the main building of the barracks. The examiners and commanders of the military gathered to discuss the results of the examination and to decide the fate of the examinees. It was a tense atmosphere, as the fate of these young men and women would determine their future in the military.