
Age of Madness

Lucas has lived his life in a world mutated by MR waves, Earth once rife with green forests and a food chain humanity stood atop of no longer resembles its old self. the world is ruled by mutants who have extraordinary powers by harnessing MR waves what would it be like to be utterly helpless, unable to harness MR or even mutate? watch over Lucas as he stumbles and looks for a new path all his own that will take him towards the top every lesson and warning will be engraved in his skin and soul as for everything he gains, something must also be lost Mutants, humans, monsters. they must all walk the faded line between madness and salvation for their own survival in this world How much can the earth change in only 80 years?

Plz_onemore · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

CH 30: Good morning?

My mind was groggy and everything echoed as my brain was trying to figure everything out

'Wh.at? W.he.re?'

I wasn't sure how long it took until my mind started working and my thoughts started to become understandable

'What happened to me?'

It took even longer for my eyes to begin working trapping me in an empty abyss of darkness

'Did I die? Will this ever end?'

It felt like hell

I was trapped alone with my thoughts and nothing else

'I didn't get to say goodbye to Charlotte, I hope she isn't sad. John, please take care of her'

'When do I get to meet my parents?'

Even my personality started to stagnate after awhile in this emptiness

'Lucas, I'm... 16? A normy and ummm... What was I gonna say?'

'What didn't I say? What can I say? What's the point?'

After an eternity within my own mind a crack of light entered my eyes and everything that had happened disappeared from my mind

It had become trapped in a deep corner of his mind impossible for him to ever recall along with many other memories that had been trapped there to maintain this innocent child's sanity 

"Oh, good morning Lucas. How was your sleep?"

My mind felt groggy and slow as I tried to understand what was happening before my eyes

Centimeters away from my nose was a large face, There was a thick beard that stuck close to his face and long white hair that had been tied back into a ponytail as a large smile adorned his face

'Do I know him? Who is he?' 

"It's good to know that my brand new student didn't die, it seems my lessons were quite valuable this time"

He seemed to enjoy his own words as I figured out who he was

'Ah. I know him, he abuse- trained me a couple of days ago'

"I was really worried when I heard you were in the infirmary, I'm lucky to be here when you woke up"

I tried to speak but my throat felt like it was line with sand paper while my mouth wouldn't part, it was like it had been stitched closed never meant to open again 

"Don't bother moving, your bodies still extensively exhausted and will need more time to recover"

The longer I listened to him the more exhausted I felt

'How can I get more tired than I already am? It doesn't .m.ake an.y se.ns.e'

Before I knew it I could feel my eye lids fluttering 

I could barely think anymore

I drifted off into sleep


Waking up I opened my eyes to a white ceiling

'What happened?'

It took a few minutes for my whole memory to return back to me helping me understand the situation I was in

After remembering everything a smile appeared on my lips

'Such a lucky fucker, aren't I?'

After celebrating I exerted some strength into my body and slowly sat up pressing my back against the wall

I was laying in a small stretcher that was only big enough to fit my body

Rubbing my eyes I looked to my left

Sitting there sleeping against the wall was Charlotte

She had deep dark circles under her eyes and her snow white skin seemed slightly paler

'Has she been here this whole time? D-does she care that much?'

My face felt hot and I was embarrassed by the thought of her caring so much about me

'Fucking idiot. I need to take care of myself more, for her sake at least'

After falling out of my delusions I noticed her arms tightly wrapped around my satchel

I leaned forwards slightly and found my folded clothes on her legs 

It looked like she had been taking care of all of my stuff since I was unconscious, she looked after everything while I simply sat here sleeping

I pressed my head back against the wall and stared at her

Her long purple lock were in shambles and fell over one of her closed eyes

She had long captivating eyelashes that would draw in any mans interest with a simple flutter

Her skin was pristine and pale like freshly fallen snow accenting her slightly pink and red lips that constantly seduced me

Before I knew it I was leaning closer and closer to those lips

"Hmmmm, ammh"

She stirred in her sleep and I immediately realized what I had been doing 

'You idiot! That's literal sexual assault! Why would you do that!?'

I clutched my head and hit it a few times with my fist before calming down


After relaxing I could feel the back of my neck start to itch

Reaching up I felt pimples and rough skin running down under my shirt, the skin was dry and cracked while the pimples felt oily and disgusting to the touch

After feeling them and having oil spread to my fingers I began to scratch it annoyed and unable to hold back the urge anymore

My scratching only got more and more violent as the feeling didn't die down at all

Eventually I felt a thick liquid stick to my fingers like a second skin

Bringing my hand to my face I noticed the thick yellow puss that had coated them

'Eww. Why the fuck is there so much?'

Looking around quickly I wiped the revolting puss onto the under side of the stretcher so it wouldn't annoy me

'Lucky mutants, they don't get pimples or do they get colds thanks to their enhanced bodies'

The stronger a mutant was the more powerful their body became in every aspect

It ranges all the way from preventing the common cold and getting zits and pimples all the way to making them better looking than the average person

Thinking about the advantages for mutants I reached up and felt my face

'Am I. Average looking? Or worse?'

My cheeks were fat, my teeth were yellowish in color and pimples were dotted across my forehead

My hair was thin, long and greasy

'How long has it been since I last had a shower? So much has happened lately that I've forgotten'

Sliding my hand down I felt my scratchy skin, oily face, thin neck and slightly muscular body, even after my daily fights for survival my body refused to become any more toned than it already was

Dropping my hand into my lap I continued thinking about how becoming a mutant would change everything 

'A normy. Hahaha, I'm probably the ugliest in the whole base'

97% of the base were mutants although most were just tier 1's as the higher one's tier the greater the mountain they have to pass over to become the next tier

Even just being a tier 1 made one much better looking

It flushed out all the impurities that regularly build up in one's body preventing pimples, acne, grease and even made them slightly better looking 

As I thought about how my looks would pale incomparison to a mutants much like a prey would be nothing in front of a predator I tried to remember the last time I gazed into a mirror

The very thought crushed my confidence and everything else that I had slowly built up within myself 

'How can I become a mutant though?!'

Traped in my negative thoughts I was brought out of them by the sudden intense sturrings of Charlotte next to me

Her eyes fluttered as she woke up


She fluttered her long eyelashes causing my heart to skip a few beats

It took a few seconds for my heart to settle down again 

"Good morning Charlotte"


Tears rolled down her cheeks giving off a weak but extremely attactive air to her

"I'm sorry I worried you"

"You fucking idiot!"