
The Guarded Coffin

Crynn POV

Yes, I see it too, the end of the tunnel is near. "A few more meters everyone," I love switching between feet and meters, I can never stay on just one measurement. "Everyone stay vigilant, there could still be traps," Evelyn warned everyone from not getting too excited yet and celebrating too early.

We small stepped nearer and nearer to the end of the tunnel, I could see glimpses of a bigger room than the one before, this might be a big catch. We arrived right in front of the end, no more traps it seems. O'Connell entered first then Evelyn then me and then the rest. As my good sight said, it is a big room.

It's quite spacious, a lot of murals on the walls, burnt out torches adorned every corner and finally, a 2 meter long, one meter tall, 2 feet wide metal rectangular something in the middle. "What's that?" Jonathan shot off the first question, what is that in the middle, I'm wondering, O'Connell's wondering and Warden's confused.

"I don't know but let's see shall we," Evelyn went near it, and as the light gets closer, the thing gets clearer. We could see a lot of intricate engravings present on the thing, making some sort of story. And in the middle of the thing, there is a small hole, surrounded by a sculpting of two men with dogs as their heads, holding a spear like a guardian of some kind.

"These engravings, extraordinary! They tell a story about a man, a highly respected man, that one day betrayed his king and got what he deserved," Evelyn looked at the thing in wonders, touching it here and there, as if feeling the memories it left behind. "And your conclusion," O'Connell said while pointing his flashlight on the walls, displaying murals of old.

"This, what the traps are guarding isn't treasure, it's someone, and that in the middle is a lock," Jonathan and Warden seems disappointed, but I am very serious. By what Evelyn just said, this should be the start of the mess I'm going to face, I need a rest after all this. "Ahh, before you do anything to that lock. Avter, your gun," I've totally forgotten again, my gun!

I handed O'Connell my gun where he put it on top of the thing, no known as a coffin or sarcophagus, he opened his leather bag to bring out a tiny brush. He inserted the brush into my gun muzzle, and brushing it several times, bringing all the sand out. He then pointed it on the ground and shot it, shocking everyone and me.

"What you do that for!" I narrowly asked, do you need to fire a shot! "It's for precaution that it's safe," O'Connell gave me back the gun and patted Evelyn to continue on with the lock. "Now this lock looks like 8 starred, and I think I know how to open it," she took an 8 sided box from her bag and fiddled with it, pressing a button, opening it into an 8 starred hatch.

"Now, we just insert it," Evelyn placed the six starred side onto the lock and turned it clockwise, "Voila!" Everyone looked impressed, everyone besides Jonathan because he probably known that using the box would work. "Now we just need..." loud sounds of gears cut off Evelyn's speech and the four walls on each side of the room suddenly began to descend.

"What's this Evelyn! A trap!?" Jonathan asked panic-stricken, looking at the walls go down. "Everyone, stay in your positions!" O'Connell gave a clear order but one thing confusing me the most, I've never remembered seeing this scene from the movie, sure I don't remember a lot but even then, seeing things happen does give flashbacks, this doesn't.

I hate the unknown, and know I'm going to face that unknown. Revealed after a few seconds of worry, from behind those walls, there stood 4 metallic (bronze?) statues holding gold spears with their heads having that dog head like the ones on the sarcophagus. "Those are statues of Anubis!" Anubis? I think that's the God of Death?

"Be careful everyone, we don't know what's going on!" O'Connell reminded everyone again as we all stared unflinchingly at the statues. Suddenly, the statues' eyes in succession, glowed a dim red and their legs began to move! What's this! Some sort of sorcery! Piertotum Locomotor!? O'Connell directly brought out his akimbo magnums, shooting them right at its head.

Bang! Bang! The statue's head flinched before staring back at O'Connell, eyes glowing a bright menacing red. "Crap!" The statue jumped at O'Connell bringing its spear down on him. Thankfully O'Connell rolled just in time for the spear to pierce the ground. "Everyone! Dodge!" As he said that, everyone began scrambling away, I noticed Warden running down the previous tunnel.

"Warden! You Coward!" It was Jonathan whom shouted and began running as a statue starts striking forward at him. Headshots don't work, what will? "Evelyn any ideas!" I hurriedly asked seeing one of the statues coming at me. "No! I've never seen anything like this before!" Think, think, think. I jumped back as the statue slashed its spear at me.

There's too much action, can't think straight! I saw O'Connell avoiding the statue and shooting back. On the statue's back, a blue rock could be seen attached to its back neck. "O'Connell! Try to target its back neck!" I said while dodging the constant swings, its definitely good that these statues aren't agile enough and are quite stiff.

"On it!" O'Connell shouted from the other end of the room while I try to focus to get behind this moving bronze statue. I agilely, slipped past its attack, making my way behind the statue. Aiming the gun, I got the clear shot! Bang! I shot and to my absolute surprise! From the waist up, the statue turned 180 degrees facing me, shot missing the intended target and instead hitting the statue on the front neck.

This is about to get even more difficult! The Egyptians thought of almost everything!