
Apocalypse : The Silent Shimphony

In the unforeseen currents of the universe, reaching its pinnacle in magic, Park Doo Shi, a teenager reborn six years prior, found himself submerged in a world fraught with chaos. His birthday arrived a week before doomsday commenced, and with skills lying dormant beneath his skin, he found himself the last remaining hope for humanity. With a courage exceeding his years, Park Doo Shi crawled through the rubble of crumbling cities, stockpiling supplies for survival, and facing the threat of roaming zombies. Yet, his strength didn't end there. He possessed a rare ability to read the minds of others, granting him an edge in confronting enemies and navigating the post-apocalyptic world with heightened vigilance. In this journey fraught with challenges, Park Doo Shi discovered that true bravery and strength emanated not solely from physical prowess but also from the courage of the heart and the willingness to stand tall in the face of adversity. Through a blend of extraordinary power and genuine kindness, Park Doo Shi proved that even amidst destruction, the light of hope could still shine brightly.

Fallen_Angelss · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Grade C Evolution Crystals

The heavy gym door creaked slightly as it swung open, allowing dim light to flood the dark hallway filled with menacing shadows. Park Doo Shi stepped out, calculating, his hands firmly gripping carefully selected weapons: a kitchen knife gleaming under the moonlight and a bone cutter shining with a deadly menace.

Tonight, as the world plunged into its darkness, the open door might invite hungry zombie hordes wandering the nearby streets. Yet, for now, only two nearby undead drew his attention.

"Just in time," murmured Park Doo Shi, his voice almost drowned by the night wind whispering through the silent buildings.

The zombies approached, groaning with endless blood thirst. Without hesitation, Park Doo Shi evaded their attacks swiftly, moving like a shadow amidst the night's darkness. With movements almost too fast for human eyes to track, he raised the knives and precisely severed their heads with a firm stroke.

The others soon followed, closing in on Park Doo Shi with their ferocious assaults, their threatening fingers reaching out towards him. Yet, Park Doo Shi didn't give the rotten life a chance. With trained skill, he used his kitchen knife as a shield to fend off their attacks, then with clean and deadly movements, he struck back, letting his powerful blows rip their heads cruelly, crushing their decayed brains.

"In killing zombies, caution is key," whispered Park Doo Shi, his voice filled with seriousness.

"You must ensure to completely destroy their brains. Otherwise, even if their bodies are severed in two, they will still pose a threat," murmured Park Doo Shi.

After ensuring both zombies were truly dead, Park Doo Shi didn't immediately rush off. Instead, he carefully examined their smashed heads, rummaging among the carcasses shrouded in darkness until his hands found something: a shining white crystal amidst the decay.

Grade C Evolution Crystal. This precious item held an extraordinary power to alter human genes, making them stronger and more resistant to looming threats.

In a past life, in a previous existence, Park Doo Shi was the supreme leader of Seoul City, a powerful and unmatched ruler. His mutated body made him an unstoppable creature, and his special ability to control fire bestowed upon him formidable strength. He was a tireless killing machine.

However, he knew crystals like this were not easily found. The output rate of Grade C Evolution Crystals was very low, perhaps only around ten percent. Park Doo Shi wasn't sure if this figure matched his calculations or if it was just a small part of the overall picture. However, he was certain that every crystal found was an invaluable gift.

After securing the crystal, Park Doo Shi continued his journey cautiously. With a soft voice, he lured other zombies from the darkness, drawing them one by one towards him before swiftly dispatching them with unmatched skill.

And as he approached the long-awaited airdrop box, he spotted another figure, a woman standing amidst the darkness, beautiful yet filled with palpable tension.

At precisely 9 a.m., the morning light began to sweep into the dormitory like a golden blanket, illuminating the room that had previously been shrouded in night's darkness. Seon Hye Jin remained seated near the window, her gaze fixed upon the sky filled with unexpected anomalies. Despite the loss of her sleep, the determination of this young woman did not wane; instead, her spirit burned brighter, even as exhaustion weighed heavily upon her frame.

Before her, the sky resembled a distorted star map, akin to a hologram from a magical game. One of the boxes appeared like an airdrop, gracefully descending upon the school's ceiling. Seon Hye Jin stared at it with widened eyes, her mind ensnared in unresolved questions.

"What is this object? Why does it resemble an airdrop from within a game?" she murmured with evident perplexity in her voice, creating an air of mystery that lingered in the crisp morning air.

Seon Hye Jin's gaze shifted from the sky to the school building, where the box was projected to land. A definite location, near the gymnasium. For a moment, her uncertainty hung in the air, but her spirit burned with an unquenchable flame.

"Perhaps it's a way out," she whispered to herself, her voice filled with the courage of one who had been tested by cruel fate.

Rescue was something she yearned for, but waiting was not an option. Her food supplies dwindled, and her time grew shorter. With a blazing determination, she rose from her seat, her steps steady as she resolved to pursue the opportunity laid out before her.

Perhaps those falling boxes were not mere decorations in the sky, but invaluable clues. The items within them might hold the key to survival or even to combating the horrors that enveloped this school.

And so, with a heart full of courage and an unwavering resolve, Seon Hye Jin was not just an ordinary girl, but a hero poised to face the dark challenges awaiting in a world filled with mystery and peril.

Seon Hye Jin's movements across the floor were as deft as a shadow gliding through the darkness of night. Her body, supple and agile, flowed like the evening breeze weaving through the darkened trees. Each step was accompanied by a bewildering caution, allowing her to traverse the path without causing the slightest creak or even the faintest tremor that could disturb the dormant zombies surrounding her.

In the darkness, she caught sight of a scene that captured her attention. A young man stood tall with a backpack slung over his shoulders, his other hand grasping a gleaming kitchen knife with determination. Two zombies stood before him, but they were powerless. With assured movements, the young man ended their lives decisively, plunging the knife into their brains as if kneading dough.

Seon Hye Jin felt her stomach churn, an uncomfortable sensation akin to bells tolling inside her. She nearly staggered, feeling as though her meal was about to force its way out with force.

However, as the young man lifted his gaze, their eyes met. A small flicker of surprise appeared on his face, and Seon Hye Jin could sense his eyes scrutinizing her presence intently.

Park Doo Shi, was a figure previously unnoticed in the throng. He was a figure submerged in his previous life, having no time or interest to acquaint himself with anyone, let alone with the masters standing at the pinnacle of glory. He was unaware that the girl standing before him, who had just seized an airdrop crate and reached the top ten positions in Future Seoul City, was such a captivating woman.


However, all of that was merely small details amidst the grander circumstances now facing him. Park Doo Shi stood before the airdrop crate, his breaths coming in gasps of excitement almost too vast to contain. His heart pounded fiercely, pumping blood in a rhythm of elation that felt almost excessive.

Beside him, Seon Hye Jin still stood, her face displaying a lack of certainty, as if she wasn't sure whether to approach or not. Park Doo Shi disregarded her entirely, focusing on the airdrop crate before him. For him, this was the moment long awaited, the moment when hope and livelihood could be found within a small box.

The crate stood before him, waiting to be opened, and Park Doo Shi couldn't contain himself from immediately unlocking it. Slowly, he reached for the crate's handle, turning the key with utmost care.

As the crate opened, white light spilled out, filling the room with a captivating gleam. But despite being obstructed by the light, Park Doo Shi could discern the details of its contents, and he couldn't wait to see.

The first thing that emerged was a blade of steel radiating an aura of high technology. The knife was captivating, emitting a toughness that was almost hypnotic. Park Doo Shi nodded in satisfaction, unsurprised by his find.

"An extraordinary knife, very useful for combating threats in this world," he murmured, tracing the edge of the knife with his fingers.

However, that wasn't the only gift from the airdrop crate. Within it, hidden, was a small box that caught Park Doo Shi's attention. Carefully, he retrieved it from within the main crate.

"Perhaps containing a high-tech spatial ring within," he whispered to himself, his hand trembling slightly as he opened the small box.

But what he found wasn't the luxurious ring he had imagined. Inside was a simple ring without flashy adornments. Yet, Park Doo Shi soon realized its true power.

"A high-tech ring," he said, his eyes shining with admiration as he examined the ring.

"This is Spatial Gear."

With that ring on his middle finger, Park Doo Shi felt the power flowing through him. It wasn't just an ordinary piece of jewelry; it was a tool that could fundamentally change his life.