

And so, I looked around. The walls? Nothing. Above us nothing? Nothing. In the floor? Some kind of footprints? And they are before the point I was launched away... 

"Linkle, I am going to try something real quick." Without waiting for a reply, I simply walked towards the markings and stepped onto them. And nothing happened… for a few seconds before a golden, hazy figure, without any noticeable traits, seemingly started walked out of me. It simply walked towards the altar. And as soon as it reached the middle of it, it kneed down onto one knee and then brought up one of its hands, the one opposite of knee it crouched on, the right one, and held it with its palm facing up. 

Then another figure appears to the left of me. It too walked towards the altar, but instead of stopping beside the golden one, it continued to walk forward and then stood in front of the other one while looking at it. This is also when I was able to finally look at it a bit more. It too was only a hazy figure but different from the other one this one was a bit different. For one it was silver, besides that it also had a quite easily seeable chest, so probably female, huh? And the other one, I guess, is male then…

The silver figure then put her left hand onto the one of the golden. Which, I presume, he then kisses. They both then separate and stand in front of the masks. The golden figure in front of the golden mask and the silver figure in front of the silver mask. They both reach out to the mask and as soon as they touch them, a sun appears above the golden one and a moon above the silver one. They then pick them up and put them on after that the figures fades…

I then started walking towards Linkle once more, who looked at the altar and where the figures had just vanished. But as soon as I took a step back…


I was once more hit by the force that had just sent me flying through a wall. But instead of being send flying, I was simply forced to take a single step back and had received no injury at all… So, I adapt very, very fast, huh. I already expected everything to only be able to hurt me once or twice but still… it's just like Linkle said. Hearing about something is different then seeing or in my case feeling it…

I then simply continued to walk towards Linkle. 

"So… you saw that too, didn't you?" She started while looking at me with a weird face.

"Yeah, of course. I was the reason why this happened after all, or at least I think so…" I then pointed towards where I previously stood. "There are footprints there. After I stood on them, the figures appeared… I would guess that we have to do what they did, to take the masks, or at least that is the only thing I can think of. Can you think of anything different?" 

She seemed to think a bit before shaking her head. "No, not really. And I do think that it isn't too far-fetched to do what you said… so I guess we can try it." 

Her suggesting to try doing what the figures did does kind of surprise me… so I look at her a bit weirdly. "Are you sure? I mean I would need to kiss your hand at the end." After hearing what I said, a small blush started spreading on her face. 

"Don't get me wrong but I don't really want to do this… but at the same time if these sun and moon masks are two of the ones you need to collect then leaving them here, would simply be stupid. And maybe doing everything you need to do helps recovering your memories… and as long as there is a chance that this could help you, then I'm willing to do it…"

Wow she really is precious. If this is something she is willing to do, for someone she just met then I don't want to know what she'd do for someone like Zelda, with whom she had a very close relationship, if she hadn't lost her memories, although I kind of do know what she would do. She would single-handedly banish the Calamity just to save her princess.

"This means a lot to me, Linkle." Now I feel even worse for lying about my memories… "Although do be careful. As soon as I walked away from the footsteps, the force that send me flying appeared again… so if we do try this then we should be careful to not do anything wrong…"

"So that is why you took that step back… but are you sure you are fine?" She looked at me and seemed to search for any injuries… 

"Yes, I'm completely fine. As I said, I adapt to most dangers…" I answered with a smirk. She simply shook her head and then started walking towards where I stood… 

"While it would have been nice to know how dangerous this is a bit sooner, I did already agree to help you. So come on… just do be careful to not do anything wrong. You might be able to take that blast without any trouble now, but I doubt I will be able to…

You do remember what you have to do, no? Wait for the figures to vanish and then simply walk forward and kneel down onto your left knee. Then you have to bring up your right hand, palm facing up. After I put my hand into yours, simply put it against your lips. Then you got to walk towards the sun mask, pick it up and put it onto your face. You got everything?" I simply nod my head.

"You ready?" I ask and get a nod as an answer and so I walk towards the footprints and stand on top of them. Soon the figures appeared again and did the same things as before. Soon they vanished again, and I started moving. Stopping where I thought the golden figure did, I knelt onto my left knee and brought up my right hand.

Then I waited for Linkle to put her hand into mine, which she soon did. I brought her hand towards my mouth and put a light kiss on it while looking at Linkle's face. And instead of seeing a face completely red, like I expected, I saw a face that held so much focus that I didn't even think was possible to show so much with a simple expression. 

She really is something incredible. For someone to be able to focus so much on a task is something incredible, especially for someone who started blushing while simply talking about it. So instead of being distracted by how her hand felt I simply stood up and walked towards the sun mask. 

Standing in front of it. I look beside me to see Linkle doing the same. We both nod reach out towards the masks and put them on. Only for everything to go black for a few seconds, before seeing a pond in the form of a heart and instantly a new appeared in my mind 'Lover's Pond'. Then it was almost as if I started flying and soon, I looked onto a mountain, 'Tuft Mountain', I knew instantly, which held the lover's Pond in the middle. Then I started falling straight into said pond…

I gasped and was back on the altar, Linkle beside me… 

"So, I guess, we need to go to Tuft Mountain and the Lover's Ponds next?" She asked me with a red face. Now that the danger has probably passed, she can relax a bit more, so I guess she feels embarrassed now. Which, to be honest, I could understand. First, I kissed her hand, which by the way wasn't how I expected it to be at all, it was quite smooth… nothing like you would a swordswoman's hand to be, although she did say that she doesn't really like fighting with a sword so maybe that is the reason? Anyways… first I kissed her hand and now we needed to go to a place called Lover's Pond? If that isn't something romantic, I'm going to be surprised…

But now that I think about it…

// Control or destroy Divine Beasts: 0/??? //

// Get or destroy Masks: 2/??? //

// Free Great Fairies: 0/??? //

// Destroy Ganon, the Calamity: 0/1 //

// Free Zelda: 0/1 //

So, they really are two of the masks I need to get. And seems like Linkle having them counts, too. But now how to deal with this…

"So, first… we you were right these are two of the masks I need to collect. And second, yes. It would be nice to go to the Lover's Pond in the future. But it doesn't need to be now. If what we need to do here was anything to go by then what will we have to do there can only be worse…

So, let's take our time and do something different first. We don't even know where it is to begin with." She simply nods, her blush growing even further, now reaching her ears, which were still visible even though she wore the mask. 

"Mhm. Let's get out of here first." She then instantly starts power walking out of the room and going towards the ladder we took to get down here. I simply shook my head. 

"Didn't we come here to get food?" I hear her coming closer once more and start collecting everything edible from the storage. Her head held low the whole time. 

I smiled… this girl…

So we finally reached 15k words... This novel can now be found in the rankings. Atleast if we get enough powerstones... so I would like to ask you to give your powerstones to this story if you enjoy it, so that other, too, may be able to read this :)

I hope you liked this chapter and have a great day

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