
Zelda: The Man who brought Doom

What a way to die, huh? Well at least I will be able to see my family again, even if it is in the after-life. Just gotta complete, this damn 'quest' I was tasked with and everything will be fine. But then again what could possibily go wrong, if you are a human looking Ancient Doomsday with even more potential than the original..... ///////////// So I am a new Author. So if you notice something wrong or bad just tell me and I will try to change it. English also isn't my main language, so do excuse any mistakes I make. Just write a paragraph comment and I will correct it. I am also unable to promise a stable update schedule. I will try to at least update twice a week though and I will try to get the first 10-15 chapters out as fast as possible :) The profile picture isn't mine. I found it on pintrest if you want to get the link to it or if you own it and want me to take it down just message me. I also don't own anything except my mc

mkoester · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


I simply smiled.

"Do you only have that much faith in me?" I smiled and took a few steps back and then started running towards the wall but instead of punching it I simply threw my whole body against it, which didn't immediately break it but seemed to instabilize it quite a bit. So, I simply walked back a bit once more and then did it again. This time the wall didn't stop me, and I did my best impression of the Kool-Aid Man and simply ran through it... 

And who would have thought? There is indeed a room here. And it almost seems like some kind of ceremonial room… in the middle is some kind of altar with two pedestals, one mask on each. 

The one on the left was mostly yellow, with something that almost looked like a lion's mane. It also had some kind of horn, which was orange and had yellow engravings. The mouth almost seemed to be twisted into some kind of grin, and it, too, was orange. Lastly there simply were holes where the eyes would be. 

The left one's base was silver. And it almost seemed like it had shoulder length, golden hair, which was put on top of where the left shoulder normally would have been. Everything else was similar to the other one, with the exception that the 'horn' and mouth, which were yellow instead of orange. 

While I was busy inspecting the masks, Linkle followed me and stepped through the door, newly created by yours truly. She too instantly spotted the masks…

"Well, if that isn't ominous, then I don't know what is. Now that I think about it, didn't you say that you needed to collect masks? Maybe those are some of them?" Now that she mentioned it… yes, that is certainly seems quite likely… 

"Well then what are we waiting for?" And then I simply walked towards the altar. But as soon as I took the first step onto the altar… I was sent flying back. And not just a bit. After all…



I easily flew through the wall I already broke once and then still had enough speed to create a human formed hole in the wall behind it. Barely missing some of the weapons stored there…


Woah… that definitely broke something, and I don't just mean the wall. At the very least something in my back broke. I also can't feel my legs, I don't think that that is a something good…

"Linkle, I'm fine… or at least I will be. Just give me a hot minute and I will be as good as new…" Which didn't seem to calm her down as she still ran after me. She even went through the new hole I made… I think that I am getting a bit too used to being hurt. If a normal person was hit by whatever just hit me, then they would at the very least be paralyzed for their remaining life, if they got lucky… although I think most would just go 'splat' against the wall, if you know what I'm saying…

"Oh goddess, your bleeding… why does this always happen to you?" Linkle soon crouched beside me and started looking for wounds…

"Linkle, I will be fine. See? I can even feel my legs again." To show my point I even wiggled my legs a bit, which was the most I was able to do right now… and it seems like what I said and or did wasn't the right thing to do, if the sheer fury on her face was anything to go by.

"Cid. I know that you say that you can heal from everything… but you can't just joke about injuries of this level. What would have happened if that blast sent you flying even stronger, or you were impaled by a weapon? You could have died here. And no regeneration will save you after your death." While I can understand what she is saying… I am pretty sure that even death will not be the end for me… at least it wasn't for the normal Doomsday, so it should also be possible for me to adapt to my death. But then again, I never told her this… 

"Please, be a bit more mindful of your own health. Although you might not value your life a lot right now, which isn't that weird, you don't remember anything and have no one to fight for, return to or something of that kind, but maybe there are some who are waiting for you. So please don't kill yourself because of something stupid. And even if there is no one waiting for you. At the very least you will have a place in Hyrule… you do plan on saving the princess, don't you? And you are also my apprentice, and I can't have my first apprentice die before he even took a single lesson from me. So please watch out a bit more, if not for you or someone waiting for you. then at the very least for me…" 

You would expect her to go red from what she said, considering she just told me how much my health meant to her, straight into my face… but no, none of that. Expect she just show a very serious expression which seems just the slightest bit sad. 

This really is important for her, huh? I guess I will be a bit more careful in the future, as while she isn't the most important person for me, I do only know her for a few hours after all, but seeing how serious and sad she got over me getting injured, does not make me feel too great either. 

"I'm sorry, Linkle… I promise I will be more careful in the future. And I know that this is a weak excuse, but I do want you to know that I remember some things about my race… someone once did what I do to wounds, to death… he adapted to death itself. So, I am very sure that there is nothing that could put me down forever. Still, I will be more careful in the future." While it almost seemed like she wanted to remain stoic for a bit more, her mouth practically fell open after hearing that even death won't be the end of me. So, no I don't die when I'm killed… 

"You… are you serious? Do you even know what some would do if th-"

"Yes, Linkle. I know, which is why I didn't want to tell anyone about this. But I also don't want you to worry this much every time I get hurt. I know that this might be a bit too much, but injuries only serve to make me stronger. And strength is something we can really use right now. We don't know how strong Ganon is and if Zelda still lives but even if she does, I can't imagine that we can just train for a few years, so I get up to standard which technics. So, every bit of power could decide how the final battle will end. And at the same time, you still aren't sure if you even want to fight Ganon with me, so I really don't have the luxury to take everything as slow as I would like to… but I will promise that I will be more careful in the future." 

And it seems like I once more said something wrong as her face once more contorted in anger. "You… ok sure. I will fight Ganon with you. But you have to promise me that you will be more careful and never tell anyone about how good your adaptation, as you called it, really is. Then and only then I will help you. OK?" So, it was about that, huh? 

"Ok, Linkle. I promise." I said, after which she seemed to be placated. I then stood up, having already healed throughout this whole conversation. Linkle once more gapes at me. 

"Ok, I'm going to be honest. Hearing you talk about how you can simply heal from basically everything, no it probably is everything, and seeing you really do it is something completely different. Every normal person would have never been able to walk normally, if at all, again, if the amount of blood is anything to go by." Which does seem kind of reasonable, let's be honest. I would be surprised if she believed everything I just said.

"Yeah, that's understandable. Now let's take another look at the masks and see if we missed anything." I then walked towards the altar once more, only stopping a bit before the spot I was sent flying before. I then looked around to see if I could spot anything that would allow us to get to the masks. Because let's be honest, there has to be a way. This is what basically amounts to a puzzle before you get some kind of rare treasure if we were in a game. And we kind of are… although I did say that I wanted to stop seeing this world as only a game… but then again, the least I can do is trying and if I can't find anything? 

Well, I think this could be a good way to test how fast I can get strong enough to simply not get launched away again. After all, being launched away is a weakness, too, quite a dangerous one at that, as I learned in my fight against the Bokoblins…