
Werewolf Diaries

Conner could be considered a delinquent, if your version of a delinquent was a random student who thrashed people who needed it. Conner was a sickly person who was picked on, even through he was sick, something in him wouldn’t let them beat him. So he fought, he fought until he completely reformed the school. He lived for thrill, now that it was over…What else could he do now.

Though_that_then · Movies
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: In Laws

In a large castle that carried not even a speck of dust, in a throne room where two parents sat above everyone else. They sat on their thrones as they watched one single boy. At first glance this boy would seem like a walking corspe that someone functioned properly. He had grey hair, lifeless black eyes, and had a body that lacked any muscle. It also seemed his nose dripped blood from time to time, it would go unoticed by others, but it was easily figured out by the king and queen of all werewolves.

"You brought a vampire to our castle to join your pack?" The king asked…even if that was possible, werewolves normally didn't do that since they were at pretty awful stakes with vampires. The king could be described as a male version of Aera, you could tell his emotion based off his voice, he was a king…how could he show weakness.

"I'm not a vampire…I'm human. I plan on becoming a full werewolf on a upcoming day." Conner replied, even if he was used to be called vampire that didn't mean he wasn't tired of hearing it. It was like a pop star remixing the same song over and over again, some people will get bored of hearing it.

"Whoa!!! That's cool! You could be like a duper level spy.!" The queen said while clapping her hands. She could be decribed as a mixture of Haith and Aeila. The king had traces of Louise's tsundere in him, but he only showed it to those close to him.

"…" Conner could see them in their parents.

The king crossed his legs before speaking

"When you become a werewolf you won't become a full werewolf, since you weren't born as one."

The queen nodded as her husbands great words befire she spoke as well

"You can't drink a entire bottle of water without leaving water remaining inside" The queen nodded her head, she was agreeing with her own words. If she didn't, who else would.

"I see." Conner started to think that everyone seemed to give examples relating to liquids.

"Nevermind that…why do you wish to become a werewolf? You should know that the full moon ritual is pretty painful…based off my experience." The king wanted to know his reason. you don't just drink tea from a stranger without knowing what they used in it.

"Well…for fun." Conner spoke his honest thoughts. He liked exciting things, he didn't want to be bored for the rest of his life after leaving school. So after seeing Aeila's epic display, he had to join. Even if it was painful, it was better than being burned out and working a stress filled job from seven a.m to seven p.m.

"That's a pretty common reason, but you didn't know that. So since you didn't know…I will take it as your very on, unique answer. The path of becoming a werewolf can be be troublesome in the beginning, because of your low ranks. A word of advice from me…if your looking for fun, don't quickly rush to the top. Even If i'm not the strongest…many more could fall at my hands than I can to others. A rushed school project will more than likely contain errors more than that of a project that had been looked over since the start." The king could understand the boredom that one could feel at the top. People being scared and afraid of challenging you, it was a common thing since most people would more than likely fear what comes after. Even if a person asked for death, they would still try and avoid a bullet because of fear.

"Knights! Take him to the treasure room…right now his pretty weak!" The queen spoke honesty. Conner couldn't really deny her words, since she was speaking the truth rather than purposely insulting him. She was a nice women…she wanted to get Conner something in the case he needed to defend himself…Could she be a saint in the place of a wolf

"Thank you." Conner said, his father once told him "If you thank someone once, you will more than likely have to thank them twice." This mean't they could give you something else based off your attuide before getting it…his father would be right.

"Also give him different clothing…get the hot stuff from the maids." The queen gave out another order.

"Thank you." Conner said while waving to the four girls and going to the knights

"Give him a large room." The queen ordered

"Thank you." Conner turned and thanked her, before arriving in front of the knights

"Make sure the cooks give him good meat." The queen ordered again

"Thank you." Conner turned and thanked her as he was meters away fron the door of the throne room.

"Give him a personal maid." The queen kept offering stuff, Conner accepted it all. Modesty was a greater insult that refusing her in front of everyone.

"Thank you." Conner turned around and said as his body was half way out the door

"Give him some money." The queen ordered

"Thank you" Conner said after turning around and closing the door.

The queen had a smile on her her face before it slightly dropped

"Was I manipulated?" She spoke outloud, she expected a answer, however not a single maid or knight answered. Even her her husband and daughters said nothing… her daughters only snickerd to themselves.