
อ่านหนังสือนิยาย mackenzie ziegler total eclipse ออนไลน์ - WebNovel


  • Evolving infinitely from ground zero

    【Infant Stage, a cumulative total of 10,000 leg kicks】 【Attribute gained: Use It or Lose It】 【As long as you continuously exercise the same body part, that part can evolve infinitely, but it can't break the limits of carbon-based lifeforms】 【……】 【Student Phase, a cumulative total of 100 million characters read】 【Attribute gained: Heavenly Intellect】 【Photographic memory, learning ability reached the pinnacle of humanity】 【……】 【Adult Stage, a cumulative matching of carbon-based lifeforms' limits 100 times】 【Attribute gained: Multi-form】 【The body is no longer limited to the frailty of carbon-based lifeforms' flesh and blood, capable of evolving beyond life forms】 【……】 Having transmigrated, Lin Zichen was born with an achievement-based cheat. In this life, he only wanted to evolve quietly, continuously breaking through the limits of life forms, and savoring the pleasure that comes with the leveling-up process.

    Bamboo City's Little Overlord · สมัยใหม่
  • Chaos Evolution: Only I Was Granted 3 Wishes

    "Why aim for a world when I can conquer the entire universe?" Draco Valenstein was the kindest human alive, a young man full of ambitions. One day, by some unknown means, he died. Not knowing how or what happened, he was granted 3 wishes before transmigration. In such an unforgiving world brimming with powerhouses, kindness was a weakness. But for Draco, who had been reborn as a demon, such a past was long gone. Evil is the only way! ------------------------ Discord: https://discord.gg/WkPT4GXk2E Release Rate: 2-3 Chapters Every Day. The Cover is Mine & Original. ----------------- Author Offers(September-2024): You give: 150-400-800 Power Stones I Give: 1-2-4 Total Bonus Chapters. You give: 100-200-400 Golden Tickets. I Give: 1-2-4 Total Bonus Chapters. You give: Any SuperGift I Give: 3 Bonus Chapters Per. -----------------

    StellNem · แฟนตาซี
  • Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

    [COMPLETED.] [Mature content.] Chloe Carlson, 35, was a married woman living with her cheating husband— Vincent Gray, and their daughter— Mackenzie. Her failing marriage led her to file a divorce after 10 years, but her husband refused to sign it. “I know what you want Chloe, you want my money after we divorced. You want to take everything from me and I will not let that happen!” Vincent accused. “I don't need your Money, Vincent! I just want to take Mackenzie with me and leave!” At last, she left her bastard husband without taking a cent from him. She was going to carve her own path in life and give her daughter the best in the world. However, things aren’t working so well with a single mother like Chloe. It was difficult to find job because she was a housewife without qualification for a long time. Thus, in desperation as she needed to care for her daughter, she only had one way out. She contacted her brother-in-law— Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25, a young, heartless playboy, who happened to be the CEO of a skyrocketing company, asking him for a job in this tough time. “A job? That's not an issue. You can work as my personal assistant and take care of all my daily needs.” Vernon smirked and leaned in. “Especially in bed,” he whispered in her ear. — Would Chloe fall into the hands of her evil brother-in-law and become a slave of his whim? Or would she return to her abusive scum husband for their daughter’s future? — Note: There is an age gap in this story, Chloe is 35 years old. Vincent is 35 years old. Vernon is 25 years old. -- Official commissioned cover. — Contact me: Instagram: @ForeverPupa Discord: https://discord.gg/m2XPfdmwde --

    ForeverPupa · สมัยใหม่
  • Forbidden Lover ~ Eclipse of the Turning

    Margo has waited a very long time to find the one woman that she can love without reservation. Now that fate has finally gifted her with a soulmate she has no intention of letting her go. To bad for Margo that the universe has other plans for the pair. Cora has been in the fight for her very survival for so long now that she has nearly forgotten how to live any other way. When good fortune smiles on her she finds it hard to trust her new situation. Does the woman she calls boss have an ulterior motive and if so how bad is the fall going to be? Its hard to walk away when everything feels so good but red flags are everywhere. How much can Cora overlook to stay near the woman that she likes way more than she should?

    AmeraWolf80 · LGBT+
  • Divorciei-me do meu marido repugnante, casei-me com o seu irmão diabolico

    [Conteúdo adulto.] Chloe Carlson, 35, era uma mulher casada vivendo com seu marido infiel— Vincent Gray, e sua filha— Mackenzie. Seu casamento fracassado a levou a entrar com um pedido de divórcio após 10 anos, mas seu marido se recusou a assiná-lo. "Sei o que você quer, Chloe, você quer o meu dinheiro após o divórcio. Você quer tirar tudo de mim e eu não vou deixar isso acontecer!" acusou Vincent. "Eu não preciso do seu dinheiro, Vincent! Eu só quero levar Mackenzie comigo e ir embora!" Por fim, ela deixou seu desgraçado marido sem pegar um centavo dele. Ela estava determinada a trilhar seu próprio caminho e dar o melhor do mundo à sua filha. No entanto, as coisas não iam tão bem para uma mãe solteira como Chloe. Era difícil encontrar emprego porque ela foi dona-de-casa sem qualificação por muito tempo. Assim, em desespero, já que precisava cuidar de sua filha, ela só tinha uma saída. Ela contactou seu cunhado— Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25, um jovem playboy impiedoso, que por acaso era o CEO de uma empresa em ascensão meteórica, pedindo-lhe um emprego nesse momento difícil. “Um trabalho? Isso não é problema. Você pode trabalhar como minha assistente pessoal e cuidar de todas as minhas necessidades diárias.” Vernon sorriu malicioso e se aproximou. “Especialmente na cama,” sussurrou ele em seu ouvido. — Chloe se renderia às mãos de seu maléfico cunhado e se tornaria escrava de seus caprichos? Ou ela retornaria para seu marido abusivo em prol do futuro de sua filha?

    ForeverPupa · สมัยใหม่
  • Divorcié a mi despreciable esposo, me casé con su malvado hermano

    Chloe Carlson, 35, era una mujer casada que vivía con su esposo infiel — Vicente Gray y su hija — Mackenzie. Su matrimonio fallido la llevó a solicitar el divorcio después de 10 años, pero su esposo se negó a firmarlo. —¡Sé lo que quieres, Chloe, quieres mi dinero después de que nos divorciemos! Quieres quitarme todo y no permitiré que eso ocurra— acusó Vicente. —¡No necesito tu dinero, Vicente! ¡Solo quiero llevarme a Mackenzie conmigo e irme!—. Finalmente, dejó a su miserable esposo sin llevarse ni un centavo de él. Iba a trazar su propio camino en la vida y darle a su hija lo mejor del mundo. Sin embargo, las cosas no van tan bien con una madre soltera como Chloe. Era difícil encontrar trabajo porque había sido ama de casa sin calificaciones durante mucho tiempo. Así que, en su desesperación por cuidar de su hija, solo tenía una salida. Contactó a su cuñado — Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25, un joven despiadado mujeriego que resulta ser el CEO de una empresa en auge, pidiéndole un empleo en estos tiempos difíciles. —¿Un empleo? Eso no es un problema. Puedes trabajar como mi asistente personal y ocuparte de todas mis necesidades diarias—, dijo Vernon con una sonrisa burlona y se acercó. —Especialmente en la cama—, susurró en su oído. ¿Caería Chloe en manos de su malvado cuñado y se convertiría en esclava de sus caprichos? ¿O volvería con su abusivo y despreciable esposo por el futuro de su hija?

    ForeverPupa · สมัยใหม่
  • Taming The CEO's Assassin Wife

    Ariel Mackenzie is a tough and resilient woman who has always put her son, Jason, first, she could even go up the sky and pluck the moon for him. But when the assassin organization she works for demands the head of Jason's father, Vincent, Ariel is faced with a difficult decision, should she risk her future relationship her child, or save it by not completing the mission, which has dire consequences. Going back to her hometown did not only open up old wounds but it created new ones, secrets that were meant to be kept in the dark were brought to light, betrayals were made and and some relationships were broken.

    M_dee · สมัยใหม่
  • Total Eclipse of the Heart

    "Are you sure you can't do magic?" Forced into a high position, in charge of a crumbling kingdom, a small noble of no consequences attends the most important event in the land. With the goal of seeking help from the two Kings and Queen, what she will find won't be anything like she expected. With so many secrets (some of them her own), can friendship and love be found...?

    Emma_ghsjixv · แฟนตาซี
  • Royally Desired

    Twelve years after the death of her best friend and also the future alpha of the Eclipse pack, Tiana Aldridge finds herself mated to his twin brother, Jordan Walker but he doesn’t want her. Her pack hates her and everyone blames her for the death that happened twelve years ago. She grows up an outcast and Jordan wastes no time rejecting her. All her hopes of ever finding happiness come crashing. Tiana only has one wish; an opportunity to leave the Eclipse pack for good. The former Alpha King passes on, and her alpha gladly gives her out in tribute to the king. What he doesn’t know is karma is coming back in the deadliest way he least expects. As the first Alpha Prince and also next in line to be king, Ryder Cadwalder is used to getting what he wants. He is surly, overly possessive, and outrightly arrogant. Experience with his ex-mate taught him to have little trust for the opposite sex and when he finds out he has a second chance mate, he takes no chances with her. His past still haunts him, but he must find a way to move on from it. Fate takes him to the Eclipse pack, and as the Alpha prince tries to solve the riddle that has hunted the werewolf kingdom for years, secrets are being unraveled and truths unfolded. What happens when the Eclipse pack is at the mercy of the alpha prince’s mate? Would Tiana forgive? Or would she have her revenge on those that caused her pain all her life?

    Cassandra K · แฟนตาซี
  • Divorcée de mon époux minable, épousé son frère malveillant

    [TERMINÉ.] [Contenu mature.] Chloé Carlson, 35 ans, était une femme mariée vivant avec son mari infidèle— Vincent Gray, et leur fille— Mackenzie. Son mariage en échec l'a amenée à demander le divorce après 10 ans, mais son mari a refusé de le signer. "Je sais ce que tu veux Chloé, tu veux mon argent après notre divorce. Tu veux tout prendre de moi et je ne laisserai pas cela se produire !" Vincent accusa. "Je n'ai pas besoin de ton argent, Vincent ! Je veux juste emmener Mackenzie avec moi et partir !" Finalement, elle quitta son sale mari sans prendre un centime de lui. Elle allait se frayer un chemin dans la vie et offrir le meilleur à sa fille. Cependant, les choses ne vont pas si bien pour une mère célibataire comme Chloé. Il était difficile de trouver du travail parce qu'elle avait été femme au foyer sans qualification pendant longtemps. Ainsi, en désespoir de cause, car elle devait s'occuper de sa fille, elle n'avait qu'une seule solution. Elle a contacté son beau-frère— Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25 ans, un jeune séducteur sans cœur, qui était également le PDG d'une entreprise en plein essor, lui demandant un emploi en cette période difficile. "Un travail? Ce n'est pas un problème. Tu peux travailler comme mon assistant personnel et t'occuper de tous mes besoins quotidiens." Vernon sourit et se rapprocha. "Surtout au lit", murmura-t-il à son oreille. — Chloé tombera-t-elle entre les mains de son méchant beau-frère et deviendra-t-elle l'esclave de ses caprices ? Ou retournerait-elle chez son mari minable et abusif pour l'avenir de leur fille ?

    ForeverPupa · สมัยใหม่
  • Total Eclipse Of The Heart

    All chapters on Monday, Wednesday and Friday! IF THE YOUR BODY IS COLD, I WILL GIVE YOU MY SOUL. Imagine a city where life is cruel for you as a woman, as an lmbtq member, or as a Roma, because you experience countless discriminations. They disgust you if you touch a white man as a Roma... All eyes are on you if you are able to show your emotions as a man, or if you walk around in slightly brighter colored clothes... They are afraid of you if you are able to stand up for your rights as a woman and, according to them, back the witch should be burned because of you. The Grotesk Dollar is the only place in Teardrop City where visitors are treated as human beings. Women can drink beer, two women can hug without being held at gunpoint, and Roma girls are also invited to dance. The characters that make up this story show what life is like when you have to carry the cruel burdens of the past. What is it like to be afraid of yourself, because you have no idea when the last vein in you will burst. What it's like to have to keep razors away from you because you cut yourself. What's it like to have to give up on your dreams because your body can't... The Brayden family. The Parker brothers. The Smith Trio. The Ming Brothers. A local drug dealer. Employees of the Grotesk Dollar. And the residents of the town of Teardrop.

    GeorginaFaraway · LGBT+
  • Life didn't get easier, even in another world.

    Weird stuff keeps happening in my life lately. Like that solar eclipse on that morning, or this dude who says he is my roommate. Oh and that this place that I suddenly found myself in isn’t Earth. And even more, I can do magic? I don’t know, maybe I have finally gone crazy… Hey hey, please give my second book 'The Undying Star' a try as well!

    daniz_ · แฟนตาซี
  • The Heartless Magician's Fate (GL, Cultivation)

    Meet Han Abrial Chae-young. A reckless demon, a badass blade fighter, and a total shitshow by probably most of the Empire of Gongkua's standards. After being imprisoned in her parents' house for eighteen years and finally breaking free, her first goal is to, um...well, go straight back to the house. She has to, ok?! It's in order to rescue her best friend and (technical) servant, Finley, who's still stuck there, and for whom she doesn't feel anything except total platonic non-romantic non-sexual attraction (starts coughing violently cough COUGH). In the Empire of Gongkua, Abrial will have many adventures, meet enigmatic people, cultivate the art of magic, and slowly experience the unfolding of a mysterious fate that has shrouded her from even before birth. A mysterious fate involving the one and only murderer of millions, the cruel and heartless Emperor of Gongkua — the one who's wanted Abrial dead from the very beginning.

    wintry_duckling · แฟนตาซี
  • Totally opposites ?

    Volume 1 - free chapters (95 chapters) This book will not be tooo long like other cliche novels. Enjoy!!! Completed with 134 chapters. New volume soon! Ever thought what its like to fall for someone who you didn’t even knew you would fall for . Ever thought the person who appears the opposite of you is actually just like you . Similarly two people when meet they have an effect on each other that no one ever had on them !! ____________ This story is about Ji yun who is an abandoned daughter of a rich family with only one step sister . She is like any other girl for everyone as she keeps a low profile but under that low profile is a girl who is involved in hacking and owns the most famous cafe of the company. One day she accidentally meets Heyeon jun who is like any other Cold and overbearing CEO but is envolved in underworld . He is a famous personality but never did she expect herself to owe him her life . Her life becomes a roller coaster of emotions as they both start working together and she starts developing feelings for him . Will she give this relationship a chance , When she is afraid to let anyone in ? Will Heyeon jun let her in ? Will he like her back ? Will he give her the love she had deserved? —sneak peek— Heyeon Jun looked at her with pursed lips , he took a deep breath relaxing himself ,"Fine ! I need the reports done by tomorrow morning and make sure to be ready for office ." He picked up his Laptop and some files before leaving the study . Ji Yun's eyes watered as her heart clenched, why does she always feel like this whenever he yells at her . She sighed controlling her tears and looked at the coffee on the table . She wasted her twenty minutes on it . She will drink it herself since he didn’t want to drink it . Before she could reach out for it , Heyeon Jun's hand picked it up and he left the study again . Ji yun scoffed , this Asshole ! *** I SWEAR EVERYTHING IS MY OWN IMAGINATION AND SECONDLY IF YOU READ IT UNDER ANY OTHER APP OR WEBSITE , its not ORIGINAL PLEASE REPORT! This is my first book Cover doesn’t belong to me ,,, all credits to creator !!

    theunknownsoul · วัยรุ่น
  • Geschieden von meinem Abschaum-Ehemann, geheiratet seinen bösen Bruder

    [Chloe Carlson, 35, war eine verheiratete Frau, die mit ihrem betrügerischen Ehemann Vincent Gray und ihrer Tochter Mackenzie zusammenlebte. Ihre gescheiterte Ehe veranlasste sie, nach 10 Jahren die Scheidung einzureichen, aber ihr Mann weigerte sich, sie zu unterschreiben. "Ich weiß, was du willst, Chloe, du willst mein Geld, nachdem wir uns haben scheiden lassen. Du willst mir alles wegnehmen und das werde ich nicht zulassen!" warf Vincent vor. "Ich brauche dein Geld nicht, Vincent! Ich will nur Mackenzie mitnehmen und weggehen!" Endlich verließ sie ihren Bastard-Ehemann, ohne einen Cent von ihm zu nehmen. Sie wollte ihren eigenen Lebensweg einschlagen und ihrer Tochter das Beste auf der Welt bieten. Doch mit einer alleinerziehenden Mutter wie Chloe läuft es nicht so gut. Es war schwierig, einen Job zu finden, denn sie war lange Zeit eine Hausfrau ohne Ausbildung. In ihrer Verzweiflung, weil sie sich um ihre Tochter kümmern musste, blieb ihr nur ein Ausweg. Sie wandte sich an ihren Schwager - Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25 Jahre alt, ein junger, herzloser Playboy, der zufällig der Geschäftsführer eines aufstrebenden Unternehmens war - und bat ihn um einen Job in dieser schwierigen Zeit. "Ein Job? Das ist kein Thema. Du kannst als mein persönlicher Assistent arbeiten und dich um alle meine täglichen Bedürfnisse kümmern." Vernon schmunzelte und beugte sich vor. "Besonders im Bett", flüsterte er ihr ins Ohr. - Würde Chloe in die Hände ihres bösen Schwagers fallen und eine Sklavin seiner Launen werden? Oder würde sie zu ihrem missbräuchlichen Abschaum von Ehemann zurückkehren, um die Zukunft ihrer Tochter zu sichern? - Hinweis: Es gibt einen Altersunterschied in dieser Geschichte, Chloe ist 35 Jahre alt. Vincent ist 35 Jahre alt. Vernon ist 25 Jahre alt. -- Offiziell in Auftrag gegebenes Cover. - Kontaktieren Sie mich: Instagram: @ForeverPupa Discord: https://discord.gg/m2XPfdmwde --

    ForeverPupa · สมัยใหม่
  • Eclipse Arcana

    Eclipse Arcana It is a story that contains five main leads. The story begins, when Kai arrives in Celestria to save the village with his friend Eiera, his sister Rin, and his Fairy friend Luna. Later, he has been assigned a task to retrieve an artifact known as Eclipse Arcana and has to take the King's son, Aiden, with him. But he didn't know the Artifact he was sent to find could destroy his realm in the blink of an eye. Kai also found out that he is not the only one who is seeking Eclipse Arcana. The Dark Realm is also after it. Now, he has to act faster than before and gather all six pieces of Eclipse Arcana before it's too late. Kai, Eiera, Rin, Luna, and Aiden together they will face many challenges, and fight monsters, Dragons, and much more. Can Kai and his group Find Eclipse Arcana before it gets into the wrong hands? A Conversation from Chapter 40 One of the Scorchers spoke to Kai, "SO YOU ARE KAI THE WEILDER OF THE ETERNAL BLADE!"  Kai looked up at the Scorchers, "I don't have time for an introduction." Kai pointed towards the carriage and continued, "I want all three of you to carry that carriage and follow me." "HOW DARE YOU ASKED US FOR HELP!" The Scorchers got furious after listening to Kai's demand, and all three of them bang on the Eternal Blade's barrier. Scorchers, "LET US OUT! AND WE'LL TELL YOU WHO WE ARE!" "The thing is, I wasn't asking. I'm ordering all three of you!" Kai said in a commanding tone. I Hope all the readers enjoyed the story. TAGS #FantasyAdventure #MagicalRealm #EclipseArcana #JourneyofHeroes #MagicQuest #StrongestAmongThem #TrustYourFriends #ProtectTheRealm #DarkRealmThreat #MagicalCreatures #BondTested #EpicAdventure #FantasyNovel #BookishCommunity

    MS_Studio_3460 · แฟนตาซี
  • Bercerai dari Suami Busukku, Menikah dengan Saudara laki-laki Jahatnya

    [Konten dewasa.] [Selesai.] [Cerita sampingan akan diterbitkan pada 15 September.] Chloe Carlson, 35, adalah seorang wanita yang sudah menikah dan tinggal bersama suami yang selingkuh— Vincent Gray, dan putri mereka— Mackenzie. Pernikahannya yang hancur membuatnya mengajukan perceraian setelah 10 tahun, tetapi suaminya menolak untuk menandatanganinya. “Aku tahu apa yang kamu inginkan Chloe, kamu ingin mengambil semua uangku setelah kita bercerai. Kamu ingin mengambil segalanya dariku dan aku tidak akan membiarkan itu terjadi!” Vincent menuduh. “Aku tidak perlu uangmu, Vincent! Aku hanya ingin membawa Mackenzie dan pergi!” Akhirnya, dia meninggalkan suami bajingannya itu tanpa mengambil sepeser pun darinya. Dia akan menentukan jalan hidupnya sendiri dan memberikan yang terbaik di dunia untuk putri-nya. Namun, hidup tidak berjalan dengan baik bagi ibu tunggal seperti Chloe. Sulit bagi Chloe untuk menemukan pekerjaan karena dia telah menjadi ibu rumah tangga tanpa kualifikasi yang cukup. Oleh karena itu, dalam keputusasaan karena harus mengurus putrinya, dia hanya punya satu jalan keluar. Dia menghubungi iparnya— Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25, seorang playboy muda yang tidak punya hati, yang kebetulan merupakan CEO dari sebuah perusahaan yang sedang meroket, meminta pekerjaan di saat yang sulit ini. “Pekerjaan? Itu bukan masalah. Kamu bisa bekerja sebagai asisten pribadiku dan mengurus semua kebutuhanku sehari-hari.” Vernon tersenyum dan mendekat. “Terutama di tempat tidur,” bisiknya di telinga Chloe. — Apakah Chloe akan jatuh ke tangan iparnya yang jahat dan menjadi budak keinginannya? Ataukah dia kembali kepada suami bajingannya yang kasar demi masa depan putri mereka? — Catatan: Ada perbedaan usia dalam cerita ini, Chloe berusia 35 tahun. Vincent berusia 35 tahun. Vernon berusia 25 tahun. -- Sampul resmi yang dipesan.

    ForeverPupa · สมัยใหม่
  • Moon Eclipse

    Clara : Gadis biasa yang terjebak didunia berbeda, memiliki sifat pemberani, pintar dan melakukan apapun yang dia suka. Alveno : Pangeran kerajaan Orion yang tampan dan disukai rakyatnya. Sayangnya ia bersifat songong, pemarah dan terlalu percyaya diri. Pada gerhana bulan di malam yang penuh bintang seorang perempuan berjalan ditengah kebisingan kota. Dengan air mata yang terus menetes, dan keadaan yang tidak baik sama sekali setelah kesedihan yang menimpanya. Sebuah kecelakaan terjadi dan membuatnya menatap gerhana bulan total saat menutup mata. Saat ia terbangun, ia sudah berada disebuah dinasti berbeda, zaman yang berbeda dengan zaman yang sebelumnya.

    ghkamilah · แฟนตาซี
  • Reaper and the Moon

    After an incident that happened on his 'last' stakeout, Eclipse promised revenge on whoever did him, and the people he cares about, wrong. He meets up with someone to help him with this revenge plan but, as they continued to prepare for it ... something goes wrong and he gets thrown into another world completely shaken and ... with a little more damage to his body and mind than he was ready for.

    Moryoll · แฟนตาซี

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