
Werewolf Diaries

Conner could be considered a delinquent, if your version of a delinquent was a random student who thrashed people who needed it. Conner was a sickly person who was picked on, even through he was sick, something in him wouldn’t let them beat him. So he fought, he fought until he completely reformed the school. He lived for thrill, now that it was over…What else could he do now.

Though_that_then · ภาพยนตร์
12 Chs

Chapter 7: Information

Conner's parents, Mary and Joseph had wished him well, they told him to call him every now and then. They only let him leave the house after two hours…they spent one hour telling him that if he didn't want to go he didn't need or have to. After a hour, they were finally convinced in his choice. They spent the next thirty minutes grilling the other three sisters…they didn't worry about Louise, they already somewhat considered her their daughter. After that thirty minutes was up, they spent ten minutes telling their son about…you know what…his father just agreed while his mother went into detail, she liked to explain things alot. Conner listened in great detail. Inwardly the pair were sad… since their son was still a virgin, now they had to go tell the friends they bragged and boated to that it was a graduation prank. The remaining twenty minutes was Joseph slapping his back hardly at the door and his mother kissing his face until her lips grew tired. Conner smiled and hugged his parents, he loved his parents at the same level they did…they were the people he consantly saw in his everyday life, how could he not?

Conner was waved off by his picture taking parents…maybe they didn't have to tell the truth to their friends after sending this pictures. It was a clear sizeways picture of Gideon getting into the car with four girls. They couldn't help but to laugh when they saw who was driving the super large truck.

[In The Truck]

Conner was in the passengers seat of the truck, for some reason he couldn't help but laugh.

"Pfft" He tried to cover it, but due to the certain type of people he was riding with, they all heard it. Out of the three out of four girls awake, Louise was resting on the lap of her eldest sister. They could all tell what he was laughing at, the two sisters who were awake and the sleeping sister, all of then laughed at the same thing Conner did once before.

"Is me driving that funny?" Aera asked while turning the large truck. Aera wasn't super small, but her driving a large truck could make even a stern and serious person laugh.

"Yes, it is." Conner said, honest answers may get you in a ditch, but lying would get in seven feet under when it was found out.

Aera's hands started to move and tap the wheel of the truck…she was happy. She drove faster…her little foot pushed against the glass pedal.


Aera made the truck growl…

Aera shifted the custom made gears…

Aera loosened her seat belt…

Aera's emotionless eyes narrowed, before she slammed down on the glass pedal


A large truck should not make those sounds.

Aera's hair blew from her window as she stares at the short haired boy with grey hair next to her, despite her emotionless face, her lifeless eyes held expectation. However to her slight shock, Conner seemed unphased.

What she didn't know, was…Conner's grandparents were also once street racers back in the day, they used to put a kid Conner in a high speed sports car as entertainment. They were carefare…but fun, similar to Joseph and Mary. Conner could take a nap at anything below one hundred and ninty nine miles per hour. Aera cranked it up a bar…Her eyes brighted while Conner felt his nose stop breathing.

He looked over to the area where Aera was sitting

'500!' Conner yelled in his mind…510, 555, 700, 1000…what kind of custom truck can move at 1000mph?

They had almost reached their goal, before Aera slowed down

"Hahahaha! That's why you don't question Aera when she is driving…we learned that a harder way." Aeila said while Haith and the now awake Louise shook. She still carried red hue on her face.

Conner was slouched in the seat, his mouth was dry…a nice cold glass of milk would be great.

"That wasn't the highest?" Conner asked while glancing back.

"Pfft! Of course not…after all your still mostly human." Aeila said in a way that stated the obvious

"Eh? I didn't turn into a werewolf?" Now Conner was confused.

"You did…but you didn't" Aeila responded, she was pretty bad at explaining certain things, more so when she took them as common knowledge.

"So…I'm human and werewolf." Conner asked, he felt like the more he talked the less he would figure out.

"Yes…but no." Aeila didn't know how to explain.

"???" Question marks were written on his head.

"Let big sister take over." Haith said as she leaned closer before speaking.

"Think about it like this…you get a full bottle of milk, drinking all the milk will turn you into a full werewolf. We didn't give you a full bottle of milk, we only gave you small drops of milk. You are mostly human and you also don't have any abilities yet, but you did get slightly stronger and slightly taller. We could give you more milk now, but it would taste better to do it when you are thirsty on a full moon. Do you get it?"

"Yeah, So… does that mean I have to bathe in one hundred hairs while in milk?" Conner honesty did not want to do that.

"No, No…you can if you want to… is it alot easier for everyone."

"Except for me."

"…Except for you." Haith didn't hide it.

"…So when is the next full moon?"

"Uhhhh…Hmmmmm…Ummmmm…. seven days." Haith said while looking at her cell device…Today was May twenty fourth.

"Alright…I can wait. Is their any thing else important I should know?" Conner wanted to protect his face from the bright flashbang.

"Yes. it's good you asked big sister…ahemmm. First their are ranks in the world of werewolves. First is Beta, Next is Alpha, Third Is Stigma, Fourth is Chad, And Finally is the rumoured Giga Chad. Their could be more, but no one had reached it yet. You are a beta." Haith said while smiling, she knew what way Conner would take her joke, even if she was right.

"Excuse me."

"Nothing…Nothing…It was only a joke." Haith defused the situation

"Sigh! What rank are you all?" Conner had more questions, he couldn't spend it arguing

"We all are middle rank Alpha..it'a pretty high for our age…since we are the werewolf king's daughters." Haith's words made every one of her sisters puff up their chest out of instinct.

"You just like dropping things on me." Conner was learning alot. He was a beta, he wasn't a full werewolf, and he was in the car with the werewolf's kings daughter.

"Tee-Hee! I don't remember you asking. Shouldn't you ask a person where your going before you get in?"

"Just tell me what kind of powers I will get." Conner ignored her correct words, he moved on the the most important thing.

"Hmmm…its kinda a random selection, but it's mostly based off your family. For instance, my family is more based off speed.

"Oh, so how many types exist?"

"Uhhhh…Speed…Power, Reaction…Defense…Uhhhh…it's probably more, I just don't remember them all.

"Aren't you wolf?"

"I am, but I don't care about anything else other than speed. Besides, those powers are just boosts when you become a werewolf…they could be matched by a person who worked hard, or just has good gentics."

"Ohhhhh! Were finally here!!!" Aeila screamed out loud while looking out the window.

Conner looked over to see what she was looking at…his eyes opened wide.

"Castle." Those were they only words that could describe the place in front of him.

"Oh…it seems you didn't notice when we were sent to a different dimension." Haith wasn't really shocked he didn't realize…she was in fact quite happy that he paid more attention to her than his surrondings. A extremely smug smile appeared on her mature face. She gigged to herself.

"Why are you laughing?" Louise for some reason felt very pissed off when she looked at her sister.

"Snicker! Snicker! The turned turnip sprouting under the bullet train in Alaska." Haith spouted nonsense that only see knew the answer to.

"…" Louise just shut up when her big sister started speaking nonsense, it was a often thing she did.