
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Training (2)

After listening, I did what Elijah told me as I sent the essence into my body.

I could feel that I needed to create a flow over the muscles so that they absorbed the energy I was sending.

It is a very inefficient method.

I possess little refinement of essence because my core is weak and to that is added that this process is slow and absorbs little of the refined essence it sent.

Perhaps I should investigate another method

The improvement that manna brings to the body is not permanent but that of the essence.

As the improvement of mana in the body was not permanent, the greatest possible amount of efficiency was sought in its formation.

I myself create my own circulation technique, the problem is that the essence and mana are different.

One transforms and the other creates

To I would have to learn more about the essence if I want to improve the technique.

For now, this is useless. It would take many years to improve and I don't think I have that amount of time if I want to get revenge on Mikela.

I try to avoid thinking about revenge because I know it's a stupid target right now, but still all my actions are directed in pursuit of revenge.

I even want to join the looters just to attack a couple of chapels and calm down.

And when that thought comes, I remember Victor.

I have to carry his will too.

... It's best to leave those ideas.

In any case, since I cannot control the essence as I want, I concentrate on strengthening my core.

By creating the center of attraction in my chest, I focus on what happens to the essence when it enters my core.

The essence that is in the air is blood red. It is of the highest purity, but loses its color and power when it enters my core and I pretend to find out why.

From what I see, all the imperfections within my core affect the quality of the essence it absorbs.

My core looks perfect but it's nowhere near it.

No matter how good it looks from the outside, inside it is a disaster, with several completely black parts that infect the essence that enters.

It is logical, when I believe my nucleus knew little or nothing about how it was formed.

He is in good shape only because of my experience in mana control.

How to destroy those imperfections anyway?

Just as mana can transform, essence can create.

But I can't create anything inside my body.

Not because I literally can't, but because I will die.

Let's say I create acid or some poison, I would basically kill myself but from the inside out.

I have an idea but it may not be too good.

Using the essence that already exists in my core I force it to move around one of the impurities.

The essence spreads and surrounds impurity while I concentrate on maintaining it.

After much waiting, it completely surrounds her.

Now the hard part.

I transform the inner part of the essence that surrounds it into a small layer of fire.

A very small fire, very controlled and not too hot.

I do this while solidifying my external essence so that no heat escapes.

Well, it works. It is consuming impurity as fuel.

I can create such a controlled fire because it was my specialty in my hero days.

Fire and earth.

I chose them as a studio because they were incompatible elements

In any case, after spending about 20 minutes like this in full concentration of what happens in my nucleus, I can no longer hold it and eliminate it.

2 problems has this method.

First, it requires an illogical amount of concentration. I must admit, I am afraid of burning my core. I have killed many elves and I know that they have a large part in maintaining their body once they are created.

Second, it consumes a lot of essence. The fire he creates requires a constant renewal of essence.

Impurity being the fuel, the essence was transformed into oxygen and heat to produce fire.

And maintaining a constancy of energy produced for heat and another part in oxygen is really an important consumption.

Besides that I myself have little essence.

If this continues, it will take me a long time to clean my core.

Well, in the times that I am not cleaning my core I will study, if there is any way to solve the ineffectiveness of the essence in the body.

Opening my eyes after all, I notice that Elijah is gone. I don't know when but it looks like he won't come back.

With tiredness in my body, I go out to the library to begin my studies.

These months are going to be long.