
Worldwide Challenge Broadcasting System REMAKING

Worldwide Challenge Broadcasting System Announcement: [ Reach 300 meters above the land and skydive then confess who's your crush Rules: Stream your challenge Crush does not include celebrities 3 Contestants only will be selected. 1st Challenge Streamer as the winner Prizes: 1st Winner wins $500,000 2nd Winner wins $300,000 3rd Winner wins $200,000 Notes: You must be healthy before you accept the challenge. The more difficult the challenge is The higher the prizes will be. Send a document about you that entails you are healthy. Host will be announcing who are selected ] Announcement: [ Reach 3,000 meters above the land and skydive then confess who's your crush Rules: Stream your challenge 1st Challenge Streamer as the winner 3 Contestants only will be selected. Prizes: 1st Winner wins $3,000,000 2nd Winner wins $2,000,000 3rd Winner wins $1,000,000 Notes: You must be healthy before you accept the challenge. The more difficult the challenge is the higher the prizes will be. To accept the challenge send a document about you that entails you are healthy. Host will be announcing who are selected through a Livestream ] Announcement: [ Reach 5,000 meters above the land and skydive then confess who's your crush Rules: Stream your challenge 1st Challenge Streamer as the winner 3 Contestants only will be selected. Prizes: 1st Winner wins $5,000,000 2nd Winner wins $3,000,000 3rd Winner wins $2,000,000 Notes: You must be healthy before you accept the challenge. The more difficult the challenge is the higher the prizes will be. To accept the challenge send a document about you that entails you are healthy. Host will be announcing who are selected through a Livestream ] Then a month later as millions of people were waiting for the challenge announcement, She posted the challenge on her Livestream. Announcement: [ Hike your way up to Mt Everest. Rules: Stream your challenge 1st Challenge Streamer as the winner 3 Contestants only will be selected. Prizes: 1st Winner wins $10,000,000 2nd Winner wins $7,000,000 3rd Winner wins $3,000,000 Notes: You must be healthy before you accept the challenge. The more difficult the challenge is the higher the prizes will be. To accept the challenge send a document about you that entails you are healthy. Host will be announcing who are selected through a Livestream You must not be acquainted by the 2 other contestants if found out you will be expelled by the challenge. ] ___________ 1-2 chapter update every weekdays comment if you want this to be updated. Or else i will be updating this to my own pace.

Thanara · ภาพยนตร์
4 Chs

Chapter 1: A Spark Ignites

THE morning sun cast a golden hue over the tranquil landscape as Celeste stepped out onto the porch, the crisp mountain air greeting her with a gentle embrace. Nestled between the towering peaks, her family's modest farmhouse stood as a bastion of serenity amidst the bustling world beyond.

"Good morning, Celeste," her mother greeted, her warm smile reflecting the glow of the rising sun.

"Morning, Mom," Celeste replied, returning the smile as she took a seat at the rustic wooden table.

Her father emerged from the kitchen, a tray laden with freshly baked bread and steaming mugs of herbal tea in hand. "Breakfast is served," he announced cheerfully, setting down the tray with a sense of quiet pride.

As they gathered around the table, the conversation flowed effortlessly, a harmonious blend of laughter and shared affection. Yet beneath the veneer of normalcy lingered the ever-present specter of Celeste's condition, an unspoken shadow that loomed over their idyllic existence.

"I spoke with Dr. Reynolds yesterday," Celeste's father began, his tone somber yet resolute. "He believes we may be close to a breakthrough."

Hope flickered in Celeste's eyes as she glanced at her parents, her heart swelling with gratitude for their unwavering support. "That's incredible news, Dad," she said, her voice tinged with optimism.

Her mother reached out, her hand enveloping Celeste's with a gentle squeeze. "We won't stop fighting, sweetheart," she vowed, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

As they lingered over breakfast, the weight of their shared determination hung heavy in the air, a silent promise to defy the odds and forge ahead against all odds.

Later that afternoon, Celeste retreated to her makeshift studio, the gentle hum of equipment filling the air as she prepared for her latest livestream. With practiced ease, she adjusted the camera angle, ensuring that her audience would have a clear view of the challenge ahead.

As the countdown began, Celeste took a deep breath, her pulse quickening with anticipation. With each passing moment, the weight of her condition faded into the background, replaced by the exhilarating rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Welcome, everyone, to another episode of Celestial Challenges," she announced, her voice ringing out with unwavering confidence. "Today, we're taking on a daring feat of agility and precision. Are you ready to join me on this adventure?"

As her viewers responded with eager enthusiasm, Celeste felt a surge of gratitude wash over her. In that moment, surrounded by the unwavering support of her family and the boundless energy of her audience, she knew that no challenge was too great to overcome. With each step forward, she forged a path towards a future defined not by limitations, but by the limitless potential of the human spirit.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a soft glow over the rugged landscape as Celeste emerged from her studio, her spirits buoyed by the success of her latest livestream. With a satisfied smile, she made her way back to the farmhouse, the echoes of her viewers' cheers still ringing in her ears.

As she entered the cozy kitchen, the enticing aroma of her mother's cooking enveloped her, drawing her towards the source of comfort and warmth. "Dinner smells amazing, Mom," Celeste exclaimed, her appetite whetted by the tantalizing scents wafting through the air.

Her father chuckled, his eyes twinkling with pride as he set the table with care. "It's the least we can do to celebrate another successful broadcast," he replied, his voice filled with admiration.

As they sat down to dinner, the conversation flowed effortlessly, a seamless blend of shared stories and laughter. Yet amidst the lighthearted banter, a sense of purpose lingered, a silent reminder of the challenges they faced and the bonds that held them together.

After dinner, Celeste retreated to her room, the soft glow of her laptop illuminating the dimly lit space. With a sense of anticipation, she began brainstorming ideas for her next challenge, determined to captivate her audience once more.

After much deliberation, Celeste settled on a daring feat of strength and agility, inspired by the rugged terrain that surrounded their mountain retreat. With a mischievous grin, she set to work, crafting the perfect combination of obstacles and rewards to entice her viewers to participate.

The following day, Celeste unveiled her latest challenge to her eager audience, her excitement palpable as she outlined the rules and objectives. "Today, we're embarking on a journey through the heart of the wilderness," she declared, her voice filled with anticipation. "But beware, for only the most skilled and determined among you will emerge victorious."

As her viewers eagerly accepted the challenge, Celeste watched with bated breath, her heart swelling with pride as they navigated the treacherous terrain with skill and determination. With each obstacle conquered, the promise of a generous reward beckoned, spurring them on to greater heights.

As the last contestant crossed the finish line, Celeste couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction wash over her. "Congratulations to our winners!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "Your perseverance and courage have earned you a well-deserved prize."

With a flourish, Celeste announced the winners and transferred the promised rewards to their accounts, her heart brimming with gratitude for their unwavering support.

As Celeste basked in the afterglow of her successful livestream, a sudden notification flashed across her screen, causing her heart to skip a beat. With trembling hands, she read the message, her eyes widening in disbelief.