

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

A Troublesome Redhead

When Kali and Charles were walking back carrying Hannah the new member of the family they stopped by a few places to get something to eat, though they literally live in a restaurant of their own It's nice to go out every once in a while to try something different.

On one of the fast food restaurants which is Burger King they sat in one of the booths, Kali put baby Hannah on the table between the two and started playing with her speaking in baby language and baby accent.

"Awww shes so cute." An employee came but couldn't help saying, the worker had a thin figure and had black hair with an attracting smile, and looked to be in her late teens.

"I know right?!" Kali and Charles couldn't help saying together.

"Whats her name?" The teenager asked.

"Hannah! Her name is Hannah." Charles said, the girl seemed to have caught his attention as he was kind of staring... like a lot.

The teenage girl came up and played with Hannah for a bit before she backed out and asked for our orders, and went back after getting our orders.

"It's like you'll fall in love with anything that has a pretty face." Kali said to Charles with an eyebrow raised.

"What? Thats not true... they have to have a nice smile with that too." Charles said like It was no big deal.

"Awawawawawawaa." Hannah said before growling waving her baby hands around.

"Yeah you tell em Hannah, let him hear it." Kali said crossing his arms as if agreeing with the baby.

"What but I thought you would agree with me no matter what?!" Charles exaggerated.

"You heard her, her words are final, and they are the law itself." Kali said.

"Please I will change I won't be controlled by not another pretty face!" Charles grabbed Hannah's legs before bowing his head up and down.

Throughout this whole situation Hannah didn't pay attention at all to the two and was buy putting her hand on her mouth.

Hannah doesn't seem to be the type of baby that cries, and she hasn't which the two were kind of thankful and relieved for.

"Hmm do you still remember if this was the same kid you left at the orphanage that night?" Kali asked as he went through the documents Hill gave him.

"Yeah, I mean she seemed to be a bit older than that night but she looks the same." Charles said as he was poking Hannah's cheeks.

"Hmm well she is definitely not an immediate newborn, she is a year and a half old, Hannah Logs." Kali said looking at a birth certificate.

"Hmm half Russian and American." Said Kali.

"Aaaaand here is your order, please enjoy and I'll be over at the counter if you need anything." The girl said before walking away.

Kali threw a french fry at Charles face as his eyes were glued to the girl walking away, when the french fry hit his face Hannah giggled.

Kali and Charles paused and looked at her as this was the first time they saw her have this reaction.

Kali grabbed a handful of fries and threw it at Charles face who just took it, and it earned a long giggle from Hannah. It went on until she stopped laughing which the two thought it wouldn't be funny anymore.

As they ate Kali slowly fed her french fries since she already had teeth and all.

Soon they walked out of Burger King and started to walk back home, and walking back Kali saw a building with the word "Baxter"on it.

'Guess that does it, Fantastic Four is in this Marvel world. Though I haven't heard of anything about them so I don't think they got their abilities yet, it would be pretty obvious as a walking talking rock and a flying torch would be pretty obvious.' Kali thought.

But this got him into thinking, what else is in this verse? Inhumans probably do exist as the show agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were connected to it, there were some clues about Namor the sub-mariner in the MCU if this verse were anything like it.

Mutants were never mentioned in the MCU, and he never heard of mutants ever since he came to this world so he wasn't sure it they existed.

"Hose!" "Hose!" Hannah started yelling and pointing at the horse on the side of the store front building.

"Hmm, she seems to know how to say horse." Kali said.

"Hey Hannah you wanna ride the horsey?" Kali asked holding her.

"Hose!" She said still pointing at the horsey ride.

"Okay lets go ride it." Kali said walking up to the purple horsey ride.

Kali put her on the horsey and used a little bit of telekinetic KI to make sure she wouldn't fall before he put some coins in the horse as it started going up and down mimicking a horse.

Hannah was having fun with her hands up in the air as she laughed about, Kali was laughing as well watching her.

He looked back to see Charles taking pictures at them, Kali put up a peace sign when the horse stopped moving.

Kali put coins on it but it still wouldn't move.

"Sheesh it seems to be broken." Kali said before picking her up.

"Come on that's boring anyways I'll show you what is more awesome than riding a stupid broken machine." Kali said as Hannah made a sad face.

Kali picked her up and turned around before kicking back the horse riding machine and broke it into a few pieces where coins were clattering everywhere.

Hannah seemed to enjoyed it as she smiled and clapped her hands.

The three entered into an alley way and stood together.

"Ready?" Kali said with a smile.

"Yeah- oh wait." Charles said as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small spray.

"You can never be too careful." Charles said before spraying his hair.

The spray bottle was a hair coloring spray, there was a bunch of it in the underground lair at the abandoned warehouse that the guys use, it was mostly Charles who used it to change his blonde hair into black when out patrolling, other than that Markus just uses it to clear boredom.

Charles changed his hair color black and passed it to Kali who did the same, they both looked at Hannah who tilted her head to the side in wonder.

"Nah she fine the way she is." They both said.

Kali held onto Hannah before slowly letting her go as she floated from Kali's KI, Hannah was overjoyed and clapped laughing.

Kali and Charles were letting her enjoy the moment before Kali floated too bringing up Charles as well.

Kali made a bubble around them to let Hannah be able to breathe since she might not be able to take the wind pressure and all, with that they sped off home.

When they were near Kali sensed that almost everyone was home, they landed on the ground and walked to the door before coming in.

When they entered the people who was in the bottom floor was mostly the girls and a few boys, when they saw who came in everyone froze.

"Good most of you are here." Kali said.

"Guys!! Meet..." Kali said before bringing up Hannah like Rafiki raising up Simba on The Lion King.

"Hannah!!" Charles finished as he pointed both his hands at Hannah as if showing a great product.


It was quiet nobody knows what to say, they did wonder who the baby was.

"Uuh..." Anna slowly walked up before stopping a few meters in front of us.

"Who's. Baby. Is. This?" Anna asked.

"Her name is Hannah, she is the new adopted member of the family." Kali said.

"Are you crazy?!" Anna yelled out loud, louder than ever.

Kali hugged Hannah and brought her to the side trying to protect her from the raging screaming Anna.

"You can't be serious right?" Anna asked trying to laugh it off.

"What no why would I kid about that?" Kali asked.

"Wh- you- I- we- *sigh* okay you guys can't even take care of your selfs what makes you think you can take care of a baby?" Anna asked massaging her temples.

She really thinks this had gone way too far, out of all the idiotic things everyone could do in this house this was probably number one.

"How hard could it be?" Kali said.

"Okay... do you know what a baby formula is?" Anna asked slowly.

"Thats a trick question we don't need to know what the formula for a baby's food is." Charles said to which Kali just shrugged and nodded along.

Anna was just at a loss for words as he looked back and forth between Charles and Kali.

Jun Lee walked up to Kali and looked at Hannah, Jun Lee moved her face close to Hannah and Hannah grabbed Jun's nose to which she laughed at.

"I'm not against it she is adorable!!" Jun Lee said.

"Oh what the hell im sire something good could come out of this." Anna just sigh with her hand on her forehead.

She moved to Hannah and picked her up, and all the others started coming together meeting Hannah and all.

"Anyways where is Zhang?" Kali asked.

"Oh he is still at the abandoned warehouse underground." Dillon said.

"Huh? Wait you guys went to the nest?!" Charles asked.

"Oh so thats what you guys call it? Well It's better than a plain 'Lair'." Chase said.

"It was this dork that named it, tsk who would wanna name a hideout. What an idiot." Markus said crossing his arms.

Not long Zhang came down from the stairs looking sweaty, he must have done some gliding before landing at the roof.

"Oh perfect now everyone is here, alright gather up!" Kali screamed out.

"Gather up for what?" Markus asked.

"For a family pic." Kali said as some of them got excited and gather around, Markus on the other hand.

"Tsk no thanks I'd rather use my time for more something more im- argh!!" Markus couldn't finish when Kali suddenly made a KI cane and used the hook to grab his neck bringing him into the picture of Charles floating camera.

"Hah now thats a family frame right there." Kali said looking at the picture.

His phone suddenly rang, he saw Fury's name on the caller id and answered giving Charles phone back to him.

"Hello?" Kali answered.

>Green... I need your assistance again.< Fury said, though it felt like he had trouble just asking for help.

"*sigh* mann this is gonna start being natural thing asking for my help." Kali said.

>...< Fury was silent on the other side.

"I'm kind of having a family moment don't you have others that could do a mission for you?" Kali asked.

>...< Fury was still silent.

"Alright fine what is it you need Nicholas the Furious?" Kali asked.

>...just meet me and we'll talk more< Fury said before hanging up.

Not long a message popped up with an address to go to, Kali sigh before turning around.

"Hey guys I gotta go, works callin." Kali said.

"You don't have work." Anna said.

"Wh- well It's a side job-" Kali.

"Is it? Or are you trying to leave little Hannah and run off?" Anna asked glaring at Kali.

"Hey, I wouldn't do that what do you take me for?" Kali asked hurt.

"A monstrous idiot who has the power to destroy the entire city." Anna said plainly.

"Wh- well- I'm not that bad, I actually think of myself as a humble stylish man with a dash of mighty on it hehe." Kali said but no one was smiling to that which he just stood there awkwardly to.

"Alright I'll be back soon." Kali said before floating off.

Some time later...

"Don't mind if I do." Kali said as he poured some scotch into a cup with ice.

He was in the office of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s director and when he saw the glass drinks he thought of having a quick one.

Fury was doing his cool thing where he would stand facing the glass and all, he sat down and looked at Kali.

"So you have been in this world for a little under two years and yet you adopted more than 15 kids under your name." Fury said.

"Sheesh wow... I mean you saying it like that It surely sounds like a lot." Kali said sipping his scotch.

"You also seemed to have gotten the attention of my agent, Hill. She also went as far as pulling in favors to give you another kid- I mean what the hell are you doing? What- I- I- I mean are you collecting kids or- or are-" Fury was really loss for what to say.

"Eyy eyy eyy let's talk business not personals alright? The kids are my problem not yours and why am I here anyways." Kali said pouring more onto his cup.

"*sigh*... what do you know about mutants?" Fury asked.

Kali's eyes opened wide looking back at Fury.

"So you do know about them, good I don't have to explain much, other than the fact that trouble might be brewing again and they will battle destroying a few things and hurt people.

For a long time mutants have always been dangerous and whenever a fight would break out then they would bring down buildings and whatever there is near their fight.

One of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most dangerous watched man name Magneto was part of these and is always a fight starter, he has the brotherhood and the other who is professor X has the X-men. You'll be briefed by an agent in a bit for more information.

The government made some agreements and gave the two groups a break and a bit of freedom and so the destructive fights of theirs stopped for a while now. The X-men do their best to help society and stable the relationships between humans and mutants and the brotherhood lay low." Fury did a short explanation of the mutants of this world.

"Okay so what you need my help with... does it involve the mutants?" Kali asked a bit excited.

"There is a girl, Jean Grey, she is a psychic and had a bit of a fall out with the X-men and had a fight with them. Their fight attracted the police, unfortunately all they did was get hurt now the government marked the girl as dangerous and is chasing her.

I want you to look into this and make sure it doesn't get any bigger than it already is and prevent it from getting into a city wide chaotic battle." Fury said.

"Os that really what you want? Your not trying to turn these mutants into some kind of weapon or something right? You know convince them to fight for you for the betterment of humanity type scheme and all?" Kali asked.

"Just get it done, get out of my office." Fury said.

"Yeah yeah alright whatever Nicholas the Furious." Kali teased one last time before walking out.

"Green follow me." Kali heard a voice and looked to the side to see Agent Hill.

"Woah theres my favorite Agent!" Kali yelled out to which she just rolled her eyes to.

They spoke like friends while walking to a quinn jet, well it was mostly Kali who spoke.

"You know Hill we still need to get that dinner I asked about a while ago." Kali said.

"No thank you I already ate." She said barely looking at him.

"Come on at least take a day off sometimes, I'll cook I giarantee you will love my cook I make the best pa-" Kali said.

"No kidding you know how much Coulson talks about your cooking? Haha he talks about it so much I- okay just focus on the mission." She said as she sat on the pilot seat and started lifting the jet up moving about.

"Why are you piloting anyways, don't you guys have pilots for that? Or did you volunteer to pilot since I'm the one here?" Kali asked with a smile.

"Don't flatter yourself honey, It's the directors orders." She said.

"Well I know for a fact that our friend Nicholas is a great people reader and so I think he thought of us compatible so he put us together you see." Kali said.

"I'm only the driver, I drop you off and I go back then we are finished." She said.

"And look through that folder over there maybe studying them would prepare you for whats to come." She said pointing at a folder on the side.

Grabbing it and looking through it there were pictures and some info, Kali read through it and knew most of the info and the picture as well, like Jean Grey he knew what her powers are but he was surprised to know that the Jean Grey in this world would be the Sophie Turner of the Game of Thrones.

Kali somehow remembers the entertaining shows including Game of Thrones, or other entertainment films he has watched in his previous life.

Other than that there were a few that looked the same Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Beast and Professor X who seems to be a bit younger Patrick steward. On the young side there was Scott, Kitty Pryde, Rogue, Ice man, Nightcrawler and a few others.

There was also the brotherhood of mutants but other than a middle aged Magneto, Mystique, Juggernaut and a few minor mutants there was nothing new.

"We're here!" Hill screamed out at the front.

"That was fast I didn't even have time to study." Kali said.

"They should be outside the mansion, they got our message that we are sending help, and you are the help. Anyways I'm sure director Fury explained already so I don't need to say much. Oh and I won't land so just float down since you can fly." Hill said.

"I will get that dinner one way or another." Kali said before he jumped backwards falling.

On the ground the professor x, wolverine, storm, colossus and a few kids were standing on their front lawn looking up at Kali who floated down.

Kali was wearing a suit shit with dress pants which didn't look all government like, it just seemed like this man was finished with work and is coming home they thought.

As Kali touched down he looked at everyone, and his inner fan boy just wanted to scream out and run to each one of them and give them a hug.

Kali walked to the professor which everyone got close to incase something happens, and Logan came up in front of Kali blocking his way. He was short but his built can't be look down upon, his muscles had muscles and he smells like alcohol and cigarettes.

Kali and Logan just stood face to face looking at each other for what felt like an hour Logan growled here and there and Kali...

"I... am such a biig fan!! Can I shake your hand no wait can I have your autograph I just can't let this opportunity pass by I gotta- oh wait I don't have a pen- or paper maybe if I-" Kali out of nowhere started rambling.

"Uh sir? Agent is it? Are you the one sent by the government?" Prof. X asked.

"Uh yeah that me, from S.H.I.E.L.D." Kali said with a smile.

"Oh uh S.H.I.E.L.D. huh?" Said professor.

"Yeah I guess you know it?" Kali asked.

"I've crossed paths a few times." Prof. X said.

Kali suddenly felt something around his head, like an energy of some kind was trying to pry into his head, Kali suddenly knew what this was. It was Prof. X trying to get into his mind.

"I would ask you to try not to pry into my head nicely." Kali looked at Prof. X and said.

"Ah so- sorry it is sometimes hard to control." Prof. X said.

Kali didn't reply and so it was awkwardly quite for a bit.

"So your the help? Of you are why is there only one of you? Whats so special about you?" The young Scott asked.

Scott doesn't seem to be happy guess losing his partner turned his sunny side down.

"Well I'm special because... I know things." Kali said.

"Like what?" Scott asked a little annoyed.

"How many rooms are in the manor?" Kurt who was nightcrawler couldn't help testing me.

"That I don't know." Kali said shamelessly.

"Look if you're here to waste time then you can go back, we don't need your help." Scott said.

"Always the cocky one laser eyes." Kali said.

"But yes I special because I know things but we would be wasting time proofing what I know and whatnot, so please just explain to me everything that happened.

We came inside the house and they explained the story to me while some others worked on where Jean could have gone.

Apparently Jean started acting up after a recent rescue in space and her powers are going out of control and so on, the powers going out of control opened memories she had lost, not lost but was taken from.

Knowing it was Prof. Charles a few of them were quite disgusted. Wolverine was one of them the most as he had no memories about who he really is, Mystique who was injured during the fight was taking rests and Beast was angered at Prof. X blaming him for this whole thing.

"So you all kept trying to talk to her knowing what she has is out of control?" Kali asked.

"Well it was mostly Logan that took the most damage so thank god for that." Kurt said since Logan has regeneration, but Logan looked at Kurt and growled.

"O- or not I'm just glad everyone is ok and all." Kurt said.

"And so you can't find her or track her using your mutant abilities?" Kali asked.

"Yes?" Some answered unsure.

"Well haven't you guys thought of places she would go to in times of loneliness?" Kali asked.

Everyone was quite from the question, Kali just scratched his head thinking this trip was a bit duller than he thought.

Kali head outside to do some thinking, when something popped into his mind and so he immediately called Agent Hill.

>Green? Why are you calli-< Agent Hill answered.

"Hey Maria, tell me where is Magnetos location at?" Kali asked.

>Magn- whay would you wan-< Hill didn't know what to do.

"This is urgent Maria come on!" Kali said.

>Okay It's over at XXXXXXX< Hill said.

"Copy that thanks" Kali said and hung up before he blast up into the air.

He was about to fly away when he suddenly looked at the x manor.

"Ehh I'll just bring her back." Kali said before flying away.

In an campsite a bit away...

Two men were talking one was a military captain and the other was Magneto, the general is looking for Jean Grey and Magneto was saying his rights to be in that property.

As they were speaking the one of the two choppers that the military came in with started whirling as the rotor blades was getting faster and faster getting dangerous.

"Stop that! I said stop that right now!!" The military captain said looking at Magneto as he put his hand on his pistol.

"It's not me." Magneto said looking back at the Captain.

"It's me." Jean said as she floated down with a hand out controlling the chopper blades to speed like crazy.

"Jean!" Magneto warned.

The whole chopper starts to move around unstably.

"Get down!" A soldier screamed out.

"Jean!!" Magneto screamed out as the chopper uncontrollably moved around before falling as the whirling blades broke everywhere with one almost hitting Magneto.

Jean started to control the second chopper but Magneto put his hand out putting a stop to it which ended up in a tug of war between Jean and Magneto.

The soldiers aimed their guns at Jean but she just waved her other arm tossing the soldiers guns.

Soon Jean took the lead and moved the chopper closer to the captain and Magneto any closer and the blades would have cut the heads of them both.

Having enough Magneto gave his best pushed the chopper back before shouting to the captain.

"Get in the chopper and goo!! I cant hold it." Magneto said.

Before anything else happened thousands of constructed green chains bee lined into the chopper from all directions outside and held on to the chopper stabilizing it before it was put down on the ground.

The force, speed, weight, and power of these chains were strong enough to overpower the other twos power, Magneto finally took a breath and breathed in relief, Jean Grey just looked at the green constructed chains in curiosity.

The chains broke and disappeared as if it was never there, and a man floated down from the sky like a god with his slicked back white hair and shirt.

When he landed he looked at the captain and the soldiers.

"Captain! Take your men and go." Kali said.

The military captain didn't know what to do, he was already planning on leaving but when this guys said to take his men and leave it felt like he was ordering him so he had a feeling of not wanting to do it.

"It's alright S.H.I.E.L.D. will handle this." Kali said professionally, but inside he feels elated as he just had an epic entrance and also ordered a captain using the name of S.H.I.E.L.D. like he was a higher up.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.?" The captain asked.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Magneto muttered.

"Yes now go!" Kali said.

The captain didn't know what to do, he didn't know if this man was actually from S.H.I.E.L.D. or he was pretending just to get them out of here, but even if they stayed they couldn't do anything here due to the lack of power of numbers.

In the end he got in the chopper with the other soldiers and they flew off.

Kali looked at both Magneto and Jean, he nodded to Magneto and looked at Jean.

"Aah young lady you have been one troub-" Kali couldn't finish when he was psychically slapped away by Jean.

This chapter was rushed so It’s probably a little shitty??

Good on you fellers

Karstagcreators' thoughts