
Apocalypse : The Silent Shimphony

In the unforeseen currents of the universe, reaching its pinnacle in magic, Park Doo Shi, a teenager reborn six years prior, found himself submerged in a world fraught with chaos. His birthday arrived a week before doomsday commenced, and with skills lying dormant beneath his skin, he found himself the last remaining hope for humanity. With a courage exceeding his years, Park Doo Shi crawled through the rubble of crumbling cities, stockpiling supplies for survival, and facing the threat of roaming zombies. Yet, his strength didn't end there. He possessed a rare ability to read the minds of others, granting him an edge in confronting enemies and navigating the post-apocalyptic world with heightened vigilance. In this journey fraught with challenges, Park Doo Shi discovered that true bravery and strength emanated not solely from physical prowess but also from the courage of the heart and the willingness to stand tall in the face of adversity. Through a blend of extraordinary power and genuine kindness, Park Doo Shi proved that even amidst destruction, the light of hope could still shine brightly.

Fallen_Angelss · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Mutagenic compound

Park Doo Shi gazed at the airdrop crate with fiery determination, attempting to quell the tension gripping him. His heart raced, its beats seeming to reverberate throughout the confines of the airdrop crate.

He opened the crate with trembling hands, releasing the tension constricting his chest. And there, as hoped, lay the space gear before him.

"State-of-the-art Warfare uniform," he whispered softly, marveling at the attire before him. A gear possessed only by the elite, a symbol of prestige and power in their world. The uniform could withstand great dangers, shielding its wearer from any form of threat. Yet now, it belonged to him.

Park Doo Shi grasped the uniform tightly, feeling the smooth yet sturdy fabric within his grasp. In his past, he could only dream of owning something as valuable as this. Yet now, that dream had become a reality.

However, his gaze then shifted to a girl standing not far away. Their eyes met, and he felt a slight jolt at the expression on her face. There seemed to be confusion and disapproval behind her gaze.

"A small lunch box," Park Doo Shi continued to read the descriptions of the items in the airdrop crate, trying to divert his attention from the girl. He attempted to immerse himself in the details of the items provided, as if the outside world ceased to exist.

"Don't underestimate this lunch box," Park Doo Shi whispered to himself, realizing the importance of the equipment. Within it were balls of flavored rice, sustenance that would be his companion for some time to come. He sighed with relief, realizing that his food supply for the next month had been secured.

Yet, before he could fully feel relieved, his eyes landed on the next item. "Military water bottle," he murmured, keenly observing the bottle. The bottle could store 50 liters of drinking water, a valuable asset in this harsh and arid world. He felt a bit more at ease with sufficient food and water supplies.

However, behind his relief, there was a creeping sense of worry in his heart. What would happen next? How would he survive in this harsh world? But for now, he could only rely on what lay before him and hope for the best.

The sixth item uncovered was the antidote to the zombie virus, a magical concoction capable of quelling infections at level three. Yet, presently, the virus only spread at level one, with the threat of level two looming possibly within a month. Nevertheless, this countermeasure provided relief to those ensnared by the savagery of zombies.

Park Doo Shi regarded the potion with profound reverence. Within that small bottle lay the power to determine life and death in a world ravaged by the zombie pandemic. The magical aura of the potion felt potent, hinting at a blend of natural forces and invaluable ancient knowledge.

However, Park Doo Shi's gaze swiftly shifted to the next item on the list: a high-tech steel knife. The blade gleamed like a star amidst the darkness, promising protection in its sharpest and most efficient form. Every stroke was etched with a skill that made it seem like a weapon from the very realm of magic itself.

But when the seventh item was unveiled, a momentary confusion crept onto Park Doo Shi's face. A blue pill lay in his palm, something he had never seen throughout the apocalypse. Nevertheless, echoes of memories from behind his mind surfaced, questioning whether it could be the mutagenic compound he overheard his roommate discussing.

Yet, as the full description of the pill was revealed, Park Doo Shi nearly leapt from his place.

"Mutagenic compound, upon consumption, can alter genes and greatly enhance basic physical fitness."

Mutagenic compound. The words themselves felt like a chant carrying unforeseen power. Park Doo Shi recalled how rare such compounds were, akin to myths of phoenix birds and unicorn horns. Few had ever had the chance to encounter them.

Enhancing basic physical fitness. The thought flooded his mind with limitless possibilities. Yet, behind its wonder, he also felt unease about the specific effects that might occur.

But without hesitation, Park Doo Shi popped the blue pill into his mouth. Like water merging with a river, the pill melted in his mouth, sending waves of heat sweeping through his entire body. Energy surged, radiating from every pore, granting him an extraordinary sensation difficult to articulate.

Yet, the process was swift. In no time, Park Doo Shi returned to normal, but he felt something different within him. Like a hidden aura of strength, waiting to be unleashed.

As he grasped the newly acquired high-tech steel knife, a radiant smile spread across his face. He felt ready to face whatever awaited him out there—with the newfound power he had discovered.

In the dimness of the silent chamber, Park Doo Shi grasped the steel knife with trembling hands, gazing upon it with reverence. Nestled in his grip, the weapon was no longer a mere tool but an extension of himself. Dim light illuminated the confines of his space, casting mysterious shadows upon the tattered, aged walls.

"Extraordinary power..." he murmured, his eyes sparkling with exhilaration. Every fiber of his being responded to the newfound surge of energy coursing through him. He could feel every pulse within his body vibrating with an enthusiasm he had never before experienced. As if in that moment, he had uncovered a hidden part of himself linked to the very forces of the universe.

"Tripled...," he whispered, then chuckled joyfully. A wild thought crossed his mind, envisioning the greatness he would achieve with this newfound strength. He could picture himself charging through battlefields, the steel knife an extension of his very hand, slicing through his enemies with lightning speed.

Yet, his fervor was dampened when a voice within him spoke: "Control... do not let this power consume you."

Park Doo Shi nodded, realizing that unchecked power could be more dangerous than no power at all. He had to learn to harness it, to direct it towards the right path.

With that resolve, he resumed his quest, opening the box with a growing hope within him. However, that joy turned to disappointment as he found only simple foodstuffs and drinking water within the box. He sighed, but then smiled with relief.

"At least this can keep me going for a few more days," he thought, trying to see the positive side of the situation. Carefully, he stored the items in his spatial ring, ensuring nothing went to waste.

Once all the items were organized, his eyes fell upon the combat uniform lying nearby. Gingerly, he lifted it, feeling the high-tech materials pass through his fingers. The uniform provided an inexplicable sense of security, offering additional protection in a world fraught with peril.

"It seems I'll be safe with this," he muttered, casting a glance around the somber surroundings. Though the dim light of the chamber only illuminated a small area, he felt grateful for every inch of life he preserved. With a heart full of hope, Park Doo Shi donned the combat uniform, ready to step into a world brimming with wonders and dangers alike.