
What! My disciples can use anime powers?!

A man from earth Isekai'd as an old man that can travel from different worlds.

Vordred · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Chapter 5

In a mountain full of towering trees, a young man can be seen full of joy humming a sound while running.

That's right, it's him, Chen.

After leaving his master and running for more than an hour without encountering any dangers, he was happy to finally have a master and be able to achieve his dream of becoming a great cultivator.

'Hehe, I have a master now, not just a normal master like those Sects but a hidden peerless master!'

"Little Xang, wait for me. This medicinal herb will surely cure you."

Smiling ear to ear, he couldn't wait to deliver the medicinal roots to his sickly younger sister, Xang and shared the great news for his little sister's.

Gazing at the plastic bag and the precious painting that the master gave him, he was truly moved and fortunate.

"Master, I will make sure to take care the painting you gave me and protect it, even at the cost of my life."

A smile hung on Chen's face while gazing at the covered painting on his back.

Unexpectedly, out of nowhere, he bumped into something soft yet hard surface without knowing it.

Looking at the thing that he bumped into, he was froze in shock. He saw the wild beast that had been chasing him a while ago.

Unknown to him, the wild beast he knew was not just a simple, aggressive beast but a demonic beast, a monster, who was able to wield Qi and far more intelligent and stronger than normal animals.

"Aaaaahh, t-the painting!"

Seeing the precious things and the uncovered painting, which he thought was tightly tied to his body, had fallen to the ground, he was terrified.

The precious medicinal roots and paintings were near the bear's foot, almost stepping on them. He immediately crawled out near the bear, trying to pick them up, afraid that something bad would happen to his precious things.


Unfortunately, due to his rash action, he got hit by the bear's paw, hitting the side of his stomach upwards.


He flung far away, hitting his body hard against the trees, destroying the four huge trees one after another due to the strong impact. He fell face-first to the ground.



Strangely, after being hit by the bear, he was still alive. Even a Core formation cultivator at peak stage can be instantly killed by its paw, let alone a normal human.

"M-My master's medicinal root's!"

Seeing the precious root that his master gave him that stepped on like that by this bear, he was enraged and completely enveloped by pain.

'Ah, sister Xang! You're medicine!' with a teary eye, remembering the precious smile of his two little sisters and the kind smile of his master, and looking at the herb and painting from his master on the ground, he was full of grief.

Full of sadness swallow him as he grief to the ground 'Ah, master! I-I am sorry I am incompetent!'

Unknown to him, his eyes slowly changed, from a swollen teary eye to a completely red eye.

Remembering the promise he made to his master earlier, he gritted his teeth while angrily staring at the bear.

"Damn foolish bear!"

Slowly getting up from the ground, he steeled himself and attempted to face the bear head-on.

"I am a disciple of the great master! You shitty bear, you even dared to step on the precious medicinal root's for my sister."

"And I just swore to my heart that I would protect the precious painting the master gave me even if it cost my life. You! I swear I will kill you before you kill me!" His face was full of anger, ready to tear the bear to pieces.

Remembering the strong cultivator wearing red armor with a strange purple eye on the painting and thinking of the various techniques and strong martial arts of the peerless man, he mimics his actions.

After a few seconds of slow but perfectly complete hand signs, he stabilized his body while saying. "Kage bunshin no jutsu!"

Peng! Peng!

Suddenly, white smoke emerge out of nowhere, and he successfully created two copies of himself. Seeing the two exact copies of him, instead of joy, he just focused on the bear. The two clones pick some dried soil, intending to blind the bear and get it's attention, while he was focusing on picking up the precious things on the ground and putting them aside in a safe corner.

After putting the precious items in a safe corner, remembering the fighting technique of the purple-eyed cultivator, he immediately signed his hand and crouched his body, saying.

"Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu!"

"Die wild beast!"

A fireball, larger than the bear, erupted from his mouth.

Upon witnessing the bear being engulfed by his fireball technique and seeing its apparent effect on it, he proceeds to repeat his action.

Sprinting towards the tree branches, defying gravity, as he ran upside down, he created a clone of himself once more to launch another fireball attack while diverting the bear's attention with his clone.

"Kage bunshin!"


"Katon: Goukakyuu!"

After some minutes of fighting.

After repeating the same action with a different attack pattern and using five fireball techniques in total, he was able to kill his enemy. He was panting to the ground, full of sweat and exhausted.

"Phew, that damn beast! I suddenly become exhausted."

'Still it's amazing! After remembering the man's movement in the painting, I was able to do his fighting movements by a small margin. It's because, all thanks to Master, without Master bathing me to make me anew and giving me this precious robe, I sure will die based on the strength of that wild beast.' 

'But strangely, the bear's movement became slower than when I encountered it earlier. Well, still thanks to the master.'

Focusing his gaze on the charcoaled bear on the ground, he exclaimed, "Hmp! Although it's thanks to you, I met a peerless expert. But you dare destroy my master's precious items and Xang's medicinal herb! That's what you get!"

'I will make sure to cultivate hard and not make this kind of mistake happen again.'

Staring at the distance where his master was located, he kowtowed, hitting his head hard to the ground, and sought forgiveness.

"Master, I was able to retrieve the precious painting you gave me, and avenge my incompetence. I hope you forgive this foolish disciple."

But suddenly, he felt the presence of someone hiding in the trees. and immediately shouted.

"Who are you?! Show yourself!"

The stranger in the background was surprised and decided to immediately show herself in front of him.

"I-I am Xiao Lu a direct disciple of Elder Yi from North Wooden Sect! Y-You who are you?"

She was taken aback upon being discovered by the young man and decided to appear, while pointing her sword at him tremblingly.

Looking at the beautiful female cultivator. A long, silky blonde hair, sparkling eyes like stars, soft red rosey lips, pale white skin that even put a white swan to shame, and a long green robe that perfectly complemented her beauty. He quickly shook himself out of his trance and introduce himself.

"I am Chen, a dis-"

'Wait, if I talk about my hidden peerless master and they discover him, then he is not a hidden master anymore.'

'But I discover my master, is he still a hidden master? Well, since I was the only one who discovered my master, not them, then he's still a hidden master, hehe im a genius.'

"I am Chen, a villager from Wudi Village."

"Chen? Are you related to the twin little girls?"

"That's right! How did you know them?" said Chen, asking cautiously.

'Strange, I thought. The two little girls said that their brother was wearing a white ragged robe and looked like a beggar, but this Chen in front of me wearing a black strange robe looked like a young master from some rich clan, and beside that, his eyes were completely red like those of demons.' Xiao Lu thought with curiosity.

Xiao Lu remains cautious and responds to Chen  without lowering her guard.

"After gathering some information about a demonic beast that's been running wild lately, I stumbled before your sisters and heard about you. And out of pity, I also gave a medicinal pill to your sick little sister. She's safe now."

"Really?" Chen expressed doubt about the cultivator standing in front of him.

"Do I really look like I'm lying to you?" Xiao Lu said seriously.

Convinced that the cultivator Infront of him was telling the truth Chen humblingly replied by  cupping his fist while bowing, full of gratitude.

"I deeply appreciated your kindness for giving a helping hand to my little sister."

Looking at Chen, who was deeply grateful upon mentioning his little sister and his eyes that had gone back to normal, Xiao Lu heaved a sigh of relief and threw out her thoughts on Chen being a demon for a moment. 'It looks like he's really Chen that the twin sister mentioned.'

Curious about Chen's formidable strength, Xiao Lu asked, full of questions on her face.

"By the way, are you a cultivator?"

'Since the master accepted me as his disciple, then I am considered cultivator!'

"Yes! That's right, I am a cultivator!"

'So he's really a cultivator, but why was he hiding his cultivation?' Xiao Lu thought.

"You can just address me as Daoist Green Fairy. The sect leader and the elders from my sect's give me this title."

"Do you have any Daoist names? What should I address you, Daoist?" Xiao Lu inquired, curious about his Daoist name. After all, having a Daoist name means you're talented or a strong cultivator.

'Daoist name, what is that? She says that her sect leader gave her a title? That's right! My master also gave me a title! '

Clearing his throat, Chen tried to remember his master's compliment and excitedly spoke., "Ehem, I have! My Daoist name is M-Mo-Mod."

"That's right! I am Daoist Modern Man! You can call me Daoist Modern Man!" Chen proudly stated.