A story of romance, action, adventure, relationship and world travel? Current world: Twilight Next world : Attack of titan ---------------------------------------------------- If you're looking for big harem, poke girl catch, and many other in the same category you may skip this fanfic. The story is a bit slow pace. The cover is not mine, I found it on google
Chapter 19
"Who are you?" The Mask man ask to the 'person' that suddenly appear in the room. The mask man is obviously was Alex, he has been cautioned the moment he scan this room his 'sense' and notice that someone was hiding.
That was why Alex took such roundabout way to kill everyone in this room to know what the intention of this 'person' to hide in this place and see weather he has any intention to interfere. When Alex call the person out from his hiding, he notice that the 'person' in front of him is stronger than any human he ever saw.
"For a human you are quite special, forgive my rudeness earlier my name is James Anarky " the man said while bowing his head slightly and slowly stepping closer to Alex " I want to extend an invitation to you, do you want to live forever? Do you want strength that far exceed this puny little human? I can give you all of that, but I need you to join our covern in return and swear loyalty to it." He entice
As the man said his name his James Anarky, the reason he want Alex to join his covern is because he has the ability to gauge a talent of someone he see. He only got to see Alex by chance when he is done with the hunt just now, when he see Alex for the first time he was stunned by the amount of talent he can sense from a human.
This so called 'talent' is the amount of strength the person get when he was turned. And the more 'talent' this person has, the more powerful he or she will get when he/she is turned, And Alex is by far the most powerful human he has ever see in his entire life and with that amount of talent, he can only imagine what kind of thing he can do.
So he took a direct front to approach by following him from a distance, when he saw that Alex is currently is observing a mansion he understand that Alex seem to have a target in this house. So he just rush in the house to obverse more about this new target of him, and that is how they were in this situation.
"… No thanks" Alex just give a flat refusal and head to the window. He just cant teleport around here carelessly, especially when there is someone around that he is wary of.
"…. Hahaha, I didn't say you have any choice" Noticing that his tempt didn't work, The man said and rush toward Alex with great speed faster than any human can comprehend. He didn't have any patient to begin with, so after seeing that his half-ass temptation didn't work he didn't see a need to waste time to talk any further. As long as he manage to turned him, the loyalty is confirm and all that bullshit about promising loyalty is just a hoax.
Facing the approaching danger, Alex didn't faze and just continue walking toward the window. The man just think that Alex was not aware of the approaching danger and as if forget that Alex can sense him when he was hiding.
He open his mouth wide, ready to sink his fang on his neck.
The sound was not loud but it was heard by his sharp hearing, he didn't have time to register anything before he see Alex flick his wrist and saw a blurry object heading toward his mouth. Since it was so close he didn't have time to close his mouth before the object enter his mouth.
"WH-" he didn't get to finish his word
A loud explosion coming from the man throat and piece of burn meat was scatter everywhere in the room. The previous spot the man was standing is only left with the lower half of his body since his head down to his waist is now everywhere in this room.
The thing that was thrown by Alex was his homemade grenade, it was child play for him to make this kind of thing since he was experience with chemical to begin with.
"…. As expected, this world has supernatural being living here. The past 6 month I didn't encounter anything from that world, but the more long I live here the more thing I encounter I guess. That bastard has a tough body alright, if it was a normal human there will be nothing left behind and can even take out around 2 people if they're was nearby." Alex mutter while looking outside the mansion noticing that the guard is starting to rush inside hearing a commotion inside.
"… I will stay doing this job for another 6 month I guess, after that... I will think about it when the time come" With that Alex disappear from his spot and right at this moment several people rushing in the room since the was ruin during Alex assassination.
The people face was now pale, some even vomit out directly seeing this brutal scene, and now they were wondering, how can all this happen in such a short time?
In another place somewhere in L.A
There is a beautiful villa outside the city and is quite near to the forest. The area is quite large, and the surrounding is quite peaceful. But the truth is far more than that, the people that were living inside this house was all cold blood murderer. And inside the main room, there is above average woman with red hair and pale skin was laughing maniacally right now.
Nobody know what why this Woman suddenly laugh but nobody dare to question. It was because this woman is the leader of this covern. After laughing for awhile she finally calm down
"Hah, hah, it's been sometime since I has a good laugh. James is being killed by a puny Human? Even though his talent is high it didn't mean that he has the strength to content again a vampire. It seem like this human is worth my time to turned and be my new puppy" she laugh as of the dead of her man didn't bother her in the slightliest.
In the room there is only 3 people inside excluding the red hair woman, the other two is a above average looking man, all of them are naked. You don't need an explanation to guess what they were doing inside the room.
The red hair woman name is Wendy, she was the leader of Anarky covern and also the leader of James Anarky. The member of the covern was all filled with man that is slightly handsome than the pears. How can she have a harem for herself? It was because she has an ability called 'loyalty inducing', it made that all the people that was being turn by her was all very loyal to her
And she can get the memory of the moment the person she turned if they were dead. That is why she know that James is dead, but the only thing she know is that he was killed by a human and she cant see his appearance. But what made Wendy react that way was not because of she saw the talent of the killer or anything, but it was because the smell of the killer.
She can identify whether or not the person is attractive just by their smell, and judging by that smell she can confirm that the masked man is going to be the most attractive person she has ever seen in her entire live.
Getting up from the bed, she reach the bathrobe that was hanging beside the bed and make her way to the bathroom.
"…. Gather all the men, I will make an announcement in 10 minute."
"Yes, Maam"
After she give that order she enter the bathroom and take a shower, while showering she give a crazy grin and mutter
"Hehehe, once I get you, you will not leave this room for atleast 2 weeks." She smiled with a pervert expression
After showering she got out and once again mutter
"Now…. Let's hunt a new toy"
[Poor Alex, he didn't know that 2 crazy woman is already has her eye set on him.
Anyway thank for reading my book, I will take a short 3 day break after this. There something that is need to be done.
If you like my story so far please leave a comment and add this book to your library.]