
a long path, My history in dragon ball!

the story of takeshi, the strongest Saiyan and his path to true ilumination

miles_beast · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

3: I won’t notice the differences? Yeah, sure.

An enormous ship could be seen crossing space; it was Bas's ship. Takeshi was sitting, leaning against a wall while looking at a sheet of paper.

Takeshi: Hmm, I think these are all of them.

Bas: All of what?

Bas said as he entered the same room.

Takeshi: Oh, I see your wounds have healed.

Bas: Yes, the recovery machines on my ship heal at a very impressive speed. Besides, the wounds you caused me were not that serious.

Takeshi: Good, I'm glad I didn't go overboard.

Bas: (Is he saying he held back?) Hey, by the way, what's on that sheet?

Takeshi: Oh, just trying to remember all the abilities I have since there are quite a few.

Bas: Wow, really? When I died, I could only ask to be a demon of the cold and for my sword, but you have many abilities. Maybe you did something very good for them to give you so much.

Takeshi: Nah, not so much. I just helped prevent a robbery and sacrificed my life for a little girl, nothing too important. But speaking of which, how did you get here, I mean, how did you die?

Bas: …

Takeshi: Oh, I'm sorry if it bothers you to remember, I won't ask again.

Bas: It's okay, it's fine. I didn't really die doing something heroic like you, but I died trying to get money.

Takeshi: Were you killed while trying to rob?

Bas: No, no, look, I won't go into details, but I wasn't a person with a lot of money. I lived under bridges and ate from the trash to survive. My dream was to be a fighter, so when I wasn't begging, I trained to become strong. Over time, I met people who offered me to fight for money. Excited, I accepted, but I didn't take two things into account. First, the appearance of those guys didn't give the impression that they would take me to a ring or something like that to fight, and second, my health wasn't the best since obviously eating so much trash left me worse off than if I hadn't eaten anything.

Takeshi: So you…

Bas: Yes, I basically went to a death circle, and they beat me to death.

Takeshi: Darn man, I'm so sorry.

Bas: It's okay, I think it was for the best. I don't know how much longer I would have lasted in that world; it wasn't for me. In the end, I'm glad I got here, and I'm glad to know I'm not the only reincarnated one here.

Takeshi: Heh, yeah, I'm also glad. But what about your parents? Why weren't they with you, didn't they take care of you?

Bas: Not exactly, my father died of cancer. The guy smoked and drank a lot, but he was never a bad guy. At least every time he and I talked, he was always good, and in his last days, he told me not to let anything or anyone crush me, to always stand tall against adversity, although clearly, in the end, adversity was too much for me.

Takeshi: And your mother?

Bas: That bastard never loved us, neither me nor my father. She only married him for his money, and when she saw the opportunity, she sued my father for hurting her and was evil enough to inflict wounds on herself so that they would believe her. In the end, everything went in her favor, and my father was left with nothing, and sadness consumed him until all he thought about was drinking to drown his sorrows.

Takeshi: Wow, man, that's horrible. I'm sorry.

Bas: Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore. Back to your abilities, show me what they are, I'm curious.

Takeshi then stands up and walks to the center of the room.

Takeshi: Alright, pay attention.

Bas nods.

Takeshi stretches out his hand while a green flash appears on his body and lifts a small object.

Takeshi: First, telekinesis, you've already seen it. I'm capable of lifting objects with the power of my mind, although this is up to a certain level because if I overdo it, I'll get a headache. Bas then raises his hand as if he had a question.

Takeshi: What?

Bas: Don't you consider that ability a bit useless?

Takeshi: Eh, why?

Bas: Because basically, you could do that with ki, don't you remember when Cell created the arena for his tournament?

Takeshi: Well, I suppose, but since I've only seen Cell do something like that, I thought it would be cool to have telekinesis.

Bas: Well, I guess that's fine. Let's go with the next one.

Takeshi nods and proceeds to run, first somewhat slowly until he suddenly disappears from Bas's view.

Bas: Wow, I've seen it before, but it still surprises me how fast he is.

Takeshi quickly returns to the room.

Takeshi: This is Flash's speed, I imagine you know him.

Bas: Yes, but a question, which one of them?

Takeshi: Huh?

Bas: There are many Flashes, Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Bart Allen, which one?

Takeshi: Hmm, well, I really didn't think about that. I just wrote that I had the speed of Flash; I never took into account the versions.

Bas: Ah, well, I suppose God will have chosen one of them all, and that's it. Let's go with the next one.

Takeshi: Alright, let's see, this one is a bit difficult to explain since you don't seem to know One Punch Man.

Bas shakes his head in negation.

Takeshi: Well, anyway, I'll tell you about this character. I possess the abilities of the hero hunter Garou. He was an expert martial artist and a combat prodigy. He could easily see and copy his opponent's movements and add them to his own style. To be honest, I was in doubt whether to also give myself the learning ability of Emerl (a character from Sonic Battle).

Bas: With style, you mean those strange and fast movements you did. They were very impressive. You were able to repel and counterattack as if nothing, and your strikes aimed at vital areas of the body.

Takeshi: Yes, in the hands of a prodigy, the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist is lethal.

Bas: Well, now let's go with the ones I don't know.

Takeshi: Alright, here goes the next one.

Takeshi stretches his hand forward, and a blue flame appears from it, producing a sword.

Takeshi: Just like you, I also have a sword, or rather a katana. This is the Yamato.

Bas: Hey, I know that katana, it's Vergil's from Devil May Cry.

Takeshi: Great, if you know it, I don't have to go into detail about the abilities.

Bas: And you have the same abilities as him, like the swords he summons and the Judgement Cut?

Takeshi: Yes, although the swords are made with ki to be more lethal, but the abilities are the same. Alright, let's go with the next one. Do you know One Piece?

Bas: Yes, I used to watch it at my friends' house.

Takeshi: Well, to summarize, I possess the Haki abilities, such as Armament, Observation, and Conqueror's. I also planned to add the Rokushiki abilities and a Devil Fruit, but I thought that would be too much.

Bas: Well, are those all?

Takeshi: Nope, there are still a few more.

Bas: (God, how many does he have?) Let's see?

Takeshi: Well, these I still can't show you because I'm not trained enough to use them, but they come from the world of Naruto.

Bas: Ah, you mean the Sharingan?

Takeshi: No, actually, I was tempted by the idea of having it, but when I thought about the cons, like having to kill the most precious person to me to obtain the Mangekyo, and also having to rip out the eyes of another like me to have the Eternal Mangekyo. Plus, think that if there's no other like me, over time and the battles in which I have to use the Mangekyo, I'll end up blind.

Bas: Yes, I think that makes sense. So which ones do you have? Do you have any of the tailed beasts?

Takeshi: No, neither. The truth is, I don't want any of those advantages. I consider being a Saiyan to be enough.

Bas: So what then?

Takeshi: Well, I'll just tell you that I'm training my body and meditating a lot for two abilities that are incredible.

Bas: Okay, now there's something I want to check. Bas walks over to a small screen and types some things.

Bas: Hey, Takeshi.

Takeshi: Yes?

Bas: Is it urgent that we get there quickly?

Takeshi: That's right, my mom is there, and I at least want to be able to save her.

Bas: According to the navigation system, it will take us 1 hour to get there, but if you want to get there faster, we can use the thruster I told you about.

Takeshi: How long is gonna take to reach planet Vegeta with that?

Bas: 3 minutes.

Takeshi: That fast? Sounds great, let's use it.

Bas: Alright, if that's what you want, take a seat and fasten your seatbelt as tight as you can.

Takeshi: (Wow, seems like this is going to be quite the ride) Okay.

Takeshi runs to one of the seats and does as Bas said.

Bas then also takes a seat.

Bas: Computer, prepare the thruster for immediate use.

Computer: Understood, Lord Basaru.

Takeshi: Pff, Lord Basaru?

Bas: Shut up and get ready.

Computer: Thruster initiating in 3 Bas: Hold on. 2 Takeshi: I'm scared. 1

The ship would start moving at an inmense speed bending the space.

Bas and Takeshi: AHHHHHH!

*3 minutes later*

Computer: Journey completed.

Both Takeshi and Bas were completely paralyzed. Takeshi unbuckles his belt to throw himself to the floor in the fetal position.

Takeshi: Never, never, never again will we use that.

Foam was coming out of Bas's mouth.

Bas: (I didn't think it through when I installed this function.)

Takeshi: (Wait, the computer says we've arrived) Bas, we're here!!

Bas then regains consciousness.

Bas: Seriously, I want to see what the planet looks like from here.

Both run to one of the ship's windows to look…

But they find nothing.

Bas: Eh, isn't Planet Vegeta supposed to be here?

Takeshi: …

Bas: (Oh God, no) Takeshi.

Takeshi: …

Bas: Calm down, maybe the computer made a mistake, maybe we haven't arrived yet. Computer, is this Planet Vegeta?

Computer: Affirmative, these are the coordinates where the planet of the Saiyans is located.

Bas: (Damn, it can't be, we didn't arrive in time.)

Bas looks at Takeshi and gets scared. Veins could be seen marking on the Saiyan's arms, and his hair was moving.

Bas: (Takeshi…) Hey, calm-

Takeshi: I'll kill him.

Bas: Eh?

Takeshi: Even if it costs me my life clenches fist I will destroy that filthy scum until he begs me for mercy, I swear.

Bas: Yes, that's right, I know you can, but now we need to calm down.

Takeshi: Can you leave me alone for a moment?

Bas: O-okay (it's for the best).

Bas leaves the room.

Takeshi calms down and sighs.

Takeshi: Why?

He tries to contain himself, but it's useless, starting to cry in a mix of frustation for failing again and sadness for the death of his mother.

Takeshi: Why can't I save anyone? Why must I fail and watch innocent people die?

*1 hour later*

Bas was sitting in the dining room thinking.

Bas: (He's been alone for a long time, is he okay? It seems to have affected him a lot.)

Takeshi: Hey, don't eat everything, I'm hungry.

Bas: Takeshi.

Bas walks towards Takeshi.

Takeshi: Hehe hey calm down buddy, I'm fine.

Bas: Tell that to your face, look at your eyes, they're red.

Takeshi: Oh, this is nothing, just a little allergy that's all.

Bas: *sigh* Whatever you say.

Takeshi: Hehe.

Takeshi would put on a serious and somewhat sad look, looking down.

Takeshi: It was my fault.

Bas: What do you mean it was your fault? You didn't do anything.

Takeshi: Yes, I did something. If I hadn't broken my ship, I would have arrived and taken my mother out of that place and it's my fault.

Bas: Hey, don't see it that way, you didn't know that was going to happen.

Takeshi: But I shouldn't have reacted that way when I failed to save the inhabitants of that planet. If I had calmed down…

Bas: Listen, you need to calm down. If you think like that, you're only hurting yourself. Do you think your mother would like you to do that?

Takeshi: *clenches fists* I know she wouldn't, but it's very hard. The simple fact that I could have done something bothers me.

Bas: Listen, don't feel that way. Besides, remember the world we're in.

Takeshi: Eh?

Bas: Remember that the Dragon Balls exist. We can use them to bring your mother back, and we could bring the planet back.

Takeshi: Maybe you're right.

Bas: Exactly, in fact, we could go to Namek now and do it. I just have to set the course on the computer.

Takeshi: We can't do it now.

Bas: Why?

Takeshi: Because one, I doubt Frieza would'nt know that for some reason Planet Vegeta has returned. In fact, if he did, don't you think he would want to find out how we did it? Maybe he would end up going to Namek and getting his wish. And two, no matter how many abilities I have, I'm nowhere near powerful enough to even face his first form.

Bas: Darn, that's true. So what do we do?

Takeshi: We need to become stronger. We must train and strengthen ourselves so much that we can kill Frieza, but that will take a long time.

Bas: So where do we go, to Earth?

Takeshi: Not for now, I want everything to flow normally there.

Bas: And then?

Takeshi: Well, it's complicated to think about where to go.

Takeshi and Bas would think about where to travel. But suddenly, the ship shakes.

Bas: What the!?

Takeshi: What's happening!?

Computer: Warning, warning, the ship is being attacked by a meteor shower.

Takeshi: Meteors?!

Bas: Then get us out of here.

Computer: Navigation systems damaged, impossible to take an exact trajectory.

Takeshi: What do we do?!

Some meteors start to pierce the ship.

Bas: Damn it, damn it, computer! Use the thruster again, it doesn't matter where, just get us as far away as you can from the shower, fast!

Computer: Warning, using the thrusters will consume all the ship's energy, and then the ship will be turned off for a long period.

Bas: It doesn't matter, do it!

Computer: Understood.

Bas: Takeshi, go to one of the seats, fast! Takeshi nods.

Both take a seat.

Computer: Initiating thruster in 3 2 1

The pressure generated by the ship's speed is too strong, causing Takeshi and Bas to not withstand it and faint.

A loooong while later Takeshi and Bas remained asleep until suddenly a strong blow to the ship wakes them up.

Takeshi: Ehh *yawn* five more minutes, please, eh? (Oh wow) Hey Bas, wake up.

Bas: Hmm, who's talking? Don't you see I'm trying to sleep?

Takeshi uses his telekinesis to unbuckle Bas's belt, making him fall.

Bas: Ouch damn, what the hell is hap…pening?

Bas says, confused, seeing how Takeshi was in his seat but it seemed as if the ship had landed upside down.

Takeshi: Hello, good morning.

Bas: Good… umm, what the hell are you doing up there?

Takeshi: Funny, isn't it? It seems the ship landed headfirst somewhere.

Bas: Damn, besides that, we don't have the computer to know where we are. The ship already lost all its energy with the two times we used the thruster, but also the ship was terribly damaged by the meteors and now also by the impact of landing here.

Takeshi: So, in summary, we're stranded who knows where and with a completely destroyed ship.

Bas: Maybe I can repair it, but it's going to take time and tools. But now comes the most important question.

Takeshi: ?

Bas: Where are we?

Takeshi unbuckles his belt and lands on his feet.

Takeshi: I guess the best thing is to go out and find out. I hope at least it's a nice place and with something to eat, I'm hungry.

Bas: I hope there's some kind of civilization here to get tools or something to rebuild the ship looks around now where-

Bas hears a loud noise behind him, seeing that it was Takeshi who made a hole in the ship.

Bas: Hey, why did you do that?!

Takeshi: Well, we have to get out, don't we?

Bas: Later I'll have to repair that, you know?!

Takeshi: Yeah, yeah, it's not worth crying over spilled milk, let's just get out.

Bas reluctantly agrees, and both exit.

Bas: Wow.

Upon exiting, both could see that they were on a sort of mini-island, and in the center, a giant tree. The whole place was full of these mini-islands, and the rest was ocean.

Takeshi: Phew, well, I was afraid the place would be a desert.

Bas: But here, I don't see signs of civilization.

Takeshi: Umm, maybe we should just get closer, look for-

Takeshi would be speechless with shock.

Bas: Hey, what's wrong with you? *moves his hand in front of Takeshi* Hello kid are you there?

Takeshi just points forward.

Bas: What are you-

Bas is left speechless upon seeing a giant chain hooked to one of the trees.

Bas: Who the heck put that chain there?

Takeshi: Forget the tree, look up.

Bas does as told, and what he sees leaves him even more shocked. The chain connected the planet they were on to a much larger one, and besides that, there were two more on either side of the giant.

Bas: Where the heck are we?

Takeshi: I don't know, but I already don't like what I see (and whose enormous power do I feel?)

On the main planet, the largest of all, various buildings could be seen, and in the largest of them all, on the top floor, someone could be seen organizing some papers while letting out a yawn of boredom as he leaned back in his chair.

???: Another day of doing nothing really exciting…

Suddenly, a small screen projects near the person.

Projection: Mr. Led, the systems have detected that an object has landed on planet Tsumori, it appears to be a ship.

Led: Really!? That sounds exciting! I'm going to-

Another small screen projects.

Projection 2: There's no need, Led, I-

Projection: Ahem ahem, "Led?"

A sigh is heard from the second screen.

Projection 2: Lord Led, there's no need for you to bother going there, I will take care of finding the problem and solving it as quickly as possible.

Led: Eh, oh come on Kaiser, I wouldn't have any problem doing it, I'll just go and-

Projection 2: No, you have to do the work that corresponds to you as the leader of the planet formation, and that work at this moment is to organize your corresponding paperwork.

Led: Yes, I know, but-

The second projection disappears before Led can answer, making him let out a sigh.

Projection: I'm sorry, sir, but I really think he's right, you have to take care of your paperwork, and afterward, you can do whatever you want, okay.

Led: Yes, yes, I know, I'll try to get it done and over with.

With that said, projection 1 also disappears, leaving the mysterious man still working on his affairs, although for a moment, he turns his chair to the right, revealing horns on his head.

Led: Still… I can't help but wonder what has arrived, maybe someone I can face? It's been so long, and honestly, my body is craving a good fight, I hope they are interesting people.

The man refocuses on his job.

"Who will Led be?"

"What is this strange place?"

We will see in the next chapters.