
A Bend in Time

Before there ever was a boy that ever lived in a cupboard on Four Privet Drive, there was a similar boy in a far worse home that lived on Spinner’s End. We all know the tale of that abused boy who grew up to become a bitter spy. But not all tales end the same for in the many parallel worlds that exist in the universe there are far better endings, and equally as many worse ones. This is a tale of one such condemned universe that for better or for worse chooses to change its own fate at through the sacrifice of the bitter spy. (All rights to the Harry Potter world and characters belong solely to J. K. Rowling. However, I do claim creative fanfiction rights. Please do not post my fanfiction elsewhere without my express permission. This work will also be partially hosted at RoyalRoad, Wattpadd, and Archive.)

EsliEsma · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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1206 Chs

Curriculum Changes Ⅱ

Phillip Relec is one of the board members who are unable to hide the clear revulsion on his face. An elderly wizard with a heavy-set jaw and a pug-like nose. "Half-breeds," he sneered in disdain. "I stood aside once by request of the headmaster and permitted Hogwarts to be tainted by the foul presence of the half-breed centaur. However, I will not permit Hogwarts to be further tarnished by the presence of another half-breed, I will not stand for it!"

Quite a few Hogwarts boards appear to be in agreement. More board members begin to speak up against the appointment. The discussion becomes quite heated until Lucius Malfoy silences the board members. "Enough," he crisply said as the chamber falls quiet.

"Before we cast, a vote allows me to be clear," Lucius Malfoy pressed his lips into a thin line. "Before the vote is cast for or against, I will make my position clear. I will vote in favor to appoint-," Lucius paused, "Odine Ponce to the position."

"You don't have the guts nor courage to stand for pureblood values, Chairman Malfoy!" Phillip Relec rudely barked. "Hufflepuffs are loyal at least, but Slytherins are always only looking out to save their own skin." He angrily bellowed.

An icy gleam descends into Lucius's frigid blue eyes. Controlling himself, he begins to list the names of purebloods who have written in favor of adding a Mermish course to Hogwarts curriculum along with the subsequent donation amounts. He deliberately paused on the last name, "And last but not least with a rather generous donation made to Hogwarts from Reginald Prince amounting to 300,000 galleons."

Phillip Relec loses all traces of indignation and falls silent. The surrounding board members glance at Phillip Relec in surprise, who is acting like he never said anything in opposition in the first place. The board members are once more silent before Lucius Malfoy addresses the subject. "We shall commence the casting of the votes."

"All those in favor of adding Mermish as a new course elective at Hogwarts? Please raise your hands."

"Aye," the majority of the board answered with three board members abstaining from the vote except for Phillip Relec, who looks as though he swallowed a bitter lemon. He had most assuredly voted in favor of the proposition.

"The majority has spoken, Mermish will be part of the new curriculum implemented at Hogwarts," Lucius Malfoy solemnly announced. "Now then all those in favor of Odine Ponce to fulfill the vacant position teaching Mermish, please raise your hand."

"Aye," said seven board members including Chairman Malfoy.

Walburga Black and two other board members abstained from voting, while Phillip Relec and Frederick Livingstone voted against the appointment.

"The majority has spoken in favor of appointing Odine Ponce to occupy the position of Professor of Mermish at Hogwarts," Lucius Malfoy carefully said keeping his personal feelings out of his tone of voice.

"Now there is one more matter of importance," Lucius Malfoy said to the surrounding board. "Professor Slughorn has announced his retirement at the end of this year. As you are aware earlier this year, Professor Slughorn passed the position of Head of Slytherin to his assistant professor, Professor Mortimer. Professor Mortimer is pleased to become the primary potions professor at Hogwarts. However, with the influx of students and her duties as Head of Slytherin, Professor Mortimer requests the aid of an assistant professor."

The board members glance at each other a bit surprised and perplexed at the news. Quite a few of them had been taught by Professor Slughorn. Considering his love for collecting prospective students it is astonishing to witness his desire to retire. Then again, perchance, they underestimated the persuasive abilities of Professor Eponine Mortimer. The witch in question is a descendant of the largest Greengrass branch in existence, all of whom are descended from a Veela. There is no telling what kind of persuasive methods she used.

Earl Porter, a blading wizard with portly cheeks like those of a bulldog interrupts the pensive thoughts of the board members. "Considering the importance of the position might I suggest Fleamont Potter."

"Fleamont Potter?" Frederick Livingstone guffawed. "He is an old man with half a foot in the grave!"

Earl Porter's wobbly cheeks wiggle in indignation. "Imbecile! That old man is a talented pureblood, who increased the Potter's family fortune on his own merit unlike others might I add!"

Before Frederick Livingstone can lunge for his wand at the insult, he is held firmly by the muscular Leif Amundsen. Leif Amundsen forces the older wizard back into his seat as Earl Porter smugly smirks from his seat. Frederick Livingstone nearly leaps up again, but Leif Amundsen does not release his firm grip on the elderly wizards' robes.

They had already lost one board member to scandal, (Garrick Arnold), and they could not afford another scandal so shortly after. And more over on regarding elderly wizards dueling each other at a board meeting. The sheer number of Howlers, they would receive from parents would be ear deafening!

Before the board meeting turns into a duel, Secundus Wilkes moves to speak. "Fleamont Potter, a pureblood descended from Henry Potter. His father, Henry Potter is still fondly remembered by many of the Wizengamot. He has both the connections and purity to satisfy those of society. And considering the abrupt death of his wife, Euphemia Potter. I am certain that he wishes to be close to his only son, James Potter. I am certain he will not be amiss to the suggestion."

Walburga Black pensively narrows her gray eyes. "Potter is undoubtedly a Gryffindor which poses no trouble, but his father, Henry Potter was infamous for being in favor of muggle rights. Fleamont may be as PROGRESSIVE as his father, Henry Potter in that aspect."

"Fleamont Potter cannot be that progressive," Maxwhell Zheng countered. "Potter betrothed his only son to the old Prince's granddaughter in a marital alliance." There are echoes of the agreement for the statement by the board members in the chamber.

Francesca Livingstone turns towards the ever-silent member of the Hogwarts board, Izuki Sato. "And what do you have to say on the subject, Sato? You always see far clearer than the rest of us." The board in unison turns to face the solemn Japanese wizard.

Izuki Sato is silent for a moment gathering his thoughts, before speaking, "Fleamont Potter is an old lion, but it is better to have an old lion than a toothless beast."

"Potter is old, but he is still a lion," Leif Amundsen proudly remarked still keeping a firm grip on the robes of Frederick Livingstone.

Sitting nearby Francesca De Leon nods her head in agreement also a former Gryffindor. "And regardless of Potter's political stance, it cannot be denied he is a talented potioneer."

Phillip Relec curls his lips in disdain at the remark but does not speak. He disliked any progressive being a traditionalist himself. However, he could not argue against the fact of statements that had been presented.

After further discussion, Lucius says, "All those in favor of fulfilling the position of Assistant Potions Professor with Fleamont Potter say, Aye."

"Aye," the majority of the board answered with the exception of only a single board member abstaining, Philip Relec.

With the final business of the evening discussed, the Hogwarts Board dispersed. The board members depart including Lucius Malfoy, who escorts his in-law by marriage, Walburga Black. The two of them stride onto the grounds taking the long route home. They would apperate home, but only once their conversation is over.

Once they are far enough, Walburga Black's gray eyes are cold. "I am surprised you voted in favor of the half-breed, Lucius. Even more unlikely openly permitting the appointment of Fleamont Potter, a progressive for that matter."

"Walburga," Lucius shook his head causing his sleek curtain of hair to gently sway. "It was not a request but rather a demand."

"By whom?" Walburga sharply demanded to know.

"It matters not," Lucius pointedly declined to answer. Not that did not desire to, but he was bound by his alliance with Reginald Prince.

Walbuga's proud face crinkles with displeasure, before changing the subject. "And how is my niece? I knew she was shocked at learning that my sister-in-law is carrying the brood of Moody."

Lucius makes a wary, tired face. "Narcissa is fine, but she was taken completely unaware by the news. She worries about her mother and my mother-in-law's age may be a detrimental factor when bearing a fourth child."

"Yes, but Druella is a fertile Rosier," Walburga nodded her head approvingly. "She bore my brother, Cygnus, three daughters. Although the much-desired male heir never came. After the third child, Cygnus no longer desired to make another attempt since he had to provide three doweries for marriage. He did not wish to provide a fourth."

"Well, perchance, the fourth time is the charm," Lucius quipped.

"Unlikely," Walburga sniffed.

The purebloods discussed a few more matters before partying ways. They had much to share with the family. And they were not the only ones as the Daily Prophet got wind of the announcement of a new elective at Hogwarts, Mermish. And the retirement of the Potions Professor, Horace Slughorn. Strangely enough, the news of the new half-mer professor did not make it into the Daily Prophet nor did the appointment of Fleamont Potter.

Then again, the owner prohibited it after a carefully worded letter from Reginald Prince. The owner of the Daily Prophet did not fear many people, but Reginald Prince was one of them. It was far easier to obey than to one day wake up on the other side of the Great Beyond.

There are bound to be plenty of biases.....

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts