
A Bend in Time

Before there ever was a boy that ever lived in a cupboard on Four Privet Drive, there was a similar boy in a far worse home that lived on Spinner’s End. We all know the tale of that abused boy who grew up to become a bitter spy. But not all tales end the same for in the many parallel worlds that exist in the universe there are far better endings, and equally as many worse ones. This is a tale of one such condemned universe that for better or for worse chooses to change its own fate at through the sacrifice of the bitter spy. (All rights to the Harry Potter world and characters belong solely to J. K. Rowling. However, I do claim creative fanfiction rights. Please do not post my fanfiction elsewhere without my express permission. This work will also be partially hosted at RoyalRoad, Wattpadd, and Archive.)

EsliEsma · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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1206 Chs


The month of May passed in a blur of studying except for the final match between Slytherin and Hufflepuff. It had been a rather good match but, in the end, Regulus caught the golden snitch ending the final match. Some of the fanatics even shed a tear as Slytherin had finally won the coveted Quidditch Cup. There had been loud boisterous celebrations in the Slytherin common room all night long.

Professor Eponine Mortimer, their Head of House had clearly turned a blind eye with a stern warning of no one ending up at the infirmary and bringing shame and disgrace to their house. There had been a few close calls, but nothing bruising balm couldn't fix. The morning after, Rowan shad sneered at the dozens of passed-out bodies to be found in the common room for those that partied a little too hard the night before.

As annoying as it might have been, it still brought a bit of a smile to Rowan's face. Not that she would ever admit it. Still, she was glad that it would all soon be over. She was not looking forward to exams, but in a sense, it would be a relief when they finally are taken and done with.

Up earlier than most as usual Rowan slipped away unnoticed to the Great Hall for breakfast. The Great Hall is usually empty at this hour as many of the students take the opportunity to sleep in on the weekend. She is the first to arrive in the Great Hall and leisurely found a seat to enjoy a quiet breakfast.

The silence allows Rowan's thoughts to remain uninterrupted. A bothersome inkling in the back of her mind finally worms its way forward. As of late, Quyen Crowley had been eating an unusual amount of food, but oddly enough only for certain types of food. Mostly dry food like seeds, yogurt, and fruit. And not that Rowan was trying to be judgmental, but with such a strict diet, Quyen did not appear to be losing weight rather she appeared to have a fuller figure.

Hasty, loud footsteps pull Rowan out of her thoughts causing her to frown at the interruption. She glances up at the entrance at the Great Hall to see Peter Pettigrew and Quyen Crowley holding hands. She rolls her eyes in annoyance at their dramatic entrance into the Great Hall.

Rowan pays the two of them a half mind as her eye is naturally drawn to the mustache Peter had been growing since the past Christmas. Ironically, Peter had been successful. The mustache is actually a thing of beauty not overly thick or thin, just perfect. Ironically, Peter couldn't grow hair elsewhere on his face except for wispy hair that grew in bald patches. This resulted in Peter being clean-shaven everywhere else on his face. With his perfect mustache the great envy of many of the male students at Hogwarts (including Sirius and Terry).

Normally, Rowan would argue against a mustache, but Peter kept a carefully groomed mustache. His mustache was a shade lighter than his mousy brown hair. However, Peter had grown almost as tall as his girlfriend and was fit and muscular from quidditch. His tan skin and freckles actually combined well with his groomed mustache. Peter is ruggedly attractive if Rowan is perfectly honest.

Yesterday May 21st had been Peter's birthday and Rowan had gifted Peter new formal robes to wear. Earlier in the week, Peter had received a scouting opportunity to meet with a Quidditch scout after the exams on the last trip to Hogsmeade. Rowan had already planned to gift Peter the robes, but even she couldn't deny it had been a fortuitous coincidence.

Pulled out of her thoughts, Rowan finally recognizes the somber expression on Peter's face accompanied by the rather pale and ghastly expression of fear on Quyen Crowley's face. Clutching each other's hand, the couple comes to a pointed halt in front of Rowan. "Could we have a private word with you, Rowan? Please," Peter earnestly pleaded with visible worry in his chocolate-colored eyes.

Puzzled and alarmed Rowan leaves her food half-finished and hurriedly follows after the pair. They lead her to a secluded alcove away from the front hall guaranteed to be empty at this early hour. Taking a seat on the stone bench, she waits for either of them to begin to speak.

"I'm pregnant," Quyen blurted out causing Rowan to almost choke in shock. Loudly coughing she clears her burning throat and lungs. Gasping for air, she stares at the two of them opening and closing her mouth several times. "How?" She rasped.

"Physical intercourse," Peter numbly stammered causing Quyen to flush bright pink in embarrassment.

Rowan glares at Peter. "I don't mean the fact that you had sex, but rather how is that Quyen's pregnant! There are specific spells to prevent exactly that!"

The couple flushes bright red as Peter sheepishly glances down at his feet. "We might have forgotten once or twice when in a hurry during the Easter holidays."

Rowan's face twitches at the remark before she rubs her face with one hand. "You realize that you are in deep shite, pardon my French."

"I know," the couple echoed in unison.

"No, you do not" Rowan impatiently snapped back. "Quyen's parents are purebloods, and they are in the right to demand your death for the slight upon their family's honor! Furthermore, they will never allow the pregnancy to come full-term because you're a half-blood, Peter! They'll do away with the baby when Quyen returns home for the summer holidays which is mere weeks away!"

"We know," Quyen quietly whispered clenching her skirt in her fist, "but this is our baby, and we love each other. We refuse to give up!"

"You cannot elope," Rowan flatly pointed out, "nor flee overseas as neither of you has the means or connections to do so," causing Peter to deflate even further and Quyen to turn even more ghastly pale.

Rubbing her face with one hand in exasperation, Rowan tiredly sighs. "And even if the two of you flee and hide in the muggle realm neither of you has the money or the means to actively support yourselves and your growing family. And believe me, when I say this, a marriage can easily fall apart when there is no money to support a growing household."

"We know that Rowan," Peter solemnly reached over to comfort his sweetheart. "However, it would be different if we are offered sanctuary in another pureblood household."

Rowan blinks in clear surprise. "Me?" She said rather startled. "Shouldn't you be asking James or Sirius first?"

A rueful smile spreads on Peter's face as he slowly shakes his head. "Er, well, you've always been my friend, Rowan." Rowan arched her brow clearly remembering their first year at Hogwarts which clearly said otherwise.

A brief chuckle escapes from Peter's throat. "I'll admit, we weren't right away at the start, but you've always been there when it counts." He paused to look at Quyen, who nodded her head back at him.

Peter sincerely turned back to face Rowan. "And if anything happened to Quyen and me, we wanted you to be our babies' godmother. You're smart and you don't take shite from anyone, Rowan. Our baby would grow up to be happy and safe with you."

Something warm fills up Rowan's chest, she is unable to speak for a moment. "Merlin," she mumbles under her breath. Seeing the combined pleading gazes, she is unable to say deny their request.

With a resigned sigh, Rowan's lips crinkle bittersweet. "Alright, I will accept being a godmother…"

Peter lets out a loud whoop and reaches over to hug Rowan alongside Quyen. "Let me go!" Rowan let out a muffled cry, before finally being released from their suffocating embrace.

With a grumble, Rowan smoothed her robes. "This is not going to be easy," she finally responded staring them straight in the face. "I can offer temporary sanctuary at Prince manor, but even my grandfather cannot put off the Crowley family for long. So, this is what we are going to do."

Peter and Quyen lean in closely listening to Rowan's plan. After Rowan is down, Peter dubiously says, "Are you sure this is going to work?"

"It has to work, there is no other option," Rowan darkly stated.

"It'll work, Peter," Quyen firmly said. "Your cousin will speak to the Rowle's and they will accept it in exchange for forming a connection to the Prince's via Rowan, who will be our baby's godmother. And in turn, my parents will have to accept the marriage suit."

"Yeah, but my mum's not going to be happy with me," Peter gloomily said. "She's going to box my ears so hard; I won't be able to touch them for a week!"

"Serves you right," Rowan murmured under her breath earning a scowl from Peter.

"But mum always wanted a grandbaby," Peter murmured, "although admittedly this is probably way earlier than she ever expected."

"That being said, what are you going to do about the exams?" Rowan pointedly asked.

"I should be fine," Quyen responded a bit uncertain. "Potions and Herbology are the only real risks. However, as long as I cover my nose with a mask, I should be fine." She paused to gently touch her belly with a fond smile. "We won't be exposed for more than a few hours; I should be fine."

"Right and have you talked to Madam Pomfrey about your pregnancy?" Rowan asked.

The two of them shake their heads causing Rowan to stand up. "Are you mad? You need to be checked to make sure you and the baby are getting everything you need!"

"We can't risk it, Rowan!" Peter shook his head at the suggestion. "Madam Pomfrey would be required to report the pregnancy to Professor Dumbledore and the Crowley's. Quyen's parents will take her away without so much as a goodbye!"

Rowan muttered a few choice words under her breath, before taking a deep breath. "Well, at least tell me that you are reading up on pregnancy."

"Mm, I was able to order a volume via owl," Quyen admitted. "I couldn't order more reading materials as it would be far too obvious."

"It's already obvious," Rowan drily thought but didn't voice her thought. Instead, she says, "Alright, in the meanwhile, Quyen try to watch your stress levels. They are not good for you or your baby. And Peter, you are here to support Quyen. You make time to be there for her or so help me, I swear I will tell Terry. And Terry would be most displeased by your careless actions."

Peter blanches at the thought of Terry wreaking vengeance upon him. He had witnessed Terry avenge himself sufficient times that he had vowed to never cross the delicate-looking Slytherin. He didn't have a death wish!"

Peter gently helped Quyen back to her feet, while Rowan idly thought, "I am going to regret this." Still hungry, Rowan accompanied the couple back to the Great Hall. And if she stress ate, well, she had bloody earned those extra plates of food!

Tis April Fool's. There may or may not be an extra chapter.

Heh bet you didn't see this coming did you?

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts