
World Under My Feet!

HELLO GUYS, THIS IS MY VERY FIRST NOVEL AND VERY FIRST WRITING ALSO. I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT. AND AS I SAID EARLIER THAT ITS MY FIRST NOVEL SO I KNOW THERE CAN BE MANY MISTAKES AND ISSUES. SO, PLEASE BEAR WITH IT AND COMMENT ME SO I CAN CHECK IT AND CORRECT. AND I AM TRYING TO STAY OUT OF NORMAL ROUTINE OF PLOT. ------------------------------ What will you do if you ever given chance to talk with GOD and given a chance to ask for any one wish to come true? Then, what will you ask for? Money, fame, women, power, fan-following, immortality ,etc ? Same happened with Alexis , our protagonist, who is a typical school boy always get bullied by his school mates and comes from a poor background. He happened to get the chance to meet with God . God asked, " What did you wish for? i can make any one wish of yours come true!" Alexis said, "I-I....." What did Alexis asked for? And what he plans to do with his new wish? DON'T LIKE CLIFFHANGER? THEN DIVE NOW. Wish you a pleasurable journey!

BeggarProMax · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs




Osmana High School,

"Boss! Someone has defeated Gabriel", A man in black jacket said.

"Well, he was weak to begin with", ????? said uninterestingly as was smoking.

????? took a puff and said, "Find out who defeated him!"

"Yes boss!" Man in jacket said.


Alexis who was unaware of the storm he has created was going home while talking happily with sister and friends.


In Alexis's home,

Alexis sat on his bed.

He looked towards ceiling and closed his and eyes

He thought about all the things had happened till now!

How he met god, got system, became the strongest in school.

Earlier he told his sister no to tell anything what happened in school as he didn't want his mom to get sad and depressed because of this. And his sister also agreed to it.

Alexis opened his eyes.

"Now it's all done! Now I can focus on studies and don't have to worry about those 'bugs' anymore! And I am not in a hurry to increase the assimilation percentage!", Alexis said in a confident tone.

"System, Status"


[ Name: Alexis ]

[ Age: 16.5 HY(Human Years) ]

[ STR: 40 ]

[ AGI: 40 ]

[ DEF: 40 ]

[ INT: 100 ]

[ SNS: 40 ] (SENSES )

[ Overall constitution: 40 ]

[ Physique: Perfect Body(44% assimilated) -Mortal- ] [ > ]

Note*: A normal full grown adult has a constitution of 10 . It may not a balanced stats some may have more STR while some may have more AGI than others. 10 is a base line for any normal full grown adult who don't have any fighting experience.








[ .... ]

A/N*: I am thinking of writing only [ BASIC ] in knowledge section. It will only take more space if I write all thing.

Alexis clicked on [ > ] button attached with [ Physique ] section.


[ Do you wish to continue body assimilation? ]

[ YES ] [ NO ]

Alexis quickly took off his clothes and went to bathroom to proceed the process there.

Alexis entered the bathroom and tuned on the shower.



Alexis rinsed himself with water and clicked [ YES ] button on the system screen.

[ Assimilation commencing... ]

[ Starting now! ]

Just as the process was about to begin, a familiar red-themed prompt up!


[ 3 ]

Alexis grabbed the towel and stuffed it into his mouth to avoid making noises.

[ 2 ]

[ 1 ]

Just as the counting stopped.

A pain which was equivalent to getting hit by lighting assaulted him.

"Huekkkkkk", Alexis cried in pain.

'Fck!', Alexis cursed inwardly.

Although he expected pain greater then before but this was completely on whole different level.

He was feeling as hot lava was poured into his body.

He subconsciously closed his eyes as he felt like lava goes to his eyes.




Sounds of bone cracking started echoing in the bathroom along with shower.

Alexis tried to fight back the pain but this was not something a mere human can handle.

He slowly lost his conscious and fell on the floor.


While Alexis was unconscious, Major changes started happening with his body.

Black and unknown substance started coming from his pores and holes.

A/N*: Don't aske me!

This process continued for about 360-420 seconds.

"Mmph" Alexis regained conscious and opened his eyes.

What met him was the ceiling of the bathroom.

Alexis was lying on the bathroom floor fully butt-naked.


Alexis removed the towel from his face.

And just as he removed the towel what assault him was a horrifying stench of smell.

Alexis quickly shot up from the ground and went inside the shower.




Alexis closed the shower and went towards the mirror.

Alexis was shocked to see the reflection in the mirror.

It was a reflection of a handsome boy-man. The boy had a very defined face cut and long hairs.

"Damn! Is this me", Alexis was shocked to see the transformation. Although he was not handsome earlier but he wasn't ugly also.

Alexis touched his face. His skin was smooth and clear.

Alexis turned his focus to his hair, envisioning a flowing mane of slightly long hair that exuded elegance and allure.

Alexis shifted his gaze to his chest area.

His abs were etched with precision, each muscle meticulously defined. The reflection in the mirror showcased a chiseled abdomen, proof of his relentless pursuit of physical perfection. The symmetrical lines and detailed definition whispered tales of resilience, discipline, and unwavering commitment.

Alexis's body was not only refined but also possessed a subtle, well-rounded pump that accentuated his muscularity without veering into excessive bulk. His muscles, honed and sculpted, possessed a harmonious balance, appearing both powerful and proportionate.

And top of it, it seems that his height has grown. Alexis was sure that his height was between 5.8 ft to 5.9.

Alexis looked like as if he has been reborn. He was mesmerized by his own appearance.

"No wait..." Alexis said as he started looking left and tight.

"My eyes…." Alexis said as his eyes were normal now. He was able to see clearly without wearing specs. Although his lens power was not very high and was able to distinguish between things to some extent without specs.


Alexis came out of the bathroom and changed into some loose clothes( Track-Suit) as his clothes were a little tight for him.

"What a headache! Now how I am going wear school uniform?" Alexis said as he massaged temples of his head. Although he was happy that his height had grown but at the same time he was unhappy as his clothes are very short for him.

Alexis sat on the bed.

"And top of it, how am I going to tell mom and sister about my changes.", Alexis said.

After few moments, jumped from his bed.

"Uh! I can do that!....." Alexis said as he formulated a plan.

Alexis went over to his desk and picked up a mask from the drawer and wore it to cover his face.

Then he wore a cap to hide his long hairs.


Alexis came out of his room and quickly went over to main door.


And Alexis left.


"Alex ! Come and have dinner!" Alexis's mother, Maggy said as she placed the dished on the table.


Alexis opened the door and came out.

"Come ....Gasppppp!" Alexis's mother was shocked as...


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