
Alex journey to Multiverse

A story of romance, action, adventure, relationship and world travel? Current world: Twilight Next world : Attack of titan ---------------------------------------------------- If you're looking for big harem, poke girl catch, and many other in the same category you may skip this fanfic. The story is a bit slow pace. The cover is not mine, I found it on google

AmarHazlin · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Recalling what has happen in this one year he can't help but sigh, he is always on the move and didn't stay in one place for too long. But it also come with some benefit, for example he always crash in an empty house or hotel room wherenever he want to take a rest. Just like now, he just crash in this apartment since it was empty when he check it out, he didn't need to worry about rent a place or anything.

Right now he is sitting on the bed and checking his phone, his phone has the same design as Blackcerry Key2, it has a touch screen with a keyboard on the bottom of it. The phone was name EQ-756


This is the phone that was only produce in the underground world, and it only use is to gain access to the app 'SYCHO'. In there you can have access to various mission in the underworld as long as your 'MERIT' is enough.

'MERIT' is basically some kind of 'reputation system'. The more 'MERIT' you have on your portfolio the higher the mission you can accept. You can gain your 'MERIT' by doing mission base on your 'MERIT' point, the harder your mission the more 'MERIT' and Money your reward are.

And the 'MERIT' is what determine your ranking, From E to S rank. As he was checking his phone for a mission that he can take in Washington since he already here, he remember that it's been a long time he check his acc balance.

The underground world also has banking service to save your money in secure place and can be access anything the user want. And by far it was the most 'secure' place to hold money for someone like Alex that still didn't have any identity in this world. Although it take 5% every years from what you have on the account.

But it was better than holding a large amount of cash I guess.

"Let's see…. Oh I didn't think I have save this amount of money. This amount is similar to the amount of money I made when I was in service for 10 years back then." When Alex check his account, his saving is around 30 million usd. And that is only doing this for 1 year compare to 10 years of accumulate wealth when was in service before, this is more quicker way to get rich.

If people from the underground world know what Alex was thinking they will probably beat him up to dead. He can made that much of money only because all his target is high profile individual with 1 million++ on their head. If not how can he have that much of money by only in that world for only a year?

" I guess with this much money I can retire now." Alex let out a puff of smoke and get up, he is now still wearing a towel " Hmm, maybe one last mission and then I can create my identity. And then what next?..... Maybe go to school? I didn't get to enjoy and finish my Highschool time anyway… " he is still unsure, he didn't know anyone in this world maybe he can start socializing again.

"Anyway let's finish one last mission, after that I will get my identity register." Alex mutter as he dress himself with white t-shirt, black jeans, long black hoodie and a boot.


Flicking his finger to throw away the cigarette butt he pick up his mask at the side of the bed he teleport from the apartment. Leaving a messy bed and still running shower behind. Poor owner will be spook when he return home.


South Mountain Park and Preserve, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

At over 16,000 acres, South Mountain Park and Preserve is one of the largest municipal parks in the country. Start a visit at the South Mountain Environmental Education Center, hike, bike and ride more than 58 miles of trails, or follow the road to the top of the mountain for spectacular views.

Right now it was night time and although at this place there are some people camping there to stay for the night, overall this place is basically empty.

On top of the mountain near the edge of the cliff, you can see a young teenager sitting cross leg near the cliff and behind him there is a cabin made entirely out of wood. If the authority saw this they will probably sue the hell out of the one that built it because South Mountain Park and Preserve is a protected land and a tourist spot and that mean it no construction is allowed here.

The young teenager although still sitting you can see he was quite tall around 1.85 meter. He was currently shirtless showing his well built body complete with a six pack. His hair is quite long since he tied it up on High ponytail style leaving a bang covering his side face. He can be describe to be a pinnacle of a beauty with his sharp jawline, thin lips and beautifully drawn eye brow.

The sitting teenager then open his eye, and the world was grace by a pair of beautiful violet blue eyes with a tinge of purple on it. The young man slowly stood up reach the left side of his pocket and pull out a wooden cigarette case.


He lit a up the cigarette and head to the cabin area. The cabin is an semi triangle shape and the is quite small but it will be more than comfortable for a single person to live in. At the side of the cabin there is a platform that can be use as a sight seeing area(?) and there is a single lying sofa that was made of unknown material.


This young man is naturally Alex, sitting at the soft sofa he thought to himself

"It's been more than 8 months since I live here and more than 20 months since I've been wondering around the country without any solid aim and only busy myself with killing people. I wonder why . . . . . I'm starting to feel more and more lonely, the pain I have been having is worsening. If before it will take atleast 24 hours before the pain come back, but now it will start showing sign every 3 hours before I need to start 'relieve' myself." With cigarette in his mouth he stare at the night sky that was being brighten by the moon and the stare

"And this power…" Alex lift his arm and it suddenly turn bright with a green 'aura' around' it. "It's a mystery to me, I feel like I can control the surrounding tree, plant, grass and even create weird type of plant, vegetable or even fruit that didn't even exist in this world." For example the 'sofa' that he has been sitting on. It was made by a type of grass that can stick together to shape it to any kind of shape, and it was also extremely soft and comfortable.

" And also, this energy can strengthen my body" he has been strengthening his body for 8 month now and his body is stronger than before.

Right now he can lift 800kg with an arm and his speed is also much faster, he can guess that this is not his limit, he can go even further if he continue to bask his body with this energy.

" Whatever this type of energy is I will slowly explore it out. And I got the feeling that my teleportation power is also not just that. Well I guess I will also start to uncover it when I have time." He got up and went inside the cabin.

After wearing back his cloth on he head outside on stand back near the cliff. With a slight shift of his foot the cabin behind him start to crumble until there was nothing left as if the cabin area was never there.

" Why is the tugging that I was having before start to get stronger? Is this also connected to the pain that I was having? Well I will solve it slowly I guess, I will head back to Washington in a month. And maybe get into school? Hmm it will be fun I guess. Right now let explore Phoenix" With that he jump of the cliff free falling. But before he hit the ground he disappear.



