
Zelda: The Man who brought Doom

What a way to die, huh? Well at least I will be able to see my family again, even if it is in the after-life. Just gotta complete, this damn 'quest' I was tasked with and everything will be fine. But then again what could possibily go wrong, if you are a human looking Ancient Doomsday with even more potential than the original..... ///////////// So I am a new Author. So if you notice something wrong or bad just tell me and I will try to change it. English also isn't my main language, so do excuse any mistakes I make. Just write a paragraph comment and I will correct it. I am also unable to promise a stable update schedule. I will try to at least update twice a week though and I will try to get the first 10-15 chapters out as fast as possible :) The profile picture isn't mine. I found it on pintrest if you want to get the link to it or if you own it and want me to take it down just message me. I also don't own anything except my mc

mkoester · Video Games
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24 Chs


The only answer she gets is a nod. And then she opens the hatch and looks inside, only to be greeted by nothing but a small ladder leading down. 

"Well, that was anticlimactic." I couldn't help but comment. She looks at me, shakes her head, and speaks. 

"I'd take anticlimactic over dangerous any time of the day." Then she gestures for me to follow her and starts climbing down. Me being right behind her. We made our way down and soon reached the bottom. 

"Damn, it's dark in here." She spoke. 

And that isn't anything weird. We didn't find any torches or anything similar that could brighten this place up, and so that may be how she sees everything down here, but for me? For me, it's almost as bright as outside here. 

It seems like my eyes certainly did get quite an upgrade, huh? But then again, them being completely destroyed and then rebuilt would certainly do that. At least if you are Doomsday... well, I won't complain, that much is certain. 

"I can see quite fine... how about I look around for a bit and see if I can find some kind of torch?" I can see her face scrunching up after hearing me. She probably doesn't want me to get into another dangerous situation. Even more so, after telling me that she would give me some training first, before sending me into another fight. But then again... 

"Look, Linkle. I can't see anything that moves, neither can I hear anything. So, this is probably some kind of storage. I will also promise that I will not engage in any form of combat. And if this turns out to be some kind of tunnel or something along the lines and doesn't have any kind of light source, then I will simply come back, ok?" I can see that she still isn't completely happy with my proposal. But she seems to consider it. 

"OK... but be careful and don't get distracted and I want you to call me the moment you hear something move and then immediately come back. And if you haven't returned in 5 minutes then I will come and get you. No matter how dark this place is, do you understand?" Well, this is kinda what I expect but it's still enough for me. So, I simply nodded and said "Understood. I will be right back." 

Then I look around me. Only to see that we are inside some kind of room, and it seems there is only a single door. So, I walk up to, close my eyes to concentrate and see if I can hear anything. Only to, once more, hear nothing. Which is why I simply opened the door or at least I tried to...

Seems like it's locked... although are Bokoblins even able to lock doors? Not that important now. Although I can and will just force my way into the next room, I should at least tell Linkle about what I am going to do... she probably would instantly run toward me the moment she hears the door break. 

"Linkle, there is a locked door here. And I do want to see what's behind it, so I'm going to break it open. Just don't be surprised, ok?" I said, not even needing to raise my voice, considering I had barely walked a few meters. Unsurprisingly, Linkle didn't seem to be too happy with my intentions. And although she probably did want to forbid me from going further, all I heard was... 

"Mhm but be careful. And remember the moment you see something move, you call for me and run out of there." Which surprised me for a bit, I almost thought, I'd have to convince her again, but well, I won't complain...

So, I took a step forward, pulled back my fist, and punched it. As soon as my fist met the door it gave in and broke with a loud crack. And immediately I noticed that everything behind the door was illuminated. But it wasn't through sunlight or torches, but rather some kind of glowing rocks? And they were even glowing blue? While it does look quite beautiful, glowing rocks are a first for me, but then again, I am in a fantasy world with magic in which magic exists, so I guess glowing rocks shouldn't surprise me. But this does solve our problem with the lighting. So, I simply step into the room and look around, only to see weapons lying against the walls as well as food, some of it on top of some kind of table and some on the ground. 

But before I start looking around some more, I walk towards one of the glowing rocks on the wall. I then simply put my hand on a piece of it and pulled it. And before I knew it, I got Linkle, her own little flashlight. So, I turn around ready to bring Linkle the small stone, I hear someone walk towards the door, and soon after I can see Linkle step through it.

"So, this really is some kind of storage... I don't think Bokoblins can build something like this, so this must have been here before they built their camp." She then looks towards me and sees the stone inside my hand. "I was already about to ask why you didn't call me after seeing these stones here... but I guess you just wanted to get me one, huh?" She continues, to which I nod. I didn't need these after all and me getting one of them can't really have another purpose. 

"Yeah, I was just about to return. I even got you one of these glowy stones as a thank you for taking me in as an apprentice. Can't you see how nice I am? And you actually wanted to reprimand me?" I asked while overdramatically rolling my eyes and saw her smirk a bit after hearing my name for them. 

"Yes, yes, you are the best apprentice anyone could have, although these 'glowy stones' as you call them, which are called Luminous Stones by the way, aren't the rarest things in Hyrule. So, if you want to give a woman a gift, maybe don't take the very first shiny thing you see, as a tip for the future. But still, I will graciously accept your gift..." She then stretched out her hand and waited for me to give her the now-named Luminous Stone. 

But instead, I waited for a bit and just looked at her. She soon started to fidget in her place, which caused me to smirk, but I didn't want to overdo it and decided to free her from her suffering and threw it over to her. She easily caught it and placed it into her slate.

After which she started looking around, without looking at me for a while.

"Still, it seems like this really is some kind of storage... and although I hoped that we would be able to find some weapons I didn't expect there to be this many..." And there really were quite a lot. Directly left to the entrance were three short swords, one spear, and one great sword. On the right side were 2 bows, one hand crossbow as well as ammunition for both the crossbow and the bows, about 30 for the bows and 20 for the crossbow. 

Interestingly enough as soon as Linkle spotted the crossbow she stopped talking and power-walked towards it, picked it up, and looked at it from all directions. 

Probably checking its condition. Still, it didn't take long before she simply nodded, she then started... hugging? it. 

"Ehm, Linkle? Is everything, ok?" Which seemed to snap her out of whatever she was in, and she immediately started to blush when she realized what she did.

"Ah, eh, yes. Everything's fine. I used 2 hand crossbows before I pulled out the Master Sword, a legendary weapon that is said to be able to seal the darkness. And if I'm honest then I was never really confident in wielding melee weapons. I certainly was one of the best in the whole Hyrule but if the Master Sword isn't what it is then I definitely would have used crossbows. So, I am very happy to have finally found one... I can't believe I missed this the first time, and I probably would have missed it again. So really thank you for finding this and convincing me to go down here." 

Huh, I didn't expect that. I always thought Link liked swords the most but then again... this isn't Link but rather Linkle... not that I care but still, I really need to stop thinking that everything in the game is the same as here.

"As long as you're happy, it's fine." I simply state and continue looking around, soon finding something strange. One part of the wall seemed kinda broken and there were pickaxes in front of it. Almost as if someone tried to break it but, in the end, failed. 

"Linkle, I think there is something besides that wall." I said pointing towards it. She, too, started looking at the wall and then walked toward it only to knock against it a few times.

"Yeah, there definitely is some kind of room behind this. You think you can break it?" She said looking at me.