
Zenitsu Template In One Piece

My first novel just a novice writer

HotDaug · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

- Chapter 1 - Trouble Already?

- 1 week later-

Zenitsu could be seen helping in the kitchen, So according to the intel I've gathered so far, the only marines involved in this scandal are the Lieutenant and his 2 henchmen aside from them there is the bandit group composed of 15 bandits.

From what I've seen so far the bandits work at night kidnapping children and the marine is covering up their tracks and by the end of each month, they sell them on the black market and split the profits.

Pretty crafty of them I must admit but they have 1 major loophole in this plan and that is every week one of the henchmen comes to the bandit's hideout to check on the "products".

the thing is the bandits don't know what he looks like since they've only ever seen him with a mask on. I could use that to get in but how do I escape with the kids?.

That's when an incredible idea came to mind He would first have to start a huge fire in town or the Marine base to keep the Marines occupied.

By Then ill be already by the hideout and rescue the kids... No, although it does win me the battle I'd lose in the long run.

those bastards would just capture some other kids and the next time I try to save them they'll be ready.

I'll need a better plan than that ahh... I'm running out of time.. this weekend is auction week I have to act before then.

Zen Chan are you alright? you seem kinda spaced Out.

Ahh no Cera Onee Chan I'm perfectly fine as a matter a fact I was just thinking about what I should get us for dinner.

Hmmm... Is that so.. well if your ever need anything big sis is here to help you got that?.

Of course.. Cera Nee is the best (he said with sparkling eyes).

You... you..(Shameless she thought to herself while blushing). but she couldn't bring herself to scold someone so... cute.

Cera Nee or more accurately Cera Kane arrived at the Orphanage the same day I did, we were both abandoned as babies in front of the orphanage.

this made our relationship rather close as Cera one day decided to step up and become a big sister figure for me and the others to look up to.

Even by adult standards, Cera could be considered a high-tier beauty as she was 5 feet in height with long dark purplish hair and thick purple brows paired with a sharp face.

It's safe to say that when she hits puberty, she would become quite the looker.

Cera is one of the few people I could call true close friends in the orphanage.

B..by the way, Z..zen-Chan why don't Y..you keep me C..company today when shopping for groceries? it's like I'm inviting you to date or anything... (she said with a flushed face and her hands behind her back)

(Sooo... Cute.. how can I ever refuse such a lady let's tease her a bit) Are you sure Nee-chan? people would think I'm your boyfriend again.

W..wh..at B..boyyy friend!...(she said while blushing) After gawking for a few minutes she finally snapped out and looked at me, while I tilted my head slightly to the left to deliver the finishing blow. yup, that's it she couldn't take it anymore and dashed to her room.

Hahaha, she's so cute makes me almost want to squeeze her but that would have to wait for the future.

Later that night I kept thinking of a solution and the only thing that came to mind was to Eliminate lieutenant Bacha and his associates.

That's easier said than done a lieutenant is still a lieutenant after all I can not underestimate my enemies.

The next morning I came out with a complete plan.

First I'll act on the day before the auction, I'll start by eliminating one of bachas henchmen before he arrives at the lair, and next ill pose as him to enter the hideout.

The next step would be to instruct the bandits to lay an ambush somewhere in the outskirts where they will meet a team of marines and duke it out, while I release the children and wait for the best moment to strike and eliminate Bacha.

-Later that day-

Afternoon time.

Guys Cera Nee has gone "missing," said an orange-haired kid. What how can it be? all the other kids were shocked.

I heard the neighbors talk about it today she went picking fruits and vegetables on the farm 2 hours ago but she has yet to return.

After listening to the boy I storm out of the Orphanage and go straight to the forest where I hide my "stolen goods" I use the money I got to set my plan to move.

I went to the gold roger bar and hired a few bounty hunters to lay a trap for the bandits, of course, I would never reveal myself as I commissioned it under the name Ryu.

The next step I set a big fire in the middle of the town and blamed it on the bandits, soon the rumor spread like wildfire and the marines got their hands full with the fire.

Of course, the rumors soon reached the ears of Bacha who was furious at how could he let this happen under his nose.

He quickly sent one of his henchmen to the hideout to warn the bandits, while he had to stay and assist and provide support as the lieutenant of Loguetown.

So far so good... Zenitsu managed to eliminate the henchmen by ambushing him in the forest, then put my acting to use and get into the lair where without too many issues.

Later I showed the bandit leader a scroll that instructed him and his followers to lay in ambush somewhere on the eastern shore.

That left me and two other guards in the hideout. After knocking out the other two guards I was finally able to release the children.

Before parting ways with the children I entrusted Cera with a map as I left her in charge of leading the kids back to town.

Cera Pov:

I usually start my day by helping Oba Chan In the kitchen early in the morning then I help do house chores after that I usually go to the farm to pick a few vegetables and fruits.

Everything went smoothly until on my way back I met a group of shady-looking men walking my way.

sensing that something is wrong I started running hoping that I could escape from the scary-looking men.

I ran with all my might but was just not enough I was eventually caught and everything after that is blurry.

When I woke up I found myself inside a prison cell with many other children my age or younger.

Seeing the younger children cry reminded me of the other kids in the orphanage so I quickly went into work mode and tried my very best to Calm everybody down and assure them that help is coming.

Everyone don't be afraid, the Marines are probably on their way as we speak I assure you that we will all return safely to our homes.

awww... how cute trying set up order are you.. well too bad.. hahaha ha.... Just to make it clear No Marine would be coming here to save anyone.

Lier, I'm sure that they are on their way here as we speak... Haha.. silly little girl why do you think we haven't been caught until now...

Looking at your face I think you finally realized why... Smart girl..

H-how can it be! your working for the Marines!

Hahaha... ding ding ding Bullseye

So you can forget about ever going back to your families and be ready for a world of pain and sorrow, don't worry your sacrifice won't be in vain as it will be our first step for expansion.

Hahaha, (Evil laugh) Your lucky I'm feeling generous today, hey there girlie the one with purple hair serve me for one night and I will let 10 children go so watcha say Huh?

Cera: Why would I believe anything you say, you sick bastard.

Hahaha... I guess your way too smart to fall for something as simple as that. Oh well, I always preferred the hard way anyway now come over here. hehe hehe...

Noo, Get away from you sick bastard there's no way I'm giving myself to a bastard like you you piece of garbage take this...

Uggghh... you little bitch you will pay for that kick get over here.

Ahhhhh, Get away No! Get away from me Nooooooo!!!.

Your mine now bitch! you think you can just hurt me and get away with it (Slurp) I'm gonna enjoy you Hehehe.

Please don't, Someone help me Momm. Dadd..( at this moment Cera realized that she couldn't call out to those names because she doesn't have any parents)

At this moment the only family Cera could think of was Zenitsu I hope you'll be able to lead a long happy life even without her by his side.

If only you knew...that I.i..L..love you... (more than just brother-sister love) from the bottom of my heart.

Hehe... I love the sound of that now beg me bitch Beg.. hahaha.. hak.

Cera Pov:

I was ready... ready to give up on life.. but at my darkest moment when I lost all hope in everything he came a masked hero in white came to my rescue.

-End Pov-

you fucking bastard how dare you touch the product without a lieutenant's permission you deserve death (Slash) head rolling on the floor.

seeing what transpired all the other bandits drew their weapons to avenge their leader, but before they could react zenitsu was quick to act and drew a scroll.

I came to deliver this to your "Leader" after hearing him say leader the others knew what he meant, now that the leader spot was open it was any man's game now.

but before any of then could react another man came forward and recived the scroll from my hands and read the contents of the scroll.

Few minutes later a Grin could be seen on his face as he soon announced boys were going to be rich tonight. Raising the moral of the group.

The other kids couldn't help but be relieved that the beautiful sister was saved from being raped but they still couldn't be happy since nothing stood the same.

they would still not see their family and they would still be sold to slavery and probably live their whole lives serving as someone slave.

but just when they lost all hope they saw two heads rolling on the ground, their caused everyone to freak out especially the younger kids as they started crying.

the two heads belonged to the two bandits that were left behind and behind them stood the masked man this time he wore an all black outfit.

*Doors unlocking*

All of you get out, At first everyone was shocked and some had doubts about his intentions but when he repeated and said Get out Now! while you still have the time.

All the kids snapped out and got out the cell, Out of all the children present Zenitsu knew he could trust only one person out of all of them.

Excuse me Cera On.... Ahem Young lady with the purple hair can I entrusted you with the task of leading the children back to town.

Cera Nodded at the task she was given by her savior. Great here take this... it's a map that contains a different routes to town. take it and go and by any means do not get caught by the navy especially not that lieutenant got it?

Cera: Nod

How about you guys?

Everyone else: Nod

Good I wish you safe travels.

hearing this Cera was shocked, W..wait your not coming with us?

Wasn't that obvious, of course I'm not coming with you I've got some unfinished business to settle first.

This caused Cera to Blush as she quickly instructed everyone to leave.

Sigh* finally... I can begin preparations for the final battle.

Few hours later*

Why hasn't he reported to me yet! next time I see him I will have to teach him some decipline.

*Contraption door opens*

Now which one of you Fuckers had a deathwish and was caught setting the town on fire Huh!!.

The Childeren where are they!! You! (points at the other only person in the room) Search the area!!.

few Moments later... Boss, I found 3 decapitated bodies near the kids prison cell. Good...good... it would seem that someone discovered our little secret.

Come were heading back to base there's nothing left for us her... before he could finish his sentence his henchmen was cut in half before his eyes.