
The body guard

*Splash* I look down at the disturbed water as I finish cleaning my face. I had taken off my mask to that I could clean up. My name is known to many as Dragon, although not my real name it's what I can remember.

As a child I grew up in the forest, isolated. I did live with my mother but she had been killed in an attack by a powerful beast that stumbled upon us. We lived in this forest out of fear we would be captured by my 'father'.

Both my parents are high elves but my mother was a commoner while my 'father' was a noble. My 'father' had seen my mother and fell for her beauty.

At first both of my parents were happy but things change. Soon my 'fathers' true personality came out especially so when he had found out that my mother was pregnant with me. Although my mother didn't like to talk about it she told me all the things he had done so that if she were to pass I wouldn't fall for the fake mask he was wearing if he came to get me.

When she was pregnant with me he pushed her down some stairs to try to get rid of me. The reason being was that I was an illegitimate child and that could ruin his marriage. Yes he was married to another, unknown to my mother.

My mother had experienced countless abuse from being hit, to verbally abused to even starved.

One day she had enough and fled from him. She ran and ran until she could no more. She ran to a friends house who thankfully took her in and allowed her to live with them until she gave birth in which she would then go to live at her fathers house in the woods that he left her.

Like this months passed and I was safely born. My true name was given to me but after living countless years in the forest by myself I had long forgotten it. Elves live for a very long time and I am still considered young for an elf but living in the woods for over a hundred years alone still takes it toll.

Growing up in the woods I learnt how to hunt, fight, survival tactics and a few other things. So when my mothers unfortunate death came I was still able to fend for myself.

Many years passed until that fateful day when a woman spotted me in the woods alone. I had been travelling through the forest in search for some spices and meat. I had to travel farther than usually due to a harsh winter we had that year that caused the spices and other edible plants to grow late.

I had been on the track of a frenzied boar while I was out. A frenzied boar is a large creature that has distinct red eyes and very large tusks. It is known to be very easily agitated and will attack anything that moves.

It's a fairly dangerous animal if you don't know what you are doing so I was being slow and cautious while tracking it. When I had eventually caught up to the boar I pulled my bow from my back and took aim with my arrow set on piercing the eye.

I took my time and was very focused on the boar, so much so that I failed to spot the other figure watching me with a curious gaze.

*Whoosh* *Splat* releasing my arrow I hit it in the eye and then I ran up to the boar as fast as I could while it was still confused as to where it was hit from. Sliding underneath it I pulled my dagger out and I slashed its throat.

Being covered in blood was nothing new to me and I just went about skinning the dead boar. As I did so the watching figure quickly jumped out of the bush it was hiding in and drew out a sword to my neck.

"Don't move, okay? I just want to ask a few questions and I want truthful answers."

Knowing I was not in a position to negotiate I could only agree.

"First of all who are you? Why are you here and where did you train to hunt like that? Only experts can hunt like you did."

I answered all her questions from my mother to my living conditions. Slowly she withdrew her blade and allowed me to see her for the first time. The woman who stood there was an high elf like myself and told me her name was Aria.

Now I'll spare the life story of what happened after but I stayed with her from that day on and then 5 years later princess Tia was born. I haven't been with her majesty very long but I was her most trusted guard and I was thankful for that.

She and I are actually good friends and even more so when she keeps telling me to find someone so that she can be called auntie. I always told her that it was impossible and that I don't think I would find anyone... well I didn't think so at least.

I had been with my squad training one day when we had received a message to guard the princess as she goes out on a little trip. We didn't have any problems with doing so, so we happily agreed to do so.

We set of from the palace to the blessed lake in search for something. We had all agreed to protect her not matter what anyways, but the warning we received from her majesty kinda scared us. That's why we kept our distance from her.

Like that we traveled with the princess until we stumbled upon a battle scene. A large orc army had surrounded the blessed lake and this in itself was a huge problem.

That was until a huge lizard appeared out of the water and confronted the army. It was breathtaking and scary at the same time. The battle it had was intense and awe inspiring to watch. We joined in the fight and I had fun headhunting orcs using my single fire rifle. *Pop!* and their heads would be gone. Satisfying to say the least.

The battle went on for a while and once it was finished we went down to the lake. The tree barrier opened up to reveal the lake and the creature.

The princess had shouted something and the lizard responded to it. Then with a bright light it disappeared. That was crazy enough to make me believe that this day wasn't real but then something happened.

I watched as the light disappeared and then my breath got caught. What stood there was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I wasn't too sure what I was feeling when I saw her but my chest tightened and I couldn't lift my gaze from her.

Suddenly the girl and the princess hugged. I don't know why but I felt disturbed by that but when the girl ki...kissed the princess on the cheek I felt something inside snap.

I don't know why I felt this feeling but I felt that the princess should be punished in someway so I scolded her the way I did.

It was only till the night where Anna sang under the tree with the stars above and the fire glowing did I realise what I was feeling. It was love. Something I hadn't experienced.

I have experienced family love from my mother, friendship love from Aria but not this type of love. When I had realised I'm sure my face turned bright red and my chest tightened. I didn't know what to do.

I had a restless night that night and before I knew it, it was morning. I was fairly tired which might be why I failed to spot the ambush.

I was angry at myself for not spotting it but when I saw Anna and her fight I was yet again distracted. She was just so beautiful and I was captivated.

I knew that she and the princess had something going on so I kept a certain distance but I still couldn't keep away. And that's why I'm currently here refreshing myself. After spending so much close time with Anna my heart needed a quick break.

I get nervous around her and my palms become sweaty. I just needed a quick refresh is all. We will be arriving at Eldran soon and when we do I'll need to consult with Aria. I need help.

Thanks for reading everyone!

I need an opinion on something so if you could give yours it would be appreciated.

Do you think the romance type aspect should only be between Anna and Tia or do you think it should be a harem type thing with other girls? Let me know you opinions and thanks again!

CrimsonNinjacreators' thoughts