

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Pizza And Burgers

Under the abandoned where the underground hideout is there was a young teenage redhead girl lying on one of the couch unconscious, another man with tough built and white hair was sitting on a lit up room that seems to be a lab and is working on something.

These two were Jean Grey and Kali if it weren't already obvious, Jean was still unconscious from the battle she had a few hours ago.

Kali on the other hand was resuming some work he had left unfinished, the reason it was on a pause was because he didn't have any resources or key substances needed for the projects.

For example; the anti-mutant serum, what he needed for that was a test subject or at least a blood sample he could work on which was the key to moving forward on the project. The mutant blood he got was Jeans, Kali knew that taking her blood without permission would create a potential unstable relationship but he has ways on fixing these type of dramatic things unlike the stupid choices of people in the movies.

Kali isn't a genius or a super smart man, well at least not yet. But with the way his brain is working at the moment he could learn and remember almost like a computer more or less, through his continuous study in the library he sharpened his knowledge in other fields of study, like Tony Stark's engineering and mechanical skills or Bruce Wayne's knowledge on criminal science and criminal psychology, though he is not quiet at their levels but he is proud to be able to say he was near as smart as them and is potentially smarter if he tries.

Under normal circumstances things like spider webs are impossible to make in his past life or at least close to impossible. But in this life where anything is possible there is no limit, this is the universe where Peter Parker made the spider webs in, where aliens are confirmed, where any normal human has a chance to obtain some type of power, skills, magic, or even make an invention themselves and be more than anything.

And so with nothing impossible Kali decided to use it to his advantage and make some things, and with his memories of his past life he remembers things like the comic books, mangas, cartoons, movies, TV shows, anime's pretty much the entertainment world and most things about it.

First thing he was able to successfully bring into this world is the DC's Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robin.

And that was only the first, and at the moment he is working on the Anti-mutant serum along with projects like the spider fluid and how to turn them into It's final forms. He also had ideas in nanotechnology but he was way out of his league and hasn't even had one foot in those kinds of technology.

Other than that he keeps his brain and fighting life separate It's one thing to be a smart ass but he like to fight straightforwardly and only keep his smarts in the labs and all. Of course he would use his brain when he is in a tough fight by using fight tactics or just to outsmart his opponents but in the end he would rather launch his fists into someones face and have an honorable fight.

And though Kali is strong right now and don't have much of an opponent there are fights he is looking forward to, like abomination or maybe a friendly spar with Thor or Hulk but that would be for later.

The other thing he would use his intelligent mind for is teaching, yes teaching, the subjects he teaches are gymnastics, aerobic exercises, escape artistry, and mechanical engineering for Charles who pays more attention to his movements and the gadgets he makes.

Weapons mastery, some violent martial arts, manhunting, and psychological intimidation for Markus who was a bit of a muscle head. Kali knew that these subjects Mark was interested in was straying a bit away from the heroic codes but he couldn't care less as long as he aims them at the scums, sometimes a little bit of bad is good to really make a difference.

And for Zhang, the kid was like a sponge absorbing knowledge without limits, Zhang was a technology person first and a detective second. He would use all the chances he can to learn about computer science, programing, coding, hacking anything. The second subject he buzzes around is detective skills ranging from criminal psychology, criminal profiling to forensic science.

They were all young and still capable of learning a lot, and Kali is more than happy to teach them and guide them. But it was mostly so that they can handle themselves out during patrol.

He wasn't sure if it was the work of god or anything but he felt that the three are slowly becoming the characters of DC, he gave the suits according to their personalities but they ended up turning more into the DC's Dick, Jason, and Tim which he wasn't sure what to do with. But it wasn't anything bad so he just let it be.

What you don't know though is that Kali would also take some time to teach the other kids about fundamental knowledge and basic needs in life and such. He would also do things differently that the schools wouldn't do, like how schools only have limited subjects to teach but at home Kali would teach them whatever they wanted to know, or whatever they wanted to have a career on, other than that he would also give lectures about society, paying bills, business, law school anything.

But only half of them know the career paths they wanted to take and the others are completely clueless, Anna wanted to be in the law and be a lawyer, Sydney wanted to start a business, Jun Lee a police officer, and Roberto a master chef, the others had some thoughts but weren't exactly sure but they are still young so there was no rush.

The three main idiots wasn't really worried and only had crime fighting in their heads no matter how much Kali would urge them to find something they wanted to do with their lives.

Back to reality Kali was in the lab carefully planning about how to go with the project as he only have a limited amount blood at the moment and didn't want to waste it.

Jean on the other hand was slowly waking up, and as she starts to remember what happened she jerked up and looked around. She saw 5 rooms and the place was dark except for the main room and another room on her right.

What she saw in the room was the guy she was fighting not so long ago she thought.

"Ah you're awake!" Kali said as he walked out of the lab that.

"It's you?!" She said as she stepped back and started using her powers as some things were floating up a bit.

"That is enough!! For christ sakes mann, if I wanted to hurt or kill you I would have done it hours ago so power down and sit your ass down young lady!!" Kali said.

Jean paused and realized she was alright, so she put the things that was floating down, but she didn't power down as the place seems to be some kind of lab so she was still cautious if she was gonna be experimented on.

"Where am I?"

"You are in a hideout underground."

"Hideout? Underground?" She muttered.

"Yeah don't worry no one knows your here... at least not yet." Kali said.

"Tha- who are you?! What do you want?!" She asked.

"Me? I'm Kali, Kali Green." Kali said as he put out his hand for a shake.

"And you can't read my mind so stop trying to pry." Kali said.

He always thought about how to protect his mind from telepaths and all but when he met the Professor he didn't have any so he just put a KI barrier around his head and it seemed to work when Charles Xavier couldn't pry.

"And what I want is nothing but to simply help you." Kali said, Jean shook his hand after a bit of hesitation.

"The last person who said that went through my head and tampered with a part of who I am." She said.

"Yeah well I'm sure the man meant well, you hungry?" Kali said as he went forward onto the big screen and typed a few keys before walking back to her.

"Uh no I'm fi-" Jean couldn't finish when her stomach started grumbled.

"Uh yeah I guess I am." She said looking to to the side.

"Hahah alright, well just watch something in the meantime." Kali gave her a remote after he changed the screen display onto some cartoons.

"Th- that was a tv?" She asked a bit surprised.

"Yeah... among others."

Noticing her reactions she calmed herself before she sat down on the couch, and looked at Kali with a look. Kali knowing she has questions also sat down waiting for her chains of questions.

"Who are you really? And what do you want?" She asked.

"I have a 'friend' who is part of the big leagues of the government and well he..." Kali starts to explain how he ended up in the situation helping her.

"... and so I brought you here to maybe have a chance of helping you." Kali said.

"So you do know what it is?"

"Well yeah.. you could say that. I know what it is but not on a personal level." Kali said.

"Ca- can you fix it? Fix me?" She asked hesitantly.

"Well there is no fixing it, that thing inside you is one of the strongest being in the universe. It is a cosmic entity." Kali said as he brought a soda and beer from the resting room and hands her the soda.

"Co- cosmic entity?!" She said as she dropped back onto the sofa completely in disbelief.


"Then you must know how to help me right?! You know about it so you must know how to help me?!" Jean said basically begging.

Guess she is tired of having her life ruined from uncontrollable powers.

"I don't know how to fix it." Kali said plainly to which she kind of looked lost in.

"But I can help, I have a few ideas in mind about the how and whys, but they are not entirely... the point is I know a few things but they are not all guaranteed to work." He said truthfully.

Kali has known about the Phoenix in his past life and did some readings on it so he might know a thing or two to help the poor girl out.

"Like what?"

"Well for one, we try to keep it under control."

"You can do that?" She asked in hope.

"No I'm saying we could try, there is only one way to find out and you have to work with me to help." Kali said.

"But how?"

"By tests, questions, and such." Kali said as he sat back drinking his beer.

"Tests?!" Jean asked frowning.

She knew about mutants being test subjects and would not want to get involved in any way.

"Relax I'm not gonna do some lab rat testing on you it's just a few harmless tests nothing painful." Kali said.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"You don't, but I'm possibly one of your only chance to help you." Kali said.


Jean was about to speak again when the computers made a beep which she jumped up in panic.

"Ooooh food is here, and relax It's just my kid." Kali said but she was still on her guard.

"Kid? You hav-"

"Old man, we brought the food, and do you have any idea how embarrassing it is for everyone to look at you when your ordering this much food?!" Charles said as he walked down the steps carrying 4 boxes of pizza and a brown bag on top.

"Please like you hate it, you were actually glowing from that much attention." Chase said following behind with another brown bag.

"Oh Chase your here too!" Kali said.

"Of course I am I wouldn't miss the chance of coming to the neat again." Chase said.

"Hurry up, took you long enough, what did you get held back by another pretty girl." Kali teased.

"Well to be honest there were a few-" Charles couldn't finish when he made a turn and saw Jean, he froze.

"Wow." Chase commented.

Kali took the food from them and placed it on the table, with a frozen idiot still standing there looking at Jean.

"Who's the hot chick?" Chase asked leaning to Kali in a whisper.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, guys meet Jean, Jean meet Charles and Chase." Kali introduced.

"Hi, you are pretty, and I am hungry." Chase said as they shook hands before he sat down ready to eat.

"Hi." She said.

"Jean come sit down and eat, you can't be slow or these pigs will eat all the food." Kali said.

"Hah, says the one who eats the most." Chase commented.

Kali saw that Charles was still frozen so he smacked his head bringing him back to reality.

"Hi I am Charles." He said walking up to Jean who sat down.

"H- hi, Jean." She said as they shook hands.

"Hey stop bothering her and sit down." Kali said.

And with that they sat down and started eating, everyone was eating like pigs except for Jean as she was just a bit shocked at how aggressive the three were eating.

Charles and Chase brought with them more than 15 cheeseburgers and hamburgers with 4 large boxes of pizza, Jean was wondering who was gonna eat this much but noticed that there was no problem of it being devoured quickly by the three.

"So Jean what your story? How are you here?" Charles asked.

"Stop talking with food in your mouth!" Kali said.

"Um- I- I was j-" Jean was stuttering not knowing what to say.

"She is a mutant." Kali said.

Jean's eyes widened looking at Kali and frowned, she didn't know what to say because she was thinking Charles and Chase would be afraid of her if she was to say what she is but Kali went on sand said it himself.

"Mutant?! As in the ones with mutant abilities?!" Charles asked to the worried Jean.

"Cool!!" Both Charles and Chase said at the same time.

"So what abilities do you have?" Chase asked as he brought out a camera and started filming.

"Don't film in here, and if you do don't put it in public." Kali said to Chase.

Chase at some point brought a camera and started filming everything in his life, it was annoying to the others but they wouldn't miss a chance to be part of the daily vlogs.

Jean was a little surprised at the twos reaction, sure she expected at least a bit of fear from them since mutants have destructive abilities and chaos follow them but these two didn't seem to mind her.

"You... I'm a telepathic and... telekinetic mutant." She said.

"Oh so your like this old guy?" Charles said.

Jean looked at Kali in question.

"Oh no I'm not a telepath but I have some telekinetic abilities." Kali said stuffing a slice in his eating hole.

"So are you a mutant too?" Jean asked.

"No I already asked him but he said he isn't." Charles answered her question.

"So what are you?" Jean asked Kali.

"I am a restaurant owner." Kali said nonchalantly to which Jean looked at him with a questioning face.

"Don't think too much of it even he doesn't know what he is." Charles said.

"So since your like a telepath cam you like read minds? I mean thats the whole purpose of it right? Read my mind." Charles said.

"I... alright." Jean said and read Charles mind, but when she read it she just frowned at him.

"Well do you?" Charles asked.

Jean looked down in thought, what Charles asked her was if she had a boyfriend. She doesn't know the answer to that, she was together with Scott for sometime but since the last time they were together she had to knock him unconscious and hurt a lot of the X-men. Now she wasn't sure where she belongs now, she hurt the only people that possibly cared about her (excluding the professor) and hurt a few cops now she is just running for her safety, she ended up in this hideout with these people and doesn't know what to think.

"No." She said sadly.

Charles would have been happy with the answer bus she was giving out a sad vibe when she said no, knowing there should be a story Charles just let it go.

"Aargh!!" Jean screamed holding her head.

"Wh- whats wrong?!" Charles and Chase panicked.

"Step aside." Kali said and put his hands on the side of her head and started using KI full of life and moved it around her head and body trying to give her some comfort.

"Old man whats going on?! Is she okay?!" Charles asked looking worried.

Kali with his hand still on her head looked at Charles, the boy looked worried about her and he always had some soft spot for girls which is sometimes troublesome. Kali seeing Charles worried was wondering if he is falling for the girl or not because if he is then there is gonna be drama out in the open since Scott and Jean should be a thing.

"There is a foreign force inside of her and she is unable to control it at the moment..." Kali explained her situation to Charles.

Soon she calmed down and her headache started calming down too.

"Th- thank you." She whispered in pain.

"Jean! What happened?!" Charles asked.

"Th- I hear it." She said looking at Kali.

"What is it saying?"

"It- It's just screeching and a lot of voices after that." She said.

"It's possible that It's messing with your basic mutant abilities and os causing you to lose control having to hear the voices of others." Kali said.

"So It's your telepathic abilities going haywire?... oh maybe... yes that might work." Charles said as he ran into the resting rooms kitchen and brought a box of foil.

"What are you doing?" Kali and Chase asked and Jean just stare in confusion.

Charles didn't say anything but ripped out a large amount of foil and made it into a head helmet before putting it on Jeans head.


"What the hell is that supposed to do?!" Chase said.

"Well I've seen in the movies that people put tin foils on their heads to prevent aliens to read their minds or steal their bodies and stuff." Charles said.

"This isn't a movie!" Kali said before smacking Charles on the head.

But still Kali couldn't help but admire the quick thinking of Charles, if he isn't wrong then Magneto used the same thing to block out Charles Xaviers mind abilities with the helmet of Magneto using some tin foil or something.

"But it might be a good try you never know, Jean how does it feel?" Kali asked.

"W- well it kind feels silly but there isn't much change I feel." Jean said.

"Well lets just eat for now." Kali said as they all sat down eating.

While eating they talked more and got to know each other more, it was mostly the three and not Kali, at some point Jean started asking questions about how Kali can help her to which Kali patiently answered and to Jean they didn't seem too bad.

She also learned about the other kids and how they are, Anna the bossy girl, Markus the always angry idiot, Chase the nonstop talker, and many others. She was actually surprised at how normal they are and so accepted the help of Kali.

"Oh and Charles is Nightwing." Kali suddenly said.

"Duude!" Charles suddenly yelled out.

"Y- your Nightwing?!" She asked in surprise.

"Why yes, yes I am." Charles said shamelessly.

Jean suddenly frowned.

"But.. your blonde Nightwing has black hair." She said unsure.

"Oh thats just a hair spray to change my hair color because sometimes you cant be too careful." Charles said.

And with this turn Jean started asking questions about Charles and she seems to really admire Nightwing as a superhero, she also said that a few kids in the X mansion were fan of them.

"Night watchers? Really?!" Kali asked.

"Yeah thats the name they gave us, because we watch the city during the night hence the name." Charles said proudly.

"Haha what a stupid name!" Kali said laughing.

"It's not stupid!" Charles retorted.

"It's a cool name." Chase said fanboying.

After a while it somehow turned into some laughs and more talking and eating, Kali was just happy Jean was having a bit of laugh.

They were finally having a laid back relaxing time when suddenly 8 people teleported into the center of the main room, Professor X, Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Scott, Kitty Pryde and Iceman Bobby.

When they appeared they were cautious and ready for a fight but what they saw made them speechless.

On a table filled with chunk food from pizza and burgers to chips and drinks, around the table were 4 people one guy who they knew was working for S.H.I.E.L.D., one blonde pretty boy, a redhead boy with a camera filming around and Jean with a tin foil around her head. They were all sitting around talking laughing and eating like pigs.

What really surprised the new group was that Jean was actually having fun laughing and all considering what has happened so far.

Scott on the other hand was feeling a bit jealous seeing her have fun with another group other than with them.

When Jean and the others noticed they jumped up and stood except for Kali as he seemed to have already knew they were there.

"Jean-" Professor X.

"What? What do you want?" Jean said with some hostility in her tone.

"Jean... come on come with us lets go home." Professor X said.

"I have no home... leave!" Jean said as her hair started floating with other objects in the room.

"Who are they?!" Chase said as he turned the camera to the newly arrived group and said, he wasn't really scared or worried as his brother was Nightwing and the old man (Kali) alone could probably be the strongest man on earth including mutants.

Kali was still sitting down on the couch with his back facing the X-men finishing his beer bottle, Charles took out two metallic sticks out of nowhere and connected them together making a staff ready for battle.

"Mr.Green is it? Please explain what is going on here." Professor X asked as he put his hand up to calm his group down.

"Thats enough Jean, power down or it will get worse and you know it." Kali said to Jean who did power down and tried to calm down before the Phoenix uses the chance to cause chaos.

Charles X and Scott had frowns on their face at how easy Jean followed Kali's words.

Kali finally stood up and turned around throwing something at Wolverine. Logan was cautious at first but when he caught what was thrown he was actually lost in what to do.

"Budweiser the king of beers, I don't know if you had better but It's still beer." Kali said.

"There will be no fight under this roof and I don't have any ill intentions towards your group or towards Jean so you can all calm down and have a seat grab a slice if you'd like." Kali said.

Everyone looked at Charles X for his decision, when Charles X nodded everyone calmed down. Logan shrugged before opening the beer cap and taking a seat in one of the chairs.

"Oh and there are more beers in the fridge if you'd like." Kali said to Logan who just nodded.

Kurt who was Nightcrawler teleported near the table and grabbed a slice of pizza along with Kitty and Bobby.

Colossus decided to ease some tension and walked to Nightwing to introduce himself and have a nice talk.

Storm stuck onto Charles X and stayed with him like a glue.

"Shall we?" Kali said as he took the lead walking into the training room to have a private chat with Charles X and the following Storm.

"Please." Charles X said.

"What is your goal here Mr.Green?" Charles asked the moment they were alone.

"Just helping out a poor girl." Kali said.

"And why is that? From what I know S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top priority would be to lessen the dangers of-"

"This has nothing to do with S.H.I.E.L.D. she is here in my place speaking with my kids, do you really think I have any plans of doing wrongs to her lets not forget your the one who tempered with her head do you know how taboo that is?!" Kali said.

Charles X looked down thinking about this whole ordeal while Storm had a frown glaring at Kali, Kali just smiled and winked at Storm.

This storm was wearing a skintight black suit like in the comics, only difference is that what she was wearing didn't really show much and covered her body properly but the brown-skin caramel and curves on her couldn't be hidden.

"What do you plan to do with her?" Charles X asked Kali.

Over at the main room...

"Jean." Scott walked up to talk to Jean but she just looked away feeling ashamed.

Kirt, Kitty and Bobby were talking about the famous pizza of New York they were eating.

Logan was grabbing beers from the fridge and colossus was having a talk with Charles.

"Jean, are you ok? Where have you been? Please come back I know you didn't mean to do the things you did." Scott was worried about Jean.

"I- I can't, there is something inside me and I can't control it-" Jean said but was interrupted.

"Then we will help you, thats what we do we help people like us and we will help you-" Scott said.

"You can't!! This is bigger than all of you it is bigger than all of us-" She said.

"Then we will find a way we always d-" Scott couldn't finish as a volley of interruptions are being made by them both.

"How?! By messing with my mind again?! Erasing my memories?! I don't see myself going back to the mansion, I just can't."

"Jean... you can't actually mean that... that is our home." Scott said.

"I'm sorry Scott but... I- I cant."

"Well what are you gonna do stay here? This doesn't look like much of a home, and what can these people do for you?" Scott asked.

"I don't know... but at least they are honest and are willing to help, and this isn't a home it's just a hideout." Jean said.

Colossus and Charles...

"Hello friend, I am peter." Colossus said putting his hand out for a shake.

"Haha hey Peter, I'm Charles." Charles replied shaking Colossus' hand.

"Oh you have same name as the Professor." Colossus said.

"I do? Cool."

"So are you like... always metal or can you like change your forms back and forth." Charles said poking colossus' chest.

"I am always metal, but I can change form back to human too." Colossus said.

"That's rad Peter, and I'm guessing you are Russian?" Charles asked.

"Haha I am!! What give me away?" Colossus asked.

"Your awesome scary accent, did you know Russians are the scariest white people?" Charles said.

"Ooh!! Really?! Hahahaha."

"So what are your guys powers?" Chase asked as he pointed the camera at the three kids eating pizza.

"I can teleport." Kurt said feeling happy that Chase didn't seem to worry about his blue skin and all.

"I can phase through walls among other things." Kitty said.

"Ice." Bobby plainly said.

"That is soooo cooolll!! And you guys are called... the X-men correct? I've heard of you guys in the news you guys leave a lot of messed up places after your fights." Chase said not holding back.

"Well we were always trying to help." Kirt said.

"Yeah, stop telling us about that if you don't know the real reasons behind it." Bobby said.

"Well of course I know you guys are the good guys but can't you guys like do less damage?" Chase asked.

"We try but there are more at stake than simple properties." Kitty cut in saying.

Back at Kali and the Professor...

"Very well... but give me a chance to have a talk with her maybe get her to have a change in mind." Charles X said.

"Alright, I'm fine with it." Kali said and with that they walked out with everyone's attention back at them.

What in gods name is wrong with the new app update yall?

Karstagcreators' thoughts