
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Guild and mission.

A month later, I continued my routine while adding body refinement to tasks.

Today I am satisfied with what I achieved.

You should be able to fight a rank 1 without much trouble.

I reported my plans to Elijah, so that I would indirectly get the Count's support.

I don't want to get into his bad books, the man still has some bloodlust when he looks at me.

The problem is that Elijah is going to follow me, because according to him, I have no experience and it is better to take care of myself.

He will not interfere with my decisions and just be there to evaluate me.

In any case, I think it will be fine.

My core couldn't move forward from violet, but I don't think it's that important either.

I don't think I'll be assigned a difficult mission like that.

Leaving the mansion with Ingrid and Elijah, we get into a carriage heading to the city center.

I am equipped with armor of overlapping plates. It covers my chest, a little my arms and legs.

Under the armor I wear everything covered with leather and some chain mail. The center plates are made to avoid strong stabs in areas of chest and legs, however the chain mail and leather protect me from quick cuts.

A scabbard with my sword and 2 potions on my belt.

The potions are for emergency, the count gave them to me and told me that one recovered the fatigue and cleared the mind while the other heals wounds quickly.

All my armor was given to me by Elijah after I told him what I wanted to do.

Ingrid next to me no longer has her maid uniform and instead wears dark plate armor molded to her body. I must say that she wears it as if she were a goddess.

The armor has a snake pattern on the chest. After asking, apparently it is the symbol of the Runa house, where Marcus comes from.

Her gray skin has lost much of the cracks and dryness of before and her face looks much more attractive.

The armor covers everything except under your armpits and crotch. Apparently, the count saw his potential and assigned her enough resources to take care of herself.

She also carries a simple, steel spear of around 1.5 meters.

I have seen her use it, she really is talented.

Elijah goes as usual, wearing white armor that covers his entire body and leaves only his face out. But still, he has a helmet under his arm.

After arriving at the guild, we went straight to reception where we were attended I think the same girl as before, but I can't say for sure.

After analyzing our cores and filling out the forms, we had to wait half a day for them to check that we were not criminals.

The two of us were given rank 1, and Elijah was not given rank since it was with special permission to observe us signed by the count.

It seems that the count has much more weight than I thought

They lightly explained the logic of the missions, such as rank and other things to keep in mind.

Basically, there are 6 ranges listed, 1 being the lowest and 6 being the highest.

The methods to rank up are not clear, as the guild itself calls you when analyzing the performances of the missions.

Let's say you can complete Rank 1 missions but you always make it with luck and a lot of wounds.

Even if you completed 10,000 missions you would never be selected to rise to the second rank.

On the other hand, if your capacity is excellent with 10 or 20 missions, they may look to you to test your capabilities.

This allows for faster tracking of those with talent and limits those who would do more harm than good in more complex missions.

They also explained to us that most of the missions come from the government and army, and that many times you have to collaborate with them in combat. This is a bit annoying but it doesn't matter.

You can raise money and pay to have your mission published by giving a commission to the guild, but not many people do.

We were told that we have an obligation to take at least 3 missions in 6 months. It is quite lax, but if one is rank 5 for example, each mission takes much longer.

I think they have different rules, but I'm far from there so I don't care either.

Now, the mission we take asks us to burn down a small farming village that was recently blessed by the god of fertility.

It has a small chapel and not many villagers.

Ingrid and I are more than enough.

Although, as he was blessed by a god it is likely that there are a few soldiers assigned by the Church.

In any case I doubt that they are greater than rank 1

All said and that, they took us to an area with a red portal.

Us humans know that they had these ways of transporting themselves. But it was very difficult to find any of these portals.

The few times I found one, it usually closed in my face.

I feel a little expectation now. An emotion that runs through my veins

I am oblivious to this, before I did not enjoy combat because it was only an obligation.

This is going to be fun. I thought as my eyes show bloodlust.