

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · Tranh châm biếm
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53 Chs

Pizza (Title Has Nothing To Do With Chapter)

Between the three one was impaled on a few metal spikes on the side which was Kali and he wasn't moving as he looked like he was dead, the other two who was Magneto and Jean just stood there frozen.

Jean froze noticing that she just killed someone, someone who didn't really seem like a bad guy, someone who was just trying to ease the tensions around here.

Magneto just stood there thinking about the troubles he might receive, if the man Jean just killed was really S.H.I.E.L.D. than he should expect trouble or at least some very tenacious people. He had crossed paths with S.H.I.E.L.D. before and though they were just a government agency they could be very annoying and very dangerous, an agency determined to see you fall isn't much of a good thing.

"Leave!" Magneto screamed at Jean.

"I need your help, i thought you help mutants." Jean said looking at Magneto.

"Yes I do, but all you have done is caused trouble. Leave!" Magneto said.

Jean was about to fly away when the voice of Kali spoke again.

"No no, stay for now we need to- arggh... have a talk." Kali said as he pushed himself out of the iron spikes that was impaling him.

The two and every mutant in the camp looked at Kali in shock.

"I thought you were dead." Magneto said.

"Well it felt like it, having regeneration doesn't make it any less painful... ow." Kali said as he rubbed his chest.

"No young lady, let's talk before you make anymore stupid moves. And I suggest you don't do that again as I can only tolerate so much." Kali said and walked up to Jean.

"Who are you?" Jean asked when Kali paused in front of her.

"Just a man not wanting you to do anymore stupid unnecessary problems." Kali said.

"So your here to kill me?" Jean asked stepping back readying into battle.

"Wh- oh for christ sakes no!! Why is it always about killing with all of you?" Kali said looking at her like she is an idiot.

"Are you a mutant?" Magneto asked.

"No, I am not." Kali said.

"Look I'm with the nicer side of the government a friend of mine told me to come get you before anyone else get their hands on you. You hurt some cops and a few X-men so a lot of peeps are thinking that you are going rogue and all." Kali said.

"I'm not." Jean said when a sudden mind pain attacked her which she held on to her head.

Magneto frowned feeling the dangerous aura she was emitting through her mind.

"Come on let's g-" Kali said.

"Noo!! Don't. Come. Closer. Stay away from me." Jean said holding on to her head.

"Aah so you can't control it, I can tell you about what you are feeling, whats causing you these troubles... or who it is that is inside you." Kali said which seemed to have caught her attention as she tried to calm down the mind boggling headache she has.

"Oh yes I know about her, or it. And I can help you." Kali said as he slowly moved forward to her.

"Stay back!!" She screamed and put her hand out as a huge burning force came and pushed Kali.

"Arrgghhhhhh!!" Kali grunted.

Kali was getting pushed back with his shoes slowly getting deeper into the ground before ha had enough.

"Aaahhhhhh!!" Kali screamed as he used a huge amount of KI to push back and it worked he was on the lead and she was getting pushed back instead.

But Jean uncontrollably let out scorching purple, orange, yellow, and red as the full power of the Phoenix rushed out, only it wasn't the full force. Jean was the new host of the Phoenix but she was too weak to control or use the full power of the Phoenix.

Kali believed that Jean only had a piece of the Phoenix's full power, the reason?

Simple, even though Jean was unleashing some of the Phoenix's power and Kali was getting a bit overwhelmed, he still wasn't going all out and the Phoenix force she was using right now was too weak.

If anything the Phoenix was having a little nap inside of Jean and Jean was just having trouble coping with another soul inside her.

"Alright, young lady." Kali unleashed most of the KI force he had on his normal form and slowly walked up to her getting closer.

Every other mutant in the vicinity backed off as the heat and power between the two was a little too much, Magneto who was in the middle of it was blown away from the show of power.

The more Kali got closer the stronger and hotter the force he was going against, Jean on the other hand was screaming from the pain of using the Phoenix force and being unable to control it as it was just pouring out of her, her face and body getting brighter from bright cracks all over.

The ground was tearing apart and flying everywhere making cracks and crates, metal like houses in the area were either being pushed back or was blown away.

Finally at his limits where Kali couldn't move anymore closer and was getting pushed back he thought of going into his super saiyan form which was the green form and if he was being honest Kali was kind of enjoying it, he was having a hard time but he never had so much power opposing him so he was smiling.

His skin is slowly getting burned off, and most of his clothes were burned off and only had his pants which was burned up to his knees now and all his muscles and scars were now out in the open.

He thought about having a little more fun but seeing Jean screaming in pain changed his plan, and so he finally went super saiyan... or so it was called, but now he calls it the [Emerald] form.

"Hhhaaaaaaa!!" Kali screamed out as his body starts to rapidly absorb the KI all around which made his body keep getting brighter and brighter until it flashed turning into the form he desired.

When the bright flash died down green chains the side of an adults arm flew to each of Jeans limbs and turned into shackles as it locked her down, green started spreading around her body holding her down until it covered her whole body other than her head.

Everything calmed down and in the middle of the craters and floor cracks Jean was kneeling down still screaming from pain as her whole body was covered in green and chains on her ankles and wrist making sure she wouldn't move.

Kali on the other hand grew taller than 6'5 and got a bit muscular with his hair growing more into spikes, he was glowing green with three pronged trident symbol on his forehead, other than his head his entire body was glowing green with dark green lines marking on his limbs like tattoo.

When Jean was finally down Kali quickly walked up to her and grabbed on to the side of her head and using KI he did his best to disperse the foreign energy which is the Phoenix force and cleared it dispersing it.

When the Phoenix energy was gone she stopped screaming before her eyes rolled up and her head fell as she went unconscious.

"*sigh* poor girl." Kali said as he mad the green armor and shackles disperse and she fell, but didn't hit the ground as Kali use KI telekinesis to hold her up and bring her up in mid air as she stays asleep.

Kali finally checked himself and he felt incredible, on his original form he was able to use KI that was stored up on his body, but in his [Emerald] form his body absorbed KI in the area and gave him more KI than he can use. That wasn't all he was able to stably control the KI in the area, and many more, the thin that was new was the KI he felt through the fire of the Phoenix.

He always had a theory of controlling elements like fire using KI but he never got around to it, but being in this form made it more guaranteed as he felt the KI in the fire and had the feeling of controlling it.

Kali snapped out of it when Magneto came back looking a little rugged from the short power surge, Kali closed his eyes and breathed calmly letting go of the [Emerald] form he was in now with his hair getting shorter as well as his body height and weight going back to normal.

Now he was just standing there with a pair of burned black dress pants and a floating redhead girl next to him.

"Hey." Kali said smiling.

"You wouldn't have any spare clothes would you?" Kali asked Magneto with a smile sheepish smile.

Over at the x mansion...

"Where is the government guy?" Kurt asked.

For a bit they were looking for Kali as he suddenly disappeared.

Scott and a few others went to the professors office.

"We can't find him." Scott said as he walked in the office where the professor, Storm and Logan was at.

"Don't bother he is already gone." Logan growled out as he couldn't smell the guy anymore.

"Gone where? Where would he go? Do you think he went back to where he came from." Kitty asked.

"Hmm most likely not, he came here for a mission and he wouldn't just leave. People who work for S.H.I.E.L.D. and/or the government don't just give up that easily." Professor x said.

"Then he must know something, can't you find him?" Scott asked.

"I can't, the man's mind has some kind of shield and can't go any further even with the cerebro." The professor said.

Over at the Dragon house...

"Aaaagggghhhhhh what do we do??!! I've never done anything like this I don't even know what to do!!" Charles yelled out.

"Don't look at me, I only know shitt about doing this, what the hell!! How could it be this baad I can't take it I might faint. IT'S TOO POTENT!!" Chase yelled out.

Charles and Chase were having a bit of trouble, big trouble. Charles was with Hannah for a bit but she started crying, Charles did his best to get her to stop crying but nothing was working, after a while he started smelling a foul smell. Thinking that someone farted he looked to the side to see Chase, thinking he farted Charles kicked Chase resulting in him falling down from his seat.

"What the hell was that for mann?!" Chase screamed out at Charles.

"Sheesh mann how could you smell so bad? What did you eat today?" Charles said covering his nose.

"What the hell are you talking about you crazy bastard?!" Chase screamed.

"Your fart mann!!" Charles said.

"Mann I didn't fart, if I did I would have stood up and move my ass against your face before firing off!!" Chase said pointing at Charles.

"Wha- you mean you didn't fart?" Charles asked.

"Noo!!" Chase said, Charles fart before they both looked at the crying Hannah.

"You don't think..." Charles said.

"I- I don't know mann." Chase said.

They both looked at Hannah's face and her diaper, Charles slowly moved and pulled the back of her diaper to check when a force of smell blew on his face.

"Aarrggghhhhh!!! Oh god it was her!! How could something so adorable smell so..." Charles said.

"I think she needs to be changed." Charles said as he looked at Chase, he paused before handing her to Chase before saying he should change her.

"What no way what makes you think I know anything about changing a baby's diaper?!" Chase asked as he handed Hannah back to Charles.

"Well I don't either!!" Charles said as he tried to give Hannah back to Chase.

"Well don't give it to someone else who doesn't know anything about it. Your the older one so you do something about it." Chase said as they went back and forth handing Hannah to each other.

In the end they put her on the table and put on gloves with covers on their faces so they couldn't smell anything when they change Hannah's diaper.

When they moved in and undid one of the crying baby's diaper side strap, the smell forced It's way through the covers and entered their noses to which they fell down kneeling and gagging, they were miserable while Hannah found it funny and started giggling.

Which brings us to the current situation...

"Should we help?" Kera asked as she and Jun Lee was standing by the side watching the two idiots try to change the baby's diaper.

"Hehe no let's enjoy this for a bit more." Jun Lee said as she was eating a lollipop enjoying Charles and Chase' miserable situation.

"Hmm haha I guess you're right, it is a bit funny." Kera said as she opened her phone to start recording.

Not long Anna came carrying a basket full of laundry when she saw the situation.

"What is going on?" Anna asked.

"Hehe they're trying to change Hannah's diaper, they are fools so far." Jun Lee said.

"What?! Oh hell we don't even have any extra diapers or baby supplies." Anna said as she dropped the basket and went to the kitchen grabbing a roll of paper towel before coming back and went straight to Hannah.

"Move you idiots." She said as she went in.

Soon like a professional Anna cleaned up the baby before throwing the ball of diaper at Charles.

"Throw that away." She said to Charles as Charles played hot potato with the diaper before running to throw it.

"Chase give me your shirt." Anna demanded.

"My shirt? What for-" Chase said.

"Just give it." Anna said as Chase quickly took his shirt off before giving it to her.

After a while Charles came back to see a no shirt Chase and a clean happy Hannah.

"But that was my favorite shirt." Chase muttered sadly.

"Well now It's Hannah's comfy temporary diaper." Anna said as she picked up Hannah who was now using Chase' short as a diaper.

"Bahahahah!!" Charles laughed out loud to Chase' glare.

"Charles can you and Chase head out to buy some baby supplies? The idiot old man brought her here without thinking of Hannah's needs." Anna muttered the last part, she moved and wrote down a list of supplies for baby's and gave it to Charles.

"Roger boss." Charles said as he and Chase took off the gloves and masks.

"I'll take care of Hannah right now just go and buy the things." Anna said.

And with that Charles and Chase went out to buy baby needs and Anna took care of Hannah. (Haha their name rhymes).

"Jun take care of the laundry now." Anna said.

"Ugh." Jun Lee reluctantly grabbed the basket of laundry and head up the stairs.

Over at Kali and Magneto...

"Nice little encampment you set up out here." Kali said to Magneto.

Kali was now wearing some simple shirt and pants from Magneto who was nice enough to offer them.

"We do what we can." Magneto said.

"... what are you?" Magneto asked curious.

"I'm... I don't know, I would usually say I'm human but it was always a farcry from it." Kali said.

Jean was sleeping on a small bed on the side which was Magnetos.

"So not mutant... but neither are you a human." Magneto said, he was curious of the man standing with him, he had the power to stop Jean who Magneto can barely keep up with.

"Yup... anyway I gotta go." Kali said.

"Thanks for the clothes Magnet man I owe ya one." Kali said.

Kali floated up and with him Jeans body, and they were about to head off when when a few metal like blades appeared in front of Kali, he looked to the side to see Magneto controlling the metal which Kali raised an eyebrow at.

"Where are you taking the girl?" Magneto asked.

"Your worried? If I remember right your were telling the girl to leave just moments ago." Kali said floating in front of Magneto.

"Yes, I did, but I will still protect a mutant from potential danger and possible torture, now where are you taking the girl!!" Magneto asked.

"There is no need to worry, I won't let harm come to the poor girl. And I'm taking her to help her the force inside her is something she won't be able to control or use unless she is trained to.

Now staying with the balm man is alright but they are having problems and him going through her mind is not exactly something anyone would want so she is not going back there for now, and her staying here won't be a good choice neither since I know your reputation very well though there is no need to worry she will be under my protection not S.H.I.E.L.D. or the government..." Kali said and spoke his mind to Magneto.

Finished speaking they had a stare off before Magneto backed off and gave way to Kali, and Kali with Jean just started to float away.

"See you around magnet." Kali said as he sped off carrying a floating Jean.

'Thinking about it now Jeans mind is at rest and no fire chicken bothering her so Xavier might be able to locate her through the Cerebro now.' Kali thought as he sped to Manhattan.

He grabbed his phone and started texting before sending out a message.

Over at Charles...

"... but I personally believe that this guy named Tombstone was one of the hardest guys if not the hardest, when we fought him it hurt just hitting him I mean we were basically punching a stone hence the name but we took him out in the end." Charles was telling stories to Chase.

As they were making their way home carrying bags full of baby supplies.

"That is epic mann, wait so are you guys like... the sidekicks of the old man? Do you guys have super mobiles and like-" Chase asked.

"We are not sidekicks we never were and didn't even consider it, plus the old man never really went out and be a hero and all. He did at first thats when we found out by following him and saw him take out bad guys and save innocents with his powers, thats when we wanted to be heroes too and from then on he never really went back out there other than to teach and guide us." Charles said, his phone vibrate so he picked it up.

"Ah speak of the devil." Charles said as he saw Kali's name on the message.

"Hmm." Charles.

"What." Chase asked.

"Well guess we are making another trip." Charles said as he made a turn and went another way away from home.

"Where we going?" Chase asked.

"The old man just texted me, told me to buy food and meet at the nest." Charles said.

"Cool is there like a secret mission or something?" Chase asked excited.

"There may be, or the old man is probably just hungry." Charles said

I don’t know much about ze Phoenix and Jeans character but I made some differences clearly and I didn’t care much.

Might make more changes but not major ones.

If you were reincarnated to the MCU what would you do that would make a major change?

Karstagcreators' thoughts