
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

4 months later

These last four months have been very slow.

Basically, I got up at 6am, develop my core, at 7am I go to the library, redevelop my core, and then go to combat practice with Elijah.

3 months ago Elijah told me that I had settled enough and decided to teach me how to use the sword, which is a total waste of time because I handle it better than him.

But I keep pretending and attending because it doesn't make sense for someone who wakes up recently with no memories to know how to use a sword.

The days passed like this. At some point I asked Ingrid about her combat skills. With what I received an answer I expected... She has never used a weapon.

So I looked at her core and physique and noticed that she's pretty good for someone who doesn't do any training.

So I asked Elijah to train her as well, and he accepted.

Ingrid showed excellent combat capabilities surprisingly.

She learned to use the spear. I guess after thrust a dagger in her leg she wasn't very happy with the combat too close.

It is quite good and its core has already advanced to blue.

She never refined her core, but she has an illogically good natural absorption capacity.

I am the chosen one of the Goddess and she has more talent than I am.

Changing the subject. I began to develop a technique for my body refinement. I think I found the solution by studying the essence more deeply.

I learned a lot about the essence.

It turns out that I understood certain things wrong before, the essence is defined as creator, but not by its ability to create things from nothing.

It doesn't create things out of nothing, it uses itself to essentially change everything about itself.

The essence has a kind of very light consciousness that can be commanded by magicians, but can self-manage for its changes of structure.

Mana has no such characteristic, and if my deductions are correct mana is a product of the essence itself, so its way of handling them is similar.

In this case, I can create fire with the essence with the use of the idea in my head.

For example, I know that fire requires combustion to occur.

Combustion uses heat, oxygen and fuel.

The essence, in turn, transforms into energy, air and combusts itself. The problem is that if you don't command well, you can do more harm than good. If you're not connected enough with the essence, it will ignore u. For that humans can't use it

Mana, on the other hand, cannot form complex ideas, in this case it could only form energy and burn itself, but it is also easier to handle because it has no consciousness.

Mikela's divine fire, for example, uses divine mana that comes from the Goddess, then takes oxygen, generates heat and combusts her divinity, creating that horrible flame.

For body refinement in particular, mana does not work because it has no consciousness so it cannot adapt at all and the improvement disappears over time. Basically you turn the mana pure energy and inject it into your muscles while generating a protective bar to prevent long-term damage.

In case the essence is much better, consciousness understands the characteristics of our body and adapts to transform and improve itself without harming and maintaining itself.

Also, I developed a better form of absorbing energy from my surronding. Essence has his own consciousness, so I form a mini black hole that isnt really a black hole.

It only absorbs essence and It closes when it reachs full capacity

Now, essence core absorb energy on their own, so my idea is to create many small spheres within my body that maintain a constant flow of essence to actively strengthen my entire body at the same time.

I'm a genius, isn't I?

I'm not really a genius or anything like that, just the ability to be an apostle of Decrea allows me to command the essence much more easily.

That's why I noticed that it has a slight conscience as well.

I will begin this process, and if all goes well I will be able to join the looters' guild.

What an emotion.

3 hours later

After creating many pseudo black holes inside my body and actively commanding the essence, I was able to generate many pseudo nuclei to store energy.

From what I see, I will have a little passive enhancement as well, but I will have to activate it to improve my body.

My main core is also at the top of the violet range, lightening to a bluer hue.

I just need to train my body for a while longer and take Ingrid to fight on Earth.

I can't wait.