
Festering Madness

[MATURE CONTENT] The world has been mutated by MR waves. Earth once rife with green forests and a food chain humanity stood atop of no longer resembles its old self, the world is ruled by monsters who have extraordinary powers by harnessing MR waves Everyone and everything stumbles and crawls their way through life trying to reach the top of the food chain so they won't be hunted and killed by another predator Every lesson and warning will be engraved in their skins and souls as for everything they gains, something must also be lost Mutants, humans, monsters. All walk the faded line between madness and salvation for their own survival in this world This world was never meant for a sane man. That's why the sane died out when they couldn't adapt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first time posting any type of novel so expect - Bad grammar - Misspelled words - Boredom I'll continue to improve myself throughout writing it though, that's a promise

Plz_onemore · Fantasy
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49 Chs

CH 29: Lucky Bastard

"Nathan! When do we get to go back?"

"Haha. Are you saying that you're bored out of all people?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"If anyone was going to complain I thought it would be James"

"Fair p-"

"What do you mean I would be the first one you'd expect to complain out of everyone?!"


James had appeared right next to us out of nowhere

All it took was a blink of my eyes for him to be standing there refuting the previous statement 

"You can't blame me, all you do is complain all day"

"So what? That's still insulting of you to say that about me"

"Sure, whatever you say James"

 Stepping past us he approached the collectors that seemed to be finishing up as they began cleaning off their daggers and other tools

"Is everything collected?"

"Yes. We have collected everything that was worth anything, we're free to head back now"

Nodding Nathan turned towards everyone that looked as if they were relaxing but all had their guards up

Upon close inspection you would notice their bodies which lacked the normal amount of openings and the weapons that were close to their hands ready to be used

He took in a deep breathe and pressed his fingers to his lips 


A loud whistle reverberated throughout the street catching everyone's attention, even those that weren't paying attention at the moment

Before he spoke he turned to a man wearing glasses and was crouching down and touching the broken concrete 

"Did I alert anything?"

He stayed in place with his eyes closed for half a minute and looked up

"You're good, continue"

Nodding he turned back towards the attack squad that was waiting patiently

"Round up, we're heading back to base. Today's hunt ends here"

Everyone acknowledged his words and began heading back to base


Walking out of the crowded streets I came back to the large open area that surrounded the base

Looking around I noticed someone standing in the distance

'Are they part of the attack squad? Can't be'

Curious I walked over to the person 

'He looks familiar'

"Oi fucker! What're you doing over there?" 

I continued approaching as he turned towards me although he seemed extremely weak

"Are you gonna keep me waiting for an answer you shit?" 

After racking my brain I remembered who he was

'Ah Lucas right? What's he doing here looking like a twig bastard?'

I was about to ask when he suddenly fell over onto the floor with a thud


I ran up to him and quickly inspected his body

'Small cuts, blood loss, penetration wound that goes through both sides. There might be damage to the organs'

After giving a quick analysis I focused a small but concentrated amount of electricity into my palm

"Good thing a wimp like you passed out, this will make it much easier"

Charging my hand full of electricity I pressed it firmly onto the wound on the front of his body

As I pressed onto his skin a burning smell emanated from my palm

After a few seconds I raised my hand exposing burnt flesh that was left behind after I cauterized the wound to stop the bleeding

'I don't need to cauterize the other side, it would be a waste of energy'

I lifted him up with his top facing down to prevent more blood from gushing out like it normally would be

I threw him over my shoulder and gathered a large amount of electricity into my legs causing a thunder like clap to occur


The concentration of the energy threw me forwards at an extraordinary speed 

It only took a half a minute for me to speed my way back to Nathan who was leading the group and checking up on everyone

"Nathan. This guy doesn't seem to have had a good time"

As I spoke I presented Lucas to him

"Shit, what happened to this kid?"

He seemed to notice him from a single glance

'Do they already know each other? No. There's no way a normy knows him'

"Looks like It's serious. Damnit"

Reaching into one of the pockets in his cargo pants he pulled out a thin and long metal vial 

"You're gonna use that on this dipshit!?"

"It's fine. I'm taking responsibility for him"

He completely ignored my swearing as he had grown used to it after a little bit, most people swore constantly so it wasn't too surprising

Nathan moved Lucas's clothes out of the way exposing the bloody wound that seemed extremely deep, pulling out the cap he poured a little bit into the wound before putting the cap back back into the vial

"He won't have any problem now"

Sighing in relief he looked towards me

"Good work Jessica"

"Seems like a waste to me, he's just a normy after all"

"Jessica. Watch what you say"

His voice suddenly had a dangerous edge to it causing my mouth to immediately clamp shut out of fear

"Tch. Do whatever you want old man"

"Old man? I'm only 24!"

There was a long silence from those around them that had heard the over zealous statement

"Sure. Whatever you say geezer"

Before Nathan could talk back I quickly scurried off much like James had done at some point throughout our conversation

As I walked off towards the base I did a quick scan for James but he had disappeared like he always does 

'Why doesn't that fucker just be a magician at this point?'

Annoyed I continued cursing both of them as I went towards the front door


"Open up right fucking now!"

The man behind the door reluctantly slid the slider out of the way to look onto the other side of the door

"Oh, is the hunting party back already?"

"Yes, so open the fucking door before I kill you"

"R-right away!"

Scared the man quickly closed the slider and began undoing all of the latches in record time before opening the door for everyone to enter

"Took you long enough"

Walking past him I went straight to my room

Pushing the fresh wood door open I stepped into my luxurious room

The floor was covered in black carpet, a large queen sized bed sat on the other side of the room next to a desk 

Closing the door I threw a quick glance to the bookshelf that sat beside it where I stored both books and important items

Walking past everything I sat in the middle of the room where a small platform sat raised above the carpet

It was a wooden podium the perfect size for me to sit on

Walking up to it I sat down on it in a lotus position resting my arms on my legs and lightly pressing the side of my hands into my stomach

It took a few minutes for my body to release all of its pent up stress and for me to finally start relaxing

When my muscles loosened and my mind opened up I began to feel my sense weaken until finally I was in complete darkness, it was like I was floating through space without a single light to guide me

I began to visualize my electricity and the feeling I had whenever I used it

I began to imitate the flow of energy as if I was letting it all run rampant until finally I could feel it

There was this faint but overwhelming feeling of a beat

A loud beat that constantly maintained its rhythm coupled with glowing balls of energy that resembled my electricity

They all resembled tiny weaker suns that gave off energy 

Feeling the beat of energy that continuously graced my skin I focused on one of the orbs and began to 'connect to it'

The longer I focused on it the more energy I could feel slowly drip into me like an old facet

I didn't know how long I was focused on it but it felt like I had spent years to gather twenty of its small droplets

As I gathered the droplets with my 'hands' I let them soak into my being and I felt the energy coarse and ripple through my body causing hundreds of different sensations simultaneously


 I was shocked awake due to the pain, sadness, joy, euphoria I felt upon making the energy my own 

The small tiny droplets I collected caused my body to struggle as the energy was extraordinary and filled me to the brim causing me to have a hard time containing it

"I'm still not even close"

I could feel it, it was like I only just took the third step on the path towards Tier 3

There was a mountain covered in steps that annoyed me to no end

'Why can't it be faster? Fuck'