

On a normal night Axcel Miller a delinquent notorious in the area while buying packs of ramen noodles got jumped by four big black masked men. Accompany Axcel in his journey to wherever the four big black masked men has taken him.

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7 Chs

(2) Genis Club

Chapter 5


It has been a week since I got here, and I'm still not used to the scale of this place. It's way too big. There is an entire society living out here. I toured the whole place, including the parts that looked sketchy, in the time that I have been here.

And it was rather normal stuff, no torture chambers or anything, probably, or I just haven't seen one yet. There are some labs, pharmacies, and pubs, and most of the remaining territory is occupied by gangs.

I made a map of the whole place, and it's weirdly structured. A triangle followed by a square and lastly, a big circle. I have not entered the circle area yet since it was only meant for the top 100 fighters and they aren't letting nobodies in, but from what I've seen on the outside, it's structured like a circle.

Let's start with the Triangle district. This is where I first woke up in this place and where I met that dude, and this place sucks. People ranked in the thousands are placed here, basically the slum area of this place, sitting at the very far end of the map in between the circle and square district. It's the smallest compared to the other districts.

"We got nothing going here only a shitty place to sleep," I complained.

Next, we have the square district, which is way better. It's divided into three parts. We have the living area—houses and small apartments—an entire lake, parks, and restaurants where people hang out and enjoy their day.

I want to call the next part the "If you want a blowie, come to this place"

Entertainment district.

as the name of the place, this is where you entertain yourself—you want to f*ck or wanna get f*ck. depends on you, but this is the place for it.

While exploring this place three days ago, a sexy lady walked up to me and tapped my shoulder.

"Hey there, handsome, want to spend time with this cute sister? Tehee," acting all cute. I saw her appearance and got bricked up instantly. She was so hot. A cute face paired with a body that has the right curves in the right spot made my junior rise.

My mind froze, not knowing what to respond with. I've been a virgin my whole life, and hitting cheeks is just a dream. At that moment, it truly hit me that everything can happen in this place.

She smiled and said, "Oh, are you shy baby? This cute sister will help you out only for the low price of £6500."

I stuttered and asked for a discount. Not because I want to get laid or anything like that, but for the sake of getting information.

"No discount, unfortunately, but you can work here until you can afford me; some lovely customers are looking for certain types, and you are one of them."

Moving on, we got to the last part of the square district, and this is the most populated part of this whole place, the fight zone. The arena is located here, together with all the training facilities. There is a boatload of shops that sell a bunch of stuff, including drugs, steroids, etc.

That's pretty much it. I think I might have forgotten some things, but it probably wasn't noteworthy. I head out to start my day. Every district has an enormous clock in the middle suspended mid-air, which is very convenient.

I have 6 hours left till my first match starts. I should go to Bob's Pub and check on him and also ask something.


Upon entering the Pub, I noticed that it was empty. I saw Bob in the corner of my eye. I called out to him. "Hey Bob, come here. You told me you are going to explain this whole G-rank thing."

Bob quickly responded, "Alright, wait up. I'm busy fixing the table. Give me a minute, will you?"

I waited for who knows how long this dude can fix the table. It took so long that it made me remember how I stumbled on this crappy place. A powerful gust of wind can destroy this place, I swear. It happened 2 days ago as I was exploring the Triangle district looking for a place to eat, and I found this place at the very back.

"Alright, the table is finally fixed. Where are we? Oh right, so about that, the rank that you see in the stat checker indicates what level you are in, and for G-rank that's 0-100 total power (TP), and once you break through the 100 mark, let's say 100.1, then you are no longer considered as a G-rank but an F-rank, so on and so forth. Now, don't think that breaking through ranks will be easy; hitting the cap of a rank is easier to get than breaking through it.

And how you break through ranks, I have no idea about any of that. Some say it's talent, luck, or skill, and for you, Axcel, you just have to find out about it.

How you calculate your total power is you add every stat you have, including the minor stat excluding intelligence, and divide it just like how you get your general average in school grades. You get what I'm saying."

"I gotcha on what you're saying," I replied,

I quickly calculated my stats since I still remembered them in a calculator. "So you're saying that I only got a total power of 8.33. Then how did Gordon or the other guys achieve that amount of power? I have trained for more than 3 years every single day without fail, and this is what it only amounts to."

Also, one last thing, Axcel, before you leave. Don't try fighting people who have a higher total power than you. Even if it's only by a single digit, the most you should even consider fighting does not exceed 0.5 to your current power. Trust me on this one.


I'm getting hungry, give me today's special, and don't forget to give me a discount.

sorry yalls for not updating been real busy but Im back, as usual this piece havent been edited.


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