
The Beginning

Haha!, "This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow." 




The End.

Mc inner voice:

Wow. That sure was intense, Oh well would you look at that I think it's time I call it a day and go to sleep. I still got that important job interview tomorrow and I don't wanna be late.

Now That would ruin my first impression, sigh* wish I could just get paid for watching movies all day but I guess that's too much to ask for in this world huh?

*Click (turns off the lamp)







Huh? Who the heck is calling this late at night!!. Whoever he is I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind.


17 Missed calls From Ben...

Ben: Heya man just wanna inform you that your interview got delayed to next week due to tight schedules the company decided to move everything 1 week later.

anyway, get plenty of rest for next week and don't drown too much on your cartoon shows alright? Hope to see ya sometime over a drink watcha say buddy for old time sake ey?.


Huh, There he goes again for the hundredth time Anime is not Cartoon!!!.

Sigh* l, Never mind I'll cut him some slack since he went out of his way just to message me this late at night that everything is delayed.

Reply to Ben: Sure bro...



A week Huh... that's an awful lot of free time well who am I to complain? I get a week off.



Buzzz.. Tap.

Breaking Anime news!!

One piece manga just massed released a huge quantity of chapters and The Creator reveals that now The real one piece can begin!! OMG!!




After reading the Article with sparkling eyes Ryu couldn't help but be swept by the hype wave caused by the anime community.

For the next two days and nights, Ryu hasn't left his apartment because he was too busy skimming through Chapters and rewatching iconic piece moments.

When suddenly, one night Ryu got a strange email from an unknown sender on his phone. The mail had no description only a shady link in a blank white sheet.

Now at this point, any normal person would think that the link would probably lead to a virus or would be too unbothered to entertain this email and would ignore it right?

But is Ryu like any other normal person? the answer is No!!! He didn't grow up on anime for anything he's built differently.

Little does he know that one little click would be the turning point of his whole life or more like the end of his life.

(The link said imma ending this man's whole career)


Huh, what is this? You've gotta be kidding me. a Slot machine.

-Welcome to the Anime Slot Machine-

Congratulations on winning the right to use the Fantasy slot machine where you could be reborn in any Fantasy verse you know of.

-Slot 1 - Picks the Verse you go to

-Slot 2 - Picks your character template

-Slot 3 - Picks your Race

-Slot 4 - Special Perk


Just like in life you only get one shot.

How Lame... I expected a lot more than you troll... well it's not like I believe this shit but It wouldn't hurt to check what I get...

One... Two. Three. *Click "Spin".

*Roulette spinning noises*

Ding.., Ring.., ting.King!

Congratulations you've got.

1. One-piece verse

2. Zenitsu Character Template

3. Race: Human/Mink Hybrid

4. Enhanced intellect

After seeing the results Ryu couldn't help but feel ecstatic to get one piece as it is his all-time favorite anime that he grew up with.

Aside from that everything else is not that bad, I mean I've never heard or seen a Human mink hybrid in the show before.

As for The template... In my opinion, Zenitsu has a lot of potential as a swordsman Even in the show he Rarely tapped his inner potential so I can't be mad with that.

As for the special perk... Meh, I could've been better but faster learning doesn't sound so bad.. in my opinion at least.

Now all that's left is. Click. (Done)

Sigh* What a waste.

Huh*... why am I suddenly so.. Sleepy...




*Memory Flash*

Child, I hope that you could one day forgive me when you are older.




What was that all about? Huh? looking at his surroundings Ryu found himself in a room he was unfamiliar with. where am I?

Uggghh! head!!, What's going on? Ryu was experiencing severe headaches due to his soul fusing with another soul, therefore, gaining memories of both souls.

A few moments later The pain disappeared as if it never happened.

So that Prank Email was not a prank after all and now it would seem that my old soul fused with a new soul that lived in this world.

The strange thing is I know that I'm still the same person from earth but it feels like the soul of zeniths was dominant enough that his soul had a huge effect on my personality.

Well either way be it Ryu Or Zenitsu I'm still me and I'm gonna make the most of this reincarnation (Said with sparkling eyes).

Oii! Zenitsu-Boy your awake! Hearing the familiar voice zenitsu turned towards the door and saw a Short old lady in a Nun outfit looking at him with a concerned face, She was the only one he could call in this world...

Mother!!.. He called out to her and instinctively ran to hug her like any kid would when they would see their mother.

but then something strange happened, unlike the happy reunion he planned in his head Oba Chan Hit him with a cane straight to the head.

What are you doing out of bed you idiot, get back to bed!!! and just like that her loud voice was heard in the whole chapel even the whole neighborhood would not be an exaggeration heck I wouldn't be surprised if the whole island heard her.

But Granny I'm all fixed now and back to normal Hehe... (with a piece sign and a smug face).

-Granny Pov-

He's right! he's fully healed! but how is that possible this child was cursed with an extremely weak body or more accurately weak soul resulting in him being sick and bedridden most of his life?

But now you're telling me that he's all cured and all signs of malnourishment are gone! this could only have one explanation it's a Miracle!

-2 year time skip-

-Rowan Jungle, East of Logue town-

Late at midnight, a yellow flash could be seen in the dense forest, This was none other than Zenitsu practicing the thunder breathing.

Thunder Breathing first form " Thunderclap x2 and just like thunder Zentsu started Zapping from tree to tree until eventually after 5 min he finally stopped to gasp for Air.

Heavily panting Zenitsu took out a water bottle to refresh himself.

it's already been 2 years Huh... My progress is not bad I can keep thunderclap x2 for 5-8 minutes depending on how I use it.

during these 2 years, I learned as much as I could about the One Piece world and how things operate in this world.

According to my calculation canon isn't supposed to begin till 10 years from now which means it should be safe for now.

During these two years, I mainly focused my training on stamina and speed and less on strength and dexterity so it won't hinder my growth.

In recent months, there was a rumor going around town about Missing kids who disappear at night.

Ordinary folks think that they are abducted by ghosts and cower in their houses at night but those who know better speculate that it's the doing of bandits or pirates that make a living from selling children into slavery.

this makes the situation in town dangerous for children like us who live in an orphanage since we will be their number one target.

It would be hard for me to protect the orphanage at all times so I came up with a perfect solution for the kidnappings.

I asked each kid to carry a piece at all times so if they ever go missing if be able to track them using my nose. since I'm part mink that means that all my 5 senses are enhanced.

Strange enough even though I'm part mink I don't have any animal feature on my body, it's not like it matters at least I wouldn't be discriminated.

Better go back before Oba Chan notices I'm gone, there will be hell to pay if I were to get caught.

Thunder breathing first form thunderclap...

Help! Help!

Someone help!

Upon hearing someone's weak cry for help Zenitsu was quick to act as he "Thunderclapped" away.

upon arriving at the scene he could see 2 men in all black rags carrying 3 children into a small cave where a secret contraption was hidden that opened a stairway to their hideout.

just as I was about to rush in I heard another group of men coming my way..

Haha.. you guys heard? we got quite the haul this time I tell you by the end of this year we are gonna be so rich that we wouldn't have to work another day in our lives.

b..but boss what if we get caught? if HQ gets wind of this our heads would rolling on the ground and well become fish food.

Do you think that HQ has the time and manpower to send people over to investigate a few missing persons?. As long as you have me the great lieutenant, Bacha, you'll be fine.

*Clapping notices of praise*

Besides, if HQ ever comes snooping around we can always shift the blame on the bandits Grarararaarra... (Evil laugh)

After making sure they left Zenitsu could finally let out a sigh of relief... So that's what's going on...

who would've imagined that the marines are part of this messed up scheme? call me shocked but why am I not surprised, from what I remember from the show this is nothing compared to the other horrific things they've done.

Tch... Marine scum.. For now, I will keep investigating this group before I decided on my next move. you can never be too careful.

Next chapter