
Apocalypse : The Silent Shimphony

In the unforeseen currents of the universe, reaching its pinnacle in magic, Park Doo Shi, a teenager reborn six years prior, found himself submerged in a world fraught with chaos. His birthday arrived a week before doomsday commenced, and with skills lying dormant beneath his skin, he found himself the last remaining hope for humanity. With a courage exceeding his years, Park Doo Shi crawled through the rubble of crumbling cities, stockpiling supplies for survival, and facing the threat of roaming zombies. Yet, his strength didn't end there. He possessed a rare ability to read the minds of others, granting him an edge in confronting enemies and navigating the post-apocalyptic world with heightened vigilance. In this journey fraught with challenges, Park Doo Shi discovered that true bravery and strength emanated not solely from physical prowess but also from the courage of the heart and the willingness to stand tall in the face of adversity. Through a blend of extraordinary power and genuine kindness, Park Doo Shi proved that even amidst destruction, the light of hope could still shine brightly.

Fallen_Angelss · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Gymnasium of the Dead (2)

The sun's rays began their graceful dance amidst the ruins of the buildings, sweeping through the empty streets of Seoul. Yet, there was no glittering vibrancy in its once bustling corners, only a daunting silence along the cracked sidewalks.

Zombies, the dark forces that inhabited the city, lurked around the buildings with an unsettling stillness. Some growled while others shuffled aimlessly, their pale, lifeless faces turned towards the increasingly bright sky. They were no longer creatures of the living but rather melancholic shadows of a forgotten past.

Behind tightly shut doors, survivors cowered, enveloped in unspoken fear. Huddled in the corners of their homes, they peered through tattered curtains, hoping to evade the death haunting the streets.

At 9 in the morning, as an inevitable ritual, the sky revealed a mysterious marvel. Cracks in the sky, no longer signs of disaster, but pathways to unexpected hope. No longer did zombies descend, but instead, a gift from the heavens offering a chance at new life to the resilient few.

This airdrop was a beacon of hope traversing the skies above Seoul, carrying with it provisions sorely needed by the marginalized survivors. Guided by unseen forces, the supplies landed gently in various corners of the city, spreading like blossoms of hope amidst the ruins of destruction.

Yet, witnesses to this miracle were few. Those who dared to watch held within their hearts the flame of courage still burning amidst the threatening darkness. Amidst the crumbling buildings and empty streets, hope still sprouted, awaiting the next miracle that would come.

In the blessed stillness of the night, amidst the thunderous rain outside, within the dormitory room of the National University of Korea, Seon Hye Jin sat in deep contemplation. The dim glow of the lamp cast an almost magical atmosphere in the otherwise silent room, intensifying the solitude she felt. What was once a lively chamber filled with laughter and cheer now lay eerily quiet, reduced to just her and another girl, akin to two wounded heroes left behind in the battlefield.

While the heavy rain confined their travels to safety, they were fortunate enough to seek refuge in the nearest hotel. Yet, their defense against the disaster was insufficient to evade its bitter aftermath. On the 19th floor, in a room that became their sanctuary, they sat together, immersed in the inevitable tension.

Late-night snacks scattered on the small table between them, remnants of their refusal to succumb to the terrifying fear. In dire circumstances such as this, food became a temporary balm for the fear and uncertainty. Yet amidst the soft glow of the lamp, radiated the strength and resolve of the two women.

Seon Hye Jin vividly recalled that there were still untapped resources within the dormitory. For two culinary enthusiasts like them, the dormitory was not merely a place of residence, but also a treasure trove of flavors waiting to be explored. In times of emergency, Seon Hye Jin's mind shifted swiftly, sketching plans to utilize the available resources.

Returning to the dormitory seemed a wise choice. There, they might find something that could aid them in facing the looming disaster threatening their lives. With unwavering determination, the two women stepped out of the room, bravely confronting the challenges awaiting beyond the door.

However, it was not without difficulty. In emergencies such as this, their fame and uniqueness became an unexpected double-edged sword. Amidst the dark, rain-filled night, their figures attracted attention, making it challenging for them to move without scrutiny. Seon Hye Jin, being one of the school's darlings at the National University of Korea, exuded an undeniable charm, drawing gazes and questions from those they encountered on their journey.

After the second storm had passed, they found themselves stranded, their clothes in tatters. Whether due to rampant hunger or perhaps because the disaster had finally subsided and they needed to return to civilization, no one showed them mercy, despite the fiery glint in their eyes amidst the wreckage.

Confronted by a pack of hungry wolves, the two girls could do little but bow their heads and run towards the dormitory building.

As the dormitory building came into view in the distance, a rain of zombies suddenly poured from the sky. One of the zombies accidentally collided in their midst, blocking the path to the dormitory door.

In that moment of peril, the zombie viciously attacked their roommate. Seon Hye Jin, frozen in fear, involuntarily released her roommate's hand. Desperate screams erupted from her roommate's lips as she was gnawed on by the zombie. Seon Hye Jin, shaken, hesitated for a moment before finally fleeing into the dormitory.

Now, the night had enveloped her surroundings, and Seon Hye Jin sat trembling near the window, her eyes fixed on the horrifying sight outside. She watched in horror as her roommate was devoured by the zombies, while she herself could only watch helplessly.

Throughout the night, the screams of agony continued to haunt her ears, reminding her that she was not alone in this devastation.

As the first rays of sunlight finally appeared on the eastern horizon, the horde of zombies seemed to somewhat relent, their movements becoming stiff and sluggish.

Seon Hye Jin, though still trembling, felt a slight relief at the change in atmosphere. In the quiet of dawn, she began to contemplate the next course of action with a calmer heart.

In a quiet and desolate town, Park Doo Shi stood before the entrance of the abandoned gymnasium. The wind whispered softly, carrying a metallic scent mingled with the damp earthy smell. The dark sky loomed overhead, filled with threatening clouds. Yet, his eyes gleamed with a courage that stirred the soul as he gazed upon the airdrop crate lying before him.

A plan had formed in his mind, traversing the quiet city's alleys, passing by the ghosts living in the shadow world left by humans. However, in moments like these, on the brink of a terrifying adventure, Park Doo Shi could feel a pulse of excitement within his chest.

With cautious steps, he advanced, taking note of every detail around him. Amidst the crumbling buildings and cracked streets, zombies stood silent like guardians of the darkness. Carefully, Park Doo Shi assessed the situation; eight zombies were visible on the path to the airdrop crate, with several more wandering in the distance.

"Fewer than I feared," he murmured to himself with an optimistic tone.

He knew the secret of zombies during the daylight; slow in movement and lacking in hearing, they posed a more manageable threat. Yet, danger always lurked in the corners of this quiet town.

Park Doo Shi crafted a plan meticulously, calculating every step. With years of combat experience, he knew that as long as he moved swiftly and cautiously, he could handle the zombies without too much difficulty. Indeed, his physique might not be as agile as before, but his fighting abilities were still ingrained within him.

"Courage is more important than strength," he whispered to himself, bolstering his resolve.

With a backpack on his back, he felt ready to face the challenges awaiting him. He could feel the courage creeping within him, driving out the fear that had plagued his mind.

"Time to act," he said with determination, his steps steady as he moved forward, towards the airdrop crate awaiting him in the distance.